LTC4053-4.2 USB Compatible Lithium-Ion Battery Charger with Thermal Regulation U FEATURES DESCRIPTIO The LTC(R)4053 is a standalone linear charger for lithiumion batteries that can be powered directly from a USB port. The IC contains an on-chip power MOSFET and eliminates the need for an external sense resistor and blocking diode. Thermal regulation automatically adjusts charge current to limit die temperature during high power or high ambient temperature conditions. This feature protects the end product and the LTC4053 from thermal stress while the IC charges the battery at maximum rate without interruption. Charges Single-Cell Li-Ion Batteries Directly from USB Port Thermal Regulation Maximizes Charge Rate without Risk of Overheating* Programmable Charge Current with 7% Accuracy Low Dropout Operation No External MOSFET, Sense Resistor or Blocking Diode Required Programmable Charge Termination Timer Preset Charge Voltage with 1% Accuracy C/10 Charge Current Detection Output AC Present Logic Output 25A Supply Current in Shutdown Mode Automatic Recharge Charge Current Monitor Useful for Gas Gauging Thermistor Input for Temperature Qualified Charging Available in 10-pin thermally enhanced MSOP and low profile (0.75mm) 3mm x 3mm DFN packages U APPLICATIO S The LTC4053 also includes NTC temperature sensing, C/10 detection circuitry, AC present logic, low battery charge conditioning (trickle charging) and shutdown (25A supply current). The LTC4053 is available in 10-pin thermally enhanced MSOP and low profile (0.75mm) DFN packages. Cellular Telephones Handheld Computers Charging Docks and Cradles MP3 Players Digital Cameras , LTC and LT are registered trademarks of Linear Technology Corporation. Protected by U.S. Patents including 6522118, 6700364. U The charge current and charge time can be set externally with a single resistor and capacitor, respectively. When the input supply (wall adapter or USB supply) is removed, the LTC4053 automatically enters a low current sleep mode, dropping the battery drain current to less than 5A. TYPICAL APPLICATIO Charge Current vs Input Voltage USB Powered Standalone Li-Ion Charger VCC BAT 9 + LTC4053-4.2 4 4.7F 0.1F TIMER SHDN 8 GND NTC PROG 5 6 7 15k SYSTEM LOAD Li-Ion BATTERY SUSPEND TA = 25C RPROG = 3k VBAT = 3.95V 500 400 IBAT (mA) 2 USB PORT 4.35V TO 5.5V 600 VBAT = 4.05V 300 200 3.74k USB CONTROL C 100mA/ 500mA 4053TA01 VBAT = 4.15V 100 0 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 VCC (V) 4053 G04 4053fa 1 LTC4053-4.2 W W U W ABSOLUTE AXI U RATI GS (Note 1) Input Supply Voltage (VCC) ....................................... 7V BAT ........................................................................... 7V NTC, SHDN, TIMER, PROG ............ -0.3V to VCC + 0.3V CHRG, FAULT, ACPR .................................. -0.3V to 7V BAT Short-Circuit Duration .......................... Continuous BAT Current (Note 2) ............................................. 1.3A PROG Current (Note 2) ....................................... 1.3mA Junction Temperature .......................................... 125C Operating Temperature Range (Note 3) ...-40C to 85C Storage Temperature Range MSE .................................................. - 65C to 150C DD .................................................... - 65C to 125C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec) MSE .................................................................. 300C U W U PACKAGE/ORDER I FOR ATIO TOP VIEW CHRG 1 10 ACPR VCC 2 9 BAT 11 FAULT 3 TIMER 4 7 PROG GND 5 6 NTC 8 SHDN DD PACKAGE 10-LEAD (3mm x 3mm) PLASTIC DFN TJMAX = 125C, JA = 40C/W (NOTE 4) EXPOSED PAD (PIN 11) IS GND (MUST BE SOLDERED TO PCB) ORDER PART NUMBER LTC4053EDD-4.2 ORDER PART NUMBER TOP VIEW CHRG VCC FