MP39 * MP39A MP39 * MP39A MP39, MP39A Power Operational Amplifier FEATURES * * * * * HIGH INTERNAL DISSIPATION -- 125 Watts HIGH VOLTAGE, HIGH CURRENT -- 100V, 10A HIGH SLEW RATE -- 10V/s 4 WIRE CURRENT LIMIT SENSING OPTIONAL BOOST VOLTAGE INPUTS APPLICATIONS * * * * * LINEAR AND ROTARY MOTOR DRIVES YOKE/MAGNETIC FIELD EXCITATION PROGRAMMABLE POWER SUPPLIES TO 45V INDUSTRIAL AUDIO PACKAGE OPTION - DIP10 - DUAL-IN-LINE DESCRIPTION The MP39 is a cost-effective high voltage MOSFET power operational amplifier constructed with surface mount components on a thermally conductive but electrically isolated substrate. While the cost is low the MP39 offers many of the same features and performance specifications found in much more expensive hybrid power amplifiers. The metal substrate allows the MP39 to dissipate power up to 125 watts and its power supply voltages can range up to +/- 50 Volts (100V total). Optional boost voltage inputs allow the small signal portion of the amplifier to operate at higher supply voltages than the high current output stage. The amplifier is then biased to achieve close linear swings to the supply rails at high current for extra efficient operation. External compensation tailors performance to the user needs. A four-wire sense technique allows current limiting without the need to consider internal or external mili-ohm parasitic resistance in the output line. An Iq pin is available which can be used to shut off the quiescent current in the output stage. The output stage then operates class C and lowers quiescent power dissipation. This is useful in applications where output crossover distortion is not important. EQUIVALENT SCHEMATIC 12 +Vs +Vb 1 C1 GND 2 R1 R2 Q1A Q1B Q5 13 +Vs C2 R3 14 +Vs Q3 D1 R4 Q4 Cc2 4 Q9 Cc1 6 Q7 Q6 -IN 30 +IN 29 R5 Q10A Q10B R6 R7 23 -Ilim R8 C3 -Vb 26 MP39U 15 OUT Q8 16 OUT R9 17 OUT R10 Q11 Iq 25 GND 28 24 +Ilim R11 Q13 Q14 R12 R13 Copyright (c) Apex Microtechnology, Inc. 2012 (All Rights Reserved) Q12 18 -Vs 19 -Vs 20 -Vs SEP 2012 1 MP39U REVJ MP39 * MP39A ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Parameter Symbol Min Max Units 100 V VS 20 V SUPPLY VOLTAGE, +VS to -VS BOOST VOLTAGE OUTPUT CURRENT, within SOA 25 A POWER DISSIPATION, internal 125 W INPUT VOLTAGE, differential -20 +20 V INPUT VOLTAGE, common mode -VB +VB V 200 C TEMPERATURE, pin solder - 10s TEMPERATURE, junction 175 C TEMPERATURE, storage (Note 2) -40 +105 C OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE, case -40 +85 C SPECIFICATIONS Parameter Test Conditions (Note 1) MP38 Min MP38A Typ Max 5 10 Min Typ Max Units * 3 mV INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE, initial OFFSET VOLTAGE, vs. temperature Full temp range OFFSET VOLTAGE, vs. supply OFFSET VOLTAGE, vs. power Full temp range 50 * V/C 15 * V/V 30 * V/W BIAS CURRENT, initial 10 BIAS CURRENT, vs. supply .01 OFFSET CURRENT, initial 10 INPUT IMPEDANCE, DC 10 INPUT CAPACITANCE 200 * 100 * 50 * 10 20 pA pA/V 30 pA * * pF COMMON MODE VOLTAGE RANGE Full temp range VB+15 VB+12 * * V COMMON MODE REJECTION, DC Full temp, range, VCM= 20V 86 98 * * dB INPUT NOISE 100kHz BW, RS = 1K * Vrms * dB 2 * MHz 10 GAIN OPEN LOOP, @ 15Hz Full temp range, CC = 100pF GAIN BANDWIDTH PRODUCT IO = 10A 94 113 * POWER BANDWIDTH RL=10, VO = 90VP-P CC = 100pF 40 * kHz PHASE MARGIN Full temp range 60 * 2 MP39U MP39 * MP39A Test Conditions (Note 1) Parameter MP38 Min Typ MP38A Max Min Typ Max Units OUTPUT VOLTAGE SWING I O=10A VS+8.8 VS+6.0 * * V VOLTAGE SWING VB = VS 10V, I O=10A VS+6.8 VS+1.1 * * V SETTLING TIME to .1% A V=+1,10V step, R L =4 * S SLEW RATE A V= -10, CC= 100pF 10 * V/S CAPACITIVE LOAD Full temp range, A V=+1 10 * nF 2.5 RESISTANCE 4 CURRENT, CONTINUOUS * 10 11 A * V POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE Full temp range 15 40 50 * * CURRENT, quiescent, boost supply 22 * mA CURRENT, quiescent, total 26 * mA Full temp range, F>60Hz .9 * C/W Full temp range, F<60Hz 1.2 * C/W THERMAL RESISTANCE, AC, junction to case (Note 3) RESISTANCE, DC, junction to case RESISTANCE, junction to air (Note 4) TEMPERATURE RANGE, case Full temp range Meets full range specification 12 -40 * +85 * C/W * C NOTES: * The specification of MP39A is identical to the specification for MP39 in applicable column to the left. 1. Unless otherwise noted: TC = 25C, RC = 100, CC = 470pF. DC input specifications are value given. Power supply voltage is typical rating. VB = VS. 2. Long term operation at the maximum junction temperature will result in reduced product life. Derate internal power dissipation to achieve high MTTF. For guidance, refer to the heatsink data sheet. 