Copyright Amprobe 2005 User's Manual DMIII MultiTest AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST INDEX 1. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND PROCEDURES .......................................................................................... 4 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. Forwards .................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Preliminary Instruction ............................................................................................................................................. 4 During Use ............................................................................................................................................................... 5 After Use .................................................................................................................................................................. 5 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................................... 6 2.1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................. 6 2.2. Functions ................................................................................................................................................................. 6 3. PREPARATION FOR USE ........................................................................................................................... 7 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. Initial Control ............................................................................................................................................................ 7 Power Supply ........................................................................................................................................................... 7 Calibration ................................................................................................................................................................ 8 Storage .................................................................................................................................................................... 8 4. INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................................... 9 4.1. Display Description ................................................................................................................................................ 10 4.2. Initial Screen .......................................................................................................................................................... 10 4.3. Backlight function ................................................................................................................................................... 10 5. INITIAL SETTINGS......................................................................................................................................11 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. 5.5. How To Adjust The Contrast .................................................................................................................................. 11 How To Set Date And Time ................................................................................................................................... 11 How To Set The Language .................................................................................................................................... 11 How To Adjust The Country ................................................................................................................................... 11 RESET ................................................................................................................................................................... 12 6. SAFETY TEST FUNCTIONS .......................................................................................................................13 6.1. LOW: Continuity Test with 200mA Test Current ................................................................................................. 13 6.1.1. 6.1.2. 6.1.3. 6.1.4. 6.1.5. Calibrating the test leads ("CAL" Mode) ..........................................................................................................................14 Measurement Procedure .................................................................................................................................................16 Results of "AUTO" mode .................................................................................................................................................17 Results of "RT+" and "RT-" modes ..................................................................................................................................17 "AUTO", RT+", "RT-" faulty cases ....................................................................................................................................19 6.2. INSULATION TEST: Insulation Resistance Measurement ....................................................................................... 21 6.2.1. 6.2.2. 6.2.3. 6.2.4. Measurement Procedure .................................................................................................................................................21 Results of "MAN" mode ...................................................................................................................................................23 Results of "TMR" mode....................................................................................................................................................24 "MAN" and "TIMER" mode faulty cases ...........................................................................................................................25 : Phase Sequence Indicator ............................................................................................................................. 26 6.3. 6.3.1. Measurement procedure and results of " " mode .......................................................................................................26 Faulty Cases ............................................................................................................................................................28 6.3.2. 6.4. GROUND TEST: Soil Resistance and Resistivity Measurements ......................................................................... 30 6.4.1. Measurement procedure and results of "2-W"and "3-W" mode .......................................................................................30 6.4.2. Measurement procedure and results of " " mode .........................................................................................................32 6.4.3. "2-W", "3-W" and " " faulty cases ..................................................................................................................................34 7. POWER QUALITY .......................................................................................................................................36 7.1. Basic Setting: ANALYZER CONFIG ...................................................................................................................... 37 7.1.1. 7.1.2. 7.1.3. 7.1.4. 7.1.5. 7.1.6. Type of electrical system under test ................................................................................................................................37 How to set the fundamental frequency ............................................................................................................................37 How to set the Clamp Type..............................................................................................................................................38 How to set the current range............................................................................................................................................38 How to set the value of the transformer voltage ratio (TV RATIO) ..................................................................................38 How to enable/disable the password ...............................................................................................................................38 7.2. Basic Setting: RECORDER CONFIG..................................................................................................................... 39 7.3. POWER QUALITY FUNCTIONS ........................................................................................................................... 46 EN-1 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST 7.4. "VOLTAGE" function .............................................................................................................................................. 47 7.4.1. 7.4.2. 7.4.3. 7.4.4. Symbols ...........................................................................................................................................................................47 "METER" mode ................................................................................................................................................................48 "HARM" mode ..................................................................................................................................................................49 "WAVE" mode ..................................................................................................................................................................51 7.5. "CURRENT" function ............................................................................................................................................. 52 7.5.1. 7.5.2. 7.5.3. 7.5.4. Symbols ...........................................................................................................................................................................52 "METER" mode ................................................................................................................................................................53 "HARM" mode ..................................................................................................................................................................54 "WAVE" mode ..................................................................................................................................................................56 7.6. "POWER" function ................................................................................................................................................. 57 7.6.1. Symbols ...........................................................................................................................................................................57 7.6.2. "METER" mode ................................................................................................................................................................58 7.6.3. "WAVE" mode ..................................................................................................................................................................60 7.7. "ENERGY" function................................................................................................................................................ 61 7.7.1. Symbols ...........................................................................................................................................................................61 7.7.2. "METER" mode ................................................................................................................................................................62 8. MEASURING PROCEDURES .....................................................................................................................63 8.1. Using the instrument in a single-phase system...................................................................................................... 63 8.2. Using the Instrument in a three-phase 4-wire system ............................................................................................ 64 8.3. Using the Instrument in a three-phase 3-wire system ............................................................................................ 65 9. SAVING RESULTS......................................................................................................................................67 9.1. Saving Safety Test Results .................................................................................................................................... 67 9.2. Saving Displayed Values of POWER QUALITY Function ...................................................................................... 67 10. RECORDINGS .............................................................................................................................................68 10.1. Start A Recording................................................................................................................................................... 68 10.2. During A Recording................................................................................................................................................ 70 10.2.1. MENU key ........................................................................................................................................................................70 10.2.2. Rotary Switch during a recording .....................................................................................................................................71 10.3. Stopping a Recording / Energy Measurement ....................................................................................................... 71 11. INSTRUMENT'S MEMORY .........................................................................................................................72 11.1. SAFETY TEST MEMORY...................................................................................................................................... 72 11.2. ANALYZER MEMORY ........................................................................................................................................... 73 12. CONNECTING THE INSTRUMENT TO A PC .............................................................................................74 13. MAINTENANCE...........................................................................................................................................75 13.1. General Instruction................................................................................................................................................. 75 13.2. Battery Replacement ............................................................................................................................................. 75 13.3. Instrument Cleaning ............................................................................................................................................... 75 14. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................................................................76 14.1. Technical Features ................................................................................................................................................ 76 14.1.1. Safety Test functions .......................................................................................................................................................76 14.1.2. POWER QUALITY function .............................................................................................................................................77 14.2. Standards .............................................................................................................................................................. 78 14.2.1. General ............................................................................................................................................................................78 14.2.2. Safety Test .......................................................................................................................................................................78 14.2.3. POWER QUALITY ...........................................................................................................................................................78 14.3. General Specifications ........................................................................................................................................... 79 14.3.1. 14.3.2. 14.3.3. 14.3.4. Mechanical Data ..............................................................................................................................................................79 Power supply ...................................................................................................................................................................79 Display .............................................................................................................................................................................79 Memory ............................................................................................................................................................................79 14.4. ENVIRONMENT .................................................................................................................................................... 79 14.5. ACCESSORIES ..................................................................................................................................................... 80 15. SERVICE .....................................................................................................................................................81 15.1. WARRANTY CONDITIONS ................................................................................................................................... 81 15.2. SERVICE ............................................................................................................................................................... 81 16. PRACTICAL REPORTS FOR ELECTRICAL TESTS .................................................................................82 EN-2 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST 16.1. Continuity Test On Protective Conductors ............................................................................................................. 82 16.2. Check of the Circuit Separation ............................................................................................................................. 83 16.3. Measurement Of Floor Insulation Resistance In Medical Rooms Cei 64-4 ............................................................ 86 16.4. Ground Resistance Measurement ......................................................................................................................... 88 16.5. Ground Resistivity Measurement ........................................................................................................................... 89 16.6. Voltage Anomalies (Voltage Sag and Surge)......................................................................................................... 91 16.7. Voltage and current Harmonics ............................................................................................................................. 91 16.7.1. 16.7.2. 16.7.3. 16.7.4. Theory ..............................................................................................................................................................................91 Limit values for harmonics ...............................................................................................................................................93 Presence of harmonics: causes .......................................................................................................................................93 Presence of harmonics: consequences ...........................................................................................................................94 16.8. Power and Power Factor definition ........................................................................................................................ 94 16.8.1. Conventions on powers and power factors ......................................................................................................................96 16.8.2. 3 Phase 3 Wire System ...................................................................................................................................................97 16.9. Measuring Method: outlines ................................................................................................................................... 98 16.9.1. Integration periods ...........................................................................................................................................................98 16.9.2. Power factor calculations .................................................................................................................................................98 16.9.3. Voltage Anomalies and Periods Analysis comparison .....................................................................................................98 17. APPENDIX 1 - MESSAGES DISPLAYED ................................................................................................100 18. APPENDIX 2 - RECORDABLE PARAMETERS: SYMBOLS ...................................................................101 Release EN 1.00 of the 31/06/2005 EN-3 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST 1. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND PROCEDURES 1.1. FORWARDS This instrument conforms to the safety standards EN61557 and EN 61010-1 relating to electronic measuring instruments. WARNING For your own safety as well as that of the instrument you are recommended to follow the procedures described in this instruction manual and carefully read all the notes preceded by the symbol . Strictly adhere to the following instructions before and during measurements: Do not measure voltage or current in wet or dusty places; Do not measure in presence of gas, explosive materials or combustibles; Do not touch the circuit under test if no measurement is being taken; Do not touch exposed metal parts, unused terminals, circuits and so on; Do not effect any measurement in case of unusual conditions of the instrument such as deformation, breakage, leakage of substances, absence of display reading etc; Do not use the External power supply adapter (code DMT-EXTPS) if you notice deformation, or breakage in the case, in the wire or in the plugs; Pay careful attention when measuring voltages exceeding 25V in particular places (building yards, swimming pools, etc.) and 50V in ordinary places because of the risk of electric shock; Use only cables and accessories approved by Amprobe; The following symbols are used in this manual: Caution: refer to the instructions in this manual; improper use may damage the apparatus or its components. AC Voltage or Current. Unidirectional pulsating Voltage or Current. Rotary switch of the instrument. 1.2. PRELIMINARY INSTRUCTION This instrument has been designed for use in environments with a pollution level 2 and up to (and no more than) 2000 meters altitude. It can be used for Safety Test on Installation with Over voltage Category III 300V~ (phase to earth) and for voltage and current measurements on installations with over voltage category III 600 V~ phase-to-phase / 300 V~ phase to earth or CATII 350 V phase to earth. EN-4 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST Please keep to the usual safety standards aimed at: Protecting against dangerous currents; Protecting the instrument against incorrect operations. Only the accessories supplied with the instrument guarantee compliance with the safety standards. Accordingly, they must be in good conditions and, if necessary, they must be replaced with identical models. Do not take measurements on circuits exceeding the specified current and voltage limits. Before connecting cables, alligator clips and clamps to the circuit under test, make sure that the right function has been selected. Do not take any measurements under environmental conditions beyond the limits specified in paragraph 14.4. Check that batteries are not weak and are installed correctly. Before connecting test leads to the circuit under test, check that rotary switch position is correct. 1.3. DURING USE Please read the following recommendations carefully and instructions: WARNING Non-compliance with the Warnings and/or Instructions may damage the apparatus and/or its components or injure the operator. Before selecting any function disconnect the test leads from the circuit under test. When the instrument is connected to the circuit under test do not touch any unused terminal. Avoid taking resistance measurements in the presence of external voltages; even though the instrument is protected, a high voltage may cause malfunctions. When measuring current, other currents located near the leads may affect the measuring accuracy. When measuring current, always position the wire in the middle of the jaws in order to obtain the highest accuracy. A measured value remains constant if the "HOLD" function is active. Should you notice that the measured value remains unchanged, disable the "HOLD" function. WARNING The symbol " " shows the battery charge: When it is completely black the batteries are full charged, while the " " symbol indicates weak batteries. When the batteries are too low to execute a test, the instrument will show a warning message. In this case, interrupt testing and replace batteries, following the procedure described in paragraph 13.2. The instrument is capable of keeping the data stored even though batteries are not installed. The Instrument Date and Time settings aren't lost if you change the batteries within 24hours. 1.4. AFTER USE After use, turn off the instrument by pressing & holding ON/OFF for a few seconds. Remove batteries when the apparatus remains unused for long periods. Please follow the storage instructions described at paragraph 14.4. EN-5 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION 2.1. INTRODUCTION Dear Customer, we thank you for your patronage. The instrument you have just purchased will grant you accurate and reliable measurements provided that it is used according to the present manual's instructions. The instrument was designed to grant the user the utmost safety conditions thanks to a new concept assuring double insulation and over voltage category III. 2.2. FUNCTIONS The instrument is able to perform the following tests: LOW: Continuity Test of Protection and Equalising conductors with a test current higher than 200mA and open circuit voltage ranging from 4V to 24V. INSULATION TEST: Measurement of insulation resistance with DC test voltage 50V, 100V, 250V, 500V or 1000V. : GROUND TEST POWER QUALITY: Indication of phase rotation sequence Measurement of Ground Resistance and Resistivity using Earth rods. The Instrument allows the following operations: Display in real time the electrical parameters of a single-phase and three-phase systems and the harmonic analysis of voltage and current. Conduct a direct Energy measurement (without memorizing). Memorize (by pressing the SAVE key) the sampled values of the Parameters present at instrument input generating a "Smp" record inside instrument memory. It will be possible to analyze the memorized data ONLY by transferring it to a PC. Record simultaneously (pressing the START key after a proper set up): RMS values of voltages, currents, corresponding harmonics, active, reactive and apparent powers, power factors and cos, active, reactive and apparent energies, voltage anomalies (voltage sag and surge) with 10ms resolution. It will be possible to analyze the recorded data ONLY by transferring them to a PC. WARNING Please note the difference between memorize and record. These terms will be used repeatedly in this manual. Please focus on their definitions and distinctions. EN-6 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST 3. PREPARATION FOR USE 3.1. INITIAL CONTROL This instrument has been checked mechanically and electrically prior to shipment. Care has been taken to ensure that the instrument reaches you under safe conditions. You are recommended, however, to carry out a rapid check to detect any possible damage, which might have been caused during transport. Should this be the case, immediately contact Amprobe. Also, check that the packaging contains all the parts listed under paragraph 14.5. In case of discrepancies contact the dealer. In case you have to send the instrument back please follow the instructions reported in paragraph 15. 3.2. POWER SUPPLY The instrument can be powered by: 6 batteries 1.5V AA series located in the compartment on the back of the instrument (not included in the package). For battery life see paragraph 14.3.2. An external power supply adapter (code DMT-EXTPS) to be used only for POWER QUALITY functions. We recommend that you use only DMT-EXTPS Amprobe Power Supply adapter. For your own safety you're not able to use the external power supply adapter during Safety Test (LOW, INSULATION TEST, ,GROUND TEST rotary Switch positions). If you press the START button the Instrument will show the message " REMOVE POWER". The symbol shows the battery charge: If it is completely "black" the batteries are fully charged, while the symbol indicates weak batteries. When the batteries are too low to execute the test the instrument will show a warning message. In this case interrupt testing and replace the batteries following the procedure described in paragraph 13.2. The instrument is capable of keeping the data stored even though batteries are not installed. The Instrument Date and Time settings aren't lost if you change the batteries within 24hours. EN-7 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST WARNING For recordings (POWER QUALITY function) ALWAYS use the external power supply adapter (code DMT-EXTPS) even the instrument allows the operator to perform a recording using internal batteries. If during a recording the external power supply adapter is de-energized, the instrument will continue the recording using the internal battery power until the batteries are exhausted (the data stored up to the point the instrument shuts down won't get lost). Because of this we recommend you ALWAYS insert a new set of batteries before a long recording. The instrument uses sophisticated algorithms to prolong the battery life. Specifically: The instrument switches OFF the backlight Automatically after 5 seconds. If the instrument is displaying in real time (and the external power supply adapter is not connected), after about 5 minutes from the last key press or switch rotation the instrument turns off automatically ("AUTOPOWER OFF" procedure). If the instrument is recording or is measuring energy (and the external power supply is not connected), after about 5 minutes from the last key press or switch rotation the instrument starts a special procedure to save the batteries ("ECONOMY MODE"): the instrument keeps recording but the display is turned off. 3.3. CALIBRATION The instrument fulfils the technical specifications listed in this manual. The performance of the specifications is guaranteed for one year. 3.4. STORAGE In order to maintain the accuracy of the measurements, after a period of storage in extreme environmental conditions, wait the necessary time for the apparatus to return to normal operating conditions (see environmental specifications listed in paragraph 14.4). EN-8 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST 4. INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION LEGEND: 1 1. Display 2. Function Keys 3. Rotary switch 2 F1 F2 F3 F4 3 START STOP SAVE HOLD ENTER MENU ESC Front panel of the Instrument F1 F2 F3 F4 Multifunction Keys. ON/OFF START STOP ON/OFF and backlight key. Press it for few seconds to switch OFF the instrument, press it briefly to activate the backlight function. This key starts (and stops) the measurements. This key saves the result displayed. SAVE HOLD ENTER This key has 2 functions: it is the confirmation key inside the configuration menu and it freezes the displayed results using the POWER QUALITY function. MENU This key opens the General Configuration Menu. ESC This key cancels modification in the configuration menus or the selected working modes. EN-9 AMPROBE 4.1. DMIII MULTITEST DISPLAY DESCRIPTION The display is a graphic module with a resolution of 128 x 128 pixels The first line of the display shows date and time. If not correct, you can set the exact ones according to the procedure described at paragraph 5.2. On the top right corner of the display you can always see the battery indicator and, if the external power supply adapter (code DMT-EXTPS) is connected, the corresponding symbol. LOW 27.09.00 05.06.01 SINGLE PHASE VOLTAGE ---- R+ ---- ---mA 17:35:12 V1 Vpk1 ThdV freq R---- ---mA = = = = 230.2 V 325.5 V 0.0 % 50.0 Hz AUTO 0.11 FUNC CAL HARM WAVE These symbols will be omitted in the following illustrations. 4.2. INITIAL SCREEN When turning on the instrument by pressing ON/OFF, this screen will appear for a few seconds: DMIII Multitest AMPROBE SN:00000000 V: X.XX BAUD RATE 57600 Here you can see: Serial number of the instrument (SN.:) Firmware software release (V.X.XX:) Transmission speed through serial RS232 (Baud Rate) 4.3. BACKLIGHT FUNCTION When the instrument is turned on, pressing, briefly, the ON/OFF button, the backlight will be enabled. The light will be automatically turned off after 5 seconds. If the batteries are too low the instrument will automatically disable the backlight function. EN-10 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST 5. INITIAL SETTINGS By pressing the MENU key the following screen will be displayed: MENU GENERAL SAFETY TEST MEMORY ANALYZER MEMORY RESET ANALYZER CONFIG RECORDER CONFIG CONTRAST DATE&TIME LANGUAGE COUNTRY It's not possible to enter the MENU during a recording or a Real Time Energy measurement. Pressing this button during a recording will display the main recording parameters (see paragraph 10.2). 5.1. HOW TO ADJUST THE CONTRAST By pressing the multifunction keys F1 and F2, position the cursor on the CONTRAST item and then press the ENTER key. By pressing the multifunction keys F3 and F4, adjust the contrast (higher values correspond to a higher contrast while lower values correspond to a lower contrast) and press the ENTER key to SAVE the change or press ESC to quit the modification. This setting will remain unchanged after turning off the instrument. 5.2. HOW TO SET DATE AND TIME By pressing the multifunction keys F1 and F2, position the cursor on the DATE&TIME item and then press the ENTER key. The time is expressed as hh:mm (2 digit for hours, 2 digit for minutes) military time. Press the ENTER key to SAVE the change or press ESC to quit the modification. This setting will remain unchanged after turning off the instrument. 5.3. HOW TO SET THE LANGUAGE By pressing the multifunction keys F1 and F2, position the cursor on the LANGUAGE (EN) or LINGUA (IT) item and confirm it by pressing the ENTER key. By pressing the multifunction keys F1 and F2, position the cursor on the desired language and press the ENTER key to SAVE the change or press ESC to cancel the modification. This setting will remain unchanged after turning off the instrument. 5.4. HOW TO ADJUST THE COUNTRY By pressing the multifunction keys F1 and F2, position the cursor on the COUNTRY item and confirm it by pressing the ENTER key. By pressing the multifunction keys F1 and F1, select the Country among the following possibilities: UE_m: European Countries: Distance setting in "meter" for Resistivity measurement Date format DD/MM/YY US_m: United States: Distance setting in "meter" for Resistivity measurement Date format MM/DD/YY US_ft: United States: Distance setting in "feet" for Resistivity measurement Date format MM/DD/YY Press the ENTER key to SAVE the change or press ESC to quit the modification. This setting will remain unchanged after turning off the instrument. EN-11 AMPROBE 5.5. DMIII MULTITEST RESET This option re-establishes the default settings of the instrument. ANALYZER CONFIG: Type of electrical equipment: Three Phase 4 wires Frequency: not modified Clamp full scale: not modified Clamp type: not modified Transforming ratio of voltmetric transformers: 1 Password: disabled RECORDER CONFIG: Start: manual (the recording is started at 00 sec mark on clock after pressing START/STOP) Stop: manual Integration period: 15min Recording of harmonics: ON Recording of voltage anomalies (sags and surges): ON Voltage reference for detection of sags and surges: 110V Upper limit for detection of sags and surges: 6% Lower limit for detection of sags and surges: 10% Selected voltages: V1, V2, V3 Selected voltage harmonics: THD, 01, 03, 05, 07 Selected currents: I1, I2, I3, IN Selected current harmonics: THD, 01, 03, 05, 07 CO-GENERATION: OFF Selected powers, Pf and cos: Pt, P1, P2, P3 Qti, Q1i, Q2i, Q3i Qtc, Q1c, Q2c, Q3c St, S1, S2, S3 Pft, Pf1, Pf2, Pf3 dpft, dpf1, dpf2, dpf3 Energies: Eat, Ea1, Ea2, Ea3 Erit, Eri1, Eri2, Eri3 Erct, Erc1, Erc2, Erc3 Est, Es1, Es2, Es3 The RESET command will not erase the instrument's memory. EN-12 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST 6. SAFETY TEST FUNCTIONS 6.1. LOW: CONTINUITY TEST WITH 200mA TEST CURRENT The measurement is taken according to EN 61557-2 and VDE 0413 part 4. WARNING Before carrying out the continuity test be sure that there is no voltage at the ends of the conductor under test. Turn the rotary knob to the LOW position. This key allows the operator to select one of the following measuring modes: AUTO mode (the instrument carries out two measurements with reversed polarity and displays their average value). This mode is recommended for the continuity test. RT+ mode (measurement with positive polarity and the ability to set the duration time of the test). In this case the operator can set a measuring time long enough to permit them to move the protective conductors while the instrument is carrying out the test so as to detect any bad connections. RT- mode (measurement with negative polarity and the ability to set the duration time of the test). In this case the operator can set a measuring time long enough to permit him to move the protective conductors while the instrument is carrying out the test so as to detect any bad connection. This key permits the operator to perform a calibration (compensation for the resistance of the cables used for the measurement). N.B. If the resistance is lower than 5 (including the resistance of the calibration) the continuity test is executed by the instrument with a test current higher than 200mA. If the resistance is higher than 5 the continuity test is executed by the instrument with a current lower than 200mA. We recommend that you check the calibration of the test leads before executing a measurement according to next paragraph. EN-13 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST 6.1.1. Calibrating the test leads ("CAL" Mode) 1. Connect the black and yellow test leads to T1 and T4 input terminals respectively. I1 T1 (V1) I2 I3 T2 T3 T4 (V2) (V3) (COM) Connection of instrument terminals during calibration procedure. 2. If the test leads supplied with the instrument are not long enough for the measurement you can extend the black cable. 3. Short-circuit the measuring cable ends making sure that the conductive parts of the alligator clips make good contact with each other (see previous picture). 4. Press the F2 key. The instrument performs the calibration. WARNING Never disconnect the test leads when the message "MEASURING" is displayed. LOW 05.06.01 ---- R+ ---- ---mA AUTO 0.11 FUNC CAL R---- ---mA A numerical value in this field means that the instrument has been calibrated; this value remains on the display for any further measurement even though the unit is switched off and on again. 5. At the end of the test the result is stored and used as OFFSET (that is to say that it is subtracted from any continuity test carried out) for all the subsequent measurements. Note: The instrument performs the calibration only if the resistance of the test leads is lower than 5. EN-14 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST TEST LEADS Before each measurement always assure that the calibration is for the cables in use. During a continuity test, if the resistance value free of calibration (that is the resistance value less the calibration offset value) is negative, the symbol is displayed. Probably the calibration resistance value stored in the instrument memory is not for the cables in use, therefore a new calibration must be performed. Procedure to reset test leads calibration parameters To cancel calibration parameters it is necessary to perform a calibration procedure with a resistance of test leads higher than 5 (for example with open test leads). When a cancellation is effected the screen to the right is displayed temporarily. LOW 05.06.01 >99.9 R+ ---- ---mA AUTO FUNC R---- ---mA 0.11 CAL EN-15 Message >99.9: means that the instrument detected a resistance higher than 5 therefore it will proceed with Reset procedure. AMPROBE 6.1.2. DMIII MULTITEST Measurement Procedure 1. Select the desired mode using the F1 key. 2. Connect the black and yellow test leads to T1 and T4 input terminals respectively I1 T1 (V1) I2 I3 T2 T3 T4 (V2) (V3) (COM) Connection of the test leads during LOW test. START STOP 3. If the cables supplied with the instrument are not long enough for the measurement you can extend the black cable. 4. Short-circuit the test leads making sure that the conductive parts of the alligator clips make a good contact to each other. Press the START key. If the display doesn't show 0.00 repeat the test leads calibration (see paragraph 6.1.1). 5. Connect the instrument terminals to the ends of the conductor under test (see previous picture). 6. If the mode "RT+" or "RT-" was selected use the F3, F4 keys to set the duration of the test. 7. Press the START key. The instrument will execute the measurement. In RT+/RT(Timer mode) you can press START key again if you want to stop the test before the duration set is expired. ATTENTION Never disconnect the test leads when the message "Measuring" is displayed. EN-16 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST 6.1.3. Results of "AUTO" mode At the end of the test, if the average resistance value Ravg is lower than 5 the instrument emits a double sound signal indicating the positive outcome of the test and displays a screen similar to the screen to the right. LOW 05.06.01 1.05 R+ 1.07 219mA R1.03 219mA Average resistance value (Ravg) Resistance values and corresponding test currents obtained after exchanging the polarities of test leads AUTO 0.11 FUNC CAL The displayed result can be stored by pressing the SAVE key twice (refer to paragraph 9.1). 