ALP/t 20/22 Series 85°C
• Solder tag (ALT) and DIN standard solder pin (ALP)
• Long Life 26000 hours at 85 °C (Ur, Ir applied)
• ALC snap-in should be considered for new designs
Standards IEC 60384-4, DIN 41238, BS CECC 30301-033 (ALP/T20 only)
Capacitance range 22 – 150000 µF
Capacitance tolerance –10 to +30% ALP/T 20 (except 200V ±20%)
–20 to +20% ALP/T 22
Rated voltage UR 40 - 450 VDC
Surge voltage US 1.15 x UR (for UR < 250 VDC)
1.10 x UR (for UR > 350 VDC)
Leakage current IL = 0.006 x CR x UR (µA) or 6mA whichever
is the smaller. Note, CR is in µF.
Operational life time
+85°C, UR , IR
Shelf Life 2000 hrs at 0V +85°C, or 30000 hrs at 0V +40°C
Temperature range –40 to +85°C (Operating) -55°C to +105°C (Storage)
Can Diameter
25 12000 hrs
30 15000 hrs
35 18000 hrs
40 26000 hrs
End of Life requirement:
ΔC/C < ±10%
ESR < 2 x initial ESR value
IL < initial specified limit
Test Condition:
< 30s surge, 1000 cycles @ 85°C
Test Condition:
UR, 5mins., 20°C
It should be pointed out that the ALP,
solder pin, ranges are an older design and
as such should not be considered for any
new applications. Details are incorporated
here, primarily, for maintenance/replacement
The ALP/T20 features low ESR, high ripple
current ratings and outstandingly good high
frequency impedence.
The ALP/T22 has the same features as the
ALP/T20 series but with a very high CV per
unit volume.
KEMET Electrolytic Capacitors