SENSOR-LINK (R) Conxall's Sensor-Link series includes the Mini-Mizer, AC Micro-Mizer, DC Micro-Mizer and the Nano-Mizer product lines, which are overmolded cable assemblies. The overmolding process provides for environmental sealing and strain relief for flexing applications. Designed to meet or exceed the requirements of UL, CSA, NEMA, ANSI, IEC and SAE, the Sensor-Link series is intermateable and intermountable with other manufacturers equivalents. Conxall's strength is the combination of application experience and internal manufacturing capabilities that provide the knowledge and flexibility to meet and exceed the expectations of our customers. Originally developed as an interconnect for a variety of sensoring devices, the Sensor-Link series has found a wide range of applications as a general disconnect. Our exceptional quality, service and cost effectiveness makes Sensor-Link series the logical choice. In our ongoing effort to expand our product offering, we are introducing our Mini and DC Micro Multi-Port box series, Micro/Mini LEDs, Die Block Connectors, and Shielded Nano-Mizer assemblies. Conxall's goal is to be a full service supplier to the sensor market. TABLE OF CONTENTS Mini-Mizer(R) "C" Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-5 Mini-Mizer(R) "A" Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-10 Mini-Mizer(R) EMI/RFI Shielded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Mini-Mizer(R) LED Cordsets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Mini-Mizer(R) Wiring Sequence Charts & Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13-15 AC Metal Micro-Mizer(R) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-19 DC Metal Micro-Mizer(R) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20-23 Single Key Plastic Micro-Mizer(R) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24-25 DC Micro-Mizer(R) EMI/RFI Shielded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 DC Micro-Mizer(R) LED Cordsets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Micro-Mizer(R) Wiring Sequence Charts & Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28-29 Nano-Mizer(R) and Molded Cord Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30-31 Nano-Mizer(R) EMI/RFI Shielded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 Nano-Mizer(R) Wiring Sequence Charts and Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Die Block Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34-36 Die Block Wiring Sequence Charts and Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Multi-Port "A" Size Mini-Mizer(R) Junction Boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38-39 Multi-Port DC Micro-Mizer(R) Junction Boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40-42 New Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Warranty CONXALL(R) Corp. manufactures the finest quality products available to the marketplace. However, these products are intended to be used in accordance with the specifications described in this catalog. Any use or application that deviates from the stated operating specifications is not recommended and may be unsafe. A limited warranty applies to all CONXALL(R) Corp. products. Except for obligations specifically assumed by CONXALL(R) Corp. under warranty, CONXALL(R) Corp. will not be liable for any loss, damage, cost of repairs, incidental or consequential damages of any kind whether or not based upon expressed or implied warranty, contract, negligence, or strict liability arising in connection with the design, manufacture, sale, use or repair of the products. All drawings contained in this document are for representational purposes only, and should not be for used final specifications or engineering. (R) 601 East Wildwood, Villa Park, IL 60181 Phone (630) 834-7504 Fax (630) 834-8540 3 S E N S O R- L I N K MINI-MIZER "C" Size (R) MOLDED CONNECTOR ASSEMBLIES Face View Male 1 Rating 6 7 2 9 3 4 8 9 2 8 9 10 12 11 3 4 1 2 6 5 4 1 2 7 10 3 10 8 12 11 4 Straight Female Single Ended 90 Male Single Ended 90 Female Single Ended Straight Inline Male Single Ended Straight Inline Female Single Ended 36 169P36 169S36 189P36 189S36 199P36 199S36 7A 72 169P72 169S72 189P72 189S72 199P72 199S72 600V 144 169P144 169S144 189P144 189S144 199P144 199S144 Custom 169PXXXX 169SXXXX 189PXXXX 189SXXXX 199PXXXX 199SXXXX 36 1610P36 1610S36 1810P36 1810S36 1910P36 1910S36 7A 72 1610P72 1610S72 1810P72 1810S72 1910P72 1910S72 600V 144 1610P144 1610S144 1810P144 1810S144 1910P144 1910S144 Custom 1610PXXXX 1610SXXXX 1810PXXXX 1810SXXXX 1910PXXXX 1910SXXXX 36 1612P36 1612S36 1812P36 1812S36 1912P36 1912S36 72 1612P72 1612S72 1812P72 1812S72 1912P72 1912S72 144 1612P144 1612S144 1812P144 1812S144 1912P144 1912S144 Custom 1612PXXXX 1612SXXXX 1812PXXXX 1812SXXXX 1912PXXXX 1912SXXXX 36 1619P36 1619S36 1819P36 1819S36 1919P36 1919S36 5A 72 1619P72 1619S72 1819P72 1819S72 1919P72 1919S72 600V 144 1619P144 1619S144 1819P144 1819S144 1919P144 1919S144 Custom 1619PXXXX 1619SXXXX 1819PXXXX 1819SXXXX 1919PXXXX 1919SXXXX 7 6 5 7A 600V 7 6 5 9 3 Straight Male Single Ended 5 8 1 Overall Length Inches XXXX - Indicates "overall length / lead length" in inches. For mechanical, electrical and wiring sequence see pages 13-15. 90 assemblies have key position at 12 o'clock. 4 (R) 5055-IAC Externally Threaded Externally Threaded Internally Threaded Internally Threaded Receptacle Receptacle Receptacle Receptacle Male Female Male Female 12 Inch Leads 12 Inch Leads 12 Inch Leads 12 Inch Leads 179P12 179PXXX 1710P12 1710PXXX 179S12 179SXXX 1710S12 1710SXXX 179PN12 179PNXXX 1710PN12 1710PNXXX 179SN12 179SNXXX 1710SN12 1710SNXXX Straight Male /Male Double Ended Straight Female /Female Double Ended Straight Male /Female Double Ended 569P9P36 569S9S36 569P9S36 1712S12 1712PN12 1712SN12 1712PXXX 1712SXXX 1712PNXXX 1712SNXXX 1719P12 1719S12 1719PN12 1719SN12 1719PXXX 1719SXXX 1719PNXXX 1719SNXXX 519P9S36 519S9P36 569P9P72 569S9S72 569P9S72 519P9S72 519S9P72 569P9P144 569S9S144 569P9S144 519P9S144 519S9P144 569P9PXXXX 569S9SXXXX 569P9SXXXX 519P9SXXXX 519S9PXXXX 5610P10P36 5610S10S36 5610P10S36 5110P10S36 5110S10P36 5610P10P72 5610S10S72 5610P10S72 5110P10S72 5110S10P72 5610P10P144 5610S10S144 5610P10S144 5110P10S144 5110S10P144 5610P10PXXXX 5610S10SXXXX 5610P10SXXXX 5110P10SXXXX 5110S10PXXXX 5612P12P36 1712P12 Extension Set Extension Set Inline Male/Female Inline Female/Male Double Ended Double Ended 5612S12S36 5612P12S36 5112P12S36 5112S12P36 5612P12P72 5612S12S72 5612P12S72 5112P12S72 5112S12P72 5612P12P144 5612S12S144 5612P12S144 5112P12S144 5112S12P144 5612P12PXXXX 5612S12SXXXX 5612P12SXXXX 5112P12SXXXX 5112S12PXXXX 5119S19P36 5619P19P36 5619S19S36 5619P19S36 5119P19S36 5619P19P72 5619S19S72 5619P19S72 5119P19S72 5119S19P72 5619P19P144 5619S19S144 5619P19S144 5119P19S144 5119S19P144 5619P19PXXXX 5619S19SXXXX 5619P19SXXXX 5119P19SXXXX 5119S19PXXXX XXXX - Indicates "overall length / lead length" in inches. For mechanical, electrical and wiring sequence see pages 13-15. (R) 601 East Wildwood, Villa Park, IL 60181 Phone (630) 834-7504 Fax (630) 834-8540 5 S E N S O R- L I N K MINI-MIZER "A" Size (R) MOLDED CONNECTOR ASSEMBLIES Face View Male Rating Overall Length Inches Straight Male Single Ended Straight Female Single Ended 90 Male Single Ended 90 Female Single Ended Straight Inline Male Single