LM4844 Stereo 1.2W Audio Sub-System with 3D Enhancement General Description Features The LM4844 is an integrated audio sub-system designed for stereo cell phone applications. Operating on a 3.3V supply, it combines a stereo speaker amplifier delivering 495mW per channel into an 8 load and a stereo OCL headphone amplifier delivering 33mW per channel into a 32 load. It integrates the audio amplifiers, volume control, mixer, power management control, and National 3D enhancement all into a single package. In addition, the LM4844 routes and mixes the stereo and mono inputs into 10 distinct output modes. The LM4844 is controlled through an I2C compatible interface. Boomer audio power amplifiers are designed specifically to provide high quality output power with a minimal amount of external components. The LM4844 is available in a very small 2.5mm x 2.9mm 30bump micro SMD (TL) package. Key Specifications Stereo speaker amplifier Stereo OCL headphone amplifier Independent Left, Right, and Mono volume controls National 3D enhancement I2C compatible interface Ultra low shutdown current Click and Pop Suppression circuit 10 distinct output modes Applications Cell Phones PDAs Portable Gaming Devices Internet Appliances Portable DVD, CD, AAC, and MP3 Players POUT, Stereo BTL, 8, 3.3V, 1% THD+N 495mW (typ) POUT HP, 32, 3.3V, 1% THD+N 33mW (typ) Shutdown Current, 3.3V 0.1A (typ) Boomer(R) is a registered trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation. (c) 2007 National Semiconductor Corporation 201535 www.national.com LM4844 Stereo 1.2W Audio Sub-System with 3D Enhancement August 2007 LM4844 Block Diagram 20153531 FIGURE 1. Audio Sub-System Block Diagram www.national.com 2 LM4844 Connection Diagrams 30 Bump Micro SMD (TL) Package 20153508 Top View (Bump-side down) Order Number LM4844TL See NS Package Number TLA30CZA Micro SMD (TL) Marking 20153592 Top View XY = 2 Digit Date Code TT = Die Traceability G = Boomer Family F3 = LM4844TL 3 www.national.com LM4844 Pin Connection (TL) Pin Name Pin Description A1 RLS+ Right Loudspeaker Positive Output A2 VDD Power Supply A3 SDA Data A4 RHP3D Right Headphone 3D A5 RHP Right Headphone Output B1 GND Ground B2 I2CVDD I2C Interface Power Supply B3 ADR I2C Address Select B4 LHP3D Left Headphone 3D B5 VDD Power Supply C1 RLS- Right Loudspeaker Negative Output C2 NC No Connect C3 SCL Clock C4 NC No Connect C5 GND Ground D1 LLS- Left Loudspeaker Negative Output D2 VDD Power Supply D3 MIN Mono Input D4 NC No Connect D5 OCL VDD/2 Supply for headphone jack's sleeve E1 GND Ground E2 BYPASS Half-supply bypass E3 LLS3D Left Loudspeaker 3D E4 RIN Right Stereo Input E5 NC No Connect F1 LLS+ Left Loudspeaker Positive Output F2 VDD Power Supply F3 RLS3D Right Loudspeaker 3D F4 LIN Left Stereo Input F5 LHP Left Headphone Output www.national.com 4 JA (TLA30CZA) If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/ Distributors for availability and specifications. Supply Voltage Storage Temperature Input Voltage Power Dissipation (Note 3) ESD Susceptibility (Note 4) ESD Susceptibility (Note 5) Junction Temperature (TJ) 62C/W Operating Ratings Temperature Range 6.0V -65C to +150C -0.3V to VDD +0.3V Internally Limited 2000V 200V 150C TMIN TA TMAX Supply Voltage (VDD) -40C TA +85C 2.7V VDD 5.5V I2CVDD VDD Supply Voltage (I2CVDD) (Note 10) 1.7V I2CVDD 5.5V Audio Amplifier Electrical Characteristics VDD = 5.0V (Notes 1, 2) The following specifications apply for VDD = 5.0V, unless otherwise specified. Limits apply for TA = 25C. Symbol Parameter Conditions LM4844 Typical (Note 6) Limits (Notes 7, 8) Units (Limits) VIN = 0V, No load; LD5 = RD5 = 0 IDD ISD PO Supply Current Shutdown Current Output Power Mode 4, 9, 14 5 8 mA (max) Mode 2, 7, 12 12 18 mA (max) Mode 3, 8, 13 13 20 mA (max) Mode 0 0.2 2.5 A (max) Speaker; THD+N = 1%; f = 1kHz; 8 BTL 1.2 0.9 W (min) Headphone; THD+N = 1%; f = 1kHz; 32 SE 80 60 mW (min) LD5 = RD5 = 0 THD+N Total Harmonic