6.1.4. Results of "RT+" and "RT-" modes If a resistance value RT+ or RT- lower than 5 is detected, the instrument emits a double sound signal indicating the positive outcome of the test displays a screen similar to the screen to the right. Note: LOW 05.06.01 Max Resistance value of R+ or R-. Test current 1.07 219mA Duration of the Test RT+ 0.11 TIME: 10s FUNC CAL We recommend the use of alligator clips and to assure the alligator clips make good contact with the conductor under test. Indeed, in this test the instrument gives as a final result the maximum measured value of R+ or R- and using test leads instead of alligator clips could give you faulty results due to faulty contact between the test leads and conductor under test The displayed result can be stored by pressing the SAVE key twice (refer to paragraph 9.1). EN-17 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST EN-18 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST 6.1.5. "AUTO", RT+", "RT-" faulty cases If the instrument detect the External Power supply adapter connected to instrument will show the message displayed to the right. LOW 05.06.01 - .- - R+ --- ---mA Disconnect the External Power Supply Adapter R--- ---mA REMOVE POWER AUTO FUNC If the terminal voltage is higher than 15V, the instrument does not perform the test and displays the screen to the right for 5 seconds. 0.11 CAL LOW 05.06.01 -.- - R+ -.-- ---mA R-.-- ---mA ATTENTION: the test was not performed because of voltage at the terminal ends. VOLT IN INPUT AUTO 0.11 FUNC CAL In the case that: RCALIBRATION>RMEASURED the instrument displays the screen to the right. LOW 05.06.01 0.00 R+ 0.00 219mA R0.00 219mA CAL > RES AUTO FUNC 0.11 CAL EN-19 ATTENTION: RCALIBRATION >RMEASURED AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST THE PREVIOUS RESULTS CAN'T BE SAVED. If the value of Resistance is higher than 5 (but lower than 99.9) the instrument emits a long beep and displays a screen similar to the screen to the right LOW 05.06.01 5.17 Resistance than 5 value higher Test current R+ 5.17 209mA R5.17 209mA AUTO 0.11 FUNC CAL The displayed result can be stored pressing the SAVE key twice (refer to paragraph 9.1). If the value of Resistance is higher than 99.9 the instrument emits a long beep and displays the screen to the right. LOW 05.06.01 > 99.9 R+ -.-- ---mA AUTO FUNC Resistance than 99.9 value higher ATTENTION: Value of Resistance Out of Range R-.-- ---mA 0.11 CAL The displayed result can be stored pressing the SAVE key twice (refer to paragraph 9.1). EN-20 AMPROBE 6.2. INSULATION TEST: DMIII MULTITEST INSULATION RESISTANCE MEASUREMENT The measurements comply with IEC 61557-2 and VDE 0413 part 1. ATTENTION Before performing an insulation test make sure that the circuit under test is not energised and all the loads are disconnected. Turn the rotary knob to the INSULATION TEST position. The F1 key allows the operator to select one of the following measuring modes: MAN mode (Manual mode) Recommended test. TMR mode (Timer mode: test duration depends on the selected interval from 10 to 999 seconds). This test can be executed when the test required a defined duration. 6.2.1. Measurement Procedure 1. Select the desired mode using the F1 key. 2. Connect the test leads to the instrument input terminals T1 and T4 respectively, M I1 T1 (V1) I2 I3 T2 T3 T4 (V2) (V3) (COM) Example: insulation measurement between phase and earth in an electrical installation using untied cables. 3. If the cables supplied with the instrument are not long enough for the measurement you can extend the black cable. 4. Connect the instrument terminals to the object that is to be submitted to the insulation test after de-energizing the circuit under test and all the relative loads (see previous picture). 5. By means of F2 select the test voltage suitable for the type of test to be performed (see Table1). The values to be selected are: 50V (test on telecommunication system) 100V 250V 500V 1000V EN-21 AMPROBE Standard DMIII MULTITEST Brief description Test voltage Maximum limit value EN60439 EN60204 Systems SELV or PELV Systems up to 500V (Civil installations) Systems over 500V Floor and wall insulation in civil installations Floor and wall insulation in systems over 500V Electrical panel boards 230/400V Electrical equipment of machines 250VDC 500VDC 1000VDC 500VDC 1000VDC 500VDC 500VDC CEI 64-4 Floor insulation in medical rooms 500VDC > 0.250M > 0.500M > 1.0M > 50k (se V<500V) > 100k (se V>500V) > 230k > 1M <1M (if the floor is at least 1 year old) <100M (if the floor is at least 1year old) CEI 64-8/6 CEI 64-8/4 Table1: Table2: Table reporting the test voltage and the corresponding limit values for few Guidelines. Rated voltage selected for the test RMAX = Maximum resistance value 50VDC 100VDC 250VDC 500VDC 1000VDC 99.9M 199.9M 499M 999M 1999M Table of maximum resistance values which can be measured under M mode depending on the rated voltage selected. 6. If the "TMR" mode was selected use the F3, F4 keys to set the duration time of the test: ATTENTION Never disconnect the test leads from the circuit under test when the message "MEASURING" is being displayed, as the circuit under test may remain charged at a dangerous voltage. The instrument has an internal "safety resistor" which is connect to output terminal before the end of the test in order to discharge the parasite capacities of the installation. START STOP 7. Press the START key. The instrument will start the test. MAN Mode: The test will take 4 seconds (maximum). If you keep the START key pressed longer than 4 seconds the test continues until the key is released. TMR mode: The test will take the time set. If you want to stop the test when it's running, press the START/STOP key again. EN-22 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST 6.2.2. Results of "MAN" mode At the end of the test if the insulation resistance is lower than RMAX (see Table2) and the instrument generates the Nominal test Voltage, the instrument emits a double beep, indicating the positive outcome of the test and displays a screen similar to the screen to the right. M 05.06.01 Insulation Resistance Voltage during the Test 1.07 Duration of the Test M Test mode 514V 15s Test voltage set MAN 500V FUNC VNOM In order to evaluate the test you must compare the result with the limits indicated in the Guidelines (see Table1). The displayed result can be stored pressing the SAVE key twice (according to paragraph 9.1). If the Insulation resistance is higher than RMAX (see Table2), the instrument emits a double beep at the end of the test indicating the positive outcome of the test and displays one screen similar to the screen to the right. M 05.06.01 > 999 M 523V MAN FUNC 15s 500V Maximum resistance value which can be measured (999 is displayed if a rated voltage of 500V was selected, see Table2). The symbol ">" means that the resistance value is higher than RMAX . Test duration VNOM The displayed result can be stored by pressing the SAVE key twice (refer to paragraph 9.1). EN-23 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST 6.2.3. Results of "TMR" mode At the end of the test if the Insulation resistance is lower than RMAX (see Table2) and the instrument generated the Nominal test Voltage, the instrument emits a double beep indicating the positive outcome of the test and displays a screen similar to the screen to the right. M 05.06.01 Insulation Resistance Voltage during the Test 1.07 M Duration of the Test Test mode 514V 15s TMR 500V TIME:60s FUNC VNOM The displayed result can be stored by pressing the SAVE key twice (according to paragraph 9.1). If the Insulation resistance is higher than RMAX (see Table2), the instrument emits a double beep at the end of the test indicating the positive outcome of the test and displays a screen similar to the screen to the right. M 05.06.01 > 999 M 523V 15s TMR 500V TIME:60s FUNC VNOM Maximum resistance value that can be measured (999 is displayed if a rated voltage of 500V was selected, see Table2). The symbol ">" means that the resistance value is higher than RMAX . Test duration The displayed result can be stored pressing the SAVE key twice (according to paragraph 9.1). EN-24 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST 6.2.4. "MAN" and "TIMER" mode faulty cases If the instrument detects the External Power supply adapter the instrument will show the message displayed to the right. M 05.06.01 -.- M ---V - Disconnect the External Power Supply Adapter 15s REMOVE POWER MAN FUNC If the instrument detects a Voltage between the input terminals higher than 15V, the instrument does not perform the test and displays the screen to the right for 5 seconds. 500V VNOM M 05.06.01 -.- - M ---V ATTENTION: the test can't be executed. Check that the circuit is not energized. 15s VOLT IN INPUT MAN FUNC 500V VNOM This result can't be saved If the instrument can't generate the Nominal Test Voltage it will emit a long beep and displays a screen similar to the screen to the right. M 05.06.01 M 1.17 107V MAN FUNC 15s Insulation Resistance ATTENTION: the test of resistance RISO was taken at a voltage value lower than the set rated voltage. Low insulation case. This case occurs under low insulation conditions or in the presence of capacitance on the installation. 500V VNOM Test Duration EN-25 AMPROBE 6.3. DMIII MULTITEST The displayed result can be stored by pressing the SAVE key twice (refer to paragraph 9.1). : PHASE SEQUENCE INDICATOR Turn the rotary knob to the position. 6.3.1. Measurement procedure and results of " " mode 1. Connect the Black, Red and Blue connectors of the split cables to their corresponding input terminals of the instrument T1, T2, T3. L1 L3 I1 T1 I2 (V1) I3 T2 T3 T4 (V2) (V3) (COM) Instrument connection for Phase Sequence Detection in a 400V three-phase system 2. Press the START key to execute a test. At the end of the test the instrument emits a double beep indicating that the test has correctly terminated and displays the values to the right. LOOP 05.06.01 Phase Sequence OK Value of the Phase to Phase Voltage 123 FRQ=60.0HZ V2-3=113V V1-2=115V V3-1=114V OK Working mode This result can be stored pressing the SAVE key twice (refer to paragraph 9.1). EN-26 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST EN-27 AMPROBE 6.3.2. DMIII MULTITEST Faulty Cases In the " " mode, if a Phase-to-Phase voltage is lower than 100V, the instrument displays the screen to the right. LOOP 05.06.01 - - - FRQ =60.0HZ V1-2=111V V2-3= 0 V V3-1= 0V LOW VOLTAGE T Phase "T2 Voltage is lower than 100V PHASE ROTATION In the " " mode, if the instrument detects two phases connected together it displays the screen to the right. LOOP 05.06.01 - - FRQ =60.0HZ V2-3= 0 V V1-2=107V V3-1=107V PHASE DOUBLED Two phases are connected together. PHASE ROTATION THE PREVIOUS RESULTS CANNOT BE SAVED. In the mode, if the voltage of one or more phase is too low, one or more phases has a low voltage the instrument will show a screen similar to the along side displayed. LOOP 05.06.01 Phase correct Sequence not 123 FRQ =60.0HZ V2-3= 0V V1-2=391V V3-1= 0V NOT CORRECT EN-28 Message "LOW Voltage Phase T": means that Phase T has a low voltage value. Similar message for Phase R and S. AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST This result can be stored pressing the SAVE key twice (refer to paragraph 9.1). EN-29 AMPROBE 6.4. DMIII MULTITEST GROUND TEST: SOIL RESISTANCE AND RESISTIVITY MEASUREMENTS Turn the rotary knob to the GROUND TEST position. The F1 key permits to select one of the following measuring modes (which can be shown cyclically when pressing the key): Mode "2-W" (the instrument measures the resistance between 2 points). Mode "3-W" (the instrument measures the resistance using two auxiliary earth rods). Mode "" (the instrument measures the ground resistivity). ATTENTION Never disconnect the test leads from the circuit under test when the message "MEASURING" is displayed 6.4.1. Measurement procedure and results of "2-W"and "3-W" mode 1. Select "2-W" or "3-W" Ground measurement mode by means of the F1 key. 2. Connect the Black, Red, Blue and Yellow cables to the corresponding input terminals of the instrument T1, T2, T3, T4 (see possible connections in the following pictures). Transf I1 T1 (V1) I2 1 1 1 3 N 3 N 3 N I1 T1 I3 T2 T3 T4 (V2) (V3) (COM) (V1) Connection for 3 point Earth resistance measurement I2 I3 T2 T3 T4 (V2) (V3) (COM) Connection for 2 point Earth Resistance measurement 1 3 N I1 T1 (V1) I2 I3 T2 T3 T4 (V2) (V3) (COM) Connection for measuring the resistance between an extraneous conductive part and the earth system START STOP 3. Press the START key. The instrument starts the test. EN-30 AMPROBE At the end of the test the instrument emits a double beep indicating that the test is correctly terminated and displays the values to the right. DMIII MULTITEST EARTH 05.06.01 0.77 Ground Resistance expressed in . value Voltage value of electrical noise Vd= 1V Number of Test Test:04 RAVG=0.74 3-W FUNC Average Value of Ground Resistance calculated over the Number of Test displayed. CLR "3 Point" Working mode 4. The instrument will show automatically the average value of the Ground resistance calculate over the tests performed. Press F2 to RESET this value and the number of Test. This result can be stored by pressing the SAVE key twice (refer to paragraph 9.1). EN-31 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST 6.4.2. Measurement procedure and results of "" mode 1. Select measurement mode by means of the F1 key. 2. Select the distance d between the earth rods by means the F3 and F4 keys. The Distance measuring unit comply with Country setting (see par. 5.4). 3. Connect the 4 Black, Red, Blue and Yellow connectors of the single cables in the corresponding input terminals of the instrument T1, T2, T3, T4. I1 T1 I2 (V1) d I3 T2 T3 T4 (V2) (V3) (COM) d d Instrument connection for Earth resistivity measurement START STOP 4. Press the START key. The instrument starts the test. At the end of the test the instrument emits a double beep indicating that the test is correctly terminated and displays the values to the right. EARTH 05.06.01 1.77 m Ground Resistivity expressed in m. value Voltage value of electrical noise Vd= 1V Number of Test Test:04 AVG=0.74 FUNC CLR Average Value of Ground Resistivity calculated over the Number of Test displayed. DIST= 2m "" Working mode 5. The instrument will show automatically the Average value of the Ground Resistivity calculate over the tests performed. Press F2 to RESET this value and the number of Test. This result can be stored by pressing the SAVE key twice (refer to paragraph 9.1). EN-32 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST EN-33 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST 6.4.3. "2-W", "3-W" and "" faulty cases If the instrument detects the External Power supply adapter connected to instrument will show the message displayed to the right. EARTH 05.06.01 - - - Disconnect the External Power Supply Adapter Vd= ---V Test:04 RAVG=0.74 REMOVE POWER 3-W FUNC If the Instrument detect a voltage values higher than 5V the instrument will shows the screen displayed to the right. CLR EARTH 05.06.01 - - Warning symbol: noise in input. Voltage Message "Rc": Auxiliary Earth rods. Check - Vd= 230V Test:04 RAVG=0.74 VOLT IN INPUT 3-W FUNC The message "Rc high" indicates that the instrument can't produce the minimum current necessary for measurement. Check that the terminals are correctly connected and the Auxiliary earth rod connected to T4 (yellow conductor) has not been inserted in a pebbly or poorly conductive ground. If necessary pour some water around the rod. CLR EARTH 05.06.01 - - - Vd= 1V Test:04 RAVG=0.74 Rc HIGH 3-W FUNC CLR EN-34 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST THE PREVIOUS RESULTS CANNOT BE SAVED. If the Instrument detects a Resistance value higher than 1999, the instrument will show the screen to the right. EARTH 05.06.01 > 1999 Message ">1999" means that the resistance value is higher than the maximum measurable. Vd= 1V Test:04 RAVG=0.74 3-W FUNC CLR This result can be stored pressing the SAVE key twice (refer to paragraph 9.1). If the Instrument detects a Resistivity value higher than 1999km, the instrument will show the screen to the right. EARTH 05.06.01 > 1999km Message ">1999" means that the resistivity value is higher than the maximum measurable. Vd= 1V Test:04 AVG=0.74km FUNC CLR DIST=5m This result can be stored pressing the SAVE key twice (refer to paragraph 9.1). EN-35 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST 7. POWER QUALITY This function allows the following operations: display in real time the electrical parameters of a single phase system or a three phase system (with and without neutral wire) and the harmonic analysis of voltage and current. conduct a direct Energy measurement (without memorizing). memorize (pressing SAVE key) the sampled values of the Parameters present at instrument input generating a "Smp" record inside instrument memory. It will be possible to analyse the memorized data ONLY by transferring it to a PC. record simultaneously (pressing the START key after a proper setting): RMS values of voltage, current, corresponding harmonics, active, reactive and apparent powers, power factors and cos, active, reactive and apparent energies, voltage anomalies (voltage sag and surge) with 10ms resolution. It will be possible to analyse the recorded data ONLY by transferring them to a PC. It's fundamental the Instrument settings correspond to the Installation type under test and accessories is use. For this we recommend you to check instrument's setting before execute an ANALYSIS measurement. Select the POWER QUALITY rotary switch position. By pressing the MENU key the following screen will be displayed: MENU GENERAL SAFETY TEST MEMORY ANALYZER MEMORY RESET ANALYZER CONFIG RECORDER CONFIG CONTRAST DATE&TIME LANGUAGE COUNTRY It's not possible to enter the MENU during a recording or a Real Time Energy measurement. Generally to check instrument's settings you must check "ANALYZER CONFIG" and "RECORDER CONFIG" items. EN-36 AMPROBE 7.1. DMIII MULTITEST BASIC SETTING: ANALYZER CONFIG Place the rotary switch in the POWER QUALITY position, press the MENU key, using the F1/F2 keys select the ANALYZER CONFIG item and press the ENTER Key. The following page will be displayed: ANALYZER CONFIG SYSTEM :3PH4W FREQUENCY:60HZ CURRENT RANGE:1000A CLAMP TYPE: FlexINT TV RATIO:0001 PASSWORD:OFF + - This page of setting can be confirmed by pressing the ENTER key or cancelled by pressing the ESC key. 7.1.1. Type of electrical system under test This parameter allows to select the type of electrical system under test among the following configurations: SINGLE: 3PH3W: 3PH4W: single-phase system 3-wire system (three-phase system without neutral) 4-wire system (three-phase system with neutral) The connections to the instrument inputs will have to comply with the selected type of system. Position the cursor on the corresponding word by pressing the multifunction keys F1 and F2 and set the desired value by pressing the multifunction keys F3 and F4. 7.1.2. How to set the fundamental frequency Position the cursor on the corresponding word by pressing the multifunction keys F1 and F2 and select the network frequency between the possible values 50Hz and 60Hz by pressing the multifunction keys F3 and F4. This parameter is important ONLY if the input voltage is not sufficient to recognise the value of the frequency (for example, only the clamps for the current measurement are connected). In this case the instrument generates an internal synchronism equal to the value of the set frequency. EN-37 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST 7.1.3. How to set the Clamp Type The value of this parameter must be always equal to the type of clamp being used. Three types of clamps are available: STD: STANDARD clamps or current transformers FlexEXT: FLEXIBLE clamps with EXTERNAL power supply. FlexINT: FLEXIBLE clamps AM-Flex33 (coils directly connected to the instrument inputs). These clamps allow 1000A and 3000A range. Set the desired value by pressing the multifunction keys F3 and F4. 7.1.4. How to set the current range Position the cursor on the corresponding word by pressing the multifunction keys F1 and F2 and set the desired value by pressing the multifunction keys F3 and F4. For STD and FlexEXT the value of this parameter must be always equal to the full scale of the current clamp used to take the measurement. In case multi-scale clamp is used, the value of this parameter must be equal to the scale selected on the clamp. For FlexINT (AM-Flex33) only two ranges are available: 1000A and 3000A. 7.1.5. How to set the value of the transformer voltage ratio (TV RATIO) The instrument can also be interfaced with step-down transformers in the equipment under test: it can display the value of he voltages present on the primary winding of these transformers. To do this it will be necessary to set the value of the transformers' windings ratio from 2:1 to 3000:1. The default is set at 1:1 for measurements of none transformer systems. Select "TV RATIO" in the ANALYZER CONFIG menu. Set the desired value by pressing the multifunction keys F3 and F4. 