3. Rating applies if the output current alternates between both output transistors at a rate faster than 60 Hz. 4. The MP39 must be used with a heat sink or the quiescent power may drive the unit to junction temperatures higher than 175C. CAUTION MP39U The MP39 is constructed from MOSFET transistors. ESD handling procedures must be observed. 3 MP39 * MP39A 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 100K 60 220pF 40 20 470pF 0 470pF -90 -120 100pF -150 -180 -20 1 10 -210 100 1K 10K 100K 1M 10M FREQUENCY, F (Hz) SLEW RATE VS. COMP. 10 LOAD 30 20 10 0 100 200 300 400 500 EXT. COMPENSATION CAPACITOR (pF) 1 10 125C 1 85C 25C 1 100 10 SUPPLY to OUTPUT DIFFERENTIAL, VS-VO (V) OUTPUT VOLTAGE, VO (VPP) 100pF PHASE (DEGREES) 80 10 POWER RESPONSE 100 -60 100 1K 10K 100K 1M 10M FREQUENCY, F (Hz) 1mS 0.1 PHASE RESPONSE 220pF 40 SLEW RATE (V/F) 1K 10K FREQUENCY, F (Hz) 100 0 OUTPUT VOLTAGE DROP FROM SUPPLY, VS -VO (V) OPEN LOOP GAIN, AOL (dB) 50W -30 100 50 50mW 0.01 0.001 20 40 60 80 100 CASE TEMPERATURE, TC (C) 10mS 0.1 120 -40 4 1 SOA 100 AV = 10 VS = +/-36 RLOAD = 8 10 SMALL SIGNAL RESPONSE 140 HARMONIC DISTORTION 100 OUTPUT CURRENT, IO (A) POWER DERATING 140 % DISTRIBUTION + NOISE INTERNAL POWER DISSIPATION, P(W) TYPICAL PERFORMANCE GRAPHS 470pF 220pF 10 100pF 1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY (kHz) 1000 OUTPUT VOLTAGE SWING 9 8 7 +V B = +V S 6 -V S 5 = -V B 0V 4 3 -V B 2 +V B 1 0 = -V S 0 -1 V =+ S 0V +1 2 4 8 6 OUTPUT CURRENT, IO (A) 10 MP39U MP39 * MP39A EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS 3 * 5 6 7 10 9 +Vs +Vs +Vs NC NC 8 NC NC NC 4 Cc1 Rc Cc2 GND 2 1 NC +Vb Cc NC * 11 12 13 14 COMPONENT SIDE VIEW OUT OUT -Vs -Vs * OUT 19 18 17 16 15 20 -Vs NC NC -llim +Ilim Iq NC 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 -Vb +IN GND -IN 30 29 28 30-pin DIP PACKAGE STYLE CL * * SEE "BYPASSING" PARAGRAPH Phase Compensation Gain Cc Rc 1 470pF 100 3 220pF Short 10 100pF Short TYPICAL APPLICATION RF +50V 1 ULTRASONIC DRIVE RI 23 24 +ILIM OUT 15-17 CC2 CC1 4 IQ 6 25 RC CC NC -ILIM -IN MP39 Ref: Application Note 25 The high power bandwidth and high voltage output of the MP39 allows driving ultra-sonic transducers via a resonant circuit including the transducer and a matching transformer. The load circuit appears resistive to the MP39. 12-14 +VS +VB 30 +IN 29 -VB -VS 26 18-20 -50V ULTRA-SONIC AMPLIFIER RCL TUNED TRANSFORMER GENERAL Please read Application Note 1 "General Operating Considerations" which covers stability, supplies, heat sinking, mounting, current limit, SOA interpretation, and specification interpretation. Visit for design tools that help automate tasks such as calculations for stability, internal power dissipation, current limit; heat sink selection; Apex Precision Power's complete Application Notes library; Technical Seminar Workbook; and Evaluation Kits. CURRENT LIMIT The two current limit sense lines are to be connected directly across the current limit sense resistor. For the current limit to work correctly pin 24 must be connected to the amplifier output side and pin 23 connected to the load side of the current limit resistor, RCL, as shown in Figure 1. This connection will bypass any parasitic resistances, Rp, formed by sockets and solder joints as well as internal amplifier losses. The current limiting resistor may not be placed anywhere in the output circuit except where shown in Figure 1. The value of the current limit resistor can be calculated as follows: RF RI 30 INPUT 29 23 24 MP39 RP RCL 15-17 RL FIGURE 1. CURRENT LIMIT .7 R = CL I LIMIT MP39U 5 MP39 * MP39A BOOST OPERATION With the VB feature the small signal stages of the amplifier are operated at higher supply voltages than the amplifier's high current output stage. +VS (pins 12-14) and -VS (pins 18-20) are connected to the high current output stage. An additional 10V on the VB pins is sufficient to allow the small signal stages to drive the output transistors into saturation and improve the output voltage swing for extra efficient operation when required. When close swing to the supply rails is not required the +VB and +VS pins must be strapped together as well as the -VB and -VS pins. The boost voltage pins must not be at a voltage lower than the VS pins. BYPASSING Proper bypassing of the power supply pins is crucial for proper operation. Bypass the Vs pins with a aluminum electrolytic capacitor with a value of at least 10F per amp of expected output current. In addition a .47F to 1F ceramic capacitor should be placed in parallel with each aluminum electrolytic capacitor. Both of these capacitors have to be placed as close to the power supply pins as physically possible. If not connected to the Vs pins (See BOOST OPERATION) the VB pins should also be bypassed with a .47F to 1F ceramic capacitor. USING THE Iq PIN FUNCTION Pin 25 (Iq) can be tied to pin 6 (Cc1) to eliminate the class AB biasing current from the output stage. Typically this would remove 1-4 mA of quiescent current. The resulting decrease in quiescent power dissipation may be important in some applications. Note that implementing this option will raise the output impedance of the amplifier and increase crossover distortion as well. COMPENSATION The external compensation components CC and RC are connected to pins 4 and 6. Unity gain stability can be achieved at any compensation capacitance greater than 470 pF with at least 60 degrees of phase margin. At higher gains more phase shift can be tolerated in most designs and the compensation capacitance can accordingly be reduced, resulting in higher bandwidth and slew rate. APPLICATION REFERENCES For additional technical information please refer to the following application notes. AN01 General Operating Considerations AN11 Thermal Techniques AN38 Loop Stability with Reactive Loads NEED TECHNICAL HELP? CONTACT APEX SUPPORT! For all Apex Microtechnology product questions and inquiries, call toll free 800-546-2739 in North America. For inquiries via email, please contact International customers can also request support by contacting their local Apex Microtechnology Sales Representative. To find the one nearest to you, go to IMPORTANT NOTICE Apex Microtechnology, Inc. has made every effort to insure the accuracy of the content contained in this document. However, the information is subject to change without notice and is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind (expressed or implied). Apex Microtechnology reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any specifications or products mentioned herein to improve reliability. This document is the property of Apex Microtechnology and by furnishing this information, Apex Microtechnology grants no license, expressed or implied under any patents, mask work rights, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights. Apex Microtechnology owns the copyrights associated with the information contained herein and gives consent for copies to be made of the information only for use within your organization with respect to Apex Microtechnology integrated circuits or other products of Apex Microtechnology. This consent does not extend to other copying such as copying for general distribution, advertising or promotional purposes, or for creating any work for resale. APEX MICROTECHNOLOGY PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED, AUTHORIZED OR WARRANTED TO BE SUITABLE FOR USE IN PRODUCTS USED FOR LIFE SUPPORT, AUTOMOTIVE SAFETY, SECURITY DEVICES, OR OTHER CRITICAL APPLICATIONS. PRODUCTS IN SUCH APPLICATIONS ARE UNDERSTOOD TO BE FULLY AT THE CUSTOMER OR THE CUSTOMER'S RISK. Apex Microtechnology, Apex and Apex Precision Power are trademarks of Apex Microtechnolgy, Inc. All other corporate names noted herein may be trademarks of their respective holders. 6 Copyright (c) Apex Microtechnology, Inc. 2012 (All Rights Reserved) SEP 2012 MP39U MP39U REVJ