Distortion Plus Noise Speaker; PO = 400mW; f = 1kHz; 8 BTL Headphone; PO = 15mW; f = 1kHz; 32 SE VOS Offset Voltage NOUT Output Noise 0.05 % 0.06 % Speaker; LD5 = RD5 = 0 5 40 mV (max) Headphone; LD5 = RD5 = 0 2 30 mV (max) A-weighted, 0dB gain; LD5 = RD5 = 0 Speaker; Mode 2, 3, 7, 8 31 V Speaker; Mode 12, 13 35 V Headphone; Mode 3, 4, 8, 9 12 V Headphone; Mode 13, 14 14 V f = 217Hz; Vrip = 200mVpp; CB = 2.2F; 0dB Gain Setting; LD5 = RD5 = 0 PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio Speaker; Mode 2, 3, 7, 8 71 Speaker; Mode 12, 13, 65 Headphone; Mode 3, 4, 8, 9 76 Headphone; Mode 13, 14 72 dB 55 dB (min) 62 dB (min) dB LD5 = RD5 = 0 Xtalk TWU Crosstalk Wake-up Time Loudspeaker; PO = 400mW; f = 1kHz 84 dB Headphone; PO = 15mW; f = 1kHz 60 dB CD4 = 0; CB = 2.2F 103 ms CD4 = 1; CB = 2.2F 42 ms 5 www.national.com LM4844 Thermal Resistance Absolute Maximum Ratings (Notes 1, 2) LM4844 Audio Amplifier Electrical Characteristics VDD = 3.0V (Notes 1, 2) The following specifications apply for VDD = 3.0V, unless otherwise specified. Limits apply for TA = 25C. Symbol Parameter Conditions LM4844 Units (Limits) Typical (Note 6) Limits (Notes 7, 8) Mode 4, 9, 14 4.5 7.5 mA (max) Mode 2, 7, 12 10 16 mA (max) Mode 3, 8, 13 11 18 mA (max) Mode 0 0.1 2 A (max) Speaker; THD+N = 1%; f = 1kHz; 4 BTL 390 320 mW (min) Headphone; THD+N = 1%; f = 1kHz; 32 SE 28 21 mW (min) VIN = 0V, No load; LD5 = RD5 = 0 I DD ISD PO Supply Current Shutdown Current Output Power LD5 = RD5 = 0 THD+N Total Harmonic Distortion Plus Noise Speaker; PO = 200mW; f = 1kHz; 8 BTL Headphone; PO = 10mW; f = 1kHz; 32 SE VOS Offset Voltage 0.05 % 0.05 % Speaker; LD5 = RD5 = 0 5 40 mV (max) Headphone; LD5 = RD5 = 0 2 30 mV (max) A-weighted; 0dB gain; LD5 = RD5 = 0 NOUT Output Noise Speaker; Mode 2, 3, 7, 8 32 V Speaker; Mode 12, 13 41 V Headphone; Mode 3, 4, 8, 9 13 V Headphone; Mode 13, 14 15 V f = 217Hz, Vrip = 200mVpp; CB = 2.2F; 0dB Gain Setting; LD5 = RD5 = 0 PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio Speaker; Mode 2, 3, 7, 8 73 Speaker; Mode 12, 13, 66 Headphone; Mode 3, 4, 8, 9 78 Headphone; Mode 13, 14 72 dB 55 dB (min) 62 dB (min) dB LD5 = RD5 = 0 Xtalk TWU Crosstalk Wake-up Time www.national.com Loudspeaker; PO = 200mW; f = 1kHz 85 dB Headphone; PO = 10mW; f = 1kHz 60 dB CD4 = 0; CB = 2.2F 70 ms CD4 = 1; CB = 2.2F 30 ms 6 (Notes 1, 2) The following specifications apply for 3V VDD 5V and 3V I2CVDD 5V, unless otherwise specified. Limits apply for TA = 25 C. Symbol Parameter Stereo Volume Control Range Mono Volume Control Range Conditions LM4844 Limits (Notes 7, 8) maximum gain setting 6 5.5 6.5 dB (min) dB (max) minimum gain setting -40.5 -41 -40 dB (min) dB (max) maximum gain setting 12 11.5 12.5 dB (min) dB (max) minimum gain setting -34.5 -35 -34 dB (min) dB (max) Volume Control Step Size 1.5 Volume Control Step Size Error +/-0.2 Stereo Channel to Channel Gain Mismatch 0.3 Mute Attenuation LIN and RIN Input Impedance MIN Input Impedance Units (Limits) Typical (Note 6) dB +/-0.5 dB (max) dB Mode 12, Vin = 1VRMS Headphone 100 maximum gain setting 33 25 42 k (min) k (max) minimum gain setting 100 75 125 k (min) k (max) maximum gain setting 20 15 25 k (min) k (max) minimum gain setting 96 73 123 k (min) k (max) Control Interface Electrical Characteristics dB (Notes 1, 2) The following specifications apply for VDD = 5.0V and 3.0V, TA = 25C, 2.2V I2CVDD 5.5V, unless otherwise specified. Symbol Parameter Conditions LM4844 Typical (Note 6) Limits (Notes 1, 7, 8) Units (Limits) t1 I2C Clock Period 2.5 s (min) t2 I2C Data Setup Time 100 ns (min) t3 I2C 0 ns (min) t4 Start Condition Time 100 ns (min) t5 Stop Condition time 100 ns (min) t6 I2C Data Hold Time 100 ns (min) VIH I2C VIL I2C Input Voltage Low Data Stable Time Input Voltage High 0.7 x Control Interface Electrical Characteristics I2CV DD V (min) 0.3 x I2CVDD V (max) (Notes 1, 2) The following specifications apply for VDD = 5.0V and 3.0V, TA = 25C, 1.7V I2CVDD 2.2V, unless otherwise specified. Symbol Parameter Conditions LM4844 Typical (Note 6) Limits (Notes 1, 7, 8) Units (Limits) t1 I2C Clock Period 2.5 s (min) t2 I2C Data Setup Time 250 ns (min) t3 I2C 0 ns (min) Data Stable Time 7 www.national.com LM4844 Volume Control Electrical Characteristics LM4844 Symbol Parameter Conditions LM4844 Typical (Note 6) Limits (Notes 1, 7, 8) Units (Limits) t4 Start Condition Time 250 ns (min) t5 Stop Condition time 250 ns (min) t6 I2C Data Hold Time 250 ns (min) VIH I2C Input Voltage High 0.7 x I2CVDD V (min) VIL I2C Input Voltage Low 0.25 x I2CV DD V (max) Note 1: All voltages are measured with respect to the GND pin unless otherwise specified. Note 2: Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is functional but do not guarantee specific performance limits. Electrical Characteristics state DC and AC electrical specifications under particular test conditions which guarantee specific performance limits. This assumes that the device is within the Operating Ratings. Specifications are not guaranteed for parameters where no limit is given, however, the typical value is a good indication of device performance. Note 3: The maximum power dissipation must be derated at elevated temperatures and is dictated by TJMAX, JA, and the ambient temperature, TA. The maximum allowable power dissipation is PDMAX = (TJMAX - TA) / JA or the number given in Absolute Maximum Ratings, whichever is lower. For the LM4844 typical application with VDD = 3.3V and RL = 8 stereo operation, the total power dissipation is TBDW. JA = TBDC/W. Note 4: Human body model, 100pF discharged through a 1.5k resistor. Note 5: Machine Model, 220pF-240pF discharged through all pins. Note 6: Typicals are measured at +25C and represent the parametric norm. Note 7: Limits are guaranteed to National's AOQL (Average Outgoing Quality Level). Note 8: Datasheet min/max specification limits are guaranteed by design, test, or statistical analysis. Note 9: Shutdown current and supply current are measured in a normal room environment. Note 10: Refer to Control Interface Electrical Characteristics tables on page 6. www.national.com 8 LM4844 Typical Performance Characteristics LM4844TL THD+N vs Frequency VDD = 5V, RL = 8, Mode 7 LS, PO = 400mW LM4844TL THD+N vs Frequency VDD = 3V, RL = 8, Mode 7 LS, PO = 200mW 20153563 20153564 LM4844TL THD+N vs Frequency VDD = 5V, RL = 32, Mode 9 HP, PO = 15mW, 0dB Gain LM4844TL THD+N vs Frequency VDD = 3V, RL = 32, Mode 9 HP, PO = 10mW, 0dB Gain 20153567 20153568 LM4844TL THD+N vs Output Power VDD = 3V, RL = 8, Mode 7 LS, f = 1kHz, 0dB Gain LM4844TL THD+N vs Output Power VDD = 5V, RL = 8, Mode 7 LS, f = 1kHz, 0dB Gain 20153565 20153566 9 www.national.com LM4844 LM4844TL THD+N vs Output Power VDD = 5V, RL = 32, Mode 9 HP, f = 1kHz, 0dB Gain LM4844TL THD+N vs Output Power VDD = 3V, RL = 32, Mode 9 HP, f = 1kHz, 0dB Gain 20153569 20153570 LM4844TL PSRR vs Frequency VDD = 5V, RL = 8, LS Top-Modes 12, 13 Bottom-Modes 2, 3, 7, 8 LM4844TL PSRR vs Frequency VDD = 3V, RL = 8, LS Top-Modes 12, 13 Bottom-Modes 2, 3, 7, 8 20153571 20153572 LM4844TL PSRR vs Frequency VDD = 5V, RL = 32, HP Top-Modes 13, 14 Bottom-Modes 3, 4, 8, 9 LM4844TL PSRR vs Frequency VDD = 3V, RL = 32, HP Top-Modes 13, 14 Bottom-Modes 3, 4, 8, 9 20153574 20153573 www.national.com 10 LM4844 LM4844TL Crosstalk vs Frequency VDD = 5V, RL = 8, Mode 7 LS, PO = 400mW LM4844TL Crosstalk vs Frequency VDD = 3V, RL = 8, Mode 7 LS, PO = 200mW 20153575 20153576 LM4844TL Crosstalk vs Frequency VDD = 5V, RL = 32, Mode 9 HP, PO = 15mW, 0dB Gain LM4844TL Crosstalk vs Frequency VDD = 3V, RL = 32, Mode 9 HP, PO = 10mW, 0dB Gain 20153577 20153578 LM4844TL Frequency Response VDD = 5V, RL = 8, Mode 2 LS, Full Gain = 18dB LM4844TL Frequency Response VDD = 5V, RL = 8, Mode 7 LS, Full Gain = 12dB 20153579 20153580 11 www.national.com LM4844 LM4844TL Frequency Response