Product specification - Sep 03, 2004 V.2 Supersedes Date of Mar. 06, 2003 DATA SHEET GENERAL PURPOSE CHIP RESISTORS RC1206 (Pb Free) 5%, 1% Product specification Chip Resistor Surface Mount RC SERIES 2 10 1206 (Pb Free) SCOPE This specification describes RC1206 series chip resistors with lead-free terminations made by thick film process. ORDERING INFORMATION Part number is identified by the series, size, tolerance, packing type, temperature coefficient, taping reel and resistance value. PHYCOMP ORDERING CODE 12NC CTC CODE 2322 / 2350 XXX XXXXX L (1) (2) (3) RC1206 PAPER / PE TAPE ON REEL (units) (2) TYPE/ START 1206 IN (1) TOL. RESISTANCE (%) RANGE 5,000 RC01 2322 5% 1 to 10 M 711 61xxx 711 51xxx 711 81xxx RC02 2322 1% 1 to 10 M 724 6xxxx 724 7xxxx 724 8xxxx HRC01 2350 5% 11 to 22 M 520 10xxx - - Jumper 2322 - 0 711 91032 711 91005 711 92004 (2) The subsequent 4 or 5 digits indicate the resistor tolerance and packaging. (3) The remaining 4 or 3 digits represent the resistance value with the last digit indicating the multiplier as shown in the table of "Last digit of 12NC". (4) "L" means lead-free terminations. ORDERING EXAMPLE The ordering code of a RC02 resistor, value 56 X with 1% tolerance, supplied in tape of 5,000 units per reel is: 232272465609L. X X X XX XXXX L (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) The resistors have a 12-digit ordering code starting with 2322/2350. CODE 10,000/not preferred (5) F = 1% J = 5% (2) PACKAGING TYPE R = Paper/PE taping reel Last digit (3) TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT OF RESISTANCE - = Base on spec (4) TAPING REEL 0.01 to 0.0976 X 0.1 to 0.976 X 0 1 to 9.76 X 8 10 to 97.6 X 9 100 to 976 X 1 1 to 9.76 kX 2 5R6, 56R, 560R, 5K6, 56K, 22M 10 to 97.6 kX 3 100 to 976 kX (6) RESISTOR TERMINATIONS 4 1 to 9.76 MX 5 10 to 97.6 MX 6 Example: (6) (1) TOLERANCE 20,000 Last digit of 12NC Resistance decade (3) (4) 07 = 7 inch dia. Reel 10 = 10 inch dia. Reel (not preferred) 13 = 13 inch dia. Reel 7 0.02 X = 0200 or 200 0.3 X = 3007 or 307 1X = 1008 or 108 33 kX = 3303 or 333 10 MX = 1006 or 106 (5) RESISTANCE VALUE L = Lead free terminations (pure Tin) ORDERING EXAMPLE The ordering code of a RC1206 chip resistor, value 56 X with 1% tolerance, supplied in 7-inch tape reel is: RC1206FR-0756RL. NOTE 1. The "L" at the end of the code is only for ordering. On the reel label, the standard CTC or 12NC will be mentioned an additional stamp "LFP"= lead free production. 2. Products with lead in terminations fulfil the same requirements as mentioned in this datasheet. 3. Products with lead in terminations will be phased out in the coming months (before July 1st, 2006) Sep 03, 2004 V.2 Product specification Chip Resistor Surface Mount RC SERIES 3 10 1206 (Pb Free) MARKING RC1206 E-24 series: 3 digits ynsc001 Fig. 1 Value=10 K First two digits for significant figure and 3rd digit for number of zeros Both E-24 and E-96 series: 4 digits ynsc004 Fig. 2 Value=10 K First three digits for significant figure and 4th digit for number of zeros For marking codes, please see EIA-marking code rules in data sheet "Chip resistors instruction". CONSTRUCTION The resistors are constructed out of a high-grade ceramic body. Internal handbook, 4 columns metal electrodes are added at each end and connected by a resistive H paste. The composition of the paste is adjusted to give the approximate I2 required resistance and laser cutting of this resistive layer that achieves Fig. 3 Chip resistor construction tolerance trims the value. The resistive layer is covered with a protective coat and printed with the resistance value. Finally, the two external terminations (pure Tin) are added. See fig. 3. protective coat resistor layer inner electrode end termination ceramic substrate MBE940_a DIMENSIONS Table 1 TYPE protective coat RC1206 L (mm) 