7.1.6. How to enable/disable the password The instrument is provided with a protective routine to avoid the risk of being disturbed or interrupted during a recording or an energy measurement. Once a recording or a direct energy measurement has been started (with the option "PASSWORD" enabled), after about 3 minutes from the last key pressure or switch rotation it won't be possible to press START/STOP to stop the recording, "PASSWORD" will be displayed and it will be necessary to insert the password. In order to insert the password (which is not changeable), press the multifunction keys in the following sequence (within 10 seconds): F1, F4, F3, F2 If you wait more than about 10 seconds the display will return to the meter mode and the instrument will continue recording. If you insert a wrong password the message "Password error" will be displayed under "PASSWORD". After a few seconds the display will return to meter mode and the instrument will continue recording. In order to enable/disable this option the correct password will have to be entered. The display will return to meter mode and START/STOP will have to be pressed again to stop the recording. You will then need to re-enter the "ANALYZER CONFIG" menu and scroll up or down to the item "PASSWORD: ON" using the multifunction keys F1 and F2. Then turn the password off by pressing the multifunction keys F3 and F4. EN-38 AMPROBE 7.2. DMIII MULTITEST BASIC SETTING: RECORDER CONFIG Place the rotary switch in the POWER QUALITY position, press the MENU key, using the F1/F2 keys select the RECORDER CONFIG item and press the ENTER Key. This option allows you to check and eventually modify the recording parameters and the selected parameters (up to a maximum of 62+Frequency). If the number of selected values exceeds 63 the message "too many param" will be displayed. The RECORDER CONFIG mode is divided into 4 separate sub-pages: 1st page: This page allows you to set the START/ STOP mode (AUTO or MANUAL), the START and STOP time if AUTO mode is selected, the Integration Period value, the Enabling/Disabling of Voltage Anomalies detection, the Enabling/Disabling of Harmonics detection. Press ENTER to confirm the settings and pass to the following page. Press ESC to leave the Menu without modifying the existing parameters. 2nd page: This page is devoted to the settings relevant to the VOLTAGE recording. Press ENTER to confirm the settings and pass to the following page. Press ESC to leave this page without modifying the existing parameters. From this page you can enter the sub-page "Harmonics" which permits to select the voltage harmonics to be recorded. Press ENTER to confirm the settings and leave the "Menu Harmonics". Press ESC to leave the "Menu Harmonics" without modifying the existing parameters. 3rd page: This page is devoted to the settings relevant to the CURRENT recording. Press ENTER to confirm the settings and pass to the following page. Press ESC to leave this page without modifying the existing parameters. From this page you can enter the sub-page "Harmonics" which permits to select the current harmonics to be recorded. Press ENTER to confirm the settings and leave the "Menu Harmonics". Press ESC to leave the "Menu Harmonics" without modifying the existing parameters. 4th page: Menu composed of two sub-pages devoted to the selection of the POWERS and ENERGIES to be recorded. From this page you can enter the sub-page "POWER" and "ENERGY" which permits to select the parameters to be recorded. Selecting the active powers for the recording, the corresponding active energies will be automatically selected. Selecting the reactive powers for the recording, the corresponding reactive energies will be selected. Press ENTER to leave this page confirming the modifications made. Press ESC to leave the "Menu" without modifying the existing parameters. The various pages of the "RECORDER CONFIG" can be schematised as follows: EN-39 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST MENU To Select MANUAL or AUTOMATIC start/stop mode, place the cursor on MANU or AUTO using the multifunction key F1 or F2 and select the desired mode using F3 or F4. RECORDER CONFIG START MANU STOP MANU INT. PERIOD: 15min HARM REC: ON ANOM REC: ON + - 1st Page of the RECORDER CONFIG MENU Use the multifunction keys F1, F2 to position the cursor on the desired symbol and use the multifunction keys F3 / F4 to select / deselect the desired parameter (it's selected if marked in black). Press ENTER to confirm and leave the Menu keeping the settings made. Press ESC to leave this page without modifying the existing parameters. Use the multifunction keys F1, F2 to position the cursor on the desired word and use the multifunction keys F3 / F4 to modify the value. Press ENTER to confirm this page and proceed inside the Menu the Menu keeping the settings made. Press ESC to leave this page without modifying the existing parameters. ENTER RECORDER CONFIG VOLTAGE: V1 V2 V3 V12 V23 V31 HARM. REC:Pg (ON) Vref P-N: 110V LIM+: 06% (116.6V) LIM-: 10% (99.0V) + - Example of 2nd page with ANOM flag enabled If you want to change Voltage Harm. Selection place the cursor on the corresponding "Pg" symbol then Press F3 RECORDER CONFIG VOLTAGE HARMONICS ENTER 05 12 19 26 33 40 47 Thd 06 13 20 27 34 41 48 DC 07 14 21 28 35 42 49 01 08 15 22 29 36 43 02 09 16 23 30 37 44 + 03 10 17 24 31 38 45 04 11 18 25 32 39 46 - Example of sub-page "VOLTAGE HARMONICS" EN-40 Use the multifunction keys F1, F2 to position the cursor on the desired voltage harmonic and use the multifunction keys F3 / F4 to select / deselect (it's selected if highlighted in black). Press ENTER to confirm this page. Press ESC to leave the Menu without modifying the existing settings. The instrument will record the values of the selected harmonics corresponding to the voltages selected in one of the two pages of the Menu previously illustrated. AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST From 2nd page of RECORDER CONFIG MENU ENTER Use the multifunction keys F1, F2 to position the cursor on the desired word and use the multifunction keys F3 / F4 to modify the value or select / deselect the desired parameter (it's selected if marked in black). Press ENTER to confirm. Press ESC to leave the Menu without modifying the existing settings. RECORDER CONFIG CURRENT: I1 I2 I3 IN HARM. REC:Pg (ON) + - Example of 3rd page If you want to change Current Harm. Selection place Cursor on the corresponding "Pg" symbol then Press F3 RECORDER CONFIG CURRENT HARMONICS ENTER 05 12 19 26 33 40 47 Thd 06 13 20 27 34 41 48 DC 07 14 21 28 35 42 49 01 08 15 22 29 36 43 02 09 16 23 30 37 44 + 03 10 17 24 31 38 45 04 11 18 25 32 39 46 - Example of sub-page "CURRENT HARMONICS" EN-41 Use the multifunction keys F1, F2 to position the cursor on the desired current harmonic and use the multifunction keys F3 / F4 to select / deselect (it's selected if marked in black). Press ENTER to confirm this page. Press ESC to leave this page without modifying the existing settings. The instrument will record the values of the selected harmonics corresponding to the currents selected in one of the two pages of the Menu previously illustrated. AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST From 3rd page of RECORDER CONFIG MENU ENTER RECORDER CONFIG CO-GENERATION:ON POWER:Pg ENERGY:Pg + - Example of 4th page In order to select the POWER to be recorded use the multifunction keys F1, F2 to position the cursor on the corresponding "Pg" Symbol and then press F3 ENTER RECORDER CONFIG Pt Qti Qtc St Pft dPft P1 Q1i Q1c S1 Pf1 dPf1 P2 P3 Q2i Q3i Q2c Q3c S2 S3 Pf2 Pf3 dPf2 dPf3 + - Example of POWER sub-page Selecting the active powers for the recording, the corresponding active energies will be automatically selected. Selecting the reactive powers for the recording, the corresponding reactive energies will be selected. EN-42 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST From 3rd page of RECORDER CONFIG MENU ENTER RECORDER CONFIG CO-GENERATION:ON POWER:Pg ENERGY:Pg + - Example of 4th page In order to select the ENERGIES to be recorded use the multifunction keys F1, F2 to position the cursor on the corresponding "Pg" Symbol and then press F3 ENTER RECORDER CONFIG Eat Erit Erct Est Ea1 Eri1 Erc1 Es1 Ea2 Eri2 Erc2 Es2 + Ea3 Eri3 Erc3 Es3 - Example of ENERGY sub-page in single-phase mode Selecting/deselecting the active energies for the recording, the corresponding active powers will be automatically selected/deselected. Selecting/deselecting the reactive energies for the recording, the corresponding reactive powers will be selected/deselected Selecting/deselecting the reactive energies for the recording, the corresponding reactive powers will be selected/deselected. EN-43 AMPROBE Symbols START:MAN STOP:MAN START:AUTO STOP:AUTO INT. PERIOD HARM REC. ANOM REC. V1, V2, V3 V12, V23 or V32, V31 DMIII MULTITEST Description The recording of all the selected parameters will start at 00 seconds after pressing START/STOP (see paragraph 10). The recording of all the selected parameters will be interrupted manually by pressing START/STOP (see paragraph 10). The recording of all the selected values will be started / interrupted at the set dates and times. In order to start the recording the user will have to press START/STOP to set the instrument in Stand-by mode until the start date and time previously set (see paragraph 10). The value of this parameter determines how many seconds the values of all the selected parameters will be memorized. Available choices: 5sec, 10sec, 30sec, 1min, 2min 5min, 10min, 15min, 60min. ON = the instrument will record the values of the selected voltage and current harmonics corresponding to the voltages and currents selected in the corresponding pages "Voltage" and "Current". Example: If the following Parameters are selected: a) Phase Voltage 1 and 2, Thd, Harmonics 1,3,5. b) Phase Current 2 and 3, Thd, Harmonics 3,5,7. The instrument will record: a) The Phase Voltage 1 and 2, Thd and Harmonics 1,3,5 of the Phase Voltage 1 and 2 while it will not record anything about Phase Voltage 3 b) The Phase Current 2 and 3, Thd and Harmonics 3,5,7 of the Phase Current 2 and 3 while it will not record nothing about Phase Current 1 OFF = the instrument will not record any voltage or current harmonic selected ON = the Instrument will record Voltage Sag and Surge (see paragraph 16.6) OFF = the instrument will not record any voltage Sag and Surge RMS value of the voltage of phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 respectively, values of the phase-to-phase voltages 1-2, 2-3 or 3-2 and 3-1. Voltage Total Harmonic Distortion, DC Component, 01..49 Harmonics respectively RMS reference value for Voltage used in Voltage Anomalies Vref detection (Voltage Sag and Surge). The Reference is: (only if ANOM. REC a) Voltage Phase to Neutral for Single Phase and 4 wires flag has been set three phase system ON) b) Voltage Phase to Phase for 3 wires three phase system High and Low Voltage Percent threshold used in Voltage Anomalies detection (Voltage Sag and Surge). LIM+, LIMExample: Three Phase System 4 wires. (only if ANOM. REC Vref = 110, LIM+= 6%, LIM-=10% => flag has been set High Lim = 121.0V, Low Lim = 99.0V ON) The Instrument will detect a voltage Anomalies if the RMS Voltage Values (calculated every 10ms) beyond the above calculated thresholds (see paragraph 16.6). Thd, DC, 01...49 Advised settings 15min Single phase: V1 3 wires V12 V32 V31 4 wires V1, V2, V3 Thd,01,03,05,07 Single phase: 110V 3 wires: 480V 4 wires 277V +6% / -10% I1, I2, I3, IN RMS value of the current of phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 and of the neutral respectively. Thd, DC, 01..49 Current Total Harmonic Distortion, DC Component, 01..49 Harmonics respectively EN-44 Single phase: I1 3 wires: I1, I2, I3 4 wires I1, I2, I3, IN Thd,01,03,05,07 AMPROBE CO-GENERATION Pt, P1, P2, P3, P12, P32 DMIII MULTITEST ON = the instrument is able to face situations of COGENERATION of electrical equipment (that is, the equipment under test is able to generate energy besides absorbing it). Accordingly, the instrument will record the powers and energies both absorbed and generated (see paragraph 16.8.1). If this flag is enabled the maximum number of parameters which can be selected decrease to 38. OFF = the instrument will record ONLY the powers and energies absorbed. Values of the active power (total, of phase1, phase2 and phase3) (only for 3 wires measurement) value of the power measured by the Wattmeter 1-2 and 3-2 respectively Single phase: P1 3 wires: Pt 4 wires Pt, P1, P2, P3 Values of the inductive reactive power (total, of phase 1, Qti, Q1i, Q2i, Q3i, phase 2, phase 3) Q12i, Q32i (only for 3 wires measurement) value of the reactive inductive Single phase: Q1i Q1c power measured by the VAR meters 1-2 and 3-2 respectively 3 wires: Qti Qtc Values of the capacitive reactive power (total, of phase 1, 4 wires Qti Q1i Q2i, Qtc, Q1c, Q2c, Q3c, phase 2, phase 3) Q3i Q12c, Q32c (only for 3 wires measurement) value of the reactive capacitive Qtc Q1c Q2c, Q3c power measured by the VA meters 1-2 and 3-2 respectively Values of the apparent power (total, of phase1, phase2, St, S1, S2, S3, S12, phase3) Single phase: S1 S32 (only for 3 wires measurement) value of the power measured 3 wires: St by the VA meters 1-2 and 3-2 respectively 4 wires St, S1, S2, S3 Values of the power factors (total, of phase 1, phase 2 and Pft, Pf1, Pf2, Pf3 phase 3 respectively) Single phase: Pf1 dPf1 3w: Pft dPft Values of the cos (total, of phase 1, phase 2 and phase 3 dpft, dpf1, dpf2, dpf3 4w: Pft Pf1 Pf2 Pf3 respectively) dPft dPf1 dPf2 dPf3 Values of the active energy (total, of phase1, phase2 and Single phase: Ea1 Eat, Ea1, Ea2, Ea3 3 wires: Eat phase3) 4 wires Eat Ea1 Ea2 Ea3 Values of the inductive reactive energy (total, of phase 1, Erit, Eri1, Eri2, Eri3 phase 2 and phase 3) Single phase: Eri1 Erc1 3 wires: Erit Erct Values of the capacitive reactive energy (total, of phase 1, Erct, Erc1, Erc2, Erc3 4 wires Erit Eri1 Eri2 phase 2, phase 3) Eri3 Erct Erc1 Erc2 Erc3 Est, Es1, Es2, Es3 Single phase: Es1 Values of the Apparent Energy (total, of phase1, phase2 and 3 wires: Est phase3) 4 wires Est Es1 Es2 Es3 The value of the network frequency is automatically selected if at least one phase voltage (for the single-phase mode or the 4 wires three phase mode) or at least one phase-to-phase voltage (for the 3 wires three phase mode) is selected. The symbols "i" and "c" stand for reactive powers (Q), power factors (Pf) and cos (dpf) inductive and capacitive respectively. Selecting a power factor (Pf) or a cos (dPf) for the recording automatically their inductive value and their capacitive value will be recorded separately. For eventual messages displayed see appendix 1 - MESSAGES DISPLAYED. EN-45 AMPROBE 7.3. DMIII MULTITEST POWER QUALITY FUNCTIONS For a simple usage, the main working mode of the POWER QUALITY function can be selected by means of F3 and F4. "VOLTAGE" function: to be used to display voltages and corresponding harmonics (see paragraph 7.4) "CURRENT" function: to be used to display currens and corresponding harmonics (see paragraph 7.5) "POWER" function: it permits to display all the parameters measurable by the instrument: voltages, currents, active, reactive and apparent powers, power factors, cos and energies (see paragraph 7.6) to be used to display active, reactive and apparent power, power factor, cos and energy (see paragraph 7.7) "ENERGY" function: More practically, we may schematise the right procedure of use the POWER QUALITY function as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Check and eventually modify the "ANALYZER CONFIG" settings of the instrument Using F3 and F4, select the type of measurement to be taken Connect the instrument to the electrical system to be tested Evaluate the values of the parameters under test If you want to record: a) Decide what to record b) Press MENU and check if the "RECORDER CONFIG" settings meet your requirements 6. Connect the External Power Supply adapter. 7. Start the recording by pressing START/STOP. EN-46 AMPROBE 7.4. DMIII MULTITEST "VOLTAGE" FUNCTION This function permits to display in real time the RMS value of AC/DC voltage, the peak and Thd values of the 3 phase voltages, the waveform and the harmonic spectrum of the 3 phase voltages. 7.4.1. Symbols The VOLTAGE position has three working modes: METER WAVE HARM These modes will be described in detail in the next paragraphs. The used symbols are described below: Symbol V1, V2, V3 V12, V23 or V32, V31 Vpk1, Vpk2, Vpk3, Vpk12, Vpk32 h01 h49 ThdV freq Phseq Description RMS value of voltage (phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 respectively) RMS value of phase to phase voltage peak value of voltage (phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 and phase-tophase voltage 12 and 32 respectively) Harmonic 01 Harmonic 49 Factor of total harmonic distortion of voltage Network frequency Phase sequence indicator "123" correct "132" inverted "023" null voltage on black wire "103" null voltage on red wire "120" null voltage on blue wire "100" null voltages on red and blue wires "020" null voltages on black and blue wires "003" null voltages on black and red wires Tab. 1: Symbols used in VOLTAGE function EN-47 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST 7.4.2. "METER" mode By selecting this function the instrument selects automatically the METER mode corresponding to one of the screens below according to the settings made as per paragraph 7.1. 27.09.00 17:35:12 SINGLE PHASE VOLTAGE V1 = 230.2 V Vpk1 = 325.5 V ThdV = 0.0 % freq = 50.0 Hz HARM. WAVE PG- PG+ Example of screen in single-phase mode 27.09.00 17:35:12 27.09.00 VOLTAGE V12 = 384.2 V V32 = 385.4 V V31 = 383.7 V freq = 50.0 Hz HARM. WAVE PG- PG+ Example of screen in "3wire" three-phase mode 17:35:12 VOLTAGE V1 = 230.2 V V2 = 230.5 V V3 = 230.6 V V12 = 384.2 V V23 = 385.4 V V31 = 383.7 V freq = 50.0 Hz Phseq = 123 HARM. WAVE PG- PG+ Example of screen in "4wire" three-phase mode The symbols used are described in Tab. 1. For eventual messages displayed see appendix 1 - MESSAGES DISPLAYED. Following keys are active: F1: to pass to "HARMONIC" mode (see paragraph 7.4.3) F2: to pass to "WAVE" mode (see paragraph 7.4.4) F3/F4: to pass to previous/next function respectively SAVE: to save in the instrument memory a record of "Smp" type containing the instantaneous values of voltage and current present at the instrument inputs. This function is disabled during a recording ENTER/HOLD: to enable/disable the HOLD function (updating interruption) of displayed data. All previous functions remain however available. When the HOLD function is activated, the word HOLD is displayed. When this function is enabled it's not possible to record nor perform energy measurements. This function is disabled during a recording or an energy measurement MENU: to enter the MENU mode and change the instrument settings (see paragraph 7.1 and 7.2). It's not possible to enter the configuration MENU during a recording or an energy measurement START/STOP: to record selected parameters according to the instrument's settings EN-48 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST 7.4.3. "HARM" mode By selecting the HARM mode one of the screens below will be displayed according to the settings made. The screens show the harmonics of the phase or phase-to-phase voltage. 27.09.00 17:35:12 V1 h03 h03 ThdV = 230.2 = 10.2 = 4.3 = h49 11.0 27.09.00 17:35:12 V V % % Example of screen in single-phase system V12 h03 h03 ThdV ChgP = 400.2 = 14.2 = 3.5 = h49 11.0 27.09.00 17:35:12 V V % % Example of screen in "3wire" three-phase system V1 = h03 h03 ThdV ChgP 230.2 V = 10.2 V = 4.3 % = h49 11.0 % Example of screen in "4wire" three-phase system The symbols used are described in Tab. 1. For eventual messages displayed see appendix 1 - MESSAGES DISPLAYED. The displayed histograms represent the harmonic content of the voltage under test. The value of the first harmonic h01 (fundamental at 50Hz) is not represented in scale along with the other harmonics in order to maximize the display of the latter. In case both voltage and current are connected to the instrument inputs, eventual negative values of harmonics (therefore represented under the horizontal axis), indicate that such voltage harmonics are "generated" by the load. Following keys are active: F3, F4: to move the cursor of the selected harmonic leftwards and rightwards respectively. At the same time the values related to the order no. of the selected harmonic and to the corresponding absolute and relative values (calculated on the basis of the fundamental) are updated F1 (only for three-phase mode): to display the values of the harmonics of the other voltages available. The voltage displayed is indicated above the F3 key F2: to display the page of the harmonics h01 h24 (symbol h24) or the page of the harmonics h25 h49 (symbol h49) ESC: to return back to METER mode (see paragraph 7.4.2) SAVE: to save in the instrument memory a record of "Smp" type and the instantaneous values of voltage and current present at the instrument inputs. This function is disabled during a recording ENTER/HOLD: to enable/disable the HOLD function (updating interruption) of displayed data. All previous functions remain however available. When the HOLD function is activated, the word HOLD is displayed. When this function is enabled it's not possible to record nor perform energy EN-49 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST measurements. This function is disabled during a recording or an energy measurement MENU: to enter the MENU mode and change the instrument settings (see paragraph 7.1 and 7.2). It's not possible to enter the configuration MENU during a recording or an energy measurement START/STOP: to record selected parameters according to the instrument's settings EN-50 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST 7.4.4. "WAVE" mode By selecting the WAVE mode one of the screens below will be displayed according to the settings made as per paragraph 7.1. The screens show the waveform of the phase or phase-to-phase voltage. 