Ended Straight Inline Female Single Ended 36 162P36 162S36 182P36 182S36 192P36 192S36 1 13A 72 162P72 162S72 182P72 182S72 192P72 192S72 2 600V 144 162P144 162S144 182P144 182S144 192P144 192S144 Custom 162PXXXX 162SXXXX 182PXXXX 182SXXXX 192PXXXX 192SXXXX 36 163P36 163S36 183P36 183S36 193P36 193S36 1 2 3 13A 72 163P72 163S72 183P72 183S72 193P72 193S72 600V 144 163P144 163S144 183P144 183S144 193P144 193S144 Custom 163PXXXX 163SXXXX 183PXXXX 183SXXXX 193PXXXX 193SXXXX 36 164P36 164S36 184P36 184S36 194P36 194S36 1 4 10A 72 164P72 164S72 184P72 184S72 194P72 194S72 2 3 600V 144 164P144 164S144 184P144 184S144 194P144 194S144 Custom 164PXXXX 164SXXXX 184PXXXX 184SXXXX 194PXXXX 194SXXXX 36 165P36 165S36 185P36 185S36 195P36 195S36 1 5 8A 72 165P72 165S72 185P72 185S72 195P72 195S72 2 4 600V 144 165P144 165S144 185P144 185S144 195P144 195S144 Custom 165PXXXX 165SXXXX 185PXXXX 185SXXXX 195PXXXX 195SXXXX 36 166P36 166S36 186P36 186S36 196P36 196S36 3 1 2 6 3 5 8A 72 166P72 166S72 186P72 186S72 196P72 196S72 4 600V 144 166P144 166S144 186P144 186S144 196P144 196S144 Custom 166PXXXX 166SXXXX 186PXXXX 186SXXXX 196PXXXX 196SXXXX XXXX - Indicates "overall length / lead length" in inches. For mechanical, electrical and wiring sequence see pages 13-15. 90 assemblies have key position at 12 o'clock. 6 Externally Threaded Receptacle Male 12 Inch Leads 172P12 172PXXX 173P12 173PXXX 174P12 174PXXX 175P12 175PXXX 176P12 176PXXX (R) Externally Threaded Internally Threaded Internally Threaded Receptacle Receptacle Receptacle Female Male Female 12 Inch Leads 12 Inch Leads 12 Inch Leads 172S12 172SXXX 173S12 173SXXX 174S12 174SXXX 175S12 175SXXX 176S12 176SXXX 172PN12 172PNXXX 173PN12 173PNXXX 174PN12 174PNXXX 175PN12 175PNXXX 176PN12 176PNXXX 172SN12 172SNXXX 173SN12 173SNXXX 174SN12 174SNXXX 175SN12 175SNXXX 176SN12 176SNXXX Straight Male /Male Double Ended Straight Female /Female Double Ended Straight Male /Female Double Ended 90 Male /Male Double Ended 90 Female /Female Double Ended 90 Male /Female Double Ended 562P2P36 562S2S36 562P2S36 542P2P36 542S2S36 542P2S36 562P2P72 562S2S72 562P2S72 542P2P72 542S2S72 542P2S72 562P2P144 562S2S144 562P2S144 542P2P144 542S2S144 542P2S144 562P2PXXXX 562S2SXXXX 562P2SXXXX 542P2PXXXX 542S2SXXXX 542P2SXXXX 563P3P36 563S3S36 563P3S36 543P3P36 543S3S36 543P3S36 563P3P72 563S3S72 563P3S72 543P3P72 543S3S72 543P3S72 563P3P144 563S3S144 563P3S144 543P3P144 543S3S144 543P3S144 563P3PXXXX 563S3SXXXX 563P3SXXXX 543P3PXXXX 543S3SXXXX 543P3SXXXX 564P4P36 564S4S36 564P4S36 544P4P36 544S4S36 544P4S36 564P4P72 564S4S72 564P4S72 544P4P72 544S4S72 544P4S72 564P4P144 564S4S144 564P4S144 544P4P144 544S4S144 544P4S144 564P4PXXXX 564S4SXXXX 564P4SXXXX 544P4PXXXX 544S4SXXXX 544P4SXXXX 565P5P36 565S5S36 565P5S36 545P5P36 545S5S36 545P5S36 565P5P72 565S5S72 565P5S72 545P5P72 545S5S72 545P5S72 565P5P144 565S5S144 565P5S144 545P5P144 545S5S144 545P5S144 565P5PXXXX 565S5SXXXX 565P5SXXXX 545P5PXXXX 545S5SXXXX 545P5SXXXX 566P6P36 566S6S36 566P6S36 546P6P36 546S6S36 546P6S36 566P6P72 566S6S72 566P6S72 546P6P72 546S6S72 546P6S72 566P6P144 566S6S144 566P6S144 546P6P144 546S6S144 546P6S144 566P6PXXXX 566S6SXXXX 566P6SXXXX 546P6PXXXX 546S6SXXXX 546P6SXXXX XXXX - Indicates "overall length / lead length" in inches. For mechanical, electrical and wiring sequence see pages 13-15. 90 assemblies have key position at 12 o'clock. (R) 601 East Wildwood, Villa Park, IL 60181 Phone (630) 834-7504 Fax (630) 834-8540 7 S E N S O R- L I N K MINI-MIZER "A" Size (R) MOLDED CONNECTOR ASSEMBLIES Face View Male Rating Overall Length Inches Straight Extension Set Inline Male /Female Double Ended Straight Extension Set Inline Female /Male Double Ended Straight to 90 Male /Male Double Ended Straight to 90 Female /Female Double Ended Straight to 90 Male /Female Double Ended Straight to 90 Female /Male Double Ended 36 512P2S36 512S2P36 552P2P36 552S2S36 552P2S36 552S2P36 1 13A 72 512P2S72 512S2P72 552P2P72 552S2S72 552P2S72 552S2P72 2 600V 144 512P2S144 512S2P144 552P2P144 552S2S144 552P2S144 552S2P144 Custom 512P2SXXXX 512S2PXXXX 552P2PXXXX 552S2SXXXX 552P2SXXXX 552S2PXXXX 36 513P3S36 513S3P36 553P3P36 553S3S36 553P3S36 553S3P36 72 513P3S72 513S3P72 553P3P72 553S3S72 553P3S72 553S3P72 13A 1 2 3 600V 144 513P3S144 513S3P144 553P3P144 553S3S144 553P3S144 553S3P144 Custom 513P3SXXXX 513S3PXXXX 553P3PXXXX 553S3SXXXX 553P3SXXXX 553S3PXXXX 36 514P4S36 514S4P36 554P4P36 554S4S36 554P4S36 554S4P36 1 4 10A 72 514P4S72 514S4P72 554P4P72 554S4S72 554P4S72 554S4P72 2 3 600V 144 514P4S144 514S4P144 554P4P144 554S4S144 554P4S144 554S4P144 Custom 514P4SXXXX 514S4PXXXX 554P4PXXXX 554S4SXXXX 554P4SXXXX 554S4PXXXX 36 515P5S36 515S5P36 555P5P36 555S5S36 555P5S36 555S5P36 1 5 8A 72 515P5S72 515S5P72 555P5P72 555S5S72 555P5S72 555S5P72 2 4 600V 144 515P5S144 515S5P144 555P5P144 555S5S144 555P5S144 555S5P144 Custom 515P5SXXXX 515S5PXXXX 555P5PXXXX 555S5SXXXX 555P5SXXXX 555S5PXXXX 36 516P6S36 516S6P36 556P6P36 556S6S36 556P6S36 556S6P36 3 1 2 6 3 5 8A 72 516P6S72 516S6P72 556P6P72 556S6S72 556P6S72 556S6P72 4 600V 144 516P6S144 516S6P144 556P6P144 556S6S144 556P6S144 556S6P144 Custom 516P6SXXXX 516S6PXXXX 556P6PXXXX 556S6SXXXX 556P6SXXXX 556S6PXXXX XXXX - Indicates "overall length" in inches. For mechanical, electrical and wiring sequence see pages 13-15. 90 assemblies have key position at 12 o'clock. 8 (R) Face View Male Rating 1 10A 2 300V Cable Length Inches Wiring Diagram 1 2 1 2 Y-Splitter Male /Female Female Y-Splitter Female /Female Female 12 592S2S2S12 592P2S2S12 Custom 592S2S2SXXX 592P2S2SXXX 1 2 10A 1 2 3 4 8A 2 3 300V 2 5 6A 4 300V 3 1 2 6 3 1 2 3 300V 1 1 1 2 3 5 6A 4 300V 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 593S3S3S12 593P3S3S12 Custom 593S3S3SXXX 593P3S3SXXX 12 594S4S4S12 594P4S4S12 Custom 594S4S4SXXX 594P4S4SXXX 12 595S5S5S12 595P5S5S12 Custom 595S5S5SXXX 595P5S5SXXX 12 596S6S6S12 596P6S6S12 Custom 596S6S6SXXX 596P6S6SXXX For insert combinations not shown - consult factory. XXX - Indicates "cable length" in inches. For mechanical, electrical and wiring sequence see pages 13-15. Face View Male 1 2 5 3 4 Rating Terminator Male Terminator Female 8A, 600V 535P 535S Consult factory for other insert configurations. Shorting Plug Male Shorting Plug Female 52XPYY 52XSYY X indicates number of contacts YY indicates shorting positions Shorting plug utilizes a jumper wire (no resistor) (R) 601 East Wildwood, Villa Park, IL 60181 Phone (630) 834-7504 Fax (630) 834-8540 9 S E N S O R- L I N K MINI-MIZER "A" Size (R) MOLDED CONNECTOR ASSEMBLIES Face View Male Rating 1 13A 2 600V 1 2 13A 3 600V 1 4 10A 2 3 1 5 8A 2 4 600V 3 1 2 5 6 600V 8A 4 3 600V Face View Male 1 2 1 2 3 13A 2 600V W B H L T K G B W R L H N K T 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 B W R G L H E R K T D N 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 W R G O B H E R R L T D N G K 1 2 3 4 5 6 Rating 1 Cable Length Inches Wiring Diagram W R G O B B H E R R L L T D N G K U 1 2 3 4 5 6 Dual Connector with Cable Female/Female 36 572P2S36 572S2S36 Custom 572P2SXXX 572S2SXXX 36 573P3S36 573S3S36 Custom 573P3SXXX 573S3SXXX 36 574P4S36 574S4S36 Custom 574P4SXXX 574S4SXXX 36 575P5S36 575S5S36 Custom 575P5SXXX 575S5SXXX 36 576P6S36 576S6S36 Custom 576P6SXXX 576S6SXXX Tri-Connector Male /Female Female Tri-Connector Female/Female Female 1 2 582P2S2S 582S2S2S 1 2 3 583P3S3S 583S3S3S 1 2 3 4 584P4S4S 584S4S4S 585P5S5S 585S5S5S 586P6S6S 586S6S6S Wiring Diagram 1 2 Dual Connector with Cable Male /Female 12 13A 1 2 3 1 2 3 600V 123 1 4 10A 2 3 600V 1 2 3 4 1234 1 5 8A 2 4 600V 3 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 12345 1 2 5 6 3 8A 4 600V 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 123456 XXX - Indicates "cable length" in inches. For mechanical, electrical and wiring sequence see pages 13-15. For insert combinations not shown - consult factory. 