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August 2015 DocID024681 Rev 7 1/4
SPC5-UDESTK JTAG debugger for SPC5 MCUs
Data brief
production data
•SPC5-UDESTK USB/JTAG adapter working
with PLS UDE (Universal Debug Engine)
Starter Kit version.
•Supports SPC56 and SPC57 automotive
product families.
•Supports multicore, eTPU and GTM debugging
•Provides FLASH programming of on-chip
FLASH featuring Erase / Program / Verify
•Status LED's indicate the target's IO voltage,
connection state and running state.
•Support service provided through
The SPC5-UDESTK is a USB/JTAG interface to
enable the debugging and programming at
budget price of SPC56 and SPC57 MCUs.
SPC5-UDESTK is fully compliant with
IEEE1149.1 JTAG protocol.
SPC5-UDESTK supports you while building
applications and you can run and test your
software in a convenient and cost-efficient way.
It offers a collection of tools including source file
management, project building and powerful HLL
debugger with high-speed communication paths
to the customer's hardware target system with
target monitor.
There are three kit bundle versions available
includi ng the SP C5-UDE ST K USB/JTAG adapte r
and the debugger SW.
SPC-UDESTK-EVAL includes a perpetual, full-
feature, limited code-size (256 kBytes) license
SPC-UDESTK-FULL includes a one-year, full-
feature, unlimited code-size license.
SPC-UDESTK-PLUS includes a perpetual, full-
feature, unlimited code-size license
SPC-UDESTK can be ordered directly from ST or
ST franchised distributors.
To downloads the debugger software and to
activate license go to following URL:
The SPC5-UDESTK debugger is accessible via
ST's free integrated development environment,
SPC5Studio, which can be downloaded from ST
WEB (free downl oad ).
E2E Community is available on ST WEB.
Table 1. Device summary
Order code Reference
USB/JTAG Adapter with
perpetual, full-feature,
limited co de-s iz e (256
kBytes) license
USB/JTAG Adapter with
one-year, full -feature,
unlimited code-size
USB/JTAG Adapter with
perpetual, full-feature,
unlimited code-size