27.09.00 17:35:12 27.09.00 17:35:12 27.09.00 17:35:12 5:12 V1 = 230.2 Vpk1 = 325.5 freq = 50.0 V V Hz V12 = 400.2 Vpk12= 565.5 freq = 50.0 V V Hz ChgP Example of screen in single-phase system V1 = 230.2 Vpk1 = 325.5 freq = 50.0 V V Hz ChgP Example of screen in "3wire" three-phase system Example of screen in "4wire" three-phase system The symbols used are described in Tab. 1. For eventual messages displayed see appendix 1 - MESSAGES DISPLAYED. Following keys are active: F1: ESC: SAVE: (only for three-phase mode): to display the values corresponding to the following phase V to return back to METER mode (see paragraph 7.4.2) to save in the instrument memory a record of "Smp" type containing the instantaneous values of voltage and current present at the instrument inputs. This function is disabled during a recording ENTER/HOLD: to enable/disable the HOLD function (updating interruption) of displayed data. All previous functions remain however available. When the HOLD function is activated, the word HOLD is displayed. When this function is enabled it's not possible to record nor perform energy measurements. This function is disabled during a recording or an energy measurement MENU: to enter the MENU mode and change the instrument settings (see paragraph 7.1 and 7.2). It's not possible to enter the configuration MENU during a recording or an energy measurement START/STOP: to record selected parameters according to the instrument's settings EN-51 AMPROBE 7.5. DMIII MULTITEST "CURRENT" FUNCTION This function permits to display in real time the RMS value of AC/DC currents, the peak and Thdl value of the 3 phase currents, the waveform and the harmonic spectrum of the 3 phase currents. 7.5.1. Symbols The CURRENT position has three working modes: METER WAVE HARM These modes will be described in detail in the next paragraphs. The symbols used are described below: Symbol I1, I2, I3 IN Ipk1, Ipk2, Ipk3 h01 h49 ThdI freq Description RMS value of current (phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 respectively) RMS value of current on neutral Peak value of current (phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 respectively) Harmonic 01 harmonic 49 Total harmonic distortion factor of current Network frequency Tab. 2: Symbols used in the CURRENT function EN-52 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST 7.5.2. "METER" mode By selecting this function the instrument selects automatically the METER mode corresponding to one of the screens below according to the settings made as per paragraph 7.1. 27.09.00 17:35:12 SINGLE PHASE CURRENT I1 = 30.21 A Ipk1 = 49.53 A ThdI = 23.06 % freq = 50.0 Hz HARM. WAVE PG- PG+ Example of screen in single-phase mode 27.09.00 17:35:12 27.09.00 CURRENT I1 = 30.21 A I2 = 23.53 A I3 = 23.06 A freq = 50.0 Hz HARM. WAVE PG- PG+ Example of screen in "3wire" three-phase mode 17:35:12 CURRENT I1 = 30.21 A I2 = 23.53 A I3 = 23.06 A IN = 8.4 A freq = 50.0 Hz HARM. WAVE PG- PG+ Example of screen in "4wire" three-phase mode The symbols used are described in Tab. 2. For eventual messages displayed see appendix 1 - MESSAGES DISPLAYED. Following keys are active: F1: to pass to "HARMONIC" mode (see paragraph 7.5.3) F2: to pass to "WAVE" mode (see paragraph 7.5.4) F3/F4: to pass to previous/next function respectively SAVE: to save in the instrument memory a record of "Smp" type containing the instantaneous values of voltage and current present at the instrument inputs. This function is disabled during a recording ENTER/HOLD: to enable/disable the HOLD function (updating interruption) of displayed data. All previous functions remain however available. When the HOLD function is activated, the word HOLD is displayed. When this function is enabled it's not possible to record nor perform energy measurements. This function is disabled during a recording or an energy measurement. MENU: to enter the MENU mode and change the instrument settings (see paragraph 7.1 and 7.2). It's not possible to enter the configuration MENU during a recording or an energy measurement START/STOP: to record selected parameters according to the instrument's settings EN-53 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST 7.5.3. "HARM" mode By selecting the HARM mode one of the screens below will be displayed according to the settings made. The screens show the harmonics of the phase currents. 27.09.00 I1 h03 h03 ThdI 17:35:12 = 230.2 = 10.2 = 4.3 = 11.0 h49 27.09.00 A A % % 17:35:12 I1 h03 h03 ThdI = 230.2 = 10.2 = 4.3 = 11.0 ChgP h49 A A % % Example of screen in "3wire" or "4-wire" threephase mode Example of screen in single-phase mode The symbols used are described in Tab. 2. For eventual messages displayed see appendix 1 - MESSAGES DISPLAYED. The displayed histograms represent the harmonic content of the current under test. The value of the first harmonic h01 (primary at 50Hz) is not represented in scale along with the other harmonics in order to maximise the display of the latter. In case both voltage and current are connected to the instrument inputs, eventual negative values (therefore represented under the horizontal axis), indicate that such current harmonics are "generated" by the load. Following keys are active: F3, F4: to move the cursor of the selected harmonic leftwards and rightwards respectively. At the same time the values related to the order no. of the selected harmonic and to the corresponding absolute and relative values (calculated on the basis of the fundamental) are updated F1 (only for three-phase mode): to display the values of the harmonics of the other voltages available. The voltage displayed is indicated above the F3 key F2: to display the page of the harmonics h01 h24 (h24 symbol) or the page of the harmonics h25 h49 (h49 symbol) ESC: to return back to METER mode (see paragraph 7.5.2) SAVE: to store in the instrument memory a record of "Smp" type and the instantaneous values of voltage and current present at the instrument inputs. This function is disabled during a recording ENTER/HOLD: to enable/disable the HOLD function (updating interruption) of displayed data. All previous functions remain however available. When the HOLD function is activated, the word HOLD is displayed. When EN-54 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST this function is enabled it's not possible to record nor perform energy measurements. This function is disabled during a recording or an energy measurement MENU: to enter the MENU mode and change the instrument settings (see paragraph 7.1 and 7.2). It's not possible to enter the configuration MENU during a recording or an energy measurement START/STOP: to record selected parameters according to the instrument's settings EN-55 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST 7.5.4. "WAVE" mode By selecting the WAVE mode one of the screens below will be displayed according to the settings made. The screens show the waveform of the phase currents. 27.09.00 17:35:12 I1 = 230.2 Ipk1 = 325.5 freq = 50.0 27.09.00 A A Hz 17:35:12 I2 = 400.2 Ipk2 = 565.5 freq = 50.0 A A Hz ChgP Example of screen in "3wire" or "4-wire" threephase mode Example of screen in single-phase mode The symbols used are described in Tab. 2. For eventual messages displayed see appendix 1 - MESSAGES DISPLAYED. Following keys are active: F1: (only for three-phase mode): to display the values related to the following phase ESC: to return back to METER mode (see paragraph 7.5.2) SAVE: to save in the instrument memory a record of "Smp" type containing the instantaneous values of voltage and current present at the instrument inputs. This function is disabled during a recording ENTER/HOLD: to enable/disable the HOLD function (updating interruption) of displayed data. All previous functions remain however available. When the HOLD function is activated, the word HOLD is displayed. When this function is enabled it's not possible to record nor perform energy measurements. This function is disabled during a recording or an energy measurement MENU: to enter in the MENU mode and change the instrument settings (see paragraph 7.1 and 7.2). It's not possible to enter the configuration MENU during a recording or an energy measurement START/STOP: to record selected parameters according to the instrument's settings EN-56 AMPROBE 7.6. DMIII MULTITEST "POWER" FUNCTION This function permits to display in real time the RMS value of AC/DC voltage, the peak and ThdV value of the 3 phase voltages, the waveform of the 3 phase voltages, the RMS value of AC/DC currents, the peak and Thdl of the 3 phase currents and the waveform of the 3 phase currents. Furthermore, the instrument calculates and displays the value of phase and total active powers, the value of phase and total reactive and capacitive powers, the value of phase and total power factors and cos. 7.6.1. Symbols The position POWER has two working modes: METER WAVE For voltage and current harmonics see paragraphs 7.4.3 and 7.5.3 respectively. These modes will be described in detail in the next paragraphs. The symbols used are described below: Symbol V1, V2, V3 V12, V23, V32, V31 freq Phseq I1, I2, I3 IN Pt, P1, P2, P3 P12, P32 Qt, Q1, Q2, Q3 Q12, Q32 St, S1, S2, S3 S12, S32 Pft, pf1, pf2, pf3 dPft, dpf1, dpf2, dpf3 Ead, Pd Esd, Sd Description RMS value of voltage (phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 respectively) RMS value of phase to phase voltages Network frequency Phase sequence indicator "123" correct "132" inverted "023" null voltage on black wire "103" null voltage on red wire "120" null voltage on blue wire "100" null voltages on red and blue wires "020" null voltages on black and blue wires "003" null voltages on black and red wires RMS value of current (phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 respectively) RMS value of current of neutral Values of active power (total, phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 respectively) (only for 3-wire measurement) value of power measured by Wattmeter 1-2 and 3-2 respectively Values of reactive power (total, phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 respectively) (only for 3-wire measurement) Value of power measured by VAR meter Va1-2 and 3-2 respectively Values of apparent power (total, phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 respectively) (only for 3-wire measurement) Value of power measured by VA meter Va1-2 and 32 respectively Values of power factors (total, phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 respectively) Value of the cos (total, phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 respectively) Values of total active energy and active power on demand respectively Values of total apparent energy and apparent power on demand respectively Tab. 3: Symbols used in the POWER function The symbols "i" and "c" stand for reactive powers (Q), power factors (Pf) and cos (dpf), inductive and capacitive respectively. EN-57 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST 7.6.2. "METER" mode By selecting this function the instrument selects automatically the METER mode corresponding to one of the screens below according to the settings made as per paragraph 7.1. 27.09.00 17:35:12 SINGLE PHASE POWER V1 = 230.0 V I1 = 145.3 A P1 = 32.91 kW Q1 = 5.767 kVAR S1 = 33.41 kVA pf1 = 0.99 i dpf1 = 0.99 i WAVE PG- PG+ Example of screen in single-phase mode 27.09.00 17:35:12 POWER THREE WIRE Pt = 64.19 kW Qt = 10.99 kVAR St = 65.12 kVA pft = 0.99 i dpft = 1.00 i ChgP WAVE PG- PG+ Example of screen in "3wire" three-phase mode 27.09.00 17:35:12 POWER THREE PHASE Pt = 135.8 kW Qt = 24.59 kVAR St = 138.0 kVA pft = 0.98 i dpft = 1.00 i Phseq= 123 ChgP WAVE PG- PG+ Example of screen in "4wire" three-phase mode The symbols used are described in Tab. 3. For eventual messages displayed see appendix 1 - MESSAGES DISPLAYED. Following keys are active: F2: F1: to pass to "WAVE" mode (see paragraph 7.6.3). (only for three-phase measurement) to display the previous or the following screen. On the basis of the settings made as per paragraph 7.1 following screens are displayed cyclically: Three-phase 3 wires: total three-phase values, Wattmeter phases 1-2 and 2-3 values, peak demand Three-phase 4 wires: total three-phase values, phase1, phase2 and phase3 values, peak demand F3/F4: to pass to previous/next function respectively SAVE: to save in the instrument memory a record of "Smp" type and the instantaneous values of voltage and current present at the instrument inputs. This function is disabled during a recording ENTER/HOLD: to enable/disable the HOLD function (updating interruption) of displayed data. All previous functions remain however available. When the HOLD function is activated, the word HOLD is displayed. When this function is enabled it's not possible to record nor perform energy measurements. This function is disabled during a recording or an energy measurement MENU: to enter the MENU mode and change the instrument settings (see paragraph 7.1 and 7.2). It's not possible to enter the configuration MENU during a recording or an energy measurement START/STOP: to record selected parameters according to the instrument's settings EN-58 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST PEAK ENERGY DEMAND In three-phase systems, by selecting the POWER function and pressing F1 thrice you can reach the "Peak Demand" mode. This mode shows the values corresponding to the recording being performed or to the last performed recording (if no recording is being performed). The "Peak Demand" screen shows the max average value of active Power (and the corresponding energy) or max average value of apparent power (and the corresponding energy) measured during the last (or running) recording. The average value is evaluated with reference to the integration period set for the recording. This screen also shows the corresponding active energy and the corresponding peak date and time. 27.09.00 17:35:12 27.09.00 PEAK DEMAND THREE PHASE PEAK DEMAND THREE PHASE Ead = 98.36 kWh Pd = 24.59 kW Peak Date 25.09.00 17:00 Int Period: 15min Rec n: 06 ChgP Wh PG- 17:35:12 Esd = 120.84 kVAh Sd = 30.21 kVA Peak Date 25.09.00 18:15 Int Period: 15min Rec n: 06 PG+ ChgP VAh PG- PG+ Example of "PEAK ENERGY DEMAND" screen F1: to display the previous or the following screen. On the basis of the settings made as per paragraph 7.1 following screens are displayed cyclically: Three-phase 3 wires: total three-phase values, Wattmeter phases 1-2 and 2-3 values, peak demand Three-phase 4 wires: total three-phase values, phase1, phase2 and phase3 values, peak demand F3: F4: to show active power and active energy values to show apparent power and apparent energy values SAVE: to save in the instrument memory a record of "Smp" type and the instantaneous values of voltage and current present at the instrument inputs. This function is disabled during a recording ENTER/HOLD: to enable/disable the HOLD function (updating interruption) of displayed data. All previous functions remain however available. When the HOLD function is activated, the word HOLD is displayed. When this function is enabled it's not possible to record nor perform energy measurements. This function is disabled during a recording or an energy measurement MENU: to enter the MENU mode and change the instrument settings (see paragraph 7.1 and 7.2). It's not possible to enter the configuration MENU during a recording or an energy measurement START/STOP: to record selected parameters according to the instrument's settings EN-59 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST 7.6.3. "WAVE" mode By selecting the WAVE mode one of the screens below will be displayed according to the settings made as per paragraph 7.1. The screens show the waveform of phase currents and phase (or phase-to-phase) voltage. 27.09.00 V1 I1 pf1 17:35:12 = 229.7 = 132.0 = 0.98 V A i 27.09.00 V12 I1 17:35:12 = 379.9 = 132.0 V A ChgP Example of screen in single-phase mode 27.09.00 V1 I1 pf1 17:35:12 = 229.7 = 132.0 = 0.98 V i A ChgP Example of screen in "3wire" three-phase mode Example of screen in "4wire" three-phase mode The symbols used are described in Tab. 3. For eventual messages displayed see appendix 1 - MESSAGES DISPLAYED. Following keys are active: F1: (only for three-phase mode): to display the values related to the following phase. On the basis of the settings made as per paragraph 7.1 following screens are displayed cyclically: 3 wires three-phase: Wattmeter 2-3 4 wires three-phase: values of Wattmeter 1-2, values of values of phase 1, phase 2 and phase 3 ESC: to return back to METER mode (see paragraph 7.6.2) SAVE: to save in the instrument memory a record of "Smp" type containing the instantaneous values of voltage and current present at the instrument inputs. This function is disabled during a recording ENTER/HOLD: to enable/disable the HOLD function (updating interruption) of displayed data. All previous functions remain however available. When the HOLD function is activated, the word HOLD is displayed. When this function is enabled it's not possible to record nor perform energy measurements. This function is disabled during a recording or an energy measurement MENU: to enter the MENU mode and change the instrument settings (see paragraph 7.1 and 7.2). It's not possible to enter the configuration MENU during a recording or an energy measurement START/STOP: to record selected parameters according to the instrument's settings EN-60 AMPROBE 7.7. DMIII MULTITEST "ENERGY" FUNCTION This function permits to display the values of phase and total active powers, phase and total capacitive and inductive reactive powers, power factors and phase and total cos. Furthermore, the instrument is able to measure directly (see 7.7.2) the values of phase and total active energies and the values of phase and total capacitive and inductive reactive energies. 7.7.1. Symbols The position ENERGY has one working mode: METER This mode will be described in detail in the next paragraphs. The symbols used are described below: Symbol Description Pt, P1, P2, P3 P12, P32 Values of active power (total, phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 respectively) (only for 3-wire measurement) Value of power measured by Wattmeter 1-2 and 3-2 respectively Values of reactive power (total, phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 respectively) (only for 3-wire measurement) Value of power measured by VARmeter 1-2 and 3-2 respectively Values of the apparent power (total, phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 respectively) (only for 3-wire measurement) Value of power measured by VAmeter 1-2 and 3-2 respectively Values of active energy (total, phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 respectively) Values of inductive reactive energy (total, phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 respectively) Values of capacitive reactive Energy (total, phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 respectively) Values of apparent energy (total, phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 respectively) Qt, Q1, Q2, Q3 Q12, Q32 St, S1, S2, S3 S12, S32 Eat, Ea1, Ea2, Ea3 Erit, Eri1, Eri2, Eri3 Erct, Erc1, Erc2, Erc3 Est, Es1, Es2, Es3 Tab. 4: Symbols used in the ENERGY function The symbols "i" and "c" stand for reactive powers (Q) and energies (Er), inductive and capacitive respectively. EN-61 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST 7.7.2. "METER" mode By selecting this function the instrument selects automatically the METER mode corresponding to one of the screens below according to the settings made as per paragraph 7.1. 27.09.00 17:35:12 ENERGY SINGLE PHASE Ea1 = 0.000 kWh Erc1 = 0.000 kVARh Eri1 = 0.000 kVARh Es1 = 0.000 kVAh P1 = 36.38 kW Q1 = 6.375 kVAR S1 = 36.94 kVA Meas Time: 00:00:00 Meas PG- PG+ Example of screen in single-phase mode 27.09.00 17:35:12 ENERGY THREE PHASE Eat = 0.000 kWh Erct = 0.000 kVARh Erit = 0.000 kVARh Est = 0.000 kVAh Pt = 36.38 kW Qt = 6.375 kVAR St = 36.94 kVA Meas Time: 00:00:00 Meas PG- PG+ Example of screen in "3wire" three-phase mode 27.09.00 17:35:12 ENERGY THREE PHASE Eat = 0.000 kWh Erct = 0.000 kVARh Erit = 0.000 kVARh Est = 0.000 kVAh Pt = 167.7 kW Qt = 30.47 kVAR St = 170.4 kVA Meas Time: 00:00:00 ChgP Meas PG- PG+ Example of screen in "4wire" three-phase mode The symbols used are described in Tab. 4. For eventual messages displayed see appendix 1 - MESSAGES DISPLAYED. Following keys are active: F2: to start / stop immediately a direct energy measurement. The energy counters will start increasing proportionally to the active power absorbed by the load. The results obtained cannot be memorised. If the active power is negative the counters will not increase. F1: (only for 4-wire measurement) to display the following screen. On the basis of the settings made as per paragraph 7.1 following screens are displayed cyclically: total three-phase values, values of phase 1, phase 2 and phase 3 F3/F4: to pass to previous/next function respectively SAVE: to save in the instrument memory a record of "Smp" type containing the instantaneous values of voltage and current present at the instrument inputs. This function is disabled during a recording ENTER/HOLD: to enable/disable the HOLD function (updating interruption) of displayed data. All previous functions remain however available. When the HOLD function is activated, the word HOLD is displayed. When this function is enabled it's not possible to record nor perform energy measurements. This function is disabled during a recording or an energy measurement MENU: to enter the MENU mode and change the instrument settings (see paragraph 7.1 and 7.2). It's not possible to enter the configuration MENU during a recording or an energy measurement START/STOP: to record selected parameters according to the instrument's settings EN-62 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST 8. MEASURING PROCEDURES 8.1. USING THE INSTRUMENT IN A SINGLE-PHASE SYSTEM CAUTION The maximum voltage between V1 and COM inputs is 600 V~ (CATII) / 350V~ phase - earth or 600V~ (CATIII) / 300 V~ phase to earth. Do not measure voltages exceeding the limits prescribed by this manual. Should you exceed the voltage limits you could damage the instrument and/or its components or endanger your safety. I1 Phase Neutral I1 T1 (V1) I2 I3 T2 T3 T4 (V2) (V3) (COM) Instrument connection in a single-phase system 1. Check, and if needed modify, the basic settings of the instrument (see paragraphs 7.1 and 7.2). Particularly, the single-phase mode must be set. 2. Rotate the switch to the position corresponding to the type of analysis desired. 3. Connect the phase and neutral voltage wires respecting the connections shown in the picture. 4. If you want to measure current and power, connect the clamp meter to the phase conductor respecting the specifications shown on the clamp and the connections shown in the picture. In case of doubt, select the position POWER and check if the active power P is positive. If it's negative, remove current transducer from the wire and reconnect it so the transducer label faces the opposite direction. 5. Apply voltage to the electrical equipment under test (if previously shut off for the instrument connection). 6. The values of the available electrical parameters will be displayed on the display of the instrument. For further details see the paragraph relevant to the position of the switch. 7. You can press HOLD to interrupt the updating in real time of the displayed values. 8. If you want to record: a) Check, and if needed modify, the values of the basic parameters (see paragraphs 7.1 and 7.2). b) Check, and if needed modify, the recording parameters by pressing MENU (see the paragraph corresponding to the position of the rotary switch selected). c) To start the recording press START (see paragraph 10.1). EN-63 AMPROBE 8.2. DMIII MULTITEST USING THE INSTRUMENT IN A THREE-PHASE 4-WIRE SYSTEM CAUTION The maximum voltage between V1, V2, V3, COM inputs is 600 V~ (CATII) / 350V~ phase to earth or 600V~ (CATIII) / 300 V~ phase to earth. Do not measure voltages exceeding the limits prescribed by this manual. Should you exceed the voltage limits you could damage the instrument and/or its components or endanger your own safety. I1 L1 L2 L3 N I1 T1 (V1) I2 I2 I3 I3 T2 T3 T4 (V2) (V3) (COM) Instrument connection in a three phase 4-wire system 1. Check, and if needed modify, the basic settings of the instrument (see paragraphs 7.1 and 7.2). Particularly, the 3PH4W mode must be set. 2. Rotate the switch to the position corresponding to the type of analysis desired. 3. Connect the phase and neutral voltage wires following the connections shown in the picture above. 4. To measure current and power, connect the clamp meter to the phase conductor following the specifications shown on the clamp and the connections shown in the picture above. In case of doubts select the position POWER and, connecting one clamp a time, check if: a) the phase sequence is correct (see paragraph 7.4.2). b) the active power P of each phase is positive. If it's negative, remove current transducer from the wire and reconnect it so the transducer label faces the opposite direction. c) the value of the Pf of each phase is not excessively low (typically it's not lower than 0.4). In case the Pf is lower than 0.4, check if the phase voltage is associated to the right clamp meter (for example the voltage of phase 1 must be associated to the clamp meter no. 1). 5. Apply voltage to the electrical equipment under test (if previously shut off for the instrument connection). 6. The values of the available electrical parameters will be displayed. For further details see the paragraph relevant to the position of the switch. 7. You can press HOLD to interrupt the real time updating of the displayed values. 8. If you want to record: a) Check and modify the values of the basic parameters (see paragraphs 7.1 and 7.2). b) Check and, if needed, modify the recording parameters by pressing MENU (see the paragraph corresponding to the position of the rotary switch selected). c) To start the recording press START (see paragraph 10.1). EN-64 AMPROBE 8.3. DMIII MULTITEST USING THE INSTRUMENT IN A THREE-PHASE 3-WIRE SYSTEM CAUTION The maximum voltage between V1, V2, V3 inputs is 600 V~ (CATII) / 350V~ phase to earth or 600V~ (CATIII) / 300 V~ phase to earth. Do not measure voltages exceeding the limits prescribed by this manual. Should you exceed the voltage limits you could damage the instrument and/or its components or endanger your own safety. I1 L1 L2 L3 N I1 T1 (V1) I2 I2 I3 I3 T2 T3 T4 (V2) (V3) (COM) Instrument connection in a three-phase 3-wire system CAUTION Please note that in this case the Yellow cable is connected with the red cable on phase 2. Note: The connection of Clamp 2 isn't necessary for Power measurement. 1. Check, and if needed modify, the basic settings of the instrument (see paragraphs 7.1 and 7.2). Particularly, the 3 wires mode must be set. 2. Rotate the switch to the position corresponding to the type of analysis desired. 3. Connect the phase and neutral voltage wires following the connections shown in the picture above. 4. To measure current and power, connect the clamp to the phase conductor following the specifications shown on the clamp and the connections shown in the picture above. In case of doubts set temporarily the 3PH3W mode, select the POWER position, connect the yellow wire of the instrument to earth and, connecting one clamp a time, check if: a) The phase sequence is correct (see paragraph 7.4.2). b) The active power P of each phase is positive. If negative, turn the clamp of the phase in question. c) The value of the Pf of each phase is excessively low (typically it's not lower than 0.4). If the Pf is lower than 0.4, check if the phase voltage is associated to the right clamp meter (ex. the voltage of phase 1 must be associated to the clamp n. 1). EN-65 AMPROBE 5. 6. 7. 8. DMIII MULTITEST d) After checking, and if needed modifying, the connection of the instrument to the equipment re-set the 3 wires mode and the connections shown in the picure above (yellow and red wires together). Energize the electrical equipment under test. The values of the available electrical parameters will be displayed of the instrument. For further details see the paragraph relevant to the position of the switch. You can press HOLD to interrupt the updating in real time of the displayed values. If you want to record: a) Check and modify the values of the basic parameters (see paragraphs 7.1 and 7.2). b) Check and eventually modify the recording parameters by pressing MENU (see the paragraph corresponding to the position of the rotary switch selected). c) To start the recording press START (see paragraph 10.1). EN-66 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST 9. SAVING RESULTS The SAVE button can be used to store the displayed results related to the rotary switch position: SAFETY TEST (LOW, Insulation Test, Phase sequence, Ground Test): pressing this key the instrument will store the displayed result generating a corresponding record in the SAFETY TEST MEMORY (see paragraph 11.1) POWER QUALITY: pressing this key the instrument will store the displayed result generating a "Smp" record in the ANALYZER MEMORY (see paragraph 11.2) Please note that Saving results is different from recording. 9.1. SAVING SAFETY TEST RESULTS After a SAFETY TEST (LOW, Insulation Test, Phase sequence, Ground Test) the user can press the SAVE button to store the displayed result. The REMINDER PLACE parameter isn't related to Measurement Order Number and can help the user to remind the place where he performed the measurement. 05.06.01 Memory Location SAVE IN LOC. 006 OK? (SAVE/ESC) REMINDER PARAMETER REMINDER PLACE:009 The following keys are available: F3, F4: SAVE: ESC: 9.2. to adjust the REMINDER PLACE. to store the test result associating to the actual REMINDER PLACE to quit this mode without saving. SAVING DISPLAYED VALUES OF POWER QUALITY FUNCTION During a Real Time measurement (in POWER QUALITY function) if the user press the SAVE button, a "Smp" record will be generate in the "ANALYZER MEMORY". This file contains the Voltage and Current values present at instrument's input when the user pressed the SAVE key. Downloading these values to a PC (using the management Software) the Power, Energy, Harmonics, etc values can be calculated and displayed as well. EN-67 AMPROBE 10. 10.1. DMIII MULTITEST RECORDINGS START A RECORDING The recording function is available only for POWER QUALITY rotary switch position. As you can read in the paragraph 7.2, a recording can be started manually or automatically. Therefore, after setting all the parameters and leaving the Menu, the instrument will start to record: MANUALLY: the recording will start when Instrument time reach the "00" seconds value after pressing START/STOP. AUTOMATICALLY: If the operator has pressed START/STOP the instrument will remain in stand-by until the date and time previously set, then the recording will start. While if the operator doesn't press START/STOP the recording will never start. CAUTION For recordings we recommend to use the external power supply adapter (code DMT-EXTPS) even the instrument allows the operator to perform a recording using internal batteries. If you press Start a recording without the external power supply adapter (code DMTEXTPS) the instrument will display a warning message "No ext supply". Press START key again to run the recording or press ESC to quit. If during a recording the external power supply adapter (code DMT-EXTPS) is deenergised, the instrument will continue the recording using the internal battery power until the batteries are exhausted (the data stored until the definitive turning off won't get lost). For this we recommend you ALWAYS insert a new set of batteries before a long recording. The instrument uses sophisticated algorithms to prolong the battery life. Particularly: The instrument switches OFF the backlight Automatically after 5 seconds. If the Battery level is too low the Backlight function will be disabled. If the instrument is just displaying in real time (and the external power supply is not connected), after about 5 minutes from the last key pressure or switch rotation the instrument turns off automatically ("AUTOPOWER OFF" function). If the instrument is recording or is measuring energy (and the external power supply is not connected), after about 5 minutes from the last key pressure or switch rotation the instrument starts a special procedure to save the batteries ("ECONOMY MODE"): the instrument keeps recording but the display is turned off. Before starting a recording the operator should first evaluate the state of the equipment, decide what to record and set the instrument accordingly. In order to facilitate this task we have decided to supply the instrument pre-set with a general configuration which should fit most cases. EN-68 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST The chosen configuration is the following (for POWER QUALITY function) ANALYZER CONFIG: Frequency: Full scale of the clamps: Transforming ratio of voltmetric transformers: Type of electrical equipment: Password: 60Hz 1000A 1 4 wires enabled RECORDER CONFIG: Start: Manual (the recording is started at 00 sec mark on clock after pressing the START/STOP key) Stop: Manual Integration period: 15min Recording of harmonics: ON Recording of Sag and Surge: ON Voltage Reference for Sag and Surge detection: 110V Upper Limit for Sag and Surge detection: 6% Lower Limit for Sag and Surge detection: 10% Selected voltages: V1, V2, V3 Selected voltage harmonics: Thd, 01, 03, 05, 07 Selected currents: I1, I2, I3, IN Selected current harmonics: Thd, 01, 03, 05, 07 CO-GENERATION: OFF Powers, Pf and cos selected: Pt, P1, P2, P3 Qti, Q1i, Q2i, Q3i Qtc, Q1c, Q2c, Q3c St, S1, S2, S3 Pft, Pf1, Pf2, Pf3 dpft, dpf1, dpf2, dpf3 Energies: Eat, Ea1, Ea2, Ea3 Erit, Eri1, Eri2, Eri3 Erct, Erc1, Erc2, Erc3 Est, Es1, Es2, Es3 If the user changed the instrument's settings can quickly resume the above configuration using the RESET option (see paragraph 5.5). By pressing START/STOP the recording of the selected parameters is started according to the settings made in the MENU (see paragraphs 7.1 and 7.2). The rotary switch position doesn't affect the recording setting. The instrument will Start the recording when the Time reach hh:mm:00sec (MAN mode) or when the START Date and Time (see paragraphs 7.1 and 7.2) will be reached. Before of that the instrument will display the message " Please wait... ". As the default value of the integration periods is set at 15 minutes the instrument will store data in the temporary memory for 15 minutes. Afterwards the instrument will elaborate the results saved in the temporary memory and will save the result of this elaboration (min, avg, and max values) in the definitive memory. Therefore, if an integration period of 15 minutes has been set, the recording will continue for about 15 minutes before producing a series of recorded values. If the recording is interrupted before the selected integration period has completely elapsed the data stored in the temporary memory will not be EN-69 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST elaborated and the corresponding series of values won't be transferred to the definitive memory. 10.2. DURING A RECORDING If during a recording the external power supply is de-energised, the instrument will continue the recording using the internal battery power until the batteries are exhausted (the data stored up to the point the instrument shuts down won't get lost). For this we recommend you ALWAYS insert a new set of batteries before a long recording. The instrument uses sophisticated algorithms to prolong the battery life. Particularly if instrument is recording or is measuring energy (and the external power supply is connected), after about 5 minutes from the last key pressure or switch rotation instrument starts a special procedure to save the batteries ("ECONOMY MODE"): instrument keeps recording but the display is turned off. During a recording the following are disabled: AUTOPOWER OFF function ON/OFF key HOLD key SAVE key 10.2.1. MENU key If you press press the MENU key during a recording the following screen will appear: INFO REC n XX START 09.18.01 11:35 STOP 13.18.01 12:00 INT PERIOD: 15min REC PERIODS:00004 REC TIME:139d.02h HARM REC: (ON) ANOM REC: (ON) N ANOMALIES: 00000 Recording Recording This page includes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. START Date and Time STOP Date and Time (or Manual). Integration Period Actual Number of Elapsed Integration Periods Actual Recording Time Status of Harmonic Flag Status of Voltage Anomalies Flag Number of Voltage anomalies occurred during the recording EN-70 the not the the AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST 10.2.2. Rotary Switch during a recording If You move the rotary switch during a recording the following screen will appear: Recording Recording This page means that a recording is running but the actual rotary switch position doesn't correspond to this. The instrument will continue to record. 10.3. STOPPING A RECORDING / ENERGY MEASUREMENT The instrument uses a protective routine to avoid the risk of being disturbed or interrupted during a recording or an energy measurement. Once a recording or a direct energy measurement (see paragraph 7.7.2) has been started (with the option PASSWORD enabled), after about 3 minutes from the last key pressure or switch rotation it won't be sufficient to press START/STOP (if a recording is running) or F2 (if an energy measuring is running) to stop the recording, it will be necessary to insert the password. In order to insert the password (which is not changeable), press the multifunction keys in the following sequence (within 10 seconds): F1, F4, F3, F2 In order to enable/disable this option see paragraph 7.1. If a wrong password is inserted, the instrument will display an error message and will repeat the request. If no key is pressed after about 10 seconds the instrument returns back to the original screen. EN-71 AMPROBE 11. DMIII MULTITEST INSTRUMENT'S MEMORY By pressing the MENU key the following screen will be displayed: MENU GENERAL SAFETY TEST MEMORY ANALYZER MEMORY RESET ANALYZER CONFIG RECORDER CONFIG CONTRAST DATE&TIME LANGUAGE COUNTRY It's not possible to enter the MENU during a recording or a Real Time Energy measurement. 11.1. SAFETY TEST MEMORY Selecting the SAFET YEST MEMORY item and pressing ENTER the instrument display the following screen: SAFETY TEST MEMORY MEM TYPE PLACE 001 LOW 003 002 EARTH 003 003 M 004 TOT:003 FREE:996 LAST ALL Example of SAFETY TEST MEMORY screen MEM: TYPE: PLACE: TOT: FREE: Order Number of the mesurement Measurement TYPE Mnemonic parameter associated by User to Measurement Total Number of Measurement Available Memory Location Following keys are enabled: F1, F2: F3: F4: ENTER: ESC: (to select the Measurement). to cancel the last recording effected. to cancel all the recordings effected. to see the measurement results of the selected test to quit this mode EN-72 AMPROBE 11.2. DMIII MULTITEST ANALYZER MEMORY This option permits you to display: The present content of the instrument memory The size of the memorised data The residual space available for future recordings (expressed in days and hours) All the stored data can be displayed and analyzed only downloading them into a PC with the operating software. After selecting "ANALYZER MEMORY" from the Main Menu the screen below will be displayed ANALYZER MEMORY 01 02 03 04 05 06 Smp Rec R&a Rec R&a Rec 02.01 01:23 02.01-02.01 02.01-02.01 02.01-02.01 02.01-02.01 04.01-05.01 DATA SIZE:0.11Mb REC TIME: 0d.06h LAST ALL Example of ANALYZER MEMORY screen Rec: recordings effected with respective Start and Stop dates expressed in the format "day.month" (start) - "day.month" (stop) without Voltage Sag and Surge detection. R&a: recordings effected with respective Start and Stop dates expressed in the format "day.month" (start) - "day.month" (stop) with Voltage Anomalies (Sag and Surge) detection . Smp: values of the samples of voltage and current stored by pressing SAVE. DATA SIZE: dimensions of the data saved in the instrument memory. REC TIME: amount of memory available, calculated on the basis of the parameters selected for recording, therefore the most complete one (expressed in the format "days.hours") to make recordings. The maximum quantity of Rec + R&a + Smp which can be contained by the instrument is 35. Following keys are enabled: F1, F2: F3: F4: ESC: (only if the quantity of Rec+R&a+Smp is higher than 7) to run over all the recordings stored in the instrument memory. to cancel the last recording effected. to cancel all the recordings effected. to quit this mode EN-73 AMPROBE 12. DMIII MULTITEST CONNECTING THE INSTRUMENT TO A PC In order to connect the instrument to a PC you must connect the Optical serial cable code C2001 shipped with the instrument to a PC COM port. The available transmission speeds are the following: 9600, 19200, 57600 (default value) The value of the transmission speed (Baud Rate) is displayed on the initial screen (immediately after turning on the instrument, see paragraph 4.2). The value of this parameter can be modified only with the management software. For download instructions please refer to software help file. In order to transfer the memorized data from the instrument to the PC the following procedure must be followed (after Sw installation): 1. Switch ON the instrument and wait that Initial screen disappears (the rotary Switch position isn't relevant). 2. Connect the Optical serial output of the instrument to the serial output of the PC through the Original C2001 serial cable 3. Run the program 4. Select the "Download" command 5. Refer to software help ON Line for further instructions. EN-74 AMPROBE 13. 13.1. DMIII MULTITEST MAINTENANCE GENERAL INSTRUCTION 1. The tester you have purchased is a precision instrument. Strictly follow the instructions for use and storage reported in this manual to avoid any possible damage or danger during use. 2. Do not use this tester under unfavourable conditions of high temperature or humidity. Do not expose to direct sunlight. 3. Be sure to turn off the tester after use. If the instrument is not to be used for a long period you are recommended to remove batteries to avoid acid leakage which may damage the internal circuits of the instrument. 13.2. BATTERY REPLACEMENT The symbol shows the battery charge: If it is completely "black" the battery are full charge, while the t symbol indicate weak batteries. When the batteries are too low to execute the test the instrument will show a warning message. In the case interrupt testing and replace batteries according the following the procedure. The instrument is capable of keeping the data stored even though batteries are not installed. The Instrument Date and Time settings aren't lost if you change the batteries within 24hours. ATTENTION Only skilled technicians can perform this operation. Before replacing batteries make sure that all test leads have been disconnected from input terminals. 1. 2. 3. 4. Switch OFF the instrument. Remove all the test leads from the input terminals. Unscrew the fixing screws from the battery compartment cover and remove it. Remove all batteries replacing them with 6 new ones of the same type (1.5V - LR6 - AA - AM3 - MN 1500) respecting the polarity signs. 5. Fix the screws on the battery compartment cover. Then put the holster on. 13.3. INSTRUMENT CLEANING Use a soft dry cloth to clean the instrument. Never use wet cloths, solvents, water, etc. EN-75 AMPROBE 14. 14.1. DMIII MULTITEST TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS TECHNICAL FEATURES Accuracy is indicated as [% of reading + number of digits]. It refers to the following atmospheric conditions: a temperature of 23C 5C with a relative humidity < 60%. 14.1.1. Safety Test functions LOW: 200mA CONTINUITY TEST (AUTO, RT+, RT- MODE) Range [] 0.01 9.99 10.0 99.9 (*) After Test leads calibration Test Current Resolution for Test current: Open Circuit Voltage (2% Reading + 2 digit) Range [M] Resolution [M] Accuracy 0.01 9.99 10.0 49.9 0.01 0.1 0.1 0.01 (2% Reading + 2 digit) 50 50.0 99.9 0.01 9.99 10.0 99.9 100.0 199.9 0.01 9.99 10.0 199.9 200 249 250 499 0.01 9.99 10.0 199.9 200 499 500 999 0.01 9.99 100 250 500 0.1 0.1 0.01 0.1 1 1 0.01 500V other (5% Reading + 2 digit) (2% Reading + 2 digit) (5% Reading + 2 digit) (2% Reading + 2 digit) (5% Reading + 2 digit) 0.1 1 1 0.01 0.1 1 1 (2% Reading + 2 digit) Resolution [Hz] Accuracy 0.1 (0.1%Reading+1 digit) Resolution [V] Accuracy 1 (3%Reading + 2digit) 10.0 199.9 200 999 1000 1999 1000 Accuracy(*) > 200mA DC per R5 (Test leads included) 1mA 4V V0 24V INSULATION TEST Test Voltage [V] Open circuit Test Voltage Short Circuit Current Nominal Test Current Resolution [] 0.01 0.1 (5% Reading + 2 digit) (2% Reading + 2 digit) (5% Reading + 2 digit) <1.3 x Nominal Test Voltage <6.0mA with 500V Test Voltage >2.2mA with 230k >1mA with 1k*Vnom FREQUENCY MEASUREMENT Range [Hz] 47.0 63.6 RCD and LOOP function are active only for 50Hz 0,5Hz frequency PHASE ROTATION : VOLTAGE MEASUREMENT Range [V] 0 460V GROUND TEST: RESISTANCE MEASUREMENT WITH EARTH RODS Range RE [] Resolution [] 0.01 - 19.99 0.01 20.0 - 199.9 0.1 200 - 1999 1 Test Current Open circuit Test Voltage (5% Reading + 3 digit) <10mA - 77.5Hz <20V RMS GROUND TEST: RESISTIVITY MEASUREMENT Range 0.60 19.99 m 20.0 199.9m 200 1999m 2.00 99.99km 100.0 125.6km(*) (*) setting distance = 10m Test Current Open circuit Test Voltage Accuracy Resolution 0.01 m 0.1m 1 m 0.01 km 0.1 km <10mA - 77.5Hz <20V RMS EN-76 Accuracy (5% Reading + 3 digit) AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST 14.1.2. POWER QUALITY function VOLTAGE MEASUREMENT - (AUTORANGE) Range [V] Resolution [V] Accuracy 15 310V 0.2V (0.5% Reading+2digit) 310 600V 0.4V VOLTAGE SAG AND SURGE DETECTION -(MANUAL RANGE) Resolution Resolution Accuracy Range [V] (Voltage) (Time) (Voltage) 15 310V 0.2V 10ms (1/2 period) (1.0% Reading+2digit) 30 600V 0.4V CURRENT MEASUREMENT - STD & FlexEXTclamps Resolution [mV] Accuracy Range [V] 0.0050.26V 0.1 (0.5% Reading+2digit) 0.261V 0.4 Input Impedance 300k (Phase-Neutral) 300k (Phase-Phase) Accuracy (rif. 50Hz) (Time) Input Impedance 10ms (1/2 period) 300k (Phase-Neutral) 300k (Phase-Phase) Input Impedance Overload Protection 200k 5V (*): Example: with a 1000A/1V full scale clamp , the instrument detect only current higher than 5A CURRENT MEASUREMENT - FlexINT clamp - 1000A Range Current Range Input Voltage Range Resolution Accuracy Input Impedance 5.00 20.00A 20.00 99.99A 100.0 999.9A 425V 1.7mV 1.7mV 8.499mV 8.5mV 84.99mV 0.850V 0.850V 8.5V (4.0%rdg + 8.5V) (1.0% rdg + 8.5V) (1.0% rdg + 85V) Overload Protection 9.166k 5V CURRENT MEASUREMENT - FlexINT clamp - 3000A Range Current Range Input Voltage Range Resolution Accuracy Input Impedance Overload Protection 15.00 99.99A 100.0 270.0A 270.0 999.9A 1.00 3.00kA 1.27mV 8.499mV 8.5mV 22.75mV 22.75mV 84.99mV 85mV 255mV 0.850V 8.5V 8.5V 850V (1.0% rdg + 8.5V) (1.0% rdg + 42.5uV (1.0% rdg + 85uV) (0.5% rdg + 8.5mV) 9.7k 5V POWER MEASUREMENT - (AUTORANGE) Quantity ACTIVE POWER REACTIVE POWER APPARENT POWER ACTIVE ENERGY (Classe2 EN61036) REACTIVE ENERGY (Classe3 IEC1268) Range 0 999.9W 1 999.9kW 1 999.9MW 1000 9999MW 0 999.9VAR 1 999.9kVAR 1 999.9MVAR 1000 9999MVAR 0 999.9VA, 1 999.9kVA, 1 999.9MVA 1000 9999MVA 0 999.9Wh, 1 999.9kWh, 1 999.9MWh 1000 9999MWh 0 999.9VARh, 1 999.9kVARh, 1 999.9MVARh 1000 9999MVARh Cos MEASUREMENT Cos Resolution 1.00 - 0.80 0.80 - 0.50 0.01 0.50 - 0.20 VOLTANGE AND CURRENT HARMONICS MEASUREMENT Range Accuracy DC - 25H (5% + 2 digit) 26H - 33H (10% + 2 digit) 34H - 49H (15% + 2 digit) Harmonics values are null under fixed threshold: - DC: its values is null if it is < 2%of Fundamental or is <2% of Full Scale clamp - 1st Current Harmonic: its values is null if it is < 0.2% Full Scale clamp - 2nd 49th : its values is null if it is < 0.5% of fundamental or is < 0.1% of Full Scale clamp EN-77 Accuracy (1.0%Reading+2digit) Accuracy [] 0.6 0.7 1.0 Resolution 0.1V / 0.1A Resolution 0.1W 0.1kW 0.1MW 1MW 0.1VAR 0.1kVAR 0.1MVAR 1MVAR 0.1VA 0.1kVA 0.1MVA 1MVA 0.1Wh 0.1kWh 0.1MWh 1MWh 0.1VARh 0.1kVARh 0.1MVARh 1MVARh AMPROBE 14.2. DMIII MULTITEST STANDARDS 14.2.1. General Safety Protection classification Pollution degree Degree of Protection: Over-Voltage Category Usage: EMC EN 61010-1 + A2 (1997) Class 2 - Double Insulation 2 IP50 CAT II 600V~ / 350V~ (phase -earth) CAT III 600V~ / 300V~ (phase -earth) Indoor; max height 2000m EN61326-1 (1997) + A1 (1998) The Instrument comply with European Guidelines for CE mark 14.2.2. Safety Test LOW (200mA): INSULATION TEST PHASE SEQUENCE: GROUND TEST: IEC 61557-4 IEC 61557-2 IEC 61557-7 IEC 61557-5 14.2.3. POWER QUALITY Voltage Sag and Surge EN50160 Alternating Current Static Watt-hour meters for Active Energy EN61036 (CLASS 2) Alternating Current Static VAR-hour meters for Reactive Energy IEC1268 (CLASS 3) EN-78 AMPROBE 14.3. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 14.3.1. Mechanical Data Dimensions Weight 14.3.2. Power supply Batteries Battery Life: External Power Supply Adapter (only for POWER QUALITY function) 14.3.3. Display Display Type Resolution Visible Area 14.3.4. Memory Safety Test Memory POWER QUALITY: 14.4. DMIII MULTITEST 225 (L)x165 (W) x 105 (H)mm 1,2Kg approx 6 x 1.5-LR6-AA-AM3-MN 1500 LOW: INSULATION TEST: GROUND TEST: PHASE SEQUENCE: POWER QUALITY (recording): Code DMT-EXTPS Graphic with Backlight 128x128 73mmx73mm 999 measurement 2MByte (with 63 channels select and Integration Period = 15min ->more than 30 days). ENVIRONMENT Reference Temperature Working Temperature Range Working Humidity Storage Humidity Range Storage Humidity ~ 800 test ~ 500 test ~ 1000 test ~ 1000 test ~20 hours 23 5C 0 40C < 80% -10 60C < 80% EN-79 AMPROBE 14.5. DMIII MULTITEST ACCESSORIES Standard accessories Description Set with 4 cables (2m), 4 alligator clips, 2 test leads Set with 4 cables (banana-banana) and 4 earth rods Clamp 1000A diameter 54 mm - cable 2m Flexible Clamp 1000A/3000A - cable 2m External Power Supply Adapter Management Software RS232 Optical-Serial Cable Carrying Case User's Manual EN-80 Code MTL-VOLT MTL-EARTH DM-CT-HTA AM-Flex33 DMT-EXTPS (Download Suite) C-2001 HW1254A AMPROBE 15. 15.1. DMIII MULTITEST SERVICE WARRANTY CONDITIONS Congratulations! Your new instrument has been quality crafted according to quality standards and contains quality components and workmanship. It has been inspected for proper operation of all of its functions and tested by qualified factory technicians according to the long-established standards of our company. Your instrument has a limited warranty against defective materials and/or workmanship for one year from the date of purchase provided that, in the opinion of the factory, the instrument has not been tampered with or taken apart. Should your instrument fail due to defective materials, and/or workmanship during this one year period, a no charge repair or replacement will be made to the original purchaser. Please have your dated bill of sale, which must identify the instrument model number and serial number and call the number listed below: Repair Department ATP - Amprobe, TIF, Promax Miramar, FL Phone: 954-499-5400 800-327-5060 Fax: 954-499-5454 Website: Please obtain an RMA number before returning product for repair. Outside the U.S.A. the local representative will assist you. Above limited warranty covers repair and replacement of instrument only and no other obligation is stated or implied. 15.2. SERVICE If the instrument does not operate properly, before contacting the after-sales service check cables as well as test leads and replace them if necessary. Should the instrument still operate improperly check that the operation procedure is correct and conforms with the instructions given in this manual. If the instrument is to be returned to the after-sales service or to a dealer transportation costs are on the customer's behalf. Shipment shall be however agreed upon. A report must always be enclosed to a rejected product stating the reasons of its return. To ship the instrument use only the original packaging material; any damage that may be due to no-original packing shall be charged to the customer. EN-81 AMPROBE 16. 16.1. DMIII MULTITEST PRACTICAL REPORTS FOR ELECTRICAL TESTS Continuity Test On Protective Conductors PURPOSE OF THE TEST Check the continuity of: protective conductors (PE), main equalising potential conductors (EQP), secondary equalising potential conductors (EQS) in TT and TN-S systems. neutral conductors having functions of protective conductors (PEN) in TN-C system. NOTE: This test is to be preceded by a visual check verifying the existence of yellowgreen protective and equalizing potential conductors as well as compliance of the sections used with the standards' requirements. INSTALLATION PARTS TO BE CHECKED Connect one of the test lead to the protective conductor of the FM socket and the other to the equalizing potential node of the earth installation. AMPROBE Connect one of the test lead to the external mass (in this case the water pipe) and the other to the earth installation using for example the protective conductor of the closest FM socket. AMPROBE Examples for continuity measurement on conductors EN-82 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST Check the continuity among: a) Earth poles of all the plugs and earth collector or node. b) Earth terminals of class I instruments (Boiler etc.) and earth collector or node. c) Main external masses (water, gas pipes etc.) and earth collector or node. d) Auxiliary external masses to the earth terminal. ALLOWABLE VALUES The standards CEI 64-8/6 do not give any indication on the maximum resistance values that cannot be overcome, in order to be able to declare the positive outcome of the continuity test. The standard CEI 64-8/6 simply requires that the instrument in use warn the operator if the test was not carried out with a current of at least 0.2 A and an open circuit voltage ranging from 4 V to 24 V. The resistance values can be calculated according to the sections and lengths of the conductors under test, anyway if the instrument detects values of some ohm the test can be considered as passed. 16.2. Check of the Circuit Separation PURPOSE OF THE TEST The test, to be effected in case the protection is realized through separation (64-8/6 612.4, SELV or PELV or electrical separation), shall check that the insulation resistance measured according to the indications below (depending on the separation type) complies with the limits reported in the table relative to the insulation measurements. INSTALLATIONPARTS TO BE CHECKED SELV system (Safety Extra Low Voltage): Measure the resistance between the active parts of the circuit under test (separate) and the active parts of the other circuits. Measure the resistance between the active parts of the circuit under test (separate) and the ground. The resistance shall not be lower than 0.25M with a test voltage of 250VDC. PELV system (Protective Extra Low Voltage): Measure the resistance between the active parts of the circuit under test (separate) and the active parts of the other circuits. The resistance shall not be lower than 0.25M with a test voltage of 250VDC. Electrical separation: Measure the resistance between the active parts of the circuit under test (separate) and the active parts of the other circuits. Measure the resistance between the active parts of the circuit under test (separate) and the ground. The resistance shall not be lower than 0.5M with a test voltage of 500VDC and 1M with a test voltage of 1000VDC. EN-83 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST EXAMPLE OF CHECKING THE SEPARATION AMONG ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS Insulation or safety transformer making the separation among the circuits. Between the active parts of the separated circuit... ...And among those other circuits Test among the active parts. Connect a test lead of the instrument to one of the two conductors of the separate circuit and the other to one of the conductors of a no separate circuit. Test between the active parts and the earth. Connect a test lead of the instrument to one of the two conductors of the separate circuit and the other to the equalising potential node. This test is to be effected only for SELV circuits or with electrical separation. ...Earth installation AMPROBE Measurement of separation among the installation circuits EN-84 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST ALLOWABLE VALUES The test result is positive when the insulation resistance indicates values higher or equal to those indicated in the table reported in the section relative to insulation tests. Notes: SELV system: is a system of category zero or very low safety voltage featured by: Power supply: autonomous source (ex. batteries, small generator) or safety (ex. safety transformer). Protection separation to other electrical systems (double or reinforced insulation or a metal screen connected to the ground). There are no earthed points (insulated from the ground). PELV system: is a system of category zero or very low safety voltage featured by: Power supply: autonomous source (ex. batteries, small generator) or safety (ex. safety transformer). Protection separation to other electrical systems (double or reinforced insulation or a metal screen connected to the ground). There are earthed points (not insulated from the ground). Electrical separation: is a system featured by: Power supply: insulation transformer or autonomous source with equivalent features (ex. generator). Protection separation to other electrical systems (insulation not lower than that of the insulation transformer). Protection separation to the ground (insulation not lower than that of the insulation transformer). EN-85 AMPROBE 16.3. DMIII MULTITEST Measurement Of Floor Insulation Resistance In Medical Rooms Cei 64-4 PURPOSE OF THE TEST Check that the floor is made of material whose insulation resistance complies with the requirements of the standards CEI 64-4 (3.05.03). INSTALLATION PARTS TO BE CHECKED The test shall be effected between: a) b) Two electrodes whose distance to each other shall be one meter. One electrode on the floor and the equalising potential node. Test b): Connect the instrument test leads to the electrodes placed on the floor at a reciprocal distance of one meter. AMPROBE Test a): Connect one test lead of the instrument to the equalising potential node and the other to one of the electrodes placed on the floor at a distance higher than one meter away from earthed objects. Measurements of floor insulation resistance in medical rooms The electrodes shall consist of a plate having a surface of 20 cm 2, weight equal to approx. 1 Kg (10N), and a humid absorbing paper ( or humid thin cotton cloth) with the same surface placed between the metal plate and the floor. The insulation resistance is represented, both for the measurements indicated in "a" and for the measurements indicated in "b", by the average of 5 or more tests effected in different positions at a distance higher than 1 m away from grounded objects. EN-86 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST ALLOWABLE VALUES The maximum values of the calculated resistance are the following: - 1 M - 100 M for measurements effected on a new floor. for the periodical tests effected after the first year after the floor construction and for the periodical check every 4 year. All the values shall be registered on a protocol of the initial tests (64-4 5.1.02) and, for the periodical controls, on the register of periodical tests (64-4 5.2.02). EN-87 AMPROBE 16.4. DMIII MULTITEST Ground Resistance Measurement PURPOSE OF THE TEST Check if the Automatic protection is coordinated with the ground resistance value. It is not possible to assume a ground resistance value as reference limit when controlling the test result, while it is necessary to check every time that the co-ordination complies with the requirements of the standards. INSTALLATION PARTS TO BE CHECKED The ground installation under working conditions. The check is to be effected without disconnecting the earth plates. Method for small earth plant Let current circulate between the earth rod and a current probe positioned at a distance corresponding to fivefold the diagonal of the area delimiting the earth equipment. Position the voltage probe at half-way between the earth rod and the current probe, then measure the voltage between the two. Use several rods in parallel and moisten the surrounding ground if the instrument does not manage to supply the current necessary to perform the test because of an high earth r esistance. Red Green Blue Blac k Ground resistance measurement for small Ground plant Method for big Ground plant Also this procedure is based on the voltamperometric method, but it's mainly used when it's difficult to position the auxiliary current rod at a distance corresponding to fivefold the diagonal of the area of the earth equipment. Position the current probe at a distance equal to the diagonal of the area of the earth equipment. To make sure that the voltage probe is positioned outside the area affected by the rod under test, take more measurements, first positioning the voltage probe at half-way between the rod and the current probe, then moving the probe both towards the earth rod and towards the current probe. Use several rods in parallel and moisten the surrounding ground if the instrument does not manage to supply the current necessary to perform the test because of an high earth r esistance. Red Green Blac k EN-88 Blue AMPROBE 16.5. DMIII MULTITEST Ground Resistivity Measurement PURPOSE OF THE TEST This test analyzes the resistivity value of the ground in order to define the type of rods to use. EQUIPMENT PARTS TO BE TESTED For the resistivity test admissible values do not exist. The various values measured by positioning the rods at growing distances "a" must be quoted in a graph. According to the resulting curve, suitable rods will be chosen. The test result can be affected by metal parts buried underground (e.g. pipes, cables or other rods), in case of doubts take a second measurement positioning the rods at an equal distance "a", but rotating their axis by 90. 2 measurement: compared to the previous measurement the rods are rotated by 90. 1 measurement: the rods are positioned at a distance "a" Black 90 Green a Red a a a a d Re en G re la ck Blue B a The resistivity value is calculated with the following formula: =2aR Where: = specific resistivity of the ground a= distance between the rods (m) R= resistance measured by the instrument () EN-89 Blue AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST Curve1: as decreases only in depth, it's possible to use only a rod in depth. 1 Resistivity (m) The measuring method allows the operator to define the specific resistance up to the depth corresponding approximately to the distance "a" between the rods. If you increase the distance "a" you can reach deeper ground layers and check the ground homogeneity. After several measurements, at growing distances "a", you can trace a profile like the following ones, after which the most suitable rod is chosen: Curve2: as decreases only until the depth A, it's not useful to increase the depth of the rod beyond A. Curve3: even at an increased depth, does not decrease, therefore a ring rod must be used. 2 3 Earth rods distances "a" (m) APPROXIMATE EVALUATION OF THE CONTRIBUTION OF INTENTIONAL RODS (6412 2.4.1) The resistance of a rod Rd can be calculated with the following formulas ( = medium resistivity of the ground). a) Resistance of a vertical rod Rd = / L L= length of the element touching the ground b) Resistance of an horizontal rod Rd = 2 / L L= length of the element touching the ground c) Resistance of linked elements The resistance of a complex system with more elements in parallel is always higher than the resistance that could result from a simple calculation of elements in parallel, especially if those elements are close and therefore interactive. For this reason, in case of a linked system the following formula is quicker and more effective than the calculation of the single horizontal and vertical elements: Rd = / 4r r= radius of the circle which circumscribes the link. EN-90 AMPROBE 16.6. DMIII MULTITEST VOLTAGE ANOMALIES (VOLTAGE SAG AND SURGE) The Multitest 2000 is able to record as voltage anomalies all those rms values, calculated every 10ms, beyond the percent thresholds of Voltage Reference (Vref) set during the programming from 3% to 30 % (with step of 1%). The Reference must be set to: Nominal Voltage Phase to Neutral: Nominal Voltage Phase to Phase: for Single Phase and 4 wires three phase system for 3 wires three phase system Example1: Three Phase System 3 wires. Vref = 400V, LIM+= 6%, LIM-=10% => High Lim = 400 x (1+6/100) = 424,0V Low Lim = 400 x (1-10/100) = 360 Example2: Three Phase System 4 wires. Vref = 230V, LIM+= 6%, LIM-=10% => High Lim = 230 x (1+6/100) = 243,08V Low Lim = 230 x (1-10/100) = 207,0V The instrument will detect Voltage Anomalies if the RMS Voltage Values (calculated every 10ms) beyond the above calculated thresholds. These limits remain unchanged throughout the recording period. When a Voltage anomaly occurs the instrument records: The number corresponding to the phase where the anomaly occurred. The "direction" of the anomaly: "Surge" and "Sag" identify respectively voltage drops (Sag) and peaks (Surge). The date and time of the beginning of the event in the form day, month, year, hour, minutes, seconds, hundredths of second. The duration of the event, in seconds with a resolution of 10ms. The minimum (or maximum) value of voltage during the event. 16.7. VOLTAGE AND CURRENT HARMONICS 16.7.1. Theory Any periodical non-sine wave can be represented as a sum of sinusoidal waves having each a frequency that corresponds to an entire multiple of the fundamental, according to the relation: v(t) V0 Vk sin( k t k ) k 1 where: V0 = Average value of v(t) V1 = Amplitude of the fundamental of v(t) Vk = Amplitude of the kth harmonic of v(t) EN-91 (1) AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST LEGENDA: 1. Fundamental 2. Third Harmonic 3. Distorted Waveform Effect of the sum of 2 multiple frequencies. In the mains voltage, the fundamental has a frequency of 60 Hz, the second harmonic has a frequency of 120 Hz, the third harmonic has a frequency of 180 Hz and so on. Harmonic distortion is a constant problem and should not be confused with short events such as sags, surges or fluctuations. It can be noted that in (1) the index of the sigma is from 1 to the infinite. What happens in reality is that a signal does not have an unlimited number of harmonics: a number always exists after which the harmonics value is negligible. The EN 50160 standard recommends stopping the index in the expression (1) in correspondence of the 40 th harmonic. A fundamental element to detect the presence of harmonics is THD defined as: 40 V 2 h THDv h2 V1 This index takes all the harmonics into account. The higher it is, the more distorted the waveform gets. EN-92 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST 16.7.2. Limit values for harmonics EN-50160 fixes the limits for the harmonic voltages, which can be introduced into the network by the power supplier. In normal conditions, during whatever period of a week, 95% if the RMS value of each harmonic voltage, mediated on 10 minutes, will have to be less than or equal to the values stated in the following table. The total harmonic distortion (THD) of the supply voltage (including all the harmonics up to 40th order) must be less than or equal to 8%. Odd harmonics Order h 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 25 Not multiple of 3 Relative voltage % Max 6 5 3,5 3 2 1,5 1,5 1,5 Order h 3 9 15 21 Multiple of 3 Relative voltage % Max 5 1,5 0,5 0,5 Order h 2 4 6..24 Even harmonics Relative voltage %Max 2 1 0,5 These limits, theoretically applicable only for the supplier of electric energy, provide however a series of reference values within which the harmonics introduced into the network by the users must be contained. 16.7.3. Presence of harmonics: causes Any apparatus that alters the sine wave or uses only a part of such a wave causes distortions to the sine wave and therefore harmonics. All current signals result in some way virtually distorted. The most common situation is the harmonic distortion caused by non-linear loads such as electric household appliances, personal computers or speed control units for motors. Harmonic distortion causes significant currents at frequencies that are odd multiples of the fundamental frequency. Harmonic currents affect considerably the neutral wire of electric installations. In most countries, the mains power is three-phase 50/60Hz with delta primary and star secondary transformers. The secondary generally provides 230V AC from phase to neutral and 400V AC from phase to phase. Balancing the loads on each phase has always represented a headache for electrical systems designers. Until some ten years ago, in a well-balanced system, the vectorial sum of the currents in the neutral was zero or quite low (given the difficulty of obtaining a perfect balance). The devices were incandescent lights, small motors and other devices that presented linear loads. The result was an essentially sinusoidal current in each phase and a low current on the neutral at a frequency of 50/60Hz. "Modern" devices such as TV sets, fluorescent lights, video machines and microwave ovens normally draw current for only a fraction of each cycle thus causing non-linear loads and subsequent non-linear currents. All this generates odd harmonics of the 50/60Hz line frequency. For this reason, the current in the transformers of the distribution boxes contains only a 50Hz (or 60Hz) component but also a 150Hz (or 180Hz) component, a 50Hz (or 300Hz) component and other significant components of harmonic up to 750Hz (or 900Hz) and higher. The vectorial sum of the currents in a well-balanced system that feeds non-linear loads may still be quite low. However, the sum does not eliminate all current harmonics. The odd multiples of the third harmonic (called "TRIPLENS") are added together in the neutral and can cause overheating even with balanced loads. EN-93 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST 16.7.4. Presence of harmonics: consequences In general, even harmonics, i.e. the 2nd, 4th etc., do not cause problems. Triple harmonics, odd multiples of three, are added on the neutral (instead of cancelling each other) thus creating a condition of overheating of the wire, which is extremely dangerous. Designers should take into consideration the three issues given below when designing a power distribution system that will contain harmonic current: The neutral wire must be of sufficient gauge. The distribution transformer must have an additional cooling system to continue operating at its rated capacity when not suited to the harmonics. This is necessary because the harmonic current in the neutral wire of the secondary circuit circulates in the delta-connected primary circuit. This circulating harmonic current heats up the transformer. Phase harmonic currents are reflected on the primary circuit and continue back to the power source. This can cause distortion of the voltage wave so that any power factor correction capacitors on the line can be easily overloaded. The 5th and the 11th harmonic contrast the current flow through the motors making its operation harder and shortening their average life. In general, the higher the ordinal harmonic number, the smaller its energy is and therefore the impact it will have on the devices (except for transformers). 16.8. POWER AND POWER FACTOR DEFINITION In a standard electric installation powered by three sine voltages the following is defined: Pn VnN I n cos( n ) Phase Active Power: (n=1,2,3) S n VnN I n Phase Apparent Power: (n=1,2,3) Phase Reactive Power: Qn S n2 Pn2 (n=1,2,3) Phase Power Factor: PF n (n=1,2,3) Pn Sn PTOT P1 P2 P3 Total Active Power: Total Reactive Power: QTOT Q1 Q2 Q3 Total Apparent Power: STOT PTOT QTOT 2 PF TOT Total Power Factor: 2 PTOT S TOT where: VnN = In = fn= RMS value of voltage between phase n and Neutral. RMS value of n phase current. Phase displacement angle between voltage and current of n phase. EN-94 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST In presence of distorted voltages and currents the previous relations vary as follows: Phase Active Power: Pn Vk n I k n cos ( k n ) (n=1,2,3) k 0 S n VnN I n Phase Apparent Power: (n=1,2,3) Phase Reactive Power: Qn S n2 Pn2 (n=1,2,3) Phase Power Factor: PF n (n=1,2,3) Distorted Power Factor dPFn=cosf1n= (n=1,2,3) Pn Sn phase displacement between the fundamentals of voltage and current of n phase PTOT P1 P2 P3 Total Active Power: Total Reactive Power: QTOT Q1 Q2 Q3 Total Apparent Power: STOT PTOT QTOT 2 PF TOT Total Power Factor: 2 PTOT S TOT where: Vkn = RMS value of kth voltage harmonic between n phase and Neutral. Ikn = RMS value of kth current harmonic of n phase. fkn= Phase displacement angle between kth voltage harmonic and kth current harmonic of n phase. Note: It is to be noted that the expression of the phase Reactive Power with non sine waveforms, would be wrong. To understand this, it may be useful to consider that both the presence of harmonics and the presence of reactive power produce, among other effects, an increase of line power losses due to the increased current RMS value. With the above given relation the increasing of power losses due to harmonics is added to that introduced by the presence of reactive power. In effect, even if the two phenomena contribute together to the increase of power losses in line, it is not true in general that these causes of the power losses are in phase between each other and therefore that can be added one to the other mathematically. The above given relation is justified by the relative simplicity of calculation of the same and by the relative discrepancy between the values obtained using this relation and the true value. It is to be noted moreover, how in case of an electric installation with harmonics, another parameter called distorted Power Factor (dPF) is defined. In practice, this parameter represents the theoretical limit value that can be reached for Power Factor if all the harmonics could be eliminated from the electric installation. EN-95 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST 16.8.1. Conventions on powers and power factors As for the recognition of the type of reactive power, of the type of power factor and of the direction of the active power, the below conventions must be applied. The stated angles are those of phase-displacement of the current compared to the voltage (for example, in the first panel the current is in advance from 0 to 90 compared to the voltage): Equipment under test = Inductive Generator Equipment under test = Capacitive Load 90 P+ = 0 Pfc+ = -1 Pfi+ = -1 Qc+ = 0 Qi+ = 0 P- = Pfc - = Pfi - = Qc- = Qi - = P -1 Pf 0 Q P+ = P Pfc+ = Pf Pfi+ = -1 Qc+ = Q Qi+ = 0 P- = 0 Pfc - = -1 Pfi - = -1 Qc- = 0 Qi - = 0 180 0 P+ = 0 Pfc+ = -1 Pfi+ = -1 Qc+ = 0 Qi+ = 0 P- = Pfc - = Pfi - = Qc- = Qi - = P Pf -1 Q 0 P+ = P Pfc+ = -1 Pfi+ = Pf Qc+ = 0 Qi+ = Q P- = 0 Pfc - = -1 Pfi - = -1 Qc- = 0 Qi - = 0 270 Equipment under test = Capacitive Generator Equipment under test = Inductive Load where: Symbol P+ Pfc+ Pfi+ Qc+ Qi+ PPfcPfiQcQiValue P Q Pf 0 -1 Significance Value of the active power + Capacitive power factor + Inductive power factor + Value of the capacitive reactive power + Value of the inductive reactive power + Value of the active power Capacitive power factor Inductive power factor Value of the capacitive reactive power Value of the inductive reactive power - Remarks Positive parameter (user) Negative parameter (generator) Significance The active power (positive or negative) is defined in the panel and therefore acquires the value of the active power in that moment. The reactive power (inductive or capacitive, positive or negative) is defined in the panel and therefore acquires the value of the reactive power in that moment. The power factor (inductive or capacitive, positive or negative) is defined in the panel and therefore acquires the value of the power factor in that moment. The active power (positive or negative) or the reactive power (inductive or capacitive, positive or negative) is NOT defined in the panel and therefore acquires a null value. The power factor (inductive or capacitive, positive or negative) is NOT defined in the panel. EN-96 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST 16.8.2. 3 Phase 3 Wire System In the electrical systems distributed without neutral, the phase voltages and the power factors and phase cos lose importance. Only the phase-to-phase voltages, the phase currents and the total powers remain defined. Phase 1 VAR 1-2 W 1-2 Three-phase Phase 2 Equipment Phase 3 VAR 3-2 W 3-2 In this case the potential of one of the three phases (for example, phase 2) is taken on as reference potential. The total values of the active, reactive and apparent power are expressed as sum of the indications of the couples of Wattmeters, VARmeters and VAmeters. PTOT W1 2 W3 2 QTOT VAR1 2 VAR3 2 S TOT W12 W32 2 VAR12 VAR32 2 EN-97 AMPROBE 16.9. DMIII MULTITEST MEASURING METHOD: OUTLINES The instrument is able to measure: voltages, currents, active powers, inductive and capacitive reactive powers, apparent powers, inductive and capacitive power factors, analogic or impulse parameters. All these parameters are analyzed in a digital way: for each phase (voltage and current), 6 x 128 samples are acquired on a module of 16 x 20ms, repeated for the three phases. 16.9.1. Integration periods The storage of all the data would require a huge memory capacity. Therefore we've tried to find out a storage method that compresses the information to be memorized, while providing significant data. The chosen method is that of integration: after a certain period called "integration period", which can be set from 5 seconds to 60 minutes (3600sec), the instrument extracts from the sampled values the following data: Minimum value of the parameter during the integration period (harmonics excluded) Medium value of the parameter (intended as arithmetic average of all the values registered during the integration period) Maximum value of the parameter during the integration period (harmonics excluded) Only this information (repeated for each parameter to be memorised) is saved in the memory along with starting time and date of the integration period. Once these data are memorized, the instrument restarts to take measurements for a new period. 16.9.2. Power factor calculations According to the standards in force, the medium power factor can't be calculated as average of the instantaneous power factors. It must be obtained from the medium values of active and reactive power. Each single medium power factor (of phase or total) is therefore calculated, at the end of each integration period, on the medium value of the corresponding powers independently on the fact that they must be registered or not. Besides, for a better analysis of the type of load present on the line and in order to have terms of comparison when studying the invoicing of the low cos, the values of inductive and capacitive cos are treated as independent parameters. 16.9.3. Voltage Anomalies and Periods Analysis comparison If You want to compare Voltage Anomaly and Periods Analysis results You should note that:: 1. Voltage anomalies calculate RMS values over 10ms time while Periods Analysis calculate MAX, MIN, RMS value over a module of 16 waveforms (16 x 16.66ms = 0.266ms). This generally implicates different values between Voltage Anomalies and Periods Analysis results because the "Integration" time is different. Example: Integration Time = 60sec If Your signal consists of 3600 waveforms (7200 half waveforms) and only the first half waveform reach 246,6V while 7199 half waveforms stay at 240.6V You will get: Voltage anomaly = 246.6V Max of Periods analysis = 240.79V AVG of Periods analysis = 240.6008V MIN of Periods analysis = 240.6V EN-98 AMPROBE DMIII MULTITEST 2. The Voltage anomalies routine "starts" a Voltage anomaly if the RMS value (calculated over 10ms) is over/under the High/low Threshold and "stops" it when the RMS value (calculated over 10ms) is under/over the High/low Threshold +/- 3% of Threshold (where 3% is a fixed percentual of High / Low threshold which introduces an hysterisis between "Start" and "Stop" voltage values). Example: Vref =230V +/- 6% --> High Threshold for start = 243.8, High Threshold for stop: = 243.8 - 7.3 = 236.5V. Low Threshold for start = 216.2, Low Threshold for stop: = 216.2 + 6.5 = 222.7V. 3. The voltage anomalies routine informs you about: a. Starting time of the Voltage anomaly b. Duration c. Extreme RMS value (calculated over 10ms) during the whole Voltage anomaly. Example: a voltage anomaly of Extreme= 246.6V Duration =20244,09s means that: i): during 20244,09s the RMS voltage value reached 246,6 for 10ms ii): during 20244,09s the RMS voltage value (calculate over 10ms) was over 236.5V (High Threshold for stop) 4. Both Voltage anomalies routine and Periods routines have an accuracy of +/- (0.5% rdg + 2dgt). As the routines, the calculation, rounding, etc are different in order to compare the results, You should consider a double global uncertainty. So theoretically a nominal voltage of 245.2V could become: a. 246,6V (245.2 + 1.433) measured by Voltage Anomalies routine b. 243.7V (245.2 - 1.433) measured by Periods Analysis routine. EN-99 AMPROBE 17. DMIII MULTITEST APPENDIX 1 - MESSAGES DISPLAYED Advices Message Description CLEAR ALL? (Enter) Available memory autonomy for the recording which is being effected The operator is trying to cancel all the recordings effected CLEAR LAST? (Enter) The operator is trying to cancel the last recording effected Data saved DATA SIZE: HOLD The data have been saved Dimensions of the stored data By pressing the proper key, the HOLD function has been activated A recording has been started and at least 5 minutes have passed from the last activity of the instrument (see paragraph 7.1.6). The inserted date is not correct The instrument is taking an energy measurement The memory of the instrument is full AUTONOM: Password: Invalid date Energy Measuring Memory Full No ext supply! A recording has been started without connecting the external power supply (optional code A0051) No parameter sel A recording has been started without selecting any value to be recorded Voltage and/or current harmonics have been selected and the corresponding flag has been enabled (HARMONICS ON) but no phase voltage or current has been selected The inserted password is wrong (see paragraph 10.3). The inserted password is correct The instrument is waiting for the recording to be started (see paragraph 10.1) The instrument is recording (see paragraph 10.2) More than 63 parameters have been selected (harmonics included) or More than 38 parameters with COGENERATION Flag enabled The quantity of recorded data + Smp exceeds the maximum allowed (35) No Phase selected PASSWORD ERROR PASSWORD OK Please wait Recording Too many param Too many records No Unit selected ERR: SEQ ERR: PERR: SEQ & PERR: CONNECTION Error Vref ERR: SYNC The Phase Sequence isn't correct. The active powers shown on the right side of the message are negative The active powers shown on the right side of the message are negative and the Phase Sequence isn't correct. The instrument has detected a wrong connection to Voltage inputs The user set a Voltage reference not compatible with voltage at instrument's input. The System Frequency is out of range Error1 Error 5 EN-100 Press ESC in order not to cancel the whole memory, press ENTER to confirm Press ESC in order not to cancel the last recording, press ENTER to confirm Press HOLD again to disable this function Insert the password: F1, F4, F3, F2 Check the inserted date Press F1 to stop it Cancel some recordings after transferring them to a PC Verify it you really want to start the recording without the external power supply. In that case press START again. Press START/STOP and select at least a value entering the MENU Select at least one phase voltage and/or current Check the password Deselect some values Cancel some recordings after transferring them to a PC Check the Phase Sequence connection. If there isn't a situation of co-generation check if the clamps are properly connected If there isn't a situation of co-generation check if the clamps are properly connected / check the Phase Sequence connection. Check the Voltage connections Check Voltage Reference set in "CONFIG RECORDER" Check the System Frequency, check setting in ANALYZER CONFIG. Contact assistance AMPROBE 18. DMIII MULTITEST APPENDIX 2 - RECORDABLE PARAMETERS: SYMBOLS Symbol V1, V2, V3 V12, V23 V31 I1, I2, I3 IN DC h01 h49 ThdV ThdI Pt, P1, P2, P3 P12, P32 Qt, Q1, Q2, Q3 Q12, Q32 St, S1, S2, S3 S12, S32 Pft, pf1, pf2, pf3 dPft, dpf1, dpf2, dpf3 Eat, Ea1, Ea2, Ea3 Erit, Eri1, Eri2, Eri3 Erct, Erc1, Erc2, Erc3 Est, Es1, Es2, Es3 Description RMS value of the voltage of phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 respectively Value of phase to phase voltages RMS value of the current of phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 respectively RMS value of the current of the neutral Continuous component of voltage or current Harmonic 01 Harmonic 49 of voltage or current Factor of total harmonic distortion of the voltage (see paragraph 16.7) Factor of total harmonic distortion of the current (see paragraph 16.7) Values of the total active power, of phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 respectively (only for 3 wires measurement) Value of the power measured by the Wattmeter 1-2 and 3-2 respectively (see paragraph 16.8.2). Values of the total reactive power, of phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 respectively (only for 3 wires measurement) Value of the power measured by the VARmeter 1-2 and 3-2 respectively (see paragraph 16.8.2). Values of the total apparent power, of phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 respectively (only for 3 wires measurement) Value of the power measured by the VAmeter 1-2 and 3-2 respectively (see paragraph 16.8.2). Value of the total power factors, power factors of phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 respectively Values of the total cos, of phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 respectively Values of the total active energy, of phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 respectively Values of the total inductive reactive Energy, of phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 respectively Values of the total capacitive reactive Energy, of phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 respectively Values of the total Apparent Energy, of phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 respectively EN-101 YAMUM0004AT0 Miramar, FL Phone: 954-499-5400 Fax: 954-499-5454