DS9047-03 November 2011 www.richtek.com
Application Information
The RT9047 is a low voltage, low dropout linear regulator
with an external bias supply input capable of supporting
an input voltage range from 2.2V to 5.5V with a fixed output
voltage from 1V to 2V in 0.1V increments.
Output Voltage Setting
The RT9047 output voltage is adjustable from 1.2V to 5.2V
via the external resistive voltage divider. The voltage divider
resistors ca n have values of up to 800kΩ because of the
very high impedance and low bias current of the sense
comparator. The output voltage is set according to the
following equation :
V = V 1+
where VFB is the reference voltage with a typical value of
Chip Enable Operation
The RT9047 goes into sleep mode when the EN pin is in
a logic low condition. In this condition, the pa ss transistor,
error amplifier, and band gap are all turned off, reducing
the supply current to only 1μA (max.). The EN pin ca n be
directly tied to VIN to keep the part on.
Current Limit
The RT9047contains an independent current limit circuitry ,
which monitors and controls the pass transistor's gate
voltage, limiting the output current to 1.6A (typ.).
CIN and COUT Selection
Like any low dropout regulator , the external ca pacitors of
the RT9047 must be carefully selected for regulator stability
and performance. Using a capacitor of at least 4.7μF is
suitable. The input ca pacitor must be located at a dista nce
of not more than 0.5 inch from the input pin of the IC. Any
good quality ceramic capa citor ca n be used. However, a
capacitor with larger value and lower ESR (Equivalent
Series Resista nce) is recommended since it will provide
better PSRR a nd line tra nsient response.
The RT9047 is designed specifically to work with low ESR
ceramic output capacitor for space saving and performance
consideration. Using a cera mic capacitor with capacitance
of at lea st 4.7μF and ESR larger than 1mΩ on the RT9047
output ensures stability. Nevertheless, the RT9047 can
still work well with other types of output ca pa citors due to
its wide range of stable ESR. Figure 1 shows the allowable
ESR range as a function of load current for various output
capacitance. Output ca pacitors with larger capacitance can
reduce noise and improve load transient response,
stability , and PSRR. The output capacitor should be located
at a distance of not more than 0.5 inch from the output pin
of the RT9047.
Figure 1
Thermal Considerations
For continuous operation, do not exceed absolute
maximum junction temperature. The maximum power
dissipation depends on the thermal resistance of the IC
package, PCB layout, rate of surrounding airflow, and
difference between junction and ambient temperature. The
maximum power dissipation can be calculated by the
following formula :
PD(MAX) = (TJ(MAX) − TA) / θJA
where TJ(MAX) is the maximum junction temperature, TA is
the a mbient temperature, and θJA is the junction to ambient
thermal resistance.
For recommended operating condition specifications of
the RT9047, the maximum junction temperature is 125°C
and TA is the a mbient temperature. The junction to a mbient
thermal resistance, θJA, is layout dependent. For SOT-
223-5 packages, the thermal resistance, θJA, is 78°C/W
Region of Stable COUT ESR vs. Loa d Current
0.0 0.3 0.5 0.8 1.0
Load Current (A)
VIN = 2.5V, VOUT = 1.2V, COUT = 4.7μF / X7R
Unstable Range
Stable Range