Fea tures
•Non-contact switching
•24” wire leads
•1.25” (32 mm) wide slot
•1.38” (35 mm) deep slot
De scrip tion
The OPB819 consists of an infrared
emitting diode and NPN silicon
phototransistor mounted in a plastic
houising on opposite sides of a 1.25”
(31.75 mm) wide slot. Phototransistor
switching takes place whenever an
opaque object passes through the slot.
Custom electrical, wire or cabling is
Contact your local representative or
Optek for more information.
Ab so lute Maxi mum Rat ings (TA = 25o C un less oth er wise noted)
Stor age and Operating Tem per a ture Range....................-40° C to +80° C
Input Di ode
Con tin u ous For ward Cur rent........................................50 mA
Peak For ward Cur rent (1 µs pulse width, 300 pps) ........................3.0 A
Re verse Volt age ..................................................2.0 V
Power Dis si pa tion.............................................100 mW(1)
Out put Photosensor
Col lec tor-Emitter Volt age ............................................30 V
Emit ter-Collector Volt age............................................5.0 V
Power Dis si pa tion.............................................100 mW(1)
(1) Derate linearly 1.67 mW/° C above 25° C.
(2) All parameters tested using pulse technique.
Pre cau tions: Ex po sure of the plas tic body to chlo ri nated hy dro car bons and ke tones such as
thread lock and in stant ad he sive prod ucts will de grade the plas tic body. Cleaning agents
meth a nol and isopropanol are rec om mended. Spray or wipe do not sub merge.
Prod uct Bul le tin OPB819
No vem ber 2000
Slotted Op ti cal Switch
Type OPB819
Op tek Tech nol ogy, Inc. 1215 W. Crosby Road Car roll ton, Texas 75006 (972) 323- 2200 Fax (972) 323- 2396
Visit our website at www.optekinc.com
or email us at sensors@optekinc.com