VDD = 5V, RL = 32, Mode 4 HP, Full Gain = 12dB LM4844TL Frequency Response VDD = 5V, RL = 32, Mode 9 HP, Full Gain = 6dB 20153581 20153582 LM4844TL Power Dissipation vs Output Power VDD = 5V, RL = 8 LS, per channel LM4844TL Power Dissipation vs Output Power VDD = 3V, RL = 8 LS, per channel 20153583 20153584 LM4844TL Power Dissipation vs Output Power VDD = 5V, RL = 8 OCL HP, per channel LM4844TL Power Dissipation vs Output Power VDD = 3V, RL = 32 OCL HP, per channel 20153586 20153585 www.national.com 12 LM4844TL Output Power vs Load Resistance, HP Top-VDD = 5V, 10% THD+N; Topmid-VDD = 5V, 1%THD+N Botmid-VDD = 3V, 10% THD+N; Botmid-VDD = 3V, 1% THD+N 20153587 20153588 LM4844TL Output Power vs Supply Voltage, LS RL = 8; Top- 10%THD+N , Bot- 1%THD+N LM4844TL Output Power vs Supply Voltage, HP RL = 32; Top- 10%THD+N, Bot- 1%THD+N 20153589 20153590 13 www.national.com LM4844 LM4844TL Output Power vs Load Resistance, LS Top-VDD = 5V, 10% THD+N; Topmid-VDD = 5V, 1%THD+N Botmid-VDD = 3V, 10% THD+N; Botmid-VDD = 3V, 1% THD+N LM4844 Application Information 20153524 FIGURE 2. I2C Timing Diagram 20153525 FIGURE 3. I2C Bus Format TABLE 1. Chip Address A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 Chip Address 1 1 1 1 1 0 EC 0 ADR = 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 ADR = 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 EC - externally configured by ADR pin TABLE 2. Control Registers D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Mono Volume control 0 0 0 MD4 MD3 MD2 MD1 MD0 Left Volume control 0 1 LD5 LD4 LD3 LD2 LD1 LD0 Right Volume control 1 0 RD5 RD4 RD3 RD2 RD1 RD0 Mode control 1 1 CD5 0 CD3 CD2 CD1 CD0 www.national.com 14 LM4844 TABLE 3. Mono Volume Control MD4 MD3 MD2 MD1 MD0 Gain (dB) 0 0 0 0 0 -34.5 0 0 0 0 1 -33.0 0 0 0 1 0 -31.5 0 0 0 1 1 -30.0 0 0 1 0 0 -28.5 0 0 1 0 1 -27.0 0 0 1 1 0 -25.5 0 0 1 1 1 -24.0 0 1 0 0 0 -22.5 0 1 0 0 1 -21.0 0 1 0 1 0 -19.5 0 1 0 1 1 -18.0 0 1 1 0 0 -16.5 0 1 1 0 1 -15.0 0 1 1 1 0 -13.5 0 1 1 1 1 -12.0 1 0 0 0 0 -10.5 1 0 0 0 1 -9.0 1 0 0 1 0 -7.5 1 0 0 1 1 -6.0 1 0 1 0 0 -4.5 1 0 1 0 1 -3.0 1 0 1 1 0 -1.5 1 0 1 1 1 0.0 1 1 0 0 0 1.5 1 1 0 0 1 3.0 1 1 0 1 0 4.5 1 1 0 1 1 6.0 1 1 1 0 0 7.5 1 1 1 0 1 9.0 1 1 1 1 0 10.5 1 1 1 1 1 12.0 15 www.national.com LM4844 TABLE 4. Stereo Volume Control LD4//RD4 LD3//RD3 LD2//RD2 LD1//RD1 LD0//RD0 Gain (dB) 0 0 0 0 0 -40.5 0 0 0 0 1 -39.0 0 0 0 1 0 -37.5 0 0 0 1 1 -36.0 0 0 1 0 0 -34.5 0 0 1 0 1 -33.0 0 0 1 1 0 -31.5 0 0 1 1 1 -30.0 0 1 0 0 0 -28.5 0 1 0 0 1 -27.0 0 1 0 1 0 -25.5 0 1 0 1 1 -24.0 0 1 1 0 0 -22.5 0 1 1 0 1 -21.0 0 1 1 1 0 -19.5 0 1 1 1 1 -18.0 1 0 0 0 0 -16.5 1 0 0 0 1 -15.0 1 0 0 1 0 -13.5 1 0 0 1 1 -12.0 1 0 1 0 0 -10.5 1 0 1 0 1 -9.0 1 0 1 1 0 -7.5 1 0 1 1 1 -6.0 1 1 0 0 0 -4.5 1 1 0 0 1 -3.0 1 1 0 1 0 -1.5 1 1 0 1 1 0.0 1 1 1 0 0 1.5 1 1 1 0 1 3.0 1 1 1 1 0 4.5 1 1 1 1 1 6.0 www.national.com 16 Mode CD3 CD2 CD1 CD0 Loudspeaker L Loudspeaker R Headphone L Headphone R 0 0 0 0 0 SD SD SD SD 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 2(GM x M) 2(GM x M) MUTE MUTE 3 0 0 1 1 2(GM x M) 2(GM x M) (GM x M) (GM x M) 4 0 1 0 0 SD SD (GM x M) (GM x M) 5 0 1 0 1 6 0 1 1 0 7 0 1 1 1 2(GL x L) 2(GR x R) MUTE MUTE 8 1 0 0 0 2(GL x L) 2(GR x R) (GL x L) (GR x R) 9 1 0 0 1 SD SD (GL x L) (GR x R) 10 1 0 1 0 11 1 0 1 1 12 1 1 0 0 2(GL x L) + 2 (GM x M) 2(GRx R) + 2(GM x M) MUTE MUTE 13 1 1 0 1 2(GL x L) + 2 (GM x M) 2(GR x R) + 2(GM x M) (GL x L) + (GM x M) (GR x R) + (GM x M) 14 1 1 1 0 SD SD (GL x L) + (GM x M) (GR x R) + (GM x M) 15 1 1 1 1 RESERVED RESERVED RESERVED RESERVED RESERVED RESERVED M - MIN Input Level L - LIN Input Level R - RIN Input Level GM - Mono Volume Control Gain GL - Left Stereo Volume Control Gain GR - Right Stereo Volume Control Gain SD - Shutdown MUTE - Mute TABLE 6. National 3D Enhancement LD5 RD5 0 Loudspeaker National 3D Off 1 Loudspeaker National 3D On 0 Headphone National 3D Off 1 Headphone National 3D On TABLE 7. Wake-up Time Select CD5 17 0 Fast Wake-up Setting 1 Slow Wake-up Setting www.national.com LM4844 TABLE 5. Mixer and Output Mode LM4844 C3D capacitor sets the low cutoff frequency of the 3D effect. Increasing the value of C3D will decrease the low cutoff frequency at which the 3D effect starts to occur, as shown by Equation 1. I2C COMPATIBLE INTERFACE The LM4844 uses a serial bus, which conforms to the I2C protocol, to control the chip's functions with two wires: clock (SCL) and data (SDA). The clock line is uni-directional. The data line is bi-directional (open-collector). The maximum clock frequency specified by the I2C standard is 400kHz. In this discussion, the master is the controlling microcontroller and the slave is the LM4844. The I2C address for the LM4844 is determined using the ADR pin. The LM4844's two possible I2C chip addresses are of the form 111110X10 (binary), where X1 = 0, if ADR is logic low; and X1 = 1, if ADR is logic high. If the I2C interface is used to address a number of chips in a system, the LM4844's chip address can be changed to avoid any possible address conflicts. The bus format for the I2C interface is shown in Figure 2. The bus format diagram is broken up into six major sections: The "start" signal is generated by lowering the data signal while the clock signal is high. The start signal will alert all devices attached to the I2C bus to check the incoming address against their own address. The 8-bit chip address is sent next, most significant bit first. The data is latched in on the rising edge of the clock. Each address bit must be stable while the clock level is high. After the last bit of the address bit is sent, the master releases the data line high (through a pull-up resistor). Then the master sends an acknowledge clock pulse. If the LM4844 has received the address correctly, then it holds the data line low during the clock pulse. If the data line is not held low during the acknowledge clock pulse, then the master should abort the rest of the data transfer to the LM4844. The 8 bits of data are sent next, most significant bit first. Each data bit should be valid while the clock level is stable high. After the data byte is sent, the master must check for another acknowledge to see if the LM4844 received the data. If the master has more data bytes to send to the LM4844, then the master can repeat the previous two steps until all data bytes have been sent. The "stop" signal ends the transfer. To signal "stop", the data signal goes high while the clock signal is high. The data line should be held high when not in use. f3D(-3dB) = 1 / 2(R3D)(C3D) Activating the 3D effect will cause an increase in gain by a multiplication factor of (1 + 20k/R3D). Setting R3D to 20k will result in a gain increase by a multiplication factor of (1 +20k/20k) = 2 or 6dB whenever the 3D effect is activated. The volume control can be programmed through the I2C compatible interface to compensate for the extra 6dB increase in gain. For example, if the stereo volume control is set at 0dB (11011 from Table 4) before the 3D effect is activated, the volume control should be programmed to -6dB (10111 from Table 4) immediately after the 3D effect has been activated. Setting R3D = 20k and C3D = 0.22F allows the LM4844 to produce a pronounced 3D effect with a minimal increase in output noise. OUTPUT CAPACITOR-LESS (OCL) OPERATION AND LAYOUT TECHNIQUES FOR OPTIMUM CROSSTALK The LM4844's OCL headphone architecture eliminates output coupling capacitors. Unless the headphone is in shutdown, the OCL output will be at a bias voltage of 1/2VDD, which is applied to the stereo headphone jack's sleeve. This voltage matches the bias voltage present on LHP and RHP outputs that drive the headphones. The headphones operate in a manner similar to a bridge-tied load (BTL). Because the same DC voltage is applied to both headphone speaker terminals there is no net DC current flow through the speaker. AC current flows through a headphone speaker as an audio signal's output amplitude increases on the speaker's terminal. The headphone jack's sleeve is not connected to circuit ground when used in OCL mode. Using the headphone output jack as a line-level output will place the LM4844's 1/2VDD bias voltage on a plug's sleeve connection. Since the LHP and RHP outputs of the LM4844 share the OCL output as a reference, certain layout techniques should be used in order to achieve optimum crosstalk performance. The crosstalk will depend on the parasitic resistance of the trace connecting the LM4844 OCL output to the headphone jack sleeve and on the load resistance value. Since the load resistance is often predetermined, it is advisable to use a trace that is as short and as wide as possible. Reasonable application of this layout technique will result in crosstalk values of 60dB, as specified in the electrical characteristics table. I2C INTERFACE POWER SUPPLY PIN (I2CVDD) The LM4844's I2C interface is powered up through the I2CVDD pin. The LM4844's I2C interface operates at a voltage level set by the I2CVDD pin which can be set independent to that of the main power supply pin VDD. This is ideal whenever logic levels for the I2C interface are dictated by a microcontroller or microprocessor that is operating at a lower supply voltage than the main battery of a portable system. BRIDGE CONFIGURATION EXPLANATION The LM4844 consists of two sets of bridged-tied amplifier pairs that drive the left loudspeaker (LLS) and the right loudspeaker (RLS). For this discussion, only the LLS bridge-tied amplifier pair will be referred to. The LM4844 drives a load, such as a speaker, connected between outputs, LLS+ and LLS-. In the LLS amplifier block, the output of the amplifier that drives LLS- serves as the input to the unity gain inverting amplifier that drives LLS+. This results in both amplifiers producing signals identical in magnitude, but 180 out of phase. Taking advantage of this phase difference, a load is placed between LLS- and LLS+ and driven differentially (commonly referred to as 'bridge mode'). This results in a differential or BTL gain of: NATIONAL 3D ENHANCEMENT The LM4844 features a 3D audio enhancement effect that widens the perceived soundstage from a stereo audio signal. The 3D audio enhancement improves the apparent stereo channel separation whenever the left and right speakers are too close to one another, due to system size constraints or equipment limitations. An external RC network, shown in Figure 1, is required to enable the 3D effect. There are separate RC networks for both the stereo loudspeaker outputs as well as the stereo headphone outputs, so the 3D effect can be set independently for each set of stereo outputs. The amount of the 3D effect is set by the R3D resistor. Decreasing the value of R3D will increase the 3D effect. The www.national.com (1) AVD = 2(Rf / Ri) = 2 18 (2) PDMAX-TOTAL = PDMAX-LLS + PDMAX-RLS + PDMAX-LHP + PDMAX-RHP The maximum power dissipation point given by Equation (7) must not exceed the power dissipation given by Equation (8): PDMAX' = (TJMAX - TA) / JA (3) PDMAX-RLS = 4(VDD)2 / (22 RL): Bridged (4) TA = TJMAX - PDMAX-TOTAL JA (5) PDMAX-RHP = (VDD)2 / (22 RL): Single-ended (6) (9) For a typical application with a 5V power supply, stereo 8 loudspeaker load, and the stereo 32 headphone load, the maximum ambient temperature that allows maximum stereo power dissipation without exceeding the maximum junction temperature is approximately 100C for the TL package. TJMAX = PDMAX-TOTAL JA + TA (10) Equation (10) gives the maximum junction temperature TJMAX. If the result violates the LM4844's 150C, reduce the maximum junction temperature by reducing the power supply voltage or increasing the load resistance. Further allowance should be made for increased ambient temperatures. The above examples assume that a