3.10 0.10 W (mm) 1.60 0.10 H (mm) 0.55 0.10 I1 (mm) 0.45 0.20 I2 (mm) 0.40 0.20 I1 W MBE940_a L Fig. 4 Chip resistor dimension For dimension see Table 1 Sep 03, 2004 V.2 Product specification Chip Resistor Surface Mount RC SERIES ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS FOOTPRINT AND SOLDERING PROFILES Table 2 RC1206 1/4 W CHARACTERISTICS Operating Temperature Range -55 C to +155 C Maximum Working Voltage 200 V Maximum Overload Voltage 400 V Dielectric Withstanding Voltage 500 V 5% (E24) 1 to 22 M Resistance Range 1% (E96) 1 to 10 M Zero Ohm Jumper < 0.05 Temperature Coefficient Jumper Criteria 4 10 1206 (Pb Free) 10 < R 10 M 100 ppm/C R 10 ; R > 10 M 200 ppm/C Rated Current 2.0 A Maximum Current 10.0 A For recommended footprint and soldering profiles, please see the special data sheet "Chip resistors mounting". ENVIRONMENTAL DATA For material declaration information (IMDS-data) of the products, please see the separated info "Environmental data". PACKING STYLE AND PACKAGING QUANTITY Table 3 Packing style and packaging quantity PRODUCT TYPE PACKING STYLE REEL DIMENSION RC1206 Paper / PE Taping Reel (R) 7" (178 mm) QUANTITY PER REEL 5,000 units 10" (254 mm) / not preferred 10,000 units 13" (330 mm) 20,000 units NOTE 1. For Paper/PE tape and reel specification/dimensions, please see the special data sheet "Packing" document. Sep 03, 2004 V.2 Product specification Chip Resistor Surface Mount RC SERIES 5 10 1206 (Pb Free) FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION POWER RATING MRA632 Pmax (%Prated) RC1206 rated power at 70C is 1/4 W RATED VOLTAGE 100 The DC or AC (rms) continuous working voltage corresponding to the rated power is determined by the following formula: 50 V=(P X R) 0 -55 0 155 100 Tamb (C) 50 70 Where V=Continuous rated DC or AC (rms) working voltage (V) Fig. 5 Maximum dissipation (Pmax) in percentage of rated power as a function of the operating ambient temperature (Tamb ) P=Rated power (W) R=Resistance value (X) PULSE LOADING CAPABILITIES MBD641 10 4 Vmax (V) 1.2/50 s 10 3 10/700 s 10 2 10 10 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 R n () 10 7 Fig. 6 Maximum permissible peak pulse voltage without failing to open circuit' in accordance with DIN IEC 60040 (CO) 533 for type: RC1206 Sep 03, 2004 V.2 Product specification Chip Resistor Surface Mount 10 RC SERIES 6 10 1206 (Pb Free) MBD585 3 P max (W) 10 2 single pulse 10 t p /t i =1000 1 10 1 10 6 10 5 10 4 10 3 10 2 10 1 1 t i (s) Fig. 7 Pulse on a regular basis for type: RC1206; maximum permissible peak pulse power as a function of pulse duration for single pulse and repetitive pulse tp/ti = 1000 MBD586 600 Vmax (V) 400 200 0 10 6 10 5 10 4 10 3 10 2 10 1 t i (s) 1 Fig. 8 Pulse on a regular basis for type: RC1206; maximum permissible peak pulse voltage as a function of pulse duration Sep 03, 2004 V.2 Product specification Chip Resistor Surface Mount RC SERIES 7 10 1206 (Pb Free) TESTS AND REQUIREMENTS Table 4 Test condition, procedure and requirements TEST Temperature Coefficient of Resistance (T.C.R.) TEST METHOD PROCEDURE REQUIREMENTS MIL-STD-202F-method 304; At +25/-55 C and +25/+125 C Refer to table 2 JIS C 5202-4.8 Formula: R2-R1 T.C.R= ------------------------x106 (ppm/C) R1(t2-t1) Where t1=+25 C or specified room temperature t2=-55 C or +125 C test temperature R1=resistance at reference temperature in ohms R2=resistance at test temperature in ohms Thermal Shock MIL-STD-202F-method 107G; IEC 60115-1 4.19 Low Temperature Operation MIL-R-55342D-Para 4.7.4 Short Time Overload MIL-R-55342D-Para 4.7.5; At -65 (+0/-10) C for 2 minutes and at +155 (+10/-0) C for 2 minutes; 25 cycles (0.5%+0.05 ) for 1% tol. At -65 (+0/-5) C for 1 hour; RCWV applied for 45 (+5/-0) minutes (0.5%+0.05 ) for 1% tol . (1.0%+0.05 ) for 5% tol. (1.0%+0.05 ) for 5% tol. No visible damage IEC 