10 S E N S O R- L I N K MINI-MIZER "A" Size (R) (R) EMI/RFI SHIELDED MOLDED CONNECTOR ASSEMBLIES U.S.Patent #5,823,803 Face View Male Rating 1 13A 2 600V 1 2 3 Overall Length Inches Straight Male or Female Single Ended Straight Inline Male or Female Single Ended Straight Extension Set Male or Female Double Ended Straight Male or Female Double Ended 36 SH162*36 SH192*36 SH512*2*36 SH562*2*36 72 SH162*72 SH192*72 SH512*2*72 SH562*2*72 144 SH162*144 SH192*144 SH512*2*144 SH562*2*144 Custom SH162*XXXX SH192*XXXX SH512*2*XXXX SH562*2*XXXX 36 SH163*36 SH193*36 SH513*3*36 SH563*3*36 13A 72 SH163*72 SH193*72 SH513*3*72 SH563*3*72 600V 144 SH163*144 SH193*144 SH513*3*144 SH563*3*144 Custom SH163*XXXX SH193*XXXX SH513*3*XXXX SH563*3*XXXX 36 SH164*36 SH194*36 SH514*4*36 SH564*4*36 1 4 10A 72 SH164*72 SH194*72 SH514*4*72 SH564*4*72 2 3 600V 144 SH164*144 SH194*144 SH514*4*144 SH564*4*144 Custom SH164*XXXX SH194*XXXX SH514*4*XXXX SH564*4*XXXX 36 SH165*36 SH195*36 SH515*5*36 SH565*5*36 1 5 8A 72 SH165*72 SH195*72 SH515*5*72 SH565*5*72 2 4 600V 144 SH165*144 SH195*144 SH515*5*144 SH565*5*144 Custom SH165*XXXX SH195*XXXX SH515*5*XXXX SH565*5*XXXX 36 SH166*36 SH196*36 SH516*6*36 SH566*6*36 3 1 2 6 3 5 8A 72 SH166*72 SH196*72 SH516*6*72 SH566*6*72 4 600V 144 SH166*144 SH196*144 SH516*6*144 SH566*6*144 Custom SH166*XXXX SH196*XXXX SH516*6*XXXX SH566*6*XXXX Receptacle Male or Female 12 Inch leads SH172*12 SH172*XXX SH173*12 SH173*XXX SH174*12 SH174*XXX SH175*12 SH175*XXX SH176*12 SH176*XXX "*" - Indicates Gender "P" = Male (Pins) or "S" = Female (Sockets). XXXX - Indicates "overall length / cable length" in inches. For mechanical, electrical and wiring sequence see pages 13-15. (R) 601 East Wildwood, Villa Park, IL 60181 Phone (630) 834-7504 Fax (630) 834-8540 11 S E N S O R- L I N K MINI-MIZER "A" Size LED Cordsets (R) MOLDED CONNECTOR ASSEMBLIES Face View Female Rating Overall Length Inches Straight Female LED Single Ended 90 Female LED Single Ended Straight Female LED/ Straight Male* 90 Female LED/ 90 Male* Straight Female LED/ 90 Male* 36 163SL36 183SL36 563S4PL36 543S4PL36 553S4PL36 1 3A 72 163SL72 183SL72 563S4PL72 543S4PL72 553S4PL72 120V 144 163SL144 183SL144 563S4PL144 543S4PL144 553S4PL144 Custom 163SLXXXX 183SLXXXX 563S4PLXXXX 543S4PLXXXX 553S4PLXXXX 1 2 23 1 23 3 *On side "B", the male insert has 4 positions. XXXX - Indicates "overall length" in inches. For mechanical and electrical specifications see pages 14 & 15. 90 assemblies have key position at 12 o'clock. 12 S E N S O R- L I N K MINI-MIZER (R) (R) MOLDED CONNECTOR ASSEMBLIES STANDARD MINI-MIZER WIRING SEQUENCE Panel Mounts and Cable Assemblies Conductor Color Code per Contact Position: INDUSTRIAL "A & C" Size 2 C O N TA C T S 1. 2. AUTOMOTIVE "A" Size 2 3 C O N TA C T S 1. (GROUND) GRN BLK 2. WHT 3. 1 2 4 C O N TA C T S BLK 1. WHT 2. 3. RED 4. (GROUND) GRN 5 C O N TA C T S 1. WHT 2. RED 3. (GROUND) GRN ORG 4. 5. BLK 1 0 C O N TA C T S 1. ORG 2. BLU 3. WHT/BLK 4. RED/BLK 5. GRN/BLK 6. ORG/BLK 7. RED 8. (GROUND) GRN 9. BLK 10. WHT 3 1 4 2 3 1 5 2 4 3 6 C O N TA C T S 1. WHT 2. RED 3. (GROUND) GRN 4. ORG 5. BLK 6. BLU 9 C O N TA C T S 1. ORG 2. BLU 3. RED/BLK 4. GRN/BLK 5. WHT 6. RED 7. (GROUND) GRN 8. WHT/BLK 9. BLK 1 2 C O N TA C T S 1. ORG BLU 2. WHT/BLK 3. RED/BLK 4. 5. GRN/BLK 6. ORG/BLK 7. BLU/BLK 8. BLK/WHT (GROUND) GRN 9. RED 10. WHT 11. 12. BLK 1 9 C O N TA C T S 1. VIO 2. RED 3. GRY RED/BLU 4. 5. BLU* 6. GRN 7. BRN* 8. WHT/GRN 9. WHT/YEL 10. WHT/GRY 11. BLK 12. (GROUND) GRN/YEL* 13. YEL/BRN 14. BRN/GRN 15. WHT 16. YEL/BRN 17. PNK 18. GRY/BRN 19. GRY/PNK 1 WHT BLK 1 5 6 2 4 3 1 6 7 2 5 8 9 3 4 I N T E R N AT I O N A L "A" Size 3 C O N TA C T S 1. (GROUND) GRN RED 2 2. RED 3 3. 1 8 9 10 2 12 11 3 4 7 6 5 4 C O N TA C T S RED 1 1. RED 2 2. 3. RED 3 4. (GROUND) GRN 5 C O N TA C T S 1. RED 1 2. RED 2 3. (GROUND) GRN RED 4 4. RED 5 5. 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 5 2 4 3 For Automotive Color Code Insert A " 164PA A 36 "A 2 C O N TA C T S 1. BRN BLU 2. 3 C O N TA C T S BLK 1. BRN 2. BLU 3. 3 C O N TA C T S * GRN/YEL 1. 2. BRN 3. BLU 4 C O N TA C T S 1. BLK 2. BLU 3. BRN 4. WHT 5 C O N TA C T S 1. BLK 2. BLU 3. GRN/YEL 4. BRN 5. WHT 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 5 2 4 3 For International Color Code Insert "II " 164PII 36 *For Second International Color Code Use "II A" 164PII A36 * 18 AWG wires (other wires are 22 AWG) 8 1 9 2 3 7 10 4 6 5 (R) 601 East Wildwood, Villa Park, IL 60181 Phone (630) 834-7504 Fax (630) 834-8540 13 S E N S O R- L I N K MINI-MIZER (R) MOLDED CONNECTOR ASSEMBLIES SENSOR LINK PRODUCT LINE MINI-MIZER SPECIFICATIONS (R) STANDARD PANEL MOUNTS: 16 AWG, 105C, 600V, PVC Hook-up Wire EPTR "Santoprene" Insert Lead Length 12 In. Epoxy Filled DUAL CONNECTOR WITH CABLE: 18 AWG, Polyurethane Yellow Jacketed Cable Polyurethane Insert Polyurethane Overmold STANDARD CABLE ASSEMBLIES: 16 AWG, PVC Yellow Jacketed Cable Insert Material - Polyurethane ("A" Size) - PVC ("C" Size) PVC Overmold Length 3, 6 and 12 Ft. Options - 16 AWG, Polyurethane Yellow Jacketed Cable For Polyurethane Cable add suffix "U" - 16 AWG, PVC & Polyurethane Yellow Jacketed Shielded Cable For Shielded Cable add suffix "S" Lengths other than standard DeviceNet Gray Add suffix "D1": Thin Add suffix "D2": Thick Y SPLITTER ASSEMBLIES: 18 AWG, Polyurethane Yellow Jacketed Cable Polyurethane Insert Polyurethane Overmold TRI CONNECTOR: 18 AWG Hook-up Wires Polyurethane Insert Polyurethane Overmold Options - DeviceNet Gray Add suffix "D1": Thin Add suffix "D2": Thick 14 TERMINATOR: Resistor 1/4 Watt 121 Ohm 1% Polyurethane Insert Polyurethane Overmold LED CORDSET: 2 High Intensity (700-1,000 mcd) Extended Life Yellow LEDs. (Typical life @ ambient temperature is 100,000 hours) 18 AWG, PVC Yellow Jacketed Cable PVC Insert PVC, Clear Overmold (LED Side Only) Options - 18 AWG, Polyurethane Yellow Jacketed Cable - Polyurethane, Clear Overmold (LED Side Only) (R) SENSOR LINK PRODUCT LINE MINI-MIZER SPECIFICATIONS (R) ELECTRICAL RATING: VOLTAGE: 600V (NON-LED ASSEMBLIES) 120V (LED ASSEMBLIES) CABLE ASSEMBLIES: COUPLING NUT: Anodized Aluminum (Optional Nylon and Stainless Steel) Consult Factory CONTACTS: Copper Alloy, Gold-plated INSERT: Polyurethane ("A" Size) PVC ("C" Size) MOLDED HEADS: PVC or PUR per Cable Jacket Material CABLE: 16 AWG: PVC Insulated, Fine Stranded Copper Conductors, Yellow Oil Resistant PVC Jacketed 600V, STO, 105C. 18 AWG, 300V, 105C for Y-splitter & Dual Connector with Cable UL Recognized, CSA Certified PANEL MOUNT ASSEMBLIES: SHELLS: Anodized Aluminum (Optional Nylon and Stainless Steel) Consult Factory CONTACTS: Copper Alloy, Gold-plated INSERTS: Ethylene Propylene Thermoplastic Rubber "Santoprene" WIRE: 16 AWG PVC Insulated, 600V UL Recognized, CSA Certified ENVIRONMENTAL: PROTECTION: NEMA 6P, IP67 & IP68 OPERATING AMBIENT: -20 to 80C CERTIFICATIONS: UL: UL Recognized, File No. E150822 CSA: CSA Certified, FILE No. 181200 EMI/RFI SHIELDING: Meets or Exceeds IEC Directives: IEC 1000-4-2 ESD, 5KV to 15KV in 2.5KV Steps IEC 1000-4-3 RFI Immunity, 10V/m IEC 1000-4-4 Fast Transient, 2K IEC 1000-4-5 Surge, DC Immunity, 3.1KV EN50141 Induced RF Immunity, 10V/m (R) 601 East Wildwood, Villa Park, IL 60181 Phone (630) 834-7504 Fax (630) 834-8540 15 S E N S O R- L I N K AC METAL MICRO-MIZER (R) MOLDED CONNECTOR ASSEMBLIES Anti-vibration coupling nuts standard. Face View Male Rating Straight Male Single Ended Straight Female Single Ended 90 Male Single Ended 90 Female Single Ended 36 402P36 402S36 462P36 462S36 1 3A 72 402P72 402S72 462P72 462S72 2 300V 144 402P144 402S144 462P144 462S144 Custom 402PXXXX 402SXXXX 462PXXXX 462SXXXX 36 403P36 403S36 463P36 463S36 3 2 1 2 3 1 4 5 1 2 4 3 1 Overall Length Inches 5 2 6 4 3 3A 72 403P72 403S72 463P72 463S72 300V 144 403P144 403S144 463P144 463S144 Custom 403PXXXX 403SXXXX 463PXXXX 463SXXXX 36 404P36 404S36 464P36 464S36 3A 72 404P72 404S72 464P72 464S72 300V 144 404P144 404S144 464P144 464S144 Custom 404PXXXX 404SXXXX 464PXXXX 464SXXXX 36 405P36 405S36 465P36 465S36 3A 72 405P72 405S72 465P72 465S72 300V 144 405P144 405S144 465P144 465S144 Custom 405PXXXX 405SXXXX 465PXXXX 465SXXXX 36 406P36 406S36 466P36 466S36 3A 72 406P72 406S72 466P72 466S72 300V 144 406P144 406S144 466P144 466S144 Custom 406PXXXX 406SXXXX 466PXXXX 466SXXXX XXXX - Indicates "overall length" in inches. For mechanical, electrical and wiring sequence see pages 28 & 29. 90 assemblies have major key position at 6 o'clock (in line with the cable). 16 (R) Anti-vibration coupling nuts standard. Receptacle Male 1/4 - 18 NPT 12 Inch Leads Receptacle Female 12 Inch Leads Receptacle Male 1/2 - 14 NPT 12 Inch Leads Straight Male /Male Double Ended 472P2P36 412P12 412PXXX 413P12 413PXXX 414P12 414PXXX 415P12 415PXXX 416P12 416PXXX 412S12 412SXXX 413S12 413SXXX 414S12 414SXXX 415S12 415SXXX 416S12 416SXXX 412PA12 412PAXXX 413PA12 413PAXXX 414PA12 414PAXXX 415PA12 415PAXXX 416PA12 416PAXXX Straight Female /Female Double Ended 472S2S36 Straight Male /Female Double Ended 472P2S36 472P2P72 472S2S72 472P2S72 472P2P144 472S2S144 472P2S144 472P2PXXXX 472S2SXXXX 472P2SXXXX 473P3P36 473S3S36 473P3S36 473P3P72 473S3S72 473P3S72 473P3P144 473S3S144 473P3S144 473P3PXXXX 473S3SXXXX 473P3SXXXX 474P4P36 474S4S36 474P4S36 474P4P72 474S4S72 474P4S72 474P4P144 474S4S144 474P4S144 474P4PXXXX 474S4SXXXX 474P4SXXXX 475P5P36 475S5S36 475P5S36 475P5P72 475S5S72 475P5S72 475P5P144 475S5S144 475P5S144 475P5PXXXX 475S5SXXXX 475P5SXXXX 476P6P36 476S6S36 476P6S36 476P6P72 476S6S72 476P6S72 476P6P144 476S6S144 476P6S144 476P6PXXXX 476S6SXXXX 476P6SXXXX XXXX - Indicates "overall length / lead length" in inches. For mechanical, electrical and wiring sequence see pages 28 & 29. (R) 601 East Wildwood, Villa Park, IL 60181 Phone (630) 834-7504 Fax (630) 834-8540 17 S E N S O R- L I N K AC METAL MICRO-MIZER (R) MOLDED CONNECTOR ASSEMBLIES Anti-vibration coupling nuts standard. Face View Male Rating 1 3A 2 300V 3 2 1 300V 2 3A 3 1 4 5 1 2 4 3 1 3A 5 2 6 4 3 300V Overall Length Inches 90 Male /Male Double Ended 90 Female /Female Double Ended 90 Male /Female Double Ended Straight to 90 Male /Female Double Ended Straight to 90 Female /Male Double Ended 36 452P2P36 452S2S36 452P2S36 482P2S36 482S2P36 72 452P2P72 452S2S72 452P2S72 482P2S72 482S2P72 144 452P2P144 452S2S144 452P2S144 482P2S144 482S2P144 Custom 452P2PXXXX 452S2SXXXX 452P2SXXXX 482P2SXXXX 482S2PXXXX 36 453P3P36 453S3S36 453P3S36 483P3S36 483S3P36 72 453P3P72 453S3S72 453P3S72 483P3S72 483S3P72 144 453P3P144 453S3S144 453P3S144 483P3S144 483S3P144 Custom 453P3PXXXX 453S3SXXXX 453P3SXXXX 483P3SXXXX 483S3PXXXX 36 454P4P36 454S4S36 454P4S36 484P4S36 484S4P36 72 454P4P72 454S4S72 454P4S72 484P4S72 484S4P72 144 454P4P144 454S4S144 454P4S144 484P4S144 484S4P144 Custom 454P4PXXXX 454S4SXXXX 454P4SXXXX 484P4SXXXX 484S4PXXXX 485S5P36 36 455P5P36 455S5S36 455P5S36 485P5S36 3A 72 455P5P72 455S5S72 455P5S72 485P5S72 485S5P72 300V 144 455P5P144 455S5S144 455P5S144 485P5S144 485S5P144 Custom 455P5PXXXX 455S5SXXXX 455P5SXXXX 485P5SXXXX 485S5PXXXX 36 456P6P36 456S6S36 456P6S36 486P6S36 486S6P36 72 456P6P72 456S6S72 456P6S72 486P6S72 486S6P72 3A 300V 144 456P6P144 456S6S144 456P6S144 486P6S144 486S6P144 Custom 456P6PXXXX 456S6SXXXX 456P6SXXXX 486P6SXXXX 486S6PXXXX XXXX - Indicates "overall length" in inches. For mechanical, electrical and wiring sequence see pages 28 & 29. 90 assemblies have major key position at 6 o'clock (in line with the cable). 18 S E N S O R- L I N K AC METAL MICRO-MIZER (R) (R) MOLDED CONNECTOR ASSEMBLIES Anti-vibration coupling nuts standard. Face View Male Rating 1 3A 2 300V 1 2 Y-Splitter Male /Female Female Y-Connector Female /Female Female Y-Connector Male /Female Female 492S2S2S12 492P2S2S12 422S2S2S 422P2S2S 492S2S2SXXX 492P2S2SXXX 423S3S3S 423P3S3S 424S4S4S 424P4S4S 425S5S5S 425P5S5S 426S6S6S 426P6S6S Y-Splitter Female /Female Female Wiring Diagram 1 2 1 2 3 2 1 3 1 5 4 3 1 1 2 3 3A 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 300V 4 2 1 2 3 300V 2 1 3A 5 2 6 4 3 3A 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 300V 3A 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 300V 493S3S3S12 493P3S3S12 493S3S3SXXX 493P3S3SXXX 494S4S4S12 494P4S4S12 494S4S4SXXX 494P4S4SXXX 495S5S5S12 495P5S5S12 495S5S5SXXX 495P5S5SXXX 496S6S6S12 496P6S6S12 496S6S6SXXX 496P6S6SXXX XXX - Indicates "cable length" in inches, other than standard 12 inch length. For mechanical, electrical and wiring sequence see pages 28 & 29. For insert combinations not shown -- consult factory. (R) 601 East Wildwood, Villa Park, IL 60181 Phone (630) 834-7504 Fax (630) 834-8540 19 S E N S O R- L I N K DC METAL MICRO-MIZER (R) MOLDED CONNECTOR ASSEMBLIES Anti-vibration coupling nuts standard. Face View Male 4 3 3 Rating 4 Straight Male Single Ended Straight Female Single Ended 90 Male Single Ended 90 Female Single Ended 1 302P1 302S1 342P1 342S1 3A 2 302P2 302S2 342P2 342S2 300V 4 302P4 302S4 342P4 342S4 Custom 302PXX 302SXX 342PXX 342SXX 343S1 4 3 Overall Length Meters 1 303P1 303S1 343P1 3A 2 303P2 303S2 343P2 343S2 300V 4 303P4 303S4 343P4 343S4 Custom 303PXX 303SXX 343PXX 343SXX 1 304P1 304S1 344P1 344S1 2 304P2 304S2 344P2 344S2 1 1 4 1 4 4 3 1 3 3 3 4 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 4 1 1 3 3 2 3 4 4 4 3 3A 3 300V 4 1 1 252 1 1 5 2 3 54 1 5 3 3 5 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 304P4 304S4 344P4 344S4 Custom 304PXX 304SXX 344PXX 344SXX 345S1 1 305P1 305S1 345P1 3A 2 305P2 305S2 345P2 345S2 300V 4 305P4 305S4 345P4 345S4 Custom 305PXX 305SXX 345PXX 345SXX 348S1 2 2 2 1 3 5 4 1 308P1 308S1 348P1 2A 2 308P2 308S2 348P2 348S2 125V 4 308P4 308S4 348P4 348S4 Custom 308PXX 308SXX 348PXX 348SXX Consult Factory for 6 & 7 Pole XX - Indicates "overall length" in meters. For mechanical, electrical and wiring sequence see pages 28 & 29. 90 assemblies have key position at 45 degrees. 20 (R) Anti-vibration coupling nuts standard. Receptacle Male 1/4 - 18 NPT .3 Meter Leads 312P.3 312PXX 313P.3 Receptacle Female .3 Meter Leads 312S.3 31SXX 313S.3 Receptacle Male 1/2 - 14 NPT .3 Meter Leads 312PA.3 312PAXX 313PA.3 313PXX 313SXX 313PAXX 314P.3 314S.3 314PA.3 314PXX 315P.3 314SXX 315S.3 314PAXX 315PA.3 Straight Male /Male Double Ended Straight Female /Female Double Ended Straight Male /Female Double Ended 372P2P1 372S2S1 372P2S1 372P2P2 372S2S2 372P2S2 372P2P4 372S2S4 372P2S4 372P2PXX 372S2SXX 372P2SXX 373P3P1 373S3S1 373P3S1 373P3P2 373S3S2 373P3S2 373P3P4 373S3S4 373P3S4 373P3PXX 373S3SXX 373P3SXX 374P4P1 374S4S1 374P4S1 374P4P2 374S4S2 374P4S2 374P4P4 374S4S4 374P4S4 374P4PXX 374S4SXX 374P4SXX 375P5P1 375S5S1 375P5S1 375P5P2 375S5S2 375P5S2 375P5P4 375S5S4 375P5S4 375P5PXX 375S5SXX 375P5SXX 315PXX 315SXX 315PAXX 378P8P1 378S8S1 378P8S1 318P.3 318S.3 318PA.3 378P8P2 378S8S2 378P8S2 378P8P4 378S8S4 378P8S4 318PXX 318SXX 318PAXX 378P8PXX 378S8SXX 378P8SXX XX - Indicates "overall length / lead length" in meters. For mechanical, electrical and wiring sequence see pages 28 & 29. (R) 601 East Wildwood, Villa Park, IL 60181 Phone (630) 834-7504 Fax (630) 834-8540 21 S E N S O R- L I N K DC METAL MICRO-MIZER (R) MOLDED CONNECTOR ASSEMBLIES Anti-vibration coupling nuts standard. Face View Male 4 90 Female /Female Double Ended 90 Male /Female Double Ended Straight to 90 Male /Female Double Ended Straight to 90 Female /Male Double Ended 352S2P1 1 362P2P1 362S2S1 362P2S1 352P2S1 2 362P2P2 362S2S2 362P2S2 352P2S2 352S2P2 300V 4 362P2P4 362S2S4 362P2S4 352P2S4 352S2P4 Custom 362P2PXX 362S2SXX 362P2SXX 352P2SXX 352S2PXX 1 363P3P1 363S3S1 363P3S1 353P3S1 353S3P1 3A 2 363P3P2 363S3S2 363P3S2 353P3S2 353S3P2 300V 4 363P3P4 363S3S4 363P3S4 353P3S4 353S3P4 Custom 363P3PXX 363S3SXX 363P3SXX 353P3SXX 353S3PXX 1 364P4P1 364S4S1 364P4S1 354P4S1 354S4P1 3A 2 364P4P2 364S4S2 364P4S2 354P4S2 354S4P2 300V 4 364P4P4 364S4S4 364P4S4 354P4S4 354S4P4 Custom 364P4PXX 364S4SXX 364P4SXX 354P4SXX 354S4PXX 1 365P5P1 365S5S1 365P5S1 355P5S1 355S5P1 3A 2 365P5P2 365S5S2 365P5S2 355P5S2 355S5P2 300V 4 365P5P4 365S5S4 365P5S4 355P5S4 355S5P4 Custom 365P5PXX 365S5SXX 365P5SXX 355P5SXX 355S5PXX 1 368P8P1 368S8S1 368P8S1 358P8S1 358S8P1 2A 2 368P8P2 368S8S2 368P8S2 358P8S2 358S8P2 125V 4 368P8P4 368S8S4 368P8S4 358P8S4 358S8P4 Custom 368P8PXX 368S8SXX 368P8SXX 358P8SXX 358S8PXX 1 1 4 1 4 4 3 1 3 3 3 4 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 90 Male /Male Double Ended 4 3 Overall Length Meters 3A 4 3 3 Rating 3 4 4 4 3 4 1 1 3 3 2 3 4 1 1 252 1 1 5 2 3 2 54 1 5 3 3 5 4 4 3 4 3 4 2 2 1 3 5 4 Consult Factory for 6 & 7 Pole XX - Indicates "overall length" in meters. For mechanical, electrical and wiring sequence see pages 28 & 29. 90 assemblies have key position at 45 degrees. 22 S E N S O R- L I N K DC METAL MICRO-MIZER (R) (R) MOLDED CONNECTOR ASSEMBLIES Anti-vibration coupling nuts standard. Face View Male 3A 4 3 3 Rating 300V 4 1 3A 4 1 1 3 4 1 3 4 300V 4 1 3 4 4 3 3 4 1 2 2 1 1 2 4 1 3A 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 3 4 4 300V 1 2 3 4 4 3 4 1 1 252 1 1 5 2 3 2 54 1 5 3 3 5 4 4 3 4 3 4 2 2 3A 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 5 3 392S2S2S.3 392P2S2S.3 322S2S2S 322P2S2S 392S2S2SXX 392P2S2SXX 323S3S3S 323P3S3S 324S4S4S 324P4S4S 325S5S5S 325P5S5S 328S8S8S 328P8S8S 393S3S3S.3 393P3S3S.3 393S3S3SXX 393P3S3SXX 394S4S4S.3 394P4S4S.3 394S4S4SXX 394P4S4SXX 1 3 3 2 3 Y-Connector Male /Female Female 1 3 3 Y-Connector Female /Female Female 3 4 1 2 3 4 4 3 3 4 Y-Splitter Male /Female Female Y-Splitter Female /Female Female Wiring Diagram 1 2 3 4 5 300V 4 2A 125V 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Consult Factory for 6 & 7 Pole 395S5S5S.3 395P5S5S.3 395S5S5SXX 395P5S5SXX 398S8S8S.3 398P8S8S.3 398S8S8SXX 398P8S8SXX XX - Indicates "cable length" in meters, other than standard .3 meter length. For mechanical, electrical and wiring sequence see pages 28 & 29. For insert combinations not shown -- consult factory. (R) 601 East Wildwood, Villa Park, IL 60181 Phone (630) 834-7504 Fax (630) 834-8540 23 SINGLE KEY PLASTIC MICRO-MIZER (R) MOLDED CONNECTOR ASSEMBLIES Face View Male 3 4 3 Rating Overall Length Meters Straight Male Single Ended Straight Female Single Ended 90 Female Single Ended 1 202P1 202S1 232S1 3A 2 202P2 202S2 232S2 300V 4 202P4 202S4 232S4 Custom 202PXX 202SXX 232SXX 1 203P1 203S1 233S1 1 3A 2 203P2 203S2 233S2 4 300V 4 203P4 203S4 233S4 Custom 203PXX 203SXX 233SXX 1 204P1 204S1 234S1 2 1 3A 2 204P2 204S2 234S2 3 4 300V 4 204P4 204S4 234S4 Custom 204PXX 204SXX 234SXX 1 205P1 205S1 235S1 2 1 3A 2 205P2 205S2 235S2 4 300V 4 205P4 205S4 235S4 Custom 205PXX 205SXX 235SXX Receptacle Male .3 Meter Leads 212P.3 21PXX 213P.3 213PXX 214P.3 214PXX 215P.3 5 3 XX - Indicates "overall length / lead length" in meters. For mechanical, electrical and wiring sequence see pages 28 & 29. 24 215PXX (R) See page 19 for Sealing Covers. Straight Male /Female Double Ended Straight Male /Male Double Ended 242S2S1 242P2S1 242P2P1 262S2S1 272S2S1 272P2S1 242S2S2 242P2S2 242P2P2 262S2S2 272S2S2 272P2S2 Straight Female /Female Double Ended 90 Female /Female Double Ended Straight to 90 Female /Female Double Ended Straight to 90 Male /Female Double Ended 242S2S4 242P2S4 242P2P4 262S2S4 272S2S4 272P2S4 242S2SXX 242P2SXX 242P2PXX 262S2SXX 272S2SXX 272P2SXX 243S3S1 243P3S1 243P3P1 263S3S1 273S3S1 273P3S1 243S3S2 243P3S2 243P3P2 263S3S2 273S3S2 273P3S2 243S3S4 243P3S4 243P3P4 263S3S4 273S3S4 273P3S4 243S3SXX 243P3SXX 243P3PXX 263S3SXX 273S3SXX 273P3SXX 244S4S1 244P4S1 244P4P1 264S4S1 274S4S1 274P4S1 244S4S2 244P4S2 244P4P2 264S4S2 274S4S2 274P4S2 244S4S4 244P4S4 244P4P4 264S4S4 274S4S4 274P4S4 244S4SXX 244P4SXX 244P4PXX 264S4SXX 274S4SXX 274P4SXX 245S5S1 245P5S1 245P5P1 265S5S1 275S5S1 275P5S1 245S5S2 245P5S2 245P5P2 265S5S2 275S5S2 275P5S2 245S5S4 245P5S4 245P5P4 265S5S4 275S5S4 275P5S4 245S5SXX 245P5SXX 245P5PXX 265S5SXX 275S5SXX 275P5SXX XX - Indicates "overall length" in meters. For mechanical, electrical and wiring sequence see pages 28 & 29. (R) 601 East Wildwood, Villa Park, IL 60181 Phone (630) 834-7504 Fax (630) 834-8540 25 S E N S O R- L I N K DC METAL MICRO-MIZER (R) EMI/RFI SHIELDED MOLDED CONNECTOR ASSEMBLIES U.S. PAT.# 5,823,803 Face View Male 3 4 3 2 3 SH302P*1 SH302S1 SH372P2P*1 SH372S2S1 SH372P2S*1 SH302P*2 SH302S2 SH372P2P*2 SH372S2S2 SH372P2S*2 300V 4 SH302P*4 SH302S4 SH372P2P*4 SH372S2S4 SH372P2S*4 Custom SH302P*XX SH302SXX SH372P2P*XX SH372S2SXX SH372P2S*XX 1 SH303P*1 SH303S1 SH373P3P*1 SH373S3S1 SH373P3S*1 2 SH303P*2 SH303S2 SH373P3P*2 SH373S3S2 SH373P3S*2 4 SH303P*4 SH303S4 SH373P3P*4 SH373S3S4 SH373P3S*4 Custom SH303P*XX SH303SXX SH373P3P*XX SH373S3SXX SH373P3S*XX 1 SH304P*1 SH304S1 SH374P4P*1 SH374S4S1 SH374P4S*1 3A 2 SH304P*2 SH304S2 SH374P4P*2 SH374S4S2 SH374P4S*2 300V 4 SH304P*4 SH304S4 SH374P4P*4 SH374S4S4 SH374P4S*4 Custom SH304P*XX SH304SXX SH374P4P*XX SH374S4SXX SH374P4S*XX 1 SH305P*1 SH305S1 SH375P5P*1 SH375S5S1 SH375P5S*1 2 SH305P*2 SH305S2 SH375P5P*2 SH375S5S2 SH375P5S*2 1 3A 4 300V 5 4 SH305P*4 SH305S4 SH375P5P*4 SH375S5S4 SH375P5S*4 Custom SH305P*XX SH305SXX SH375P5P*XX SH375S5SXX SH375P5S*XX 1 SH308P*1 SH308S1 SH378P8P*1 SH378S8S1 SH378P8S*1 2A 2 SH308P*2 SH308S2 SH378P8P*2 SH378S8S2 SH378P8S*2 125V 4 SH308P*4 SH308S4 SH378P8P*4 SH378S8S4 SH378P8S*4 Custom SH308P*XX SH308SXX SH378P8P*XX SH378S8SXX SH378P8S*XX Consult Factory for 6 & 7 Pole XX - Indicates "overall length" in meters. For mechanical, electrical and wiring sequence see pages 28 & 29. * Insert an "R" for Rotating Male Coupling Nut. (Blank is standard for fixed nut.) 26 Straight Male/Female Double Ended 1 300V 4 Straight Female/Female Double Ended 2 4 3 Straight Inline Male Double Ended 3A 3A 1 Straight Female Single Ended Overall Length Meters 1 2 Straight Inline Male Single Ended Rating Receptacle Male .3 Meter Leads SH312P.3 SH312PXX SH313P.3 SH313PXX SH314P.3 SH314PXX SH315P.3 SH315PXX SH318P.3 SH318PXX S E N S O R- L I N K DC METAL MICRO-MIZER (R) (R) LED CORDSETS MOLDED CONNECTOR ASSEMBLIES Face View Female 1 2 2 1 3 3 4 4 1 2 1 1 2 Straight Female Single Ended 1 303SL1PNP 343SL1PNP 373S4PL1PNP 363S4PL1PNP 353S4PL1PNP 2 303SL2PNP 343SL2PNP 373S4PL2PNP 363S4PL2PNP 353S4PL2PNP 4 303SL4PNP 343SL4PNP 373S4PL4PNP 363S4PL4PNP 353S4PL4PNP Custom 303SLXXPNP 343SLXXPNP 373S4PLXXPNP 363S4PLXXPNP 353S4PLXXPNP Straight Inline Male Double Ended Straight Female/Female Double Ended Straight Male/Female Double Ended 4 1 NPN 3A 1 303SL1NPN 343SL1NPN 373S4PL1NPN 363S4PL1NPN 353S4PL1NPN 2 303SL2NPN 343SL2NPN 373S4PL2NPN 363S4PL2NPN 353S4PL2NPN 1 3 2 3 3 4 4 10 to 30V DC 4 303SL4NPN 343SL4NPN 373S4PL4NPN 363S4PL4NPN 353S4PL4NPN Custom 303SLXXNPN 343SLXXNPN 373S4PLXXNPN 363S4PLXXNPN 353S4PLXXNPN 4 3 10 to 30V DC 4 4 1 2 2 3A Straight Inline Male Single Ended 4 3 PNP Overall Length Meters 1 3 3 2 Rating 1 2 2 Circuit Type 3 4 XX - Indicates "overall length" in meters. Note: Only three of the four positions of the insert are being utilized. Position 2 is a "dummy" contact. For mechanical and electrical specifications see pages 28 & 29. 90 assemblies have key position at 45 degrees. (R) 601 East Wildwood, Villa Park, IL 60181 Phone (630) 834-7504 Fax (630) 834-8540 27 S E N S O R- L I N K MICRO-MIZER (R) MOLDED CONNECTOR ASSEMBLIES STANDARD MINI-MIZER WIRING SEQUENCE Panel Mounts and Cable Assemblies Conductor Color Code per Contact Position: DC 2 C O N TA C T S BRN 3. 4. BLU 3 C O N TA C T S 1. BRN 3. BLU 4. BLK 3 4 3 4 1 4 5 C O N TA C T S BRN 1. 2. WHT 3. BLU 4. BLK 5. GRY 2 1 5 3 4 8 C O N TA C T S 1. WHT 2. BRN 3. GRN 4. YEL 5. GRY 6. PINK 7. BLU 8. RED AC 28 STANDARD SINGLE KEY PLASTIC: 22 AWG, PVC Yellow Jacketed Cable Nylon, Black Insert PVC, Black Overmold Length 1, 2 and 4 Meters Options - 22 AWG, Polyurethane Yellow Jacketed Cable For polyurethane cable add suffix "U" - 22 AWG, PVC & Polyurethane Yellow Jacketed Shielded Cable For Shielded Cable add suffix "S" Lengths other than standard 2 C O N TA C T S 1. BRN 2. BLU 6 C O N TA C T S 1. RED/WHT 2. RED 3. GRN 4. RED/YEL 5. RED/BLK 6. RED/BLU STANDARD AC & D C METAL: 22 AWG, PVC Yellow Jacketed Cable Nylon Insert ( Black for AC, Yellow for DC) PVC, Yellow Overmold Length 3, 6 and 12 Ft. for AC 1, 2 and 4 Meters for DC Options - 22 AWG, Polyurethane Yellow Jacketed Cable For polyurethane cable add suffix "U" - 22 AWG, PVC & Polyurethane Yellow Jacketed Shielded Cable For Shielded Cable add suffix "S" Lengths other than standard 3 5 C O N TA C T S 1. RED/WHT 2. RED 3. GRN 4. RED/YEL 5. RED/BLK STANDARD PANEL MOUNTS: 22 AWG, 80C, 300V, PVC Hook-up Wire Nylon Insert Lead Length 12 In. Epoxy Filled 1 2 4 C O N TA C T S 1. RED/BLK 2. RED/WHT 3. RED 4. GRN MICRO-MIZER SPECIFICATIONS (R) 4 C O N TA C T S 1. BRN WHT 2. BLU 3. BLK 4. 3 C O N TA C T S 1. GRN 2. RED/BLK 3. RED/WHT SENSOR LINK PRODUCT LINE 1 2 2 3 1 Y-SPLITTER ASSEMBLIES: 22 AWG, PVC Yellow Jacketed Cable Nylon Insert PVC Overmold Options - 22 AWG, Polyurethane Yellow Jacketed Cable 2 3 1 4 5 1 2 4 3 DC LED CORDSETS: 1 Green & 1 Yellow Extended Life LEDs (Typical life @ abmient temperature is 100,000 hours.) PNP or NPN 22 AWG, PVC Yellow Jacketed Cable Nylon Insert PVC, Clear Overmold Options - 22 AWG, Polyurethane Yellow Jacketed Cable - Polyurethane, Clear Overmold 1 5 2 6 4 3 S E N S O R- L I N K MICRO-MIZER (R) (R) MOLDED CONNECTOR ASSEMBLIES SENSOR LINK PRODUCT LINE MICRO-MIZER AC/DC METAL AND PLASTIC (R) ELECTRICAL RATING VOLTAGE: Metal/Plastic (Non-LED Assemblies) - 300V Metal (LED Assemblies) - 10-30V DC CABLE ASSEMBLIES COUPLING NUT: Metal-Anodized Aluminum Plastic-Nylon Optional-Nickel-plated Brass or Stainless Steel (Consult Factory) CONTACTS: Metal/Plastic-Copper Alloy, Gold-plated INSERT: Metal/Plastic-Nylon MOLDED HEADS: Metal/Plastic-PVC O-RINGS: Metal/Plastic-Viton CABLE: Metal/Plastic-22 AWG: PVC Insulated, Fine Stranded Copper Conductors, Yellow Oil Resistant PVC Jacketed 300V, ST, 105C. UL Recognized, CSA Certified PANEL MOUNT ASSEMBLIES SHELLS: Metal-Anodized Aluminum Plastic-Nylon Optional-Nickel-plated Brass (Consult Factory) CONTACTS: Metal/Plastic-Copper Alloy, Gold-plated INSERTS: Metal-Nylon WIRE: Metal/Plastic-22 AWG PVC Insulated, 300V UL Recognized, CSA Certified ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: Metal/Plastic-NEMA 6P, IP67 & IP68 OPERATING AMBIENT: Metal/Plastic--20 to 80C CERTIFICATIONS UL: Metal/Plastic-UL Recognized, File No. E150822 cUL: Metal/Plastic-Canadian UL Recognized, File No. E150822 CSA: Metal/Plastic-CSA Certified File No. 181200 (R) 601 East Wildwood, Villa Park, IL 60181 Phone (630) 834-7504 Fax (630) 834-8540 29 S E N S O R- L I N K NANO-MIZER (R) MOLDED CONNECTOR ASSEMBLIES Coupling Options Face View Male 4 3 1 Rating 4A 300V 2 1 4 3 4A 300V 30 Snap Lock w/Ring Snap Lock Threaded Straight Female Single Ended Snap Lock w/Ring Snap Lock Threaded 90 Female Single Ended Overall Length Meters Snap Lock Threaded Straight Male Single Ended 2 603P*2 603S*2* 653S*2* 5 603P*5 603S*5* 653S*5* 6 603P*6 603S*6* 653S*6* Custom 603P*XX 603S*XX* 653S*XX* 2 604P*2 604S*2* 654S*2* 5 604P*5 604S*5* 654S*5* 6 604P*6 604S*6* 654S*6* Custom 604P*XX 604S*XX* 654S*XX* For mechanical, electrical and wiring sequence see page 33. Receptacle Male .3 Meter Lead Receptacle Female .3 Meter Lead Snap Lock Threaded Straight Male/Male Double Ended 613P.3 613S.3 673P3P*5 613PXX 613SXX 673P3P*XX 614P.3 614S.3 674P4P*5 614PXX 614SXX 674P4P*XX 673P3P*2 673P3P*6 674P4P*2 674P4P*6 (R) Snap Lock w/Ring Snap Lock Threaded Straight Female/Female Double Ended Snap Lock w/Ring Snap Lock Threaded Straight Female/Male Double Ended Snap Lock w/Ring Snap Lock Threaded 90 Female/Female Double Ended Snap Lock w/Ring Snap Lock Threaded Straight to 90 Female/Female Double Ended Snap Lock w/Ring Snap Lock Threaded Straight to 90 Male/Female Double Ended 673S3S*2* 673S3P*2* 663S3S*2* 683S3S*2* 683P3S*2* 673S3S*5* 673S3P*5* 663S3S*5* 683S3S*5* 683P3S*5* 673S3S*6* 673S3P*6* 663S3S*6* 683S3S*6* 683P3S*6* 673S3S*XX* 673S3P*XX* 663S3S*XX* 683S3S*XX* 683P3S*XX* 674S4S*2* 674S4P*2* 664S4S*2* 684S4S*2* 684P4S*2* 674S4S*5* 674S4P*5* 664S4S*5* 684S4S*5* 684P4S*5* 674S4S*6* 674S4P*6* 664S4S*6* 684S4S*6* 684P4S*6* 674S4S*XX* 674S4P*XX* 664S4S*XX* 684S4S*XX* 684P4S*XX* Coupling Code Example: 604SS2L = Snap Lock with Locking Ring 604SS2 = Snap Lock without Locking Ring 604ST2 = Threaded Note: XX - Indicates "overall length / lead length" in meters Ordering Code Example: 683P3S * XX * Optional L = Locking Ring Length in Meters S = Snap Lock T = Threaded (R) 601 East Wildwood, Villa Park, IL 60181 Phone (630) 834-7504 Fax (630) 834-8540 31 S E N S O R- L I N K NANO-MIZER (R) EMI/RFI SHIELDED MOLDED CONNECTOR ASSEMBLIES U.S. PAT.# 5,823,803 Straight Inline Male Single Ended Straight Female/Female Double Ended SH603ST2 SH673P3PT2 SH673S3ST2 SH673S3PT2 SH603ST5 SH673P3PT5 SH673S3ST5 SH673S3PT5 SH603ST6 SH673P3PT6 SH673S3ST6 SH673S3PT6 SH603PTXX SH603STXX SH673P3PTXX SH673S3STXX SH673S3PTXX SH604PT2 SH604ST2 SH674P4PT2 SH674S4ST2 SH674S4PT2 SH604PT5 SH604ST5 SH674P4PT5 SH674S4ST5 SH674S4PT5 Rating Overall Length Meters 2 SH603PT2 4 4A 5 SH603PT5 125V 6 SH603PT6 Custom 2 5 Straight Female/Male Double Ended Receptacle Male .3 Meter Leads SH613P.3 3 1 2 1 4A 4 SH613PXX SH614P.3 3 125V 6 SH604PT6 SH604ST6 SH674P4PT6 SH674S4ST6 SH674S4PT6 Custom SH604PTXX SH603STXX SH674P4PTXX SH674S4STXX SH674S4PTXX For mechanical, electrical and wiring sequence see page 33. 32 Straight Female Single Ended Straight Inline Male Double Ended Face View Male SH614PXX S E N S O R- L I N K NANO-MIZER (R) (R) MOLDED CONNECTOR ASSEMBLIES SENSOR LINK PRODUCT LINE NANO-MIZER SPECIFICATIONS (R) ELECTRICAL RATING VOLTAGE: 300V, 4 Amps (Non-Shielded); 125V, 4 Amps (Shielded) CABLE ASSEMBLIES COUPLING NUT: Nickel Plated Brass CONTACTS: Copper Alloy, Gold-Plated INSERT: G.F. Nylon MOLDED HEADS: PVC O-RINGS: Viton 2 CABLE: .25mm (or approximately 24 AWG) PVC Insulated,Fine Stranded Copper Conductors, Yellow Oil Resistant PVC Jacketed 300V, ST, 105C. UL Recognized, CSA Certified PANEL MOUNT SHELLS: CONTACTS: INSERTS: WIRE: ASSEMBLIES Nickel plated brass Copper Alloy Gold-Plated G.F. Nylon 24 AWG PVC Insulated, 300V UL Recognized, CSA Certified ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: NEMA 6P, IP67 & IP68 OPERATING AMBIENT: -20 to 105C CERTIFICATIONS UL: UL Recognized, File No. E-150822 CSA: CSA Certified File No.181200 STANDARD NANO-MIZER WIRING SEQUENCE Panel Mounts and Cable Assemblies Conductor Color Code per Contact Position: 3 C O N TA C T S 1. BRN 3. BLU 4. BLK 4 C O N TA C T S BRN 1. WHT 2. BLU 3. BLK 4. 4 3 1 2 1 4 3 (R) 601 East Wildwood, Villa Park, IL 60181 Phone (630) 834-7504 Fax (630) 834-8540 33 S E N S O R- L I N K DIE BLOCK CONNECTORS MOLDED CONNECTOR ASSEMBLIES Rating 7.5A Cable Length Feet 3-Pole Yellow 90 Female Die Block 6 DBR3S3-6 DBR3S2-6 DBR4S3-6 DBR4S2-6 10 DBR3S3-10 DBR3S2-10 DBR4S3-10 DBR4S2-10 300VAC 12 DBR3S3-12 DBR3S2-12 DBR4S3-12 DBR4S2-12 24VDC 20 DBR3S3-20 DBR3S2-20 DBR4S3-20 DBR4S2-20 Custom DBR3S3-XX DBR3S2-XX DBR4S3-XX DBR4S2-XX # Of Poles Rating 7.5A 4 Cable Length Feet Yellow Straight Female Mini-Mizer to Straight Male Die Block Blue Straight Female Mini-Mizer to Straight Male Die Block Yellow Straight Male Mini-Mizer to 90 Female Die Block Blue Straight Male Mini-Mizer to 90 Female Die Block 1 DB20S4SS4P3-1 DB20S4SS4P2-1 DB20S4PR4S3-1 DB20S4PR4S2-1 2 DB20S4SS4P3-2 DB20S4SS4P2-2 DB20S4PR4S3-2 DB20S4PR4S2-2 300VAC 3 DB20S4SS4P3-3 DB20S4SS4P2-3 DB20S4PR4S3-3 DB20S4PR4S2-3 24VDC 4 DB20S4SS4P3-4 DB20S4SS4P2-4 DB20S4PR4S3-4 DB20S4PR4S2-4 6 DB20S4SS4P3-6 DB20S4SS4P2-6 DB20S4PR4S3-6 DB20S4PR4S2-6 12 DB20S4SS4P3-12 DB20S4SS4P2-12 DB20S4PR4S3-12 DB20S4PR4S2-12 Custom DB20S4SS4P3-XX DB20S4SS4P2-XX DB20S4PR4S3-XX DB20S4PR4S2-XX XX - Indicates "Overall Length" in feet. For mechanical, electrical and wiring sequence see page 37. 34 4-Pole Blue 90 Female Die Block 4-Pole Yellow 90 Female Die Block 3-Pole Blue 90 Female Die Block (R) # Of Poles 3 Yellow Straight Female AC Micro-Mizer to 90 Female Die Block Red Straight Female AC Micro-Mizer to 90 Female Die Block Rating Yellow Straight Female AC Micro-Mizer to Straight Male Die Block 1 DB40S3SS3P3-1 DB40S3SS3P1-1 DB40S3SR3S3-1 DB40S3SR3S1-1 3A 2 DB40S3SS3P3-2 DB40S3SS3P1-2 DB40S3SR3S3-2 DB40S3SR3S1-2 3 DB40S3SS3P3-3 DB40S3SS3P1-3 DB40S3SR3S3-3 DB40S3SR3S1-3 300VAC 4 DB40S3SS3P3-4 DB40S3SS3P1-4 DB40S3SR3S3-4 DB40S3SR3S1-4 24VDC 3A 4 Red Straight Female AC Micro-Mizer to Straight Male Die Block Cable Length Feet 6 DB40S3SS3P3-6 DB40S3SS3P1-6 DB40S3SR3S3-6 DB40S3SR3S1-6 12 DB40S3SS3P3-12 DB40S3SS3P1-12 DB40S3SR3S3-12 DB40S3SR3S1-12 Custom DB40S3SS3P3-XX DB40S3SS3P1-XX DB40S3SR3S3-XX DB40S3SR3S1-XX 1 DB40S4SS4P3-1 DB40S4SS4P1-1 DB40S4SR4S3-1 DB40S4SR4S1-1 2 DB40S4SS4P3-2 DB40S4SS4P1-2 DB40S4SR4S3-2 DB40S4SR4S1-2 3 DB40S4SS4P3-3 DB40S4SS4P1-3 DB40S4SR4S3-3 DB40S4SR4S1-3 300VAC 4 DB40S4SS4P3-4 DB40S4SS4P1-4 DB40S4SR4S3-4 DB40S4SR4S1-4 24VDC 6 DB40S4SS4P3-6 DB40S4SS4P1-6 DB40S4SR4S3-6 DB40S4SR4S1-6 12 DB40S4SS4P3-12 DB40S4SS4P1-12 DB40S4SR4S3-12 DB40S4SR4S1-12 Custom DB40S4SS4P3-XX DB40S4SS4P1-XX DB40S4SR4S3-XX DB40S4SR4S1-XX XX - Indicates "Overall Length" in feet. For mechanical, electrical and wiring sequence see page 37. (R) 601 East Wildwood, Villa Park, IL 60181 Phone (630) 834-7504 Fax (630) 834-8540 35 S E N S O R- L I N K DIE BLOCK CONNECTORS MOLDED CONNECTOR ASSEMBLIES # Of Poles Rating 3A 3 300VAC 24VDC 3A 4 300VAC 24VDC Cable Length Feet Yellow Straight Female DC Micro-Mizer to Straight Male Die Block Blue Straight Female DC Micro-Mizer to Straight Male Die Block 1 DB30S3SS3P3-1 DB30S3SS3P2-1 2 DB30S3SS3P3-2 3 DB30S3SS3P3-3 4 DB30S3SS3P3-4 Blue Straight Female DC Micro-Mizer to 90 Female Die Block DB30S3SR3S3-1 DB30S3SR3S2-1 DB30S3SS3P2-2 DB30S3SR3S3-2 DB30S3SR3S2-2 DB30S3SS3P2-3 DB30S3SR3S3-3 DB30S3SR3S2-3 DB30S3SS3P2-4 DB30S3SR3S3-4 DB30S3SR3S2-4 6 DB30S3SS3P3-6 DB30S3SS3P2-6 DB30S3SR3S3-6 DB30S3SR3S2-6 12 DB30S3SS3P3-12 DB30S3SS3P2-12 DB30S3SR3S3-12 DB30S3SR3S2-12 Custom DB30S3SS3P3-XX DB30S3SS3P2-XX DB30S3SR3S3-XX DB30S3SR3S2-XX 1 DB30S4SS4P3-1 DB30S4SS4P2-1 DB30S4SR4S3-1 DB30S4SR4S2-1 2 DB30S4SS4P3-2 DB30S4SS4P2-2 DB30S4SR4S3-2 DB30S4SR4S2-2 3 DB30S4SS4P3-3 DB30S4SS4P2-3 DB30S4SR4S3-3 DB30S4SR4S2-3 4 DB30S4SS4P3-4 DB30S4SS4P2-4 DB30S4SR4S3-4 DB30S4SR4S2-4 6 DB30S4SS4P3-6 DB30S4SS4P2-6 DB30S4SR4S3-6 DB30S4SR4S2-6 12 DB30S4SS4P3-12 DB30S4SS4P2-12 DB30S4SR4S3-12 DB30S4SR4S2-12 Custom DB30S4SS4P3-XX DB30S4SS4P2-XX DB30S4SR4S3-XX DB30S4SR4S2-XX XX - Indicates "Overall Length" in feet. For mechanical, electrical and wiring sequence see page 37. 36 Yellow Straight Female DC Micro-Mizer to 90 Female Die Block S E N S O R- L I N K DIE BLOCK CONNECTORS (R) MOLDED CONNECTOR ASSEMBLIES SENSOR LINK PRODUCT LINE STANDARD DIE BLOCK CONNECTOR DIE BLOCK CONNECTORS SPECIFICATIONS W I R I N G S E Q U E N C E (continued) AC Micro-Mizer to Die Block 3 Po l e : 1 2 3 ELECTRICAL RATING VOLTAGE: 300 VAC 24 VDC MATERIALS COUPLING NUT: CONTACTS: MOLDED HEADS: O-RINGS: CABLE: BUSHINGS: Anodized Aluminum Copper Alloy, Gold-Plated Polyurethane Viton 18 AWG, PVC Yellow Jacket Cable Stainless Steel GRN RED/WHT RED/BLK A B C GRN RED/WHT RED/BLK ("D" Position of a 3-pole female die block is molded open to accept a 4-pole mate.) 4 Po l e : 1 2 3 4 STANDARD DIE BLOCK CONNECTOR WIRING SEQUENCE Assembly Conductor Color Code per Contact Position: RED/BLK RED/WHT RED GRN A B C D RED/BLK RED/WHT RED GRN (Below diagrams reflect Face View Female view) Single Ended Die Block 3 Po l e : A B C 4 Po l e : A B C D BRN BLU BLK RED/BLK RED/WHT RED GRN DC Micro-Mizer to Die Block 3 Po l e : 1 2 3 BRN BLU BLK A B C BRN BLU BLK 4-Pole Mini-Mizer to Die Block 1 2 3 4 RED/BLK RED/WHT RED GRN A B C D ("D" Position of a 3-pole female die block is molded open to accept a 4-pole mate.) RED/BLK RED/WHT RED GRN 4 Po l e : 1 2 3 4 BRN WHT BLU BLK A B C D BLK BLU WHT BRN (R) 601 East Wildwood, Villa Park, IL 60181 Phone (630) 834-7504 Fax (630) 834-8540 37 S E N S O R- L I N K MULTI-PORT "A" Size MINI-MIZER (R) JUNCTION BOXES Junction Box P/N Sequence JM 08 5S N M15 A 1 Number of Ports: Number of Contacts per Port: Port Thread Type External INternal Type of Input Box Mounted Connector Number of Pin Contacts (2 thru 12) OR Box Mounted Cable IXX - Cable Length in Inches 38 Wiring 11 - Series No Power LED & No Port LEDs 12 - Parallel No Power LED & No Port LEDs 13 - Series w/Power LED & No Port LEDs 14 - Parallel w/Power LED & No Port LEDs 15 - Series w/Power LED & Port LEDs 16 - Parallel w/Power LED & Port LEDs Cable Mounted Connector Type Blank - No Connector Provided A - Mini A-Size (Same as # of Contacts in Ports) B - Mini C-Size (12 for Standard, 19 for Twin) S E N S O R- L I N K MULTI-PORT "A" Size MINI-MIZER (R) (R) JUNCTION BOXES SENSOR LINK PRODUCT LINE MULTI-PORT "A" Size MINI-MIZER(R) JUNCTION BOXES FEATURES 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 pole "A" Size Mini-Mizer I/O ports. Available in 4, 6, & 8 ports. Internally or externally threaded ports. Home Run Connector or Home Run Cable. Home Run Connector available in "A" & "C" Size Mini-Mizer. 