e2v semiconductors SAS 2008
5. Assumes that stable VDDSYN is applied, and that the crystal oscillator is stable. Lock time is measured from the time VDD and
VDDSYN are valid until RESET is released. This specification also applies to the period required for PLL lock after changing
the W and Y frequency control bits in the synthesizer control register (SYNCR) while the PLL is running, and to the period
required for the clock to lock after LPSTOP.
6. Internal VCO frequency (fVCO) is determined by SYNCR W and Y bit values. The SYNCR X bit controls a divide-by-two cir-
cuit that is not in the synthesizer feedback loop. When X = 0, the divider is enabled, and fsys = fVCO: 4. When X = 1, the
divider is disabled, and fsys = fVCO: 2. X must equal one when operating at maximum specified fsys.
7. Stability is the average deviation from the programmed frequency measured over the specified interval at maximum fsys.
Measurements are made with the device powered by filtered supplies and clocked by a stable external clock signal. Noise
injected into the PLL circuitry via VDDSYN and VSS and variation in crystal oscillator frequency increase the Cstab percentage
for a given interval. When clock stability is a critical constraint on control system operation, this parameter should be mea-
sured during functional testing of the final system.
Table 6-3. AC Timing. VDD and VDDSYN = 5.0 VDC ± 10% for 16.78 MHz and 5.0 VDC ± 5% for 20.97 MHz; VSS = 0 VDC;
TC = -55°C to +125°C or -40°C to +85°C (1)
Number Symbol Parameter
16.78 MHz 20.97 MHz
UnitMin Max Min Max
F1 f Frequency of operation (32.768 kHz crystal)(2) 0.13 16.78 0.13 20.97 MHz
CYC Clock period 59.6 - 47.7 - ns
1A tEcyc ECLK period 476 - 381 - ns
1B tXcyc External clock input period(3) 59.6 - 47.7 - ns
2, 3 tCW Clock pulse width 24 - 18.8 - ns
2A, 3A tECW ECLK pulse width 236 - 183 - ns
2B, 3B tXCHL External clock input high/low time(3) 29.8 - 23.8 - ns
4, 5 tCrf Clock rise and fall time - 5 - 5 ns
4A, 5A trt Rise and fall time - All outputs except CLKOUT - 8 - 8 ns
4B, 5B TXCrf External clock rise and fall time(4) -5-5ns
CHAV Clock high to address, FC, SIZE, RMC valid 029023ns
CHAZx Clock high to address, Data, FC, SIZE, RMC high
impedance 059047ns
CHAZn Clock high to address, FC, SIZE, RMC invalid 0 - 0 - ns
CLSA Clock low to AS, DS, CS, asserted 225023ns
9A tSTSA AS to DS or CS, asserted (read)(5) -15 15 -10 10 ns
9C tCLIA Clock low to IFETCH, IPIPE asserted 222222ns
11 tAVSA Address, FC, SIZE, RMC valid to AS, CS (and DS
read) asserted 15 - 10 - ns
12 tCLSN Clock low to AS, DS, CS negated 2 29 2 23 ns
12A tCLIN Clock low to IFETCH, IPIPE negated 2 22 2 22 ns
13 tSNAI AS, DS, CS negated to address, FC, SIZE invalid
(address hold) 15 - 10 - ns
14 tSWA AS, CS (and DS read) width asserted 100 - 80 - ns
14A tSWAW DS, CS, width asserted (write) 45 - 36 - ns