device is a surface mount part operating around the maximum power dissipation point. Since internal power dissipation is a function of output power, higher ambient temperatures are allowed as output power or duty cycle decreases. If the result of Equation (7) is greater than that of Equation (8), then decrease the supply voltage, increase the load impedance, or reduce the ambient temperature. If these measures are insufficient, a heat sink can be added to reduce JA. The heat sink can be created using additional copper area around the package, with connections to the ground pin(s), supply pin and amplifier output pins. External, solder attached SMT heatsinks such as the Thermalloy 7106D can also improve power dissipation. When adding a heat sink, the JA is the sum of JC, CS, and SA. (JC is the junction-to-case thermal impedance, CS is the case-to-sink thermal impedance, and SA is the sink-to-ambient thermal impedance.) Refer to the Typical Performance Characteristics curves for power dissipation information at lower output power levels. The LM4844 also has a pair of single-ended amplifiers driving LHP and RHP. The maximum internal power dissipation for ROUT and LOUT is given by equation (5) and (6). From Equations (5) and (6), assuming a 5V power supply and a 32 load, the maximum power dissipation for LOUT and ROUT is 40mW per channel. PDMAX-LHP = (VDD)2 / (22 RL): Single-ended (8) The LM4844's TJMAX = 150C. In the TL package, the LM4844's JA is 62C/W. At any given ambient temperature TA, use Equation (8) to find the maximum internal power dissipation supported by the IC packaging. Rearranging Equation (8) and substituting PDMAX-TOTAL for PDMAX' results in Equation (9). This equation gives the maximum ambient temperature that still allows maximum stereo power dissipation without violating the LM4844's maximum junction temperature. POWER DISSIPATION Power dissipation is a major concern when designing a successful single-ended or bridged amplifier. A direct consequence of the increased power delivered to the load by a bridge amplifier is higher internal power dissipation. The LM4844 has 2 sets of bridged-tied amplifier pairs driving LLS and RLS. The maximum internal power dissipation operating in the bridge mode is twice that of a single-ended amplifier. From Equation (3) and (4), assuming a 5V power supply and an 8 load, the maximum power dissipation for LLS and RLS is 634mW per channel. PDMAX-LLS = 4(VDD)2 / (22 RL): Bridged (7) The maximum internal power dissipation of the LM4844 occurs during output modes 3, 8, and 13 when both loudspeaker and headphone amplifiers are simultaneously on; and is given by Equation (7). 19 www.national.com LM4844 Both the feedback resistor, Rf, and the input resistor, Ri, are internally set. Bridge mode amplifiers are different from single-ended amplifiers that drive loads connected between a single amplifier's output and ground. For a given supply voltage, bridge mode has a distinct advantage over the single-ended configuration: its differential output doubles the voltage swing across the load. Theoretically, this produces four times the output power when compared to a single-ended amplifier under the same conditions. This increase in attainable output power assumes that the amplifier is not current limited and that the output signal is not clipped. Another advantage of the differential bridge output is no net DC voltage across the load. This is accomplished by biasing LLS- and LLS+ outputs at half-supply. This eliminates the coupling capacitor that single supply, single-ended amplifiers require. Eliminating an output coupling capacitor in a typical single-ended configuration forces a single-supply amplifier's half-supply bias voltage across the load. This increases internal IC power dissipation and may permanently damage loads such as speakers. LM4844 As an example when using a speaker with a low frequency limit of 50Hz and