TCR Series Professional Conductive Polymer Chip Capacitors FEATURES * Conductive polymer electrode * Benign failure mode under recommended use conditions LEAD-FREE COMPATIBLE * Robust design for long operation lifetime COMPONENT * AVX maverick part control Q-process with statistical SnPb termination option is not screening RoHS compliant. * Improved basic reliability 0.5%/1000hrs * Humidity 85C/85%RH, Vr, (up to 500 or 1000 hours see reference table) * -55 to +125C operation temperature * DCL 0.1 CxV, 0.05CV on selected codes * 3x reflow 260C compatible * Low ESR APPLICATIONS * Long life time DC/DC converter applications in Telecommunications, Industrial, Avionics For additional information on Q-process please consult the AVX technical publication "Reaching the Highest Reliability for Tantalum Capacitors" (see the link: CASE DIMENSIONS: millimeters (inches) Code MARKING B D T Y B, D, T, Y CASE AVX LOGO Polymer Polarity Band (Anode+) Capacitance Value in pF 686 = 68F 686 A XXXXX Case Size See table above EIA Metric 3528-21 7343-31 3528-12 7343-20 L0.20 W+0.20 (0.008) H+0.20 (0.008) (0.008) -0.10 (0.004) -0.10 (0.004) 3.50 (0.138) 2.80 (0.110) 1.90 (0.075) 7.30 (0.287) 4.30 (0.169) 2.90 (0.114) 3.50 (0.138) 2.80 (0.110) 1.20 (0.047) max. 7.30 (0.287) 4.30 (0.169) 2.00 (0.079) max W10.20 (0.008) 2.20 (0.087) 2.40 (0.094) 2.20 (0.087) 2.40 (0.094) A+0.30 (0.012) -0.20 (0.008) 0.80 (0.031) 1.30 (0.051) 0.80 (0.031) 1.30 (0.051) S Min. 1.40 (0.055) 4.40 (0.173) 1.40 (0.055) 4.40 (0.173) W1 dimension applies to the termination width for A dimensional area only. Rated Voltage A = 10V ID Code HOW TO ORDER TCR D Type EIA Code 1210 2917 1210 2917 *Codes under development 476 M 016 # 0070 Capacitance Code pF code: 1st two digits represent significant figures, 3rd digit represents multiplier (number of zeros to follow) Tolerance M = 20% Rated DC Voltage 004 = 4Vdc 006 = 6.3Vdc 010 = 10Vdc 016 = 16Vdc 020 = 20Vdc 025 = 25Vdc 035 = 35Vdc 050 = 50Vdc Packaging R = Pure Tin 7" Reel S = Pure Tin 13" Reel H = Tin Lead 7"Reel ESR in m J DCL J = 0.1CV (contact manufacturer) K = Tin Lead 13" Reel (contact manufacturer) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Technical Data: Capacitance Range: Capacitance Tolerance: Leakage Current DCL: Temperature Range: Basic Reliability: Termination Finish: All technical data relate to an ambient temperature of +25C 10F to 220F 20% (J) 0.1CV -55C to +125C 0.5% per 1000 hours at 85C, Vr with 0.1V series impedance, 60% confidence level Sn Plating (standard) and SnPb Plating upon request NOTE: Conductive Polymer Capacitors are designed to operate within the limits of the environmental conditions specified for each series. If operated continuously at their maximum temperature and / or humidity limit, or beyond these limits, capacitors may exhibit a parametric shift in capacitance and increases in ESR. These changes may occur earlier if the specified environmental conditions are exceeded. Similarly, their normal operational time period will be significantly extended if their general duty cycle includes operation below maximum temperature within humidity controlled environments. Careful attention should be paid to maximum temperature with associated high humidity environments as well as voltage derating, ripple current and current surges. Please reference the AVX Conductive Polymer Capacitor Guidelines for more information or contact factory for application assistance. 112516 133 TCR Series Professional Conductive Polymer Chip Capacitors CAPACITANCE AND RATED VOLTAGE RANGE (LETTER DENOTES CASE SIZE) Capacitance F Code 10 106 15 156 22 226 33 336 47 476 68 686 100 107 150 157 220 227 4V (G) 6.3V (J) 10V (A) 16V (C) Rated Voltage DC (VR) 20V (D) 25V (E) 35V (V) D(70 50V (T) D(120) D(70) B(70) B(70) B(70) D(70) T(70)* D(70) D(70) D(70) D(70) D(40) D(40), Y(40) Available Ratings, (ESR ratings in mOhms in brackets) Engineering samples - please contact manufacturer *Codes under development - subject to change Note: Voltage ratings are minimum values. AVX reserves the right to supply higher ratings in the same case size, to the same reliability standards. RATINGS & PART NUMBER REFERENCE AVX Part No. Case Size Maximum Rated Capacitance Operating Voltage (F) Temperature (V) (C) DCL Max. (A) TCRD227M004#0040J TCRY227M004#0040J D Y 220 220 4 4 125 125 88 88 TCRB226M006#0070J TCRB336M006#0070J TCRB476M006#0070J TCRD157M006#0040J B B B D 22 33 47 150 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 125 125 125 125 13 19 28 90 TCRD686M010#0070J TCRD107M010#0070J D D 68 100 10 10 125 125 68 100 TCRD336M016#0070J TCRD476M016#0070J D D 33 47 16 16 125 125 52 75 TCRD226M020#0070J D 22 20 125 44 TCRD156M025#0070J D 15 25 125 37 TCRD106M035#0070J D 10 35 125 35 TCRD106M050#0120J D 10 50 125 50 DF Max. (%) 4 Volt 6 6 6.3 Volt 6 6 6 6 10 Volt 6 6 16 Volt 6 6 20 Volt 8 25 Volt 8 35 Volt 8 50 Volt 10 ESR Max @ 100kHz (m) MSL 40 40 100kHz RMS Current (mA) 45C 85C 105C 125C Humidity 85C/85%RH, Vr (hrs) 3 3 2400 2200 1700 1500 1100 1000 600 600 1000 500 70 70 70 40 3 3 3 3 1300 1300 1300 2400 900 900 900 1700 600 600 600 1100 300 300 300 600 500 500 500 1000 70 70 3 3 1800 1800 1300 1300 800 800 500 500 1000 1000 70 70 3 3 1800 1800 1300 1300 800 800 500 500 1000 1000 70 3 1800 1300 800 500 1000 70 3 1800 1300 800 500 1000 70 3 1800 1300 800 500 1000 120 3 1400 1000 600 400 500 Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) is defined according to J-STD-020. All technical data relates to an ambient temperature of +25C. Capacitance and DF are measured at 120Hz, 0.5RMS with DC bias of 2.2 volts. DCL is measured at rated voltage after 5 minutes. ESR allowed to move up to 1.25 times catalog limit post mounting. For typical weight and composition see page 223. NOTE: AVX reserves the right to supply a higher voltage rating or tighter tolerance part in the same case size, to the same reliability standards. 134 112516 TCR Series Professional Conductive Polymer Chip Capacitors RECOMMENDED DERATING FACTOR For Vr 10V Voltage and temperature derating as percentage of Vr. For Vr 16V 100% 95% 100% Rated Voltage 95% 90% 85% Rated voltage 10V 16V Operating Temperature 85C 105C 125C 90% 90% 60% 80% 80% 54% 80% Rated Voltage 90% Recommended Application Voltage 85% 80% 75% 75% 70% 70% 67% 65% 60% 60% 60% 55% 50% 50% 85C 105C 67% 65% 55% -55% Recommended Application Voltage 125C 54% -55% 85C 105C 125C QUALIFICATION TABLE TEST Endurance Storage Life Biased Humidity Temperature Stability Surge Voltage Mechanical Shock/Vibration TCR series (Temperature range -55C to +125C) Characteristics Determine after application of rated voltage for 2000 Visual examination no visible damage +48/-0 hours at 1052C. Also determine after appliDCL 2 x initial limit cation of 125C temperature, 2/3 rated voltage for C/C within +20/-30% of initial value 2000 +48/-0 hours. After test leaving 1-2 hours at room temperature. Power supply impedance to be DF 2 x initial limit 0.1/V. ESR 2 x initial limit Visual examination no visible damage DCL 2 x initial limit 125C, 0V, 2000h C/C within 20% of initial value DF 2 x initial limit ESR 2 x initial limit Visual examination no visible damage DCL 3 x initial limit Determine after leaving for 500 or 1000 hours at 852C, 85% relative humidity and rated voltage C/C within +30/-20% of initial value and then recovery 1-2 hours at room temperature. DF 1.5 x initial limit ESR 2 x initial limit Condition Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 TemperatureC +202 -55+0/-3 +202 +85+3/-0 +125+3/-0 +202 Duration(min) 15 15 15 15 15 15 Test temperature: 125C+3/0C Surge voltage: 1.3 x 2/3 rated voltage Charge/Discharge resistance: 1000100 Number of cycles: 1000x Cycle duration: 6 min; 30 sec charge, 5 min 30 sec discharge MIL-STD-202, Method 213, Condition I, 100 G peak MIL-STD-202, Method 204, Condition D, 10 Hz to 2,000 Hz, 20 G peak +20C -55C +20C +85C +125C +20C DCL IL* n/a IL* C/C n/a 20% 5% 20% 30% 5% DF IL* 1.5 x IL* IL* 1.5 x IL* 2 x IL* IL* 10 x IL* 12.5 x IL* Visual examination no visible damage DCL initial limit C/C within +20/-30% of initial value DF 1.25 x initial limit ESR 1.25 x initial limit Visual examination no visible damage DCL initial limit C/C within 10% of initial value DF initial limit ESR 1.25 x initial limit IL* *Initial Limit For use outside of recommended conditions and special request, please contact manufacturer. Initial measurement max. 1hr after the removal from dry pack or after pretreatment at 85C for 24 hours. 112516 135