60115-1 4.13 2.5 x RCWV applied for 5 seconds at room temperature (1.0%+0.05 ) for 1% tol. (2.0%+0.05 ) for 5% tol. No visible damage Insulation Resistance MIL-STD-202F-method 302; RCOV for 1 minute IEC 60115-1 Type Voltage (DC) Dielectric Withstand Voltage 10 G RC1206 400 V MIL-STD-202F-method 301; Maximun voltage (Vrms) applied for 1 minute IEC 60115-1 Type RC1206 Voltage (AC) 500 Vrms Resistance to Soldering Heat MIL-STD-202F-method 210C; Life MIL-STD-202F-method 108A; IEC 60115-1 4.18 Unmounted chips; 260 5 C for 10 1 seconds No breakdown or flashover (0.5%+0.05 ) for 1% tol. (1.0%+0.05 ) for 5% tol. No visible damage IEC 60115-1 4.25.1 At 702 C for 1,000 hours; RCWV applied for 1.5 hours on and 0.5 hour off (1%+0.05 ) for 1% tol. (3%+0.05 ) for 5% tol. Sep 03, 2004 V.2 Product specification Chip Resistor Surface Mount TEST Solderability Bending Strength Resistance to Solvent Noise RC SERIES TEST METHOD PROCEDURE REQUIREMENTS MIL-STD-202F-method 208A; Solder bath at 2453 C Well tinned (95% covered) IEC 60115-1 4.17 Dipping time: 20.5 seconds No visible damage Resistors mounted on a 90 mm glass epoxy resin PCB (FR4) (1.0%+0.05 ) for 1% tol. Bending: 5 mm No visible damage No smeared IEC 60115-1 4.29 lsopropylalcohol (C3H7OH) or dichloromethane (CH2Cl2) followed by brushing JIS C 5202 5.9; Maximum voltage (Vrms) applied. Resistors range Value R < 100 10 dB 100 R < 1 K 20 dB 1 K R < 10 K 30 dB 10 K R < 100 K 40 dB 100 K R < 1 M 46 dB 1 M R 22 M 48 dB JIS C 5202.6.14; IEC 60115-1 4.15 MIL-STD-202F-method 215; IEC 60115-1 4.12 Humidity (steady state) Leaching Intermittent Overload Resistance to Vibration Moisture Resistance Heat 8 10 1206 (Pb Free) (1.0%+0.05 ) for 5% tol. JIS C 5202 7.5; 1,000 hours; 402 C; 93(+2/-3)% RH IEC 60115-8 4.24.8 (0.5%+0.05 ) for 1% tol. RCWV applied for 1.5 hours on and 0.5 hour off (2.0%+0.05 ) for 5% tol. EIA/IS 4.13B; Solder bath at 2605 C No visible damage IEC 60115-8 4.18 Dipping time: 301 seconds JIS C 5202 5.8 At room temperature; 2.5 x RCWV applied for 1 second on and 25 seconds off; total 10,000 cycles (1.0%+0.05 ) for 1% tol. (2.0%+0.05 ) for 5% tol. On request On request MIL-STD-202F-method 106F; 42 cycles; total 1,000 hours (0.5%+0.05) for 1% tol. IEC 60115-1 4.24.2 Shown as figure 9 (2.0%+0.05) for 5% tol. No visible damage Sep 03, 2004 V.2 Product specification Chip Resistor Surface Mount 75 RC 80 - 98% RH 90 - 98% RH temperature [C] 90 - 98% RH 80 - 98% RH 9 10 1206 (Pb Free) SERIES 90 - 98% RH initial drying 24 hours rate of change of temperature is unspecified, however, specimens shall not be subjected to radiant heating from chamber conditioning processes 50 end of final cycle; measurements as specified in 2.7 +10 C (+18 F) -2 C (-3.6 F) 25 initial measurements as specified in 2.2 0 temperature tolerance 2 C (3.6 F) unless otherwise specified voltage applied as specified in 2.4 STEP1 STEP2 prior to first cycle only HBK073 optional sub-cycle if specified (2.3); sub-cycle performed during any 5 of the first 9 cycles; humidity uncontrolled during sub-cycle circulation of conditioning air shall be at a minimum cubic rate per minute equivalent to 10 times the volume of the chamber STEP3 STEP4 STEP5 STEP6 STEP7 one cycle 24 hours; repeat as specified in 2.5 0 5 10 15 20 25 time [h] Fig. 9 Moisture resistance test requirements Sep 03, 2004 V.2 Product specification Chip Resistor Surface Mount RC SERIES 10 10 1206 (Pb Free) REVISION HISTORY REVISION DATE CHANGE NOTIFICATION DESCRIPTION Version 2 - - New datasheet for 1206 thick film 1% and 5% with lead-free terminations Sep 03, 2004 - Replace the 1206 part of pdf files: RC01_11_21_31_5, RC02_12_22_32_10, and HRC01_5_4 - Test method and procedure updated - PE tape added (paper tape will be replaced by PE tape) - High ohmic products combined into standard products. Sep 03, 2004 V.2