Ri = 20k, Ci, using Equation (13) is 0.19F. The 0.22F Ci shown in Figure 4 allows the LM4844 to drive high efficiency, full range speaker whose response extends below 40Hz. POWER SUPPLY BYPASSING As with any power amplifier, proper supply bypassing is critical for low noise performance and high power supply rejection. Applications that employ a 5V regulator typically use a 10F in parallel with a 0.1F filter capacitors to stabilize the regulator's output, reduce noise on the supply line, and improve the supply's transient response. However, their presence does not eliminate the need for a local 1.0F tantalum bypass capacitance connected between the LM4844's supply pins and ground. Keep the length of leads and traces that connect capacitors between the LM4844's power supply pin and ground as short as possible. Bypass Capacitor Value Selection Besides minimizing the input capacitor size, careful consideration should be paid to value of CB, the capacitor connected to the BYPASS pin. Since CB determines how fast the LM4844 settles to quiescent operation, its value is critical when minimizing turn-on pops. The slower the LM4844's outputs ramp to their quiescent DC voltage (nominally VDD/2), the smaller the turn-on pop. Choosing CB equal to 2.2F along with a small value of Ci (in the range of 0.1F to 0.39F), produces a click-less and pop-less shutdown function. As discussed above, choosing Ci no larger than necessary for the desired bandwidth helps minimize clicks and pops. CB's value should be in the range of 5 times to 10 times the value of Ci. This ensures that output transients are eliminated when the LM4844 transitions in and out of shutdown mode. Connecting a 2.2F capacitor, CB, between the BYPASS pin and ground improves the internal bias voltage's stability and improves the amplifier's PSRR. The PSRR improvements increase as the bypass pin capacitor value increases. However, increasing the value of CB will increase wake-up time. The selection of bypass capacitor value, CB, depends on desired PSRR requirements, click and pop performance, wake-up time, system cost, and size constraints. SELECTING EXTERNAL COMPONENTS Input Capacitor Value Selection Amplifying the lowest audio frequencies requires a high value input coupling capacitor (Ci in Figure 1). In many cases, however, the speakers used in portable systems, whether internal or external, have little ability to reproduce signals below 50Hz. Applications using speakers with this limited frequency response reap little improvement; by using a large input capacitor. The internal input resistor (Ri) and the input capacitor (Ci) produce a high pass filter cutoff frequency that is found using Equation (13). fc = 1 / (2RiCi) www.national.com (11) 20 LM4844 20153532 FIGURE 4. Reference Design Board Schematic 21 www.national.com LM4844 Demonstration Board Layout 20153518 20153517 Recommended TL PCB Layout: Top Layer Recommended TL PCB Layout: Silkscreen Layer 20153516 20153515 Recommended TL PCB Layout: Mid Layer 2 Recommended TL PCB Layout: Mid Layer 1 20153514 Recommended TL PCB Layout: Bottom Layer www.national.com 22 LM4844 Revision History Rev Date 1.1 06/01/06 Description Initial WEB. 1.2 07/20/07 Edited the Control Interface Electrical Characteristics tables. 1.3 08/07/07 Changed the I2CVdd from 1.8V into 1.7V (under the Operating Ratings). 1.4 08/23/07 Fixed one place of typo. 23 www.national.com LM4844 Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted 30 Bump Micro SMD (TL) Package Order Number LM4844TL NS Package Number TLA30CZA X1 = 2.5430.03 X2 = 2.9490.03 X3 = 0.60.075 www.national.com 24 LM4844 Notes 25 www.national.com LM4844 Stereo 1.2W Audio Sub-System with 3D Enhancement Notes THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE PROVIDED IN CONNECTION WITH NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION ("NATIONAL") PRODUCTS. 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