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For price, delivery, and to place orders, please contact Hittite Microwave Corporation:
20 Alpha Road, Chelmsford, MA 01824 Phone: 978-250-3343 Fax: 978-250-3373
Order On-line at www.hittite.com
General Description
Functional Diagram
The HMC440QS16G(E) is an Integer-n synthesizer
that incorporates a 10 to 1300 MHz digital Phase-
Frequency Detector with 10 to 2800 MHz 5-Bit
Frequency Counter (continuous division from 2 to
32) in miniature 16 lead QSOP plastic packages.
It is intended for use in low phase noise offset-
synthesizer applications. The HMC440QS16G(E)’s
combination of high frequency operation along
with ultra low phase noise oor make possible
synthesizers with wide loop bandwidth and low N
resulting in fast settling and very low phase noise.
When used in conjunction with a differential loop
ampli er, the HMC440QS16G(E) generates an
output voltage that can be used to phase lock a VCO
to a reference oscillator.
Ultra Low SSB Phase Noise Floor:
-153 dBc/Hz @ 10 kHz offset @ 100 MHz
Reference Frequency.
Programmable Divider (N = 2 - 32) Operating
up to 2.8 GHz
Open Collector Output Buffer Ampli ers for
Interfacing w/ Op-Amp Based Loop Filter
QSOP16G SMT Package: 29.4 mm2
Electrical Speci cations, TA = +25° C, Vcc= 5V
Typical Applications
The HMC440QS16G(E) is ideal for:
• Satellite Communication Systems
• Point-to-Point Radios
• Military Applications
• Sonet Clock Generation
Parameter Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units
Maximum Ref. Input Frequency Sine or Square Wave Input 1300 MHz
Minimum Ref. Input Frequency Square Wave Input 10 MHz
Reference Input Power Range 100 MHz Frequency -10 +10 dBm
Maximum VCO Input Frequency Sine or Square Wave Input 2800 MHz
Minimum VCO Input Frequency Square Wave Input 10 MHz
VCO Input Power Range 100 MHz Input Frequency -15 +10 dBm
Output Voltage 200 Ohm Pull Up to Vcc 2000 mV, Pk - Pk
SSB Phase Noise @ 10 kHz Offset @ 100 MHz Ref. Input, Pin= 0 dBm -153 dBc/Hz
Supply Current 250 mA
(N = 2 - 32)
HMC440QS16G / 440QS16GE