36, 72, or 144 inch standard cable lengths. Customer specified lengths available upon request. Wiring can be parallel or series. Assemblies are epoxy sealed. Available with or without LEDs Uses standard cables, "Y" connectors and splitters available from Conxall. Port environmental covers are available. SPECIFICATIONS Junction Box is rated at 7 amps at 600 volts. Temperature rating: -20 C - +80 C. UL Recognized, File number E150822. Meets IP68 requirements. MATERIALS Enclosure - PBT plastic Receptacle Shells - Anodized aluminum Consult factory for stainless steel or nickel plated brass receptacle shells. Contacts - Gold over nickel plated copper alloy Cable - 16 AWG, PVC Yellow Jacketed Connector Inserts - Santoprene Consult factory for wiring diagrams. Consult factory for customization. (R) 601 East Wildwood, Villa Park, IL 60181 Phone (630) 834-7504 Fax (630) 834-8540 39 S E N S O R- L I N K MULTI-PORT DC MICRO-MIZER (R) JUNCTION BOXES PNP CIRCUIT (current sinking) / NORMALLY OPEN OR NORMALLY CLOSED (1 green LED per box - power indicator / 1 yellow LED per port - I/O indicator) # OF PORTS N/O - N/C CABLE LENGTH CONNECTOR I/O PIN # PART NUMBER 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED 1 5 10 1 5 10 1 5 10 1 5 10 NONE NONE NONE 12 POLE MALE MINI 12 POLE MALE MINI 12 POLE MALE MINI NONE NONE NONE 12 POLE MALE MINI 12 POLE MALE MINI 12 POLE MALE MINI 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 JD085SNM15 JD085SNM55 JD085SNM105 JD085SNM1B5 JD085SNM5B5 JD085SNM10B5 JD085SNM16 JD085SNM56 JD085SNM106 JD085SNM1B6 JD085SNM5B6 JD085SNM10B6 NPN CIRCUIT (current sourcing) / NORMALLY OPEN OR NORMALLY CLOSED (1 green LED per box - power indicator / 1 yellow LED per port - I/O indicator) # OF PORTS N/O - N/C CABLE LENGTH CONNECTOR I/O PIN # PART NUMBER 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED 1 5 10 1 5 10 1 5 10 1 5 10 NONE NONE NONE 12 POLE MALE MINI 12 POLE MALE MINI 12 POLE MALE MINI NONE NONE NONE 12 POLE MALE MINI 12 POLE MALE MINI 12 POLE MALE MINI 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 JD085SNM13 JD085SNM53 JD085SNM103 JD085SNM1B3 JD085SNM5B3 JD085SNM10B3 JD085SNM14 JD085SNM54 JD085SNM104 JD085SNM1B4 JD085SNM5B4 JD085SNM10B4 40 (R) TWIN WIRED PNP CIRCUIT (current sinking) (1 green LED per box - power indicator / 2 yellow LED per port - I/O indicator) # OF PORTS CABLE LENGTH CONNECTOR I/O PIN # PART NUMBER 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 5 10 1 5 10 NONE NONE NONE 19 POLE MALE MINI 19 POLE MALE MINI 19 POLE MALE MINI 2&4 2&4 2&4 2&4 2&4 2&4 JD085SNM18 JD085SNM58 JD085SNM108 JD085SNM1B8 JD085SNM5B8 JD085SNM10B8 TWIN WIRED NPN CIRCUIT (current sourcing) (1 green LED per box - power indicator / 2 yellow LED per port - I/O indicator) # OF PORTS CABLE LENGTH CONNECTOR I/O PIN # PART NUMBER 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 5 10 1 5 10 NONE NONE NONE 19 POLE MALE MINI 19 POLE MALE MINI 19 POLE MALE MINI 2&4 2&4 2&4 2&4 2&4 2&4 JD085SNM17 JD085SNM57 JD085SNM107 JD085SNM1B7 JD085SNM5B7 JD085SNM10B7 POWER LED ONLY - NORMALLY OPEN OR NORMALLY CLOSED (1 green LED per box - power indicator / no port I/O LED indicator) # OF PORTS N/O - N/C CABLE LENGTH CONNECTOR I/O PIN # PART NUMBER 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED 1 5 10 1 5 10 1 5 10 1 5 10 NONE NONE NONE 12 POLE MALE MINI 12 POLE MALE MINI 12 POLE MALE MINI NONE NONE NONE 12 POLE MALE MINI 12 POLE MALE MINI 12 POLE MALE MINI 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 JD085SNM19 JD085SNM59 JD085SNM109 JD085SNM1B9 JD085SNM5B9 JD085SNM10B9 JD085SNM110 JD085SNM510 JD085SNM1010 JD085SNM1B10 JD085SNM5B10 JD085SNM10B10 NO LED - NORMALLY OPEN OR NORMALLY CLOSED (no box LED power indicator / no port I/O LED indicator) # OF PORTS N/O - N/C CABLE LENGTH CONNECTOR I/O PIN # PART NUMBER 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED 1 5 10 1 5 10 1 5 10 1 5 10 NONE NONE NONE 12 POLE MALE MINI 12 POLE MALE MINI 12 POLE MALE MINI NONE NONE NONE 12 POLE MALE MINI 12 POLE MALE MINI 12 POLE MALE MINI 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 JD085SNM11 JD085SNM51 JD085SNM101 JD085SNM1B1 JD085SNM5B1 JD085SNM10B1 JD085SNM12 JD085SNM52 JD085SNM102 JD085SNM1B2 JD085SNM5B2 JD085SNM10B2 (R) 601 East Wildwood, Villa Park, IL 60181 Phone (630) 834-7504 Fax (630) 834-8540 41 S E N S O R- L I N K MULTI-PORT DC MICRO-MIZER (R) JUNCTION BOXES SENSOR LINK PRODUCT LINE MULTI-PORT DC MICRO-MIZER(R) JUNCTION BOXES FEATURES 5 pole 12 mm DC Micro I/O ports. Blunt cut cable, 12 pole male connector or 19 pole male connector options. 1, 5, or 10 meter standard cable lengths. Customer specified lengths available upon request. PNP (current sinking) or NPN (current sourcing) options. Normally Open (pin #4) or Normally Closed (pin #2) wiring options. Port designation tabs included. Environmental port covers included. Assemblies are epoxy sealed. Available with 2 I/O LEDs per port, 1 I/O LED per port, power LED only, or no LEDs. Custom assemblies built to customer specifications upon request. Uses standard cables, Y connectors, and splitters available from Conxall. SPECIFICATIONS Individual ports are rated at 4 amps at 30 volts. Junction box is rated at 12 amps at 30 volts. Temperature rating: -20 C - +80 C. UL Recognized, File number E150822. Meets IP68 requirements. MATERIALS Enclosure - Modified PPO plastic Receptacle Shells - Nickel plated brass Consult factory for stainless steel receptacle shells. Contacts - Gold over nickel plated copper alloy Cable - 8 - #22 & 3 - #18 with PVC insulation and PUR jacket. Connector inserts - Nylon Port environmental covers - Nylon Port designation tabs - Styrene Consult factory for wiring diagrams. Consult factory for 4 or 6 port options. Consult factory for 4, 6, or 8 Port AC version Junction Boxes. 42 NEW PRODUCTS (R) MICRO-MIZER(R) / NANO-MIZER(R) "T" & "Y" SPLITTERS Polyurethane Overmold Nickel plated brass coupling rings 4,5, or 8 positions available Available in series or parallel wiring With or without mounting tabs Various "T" configurations available Micro-Mizer(R) male -to- Micro-Mizer(R) female with Micro-Mizer(R) female drop Micro-Mizer(R) male -to- Micro-Mizer(R) female with Nano-Mizer(R) female drop Various "Y" configurations available (1) Nano-Mizer(R) male -to- (2) Nano-Mizer(R) females (1) Micro-Mizer(R) male -to- (2) Nano-Mizer(R) females (1) Micro-Mizer(R) male -to- (2) Micro-Mizer(R) females (R) 601 East Wildwood, Villa Park, IL 60181 Phone (630) 834-7504 Fax (630) 834-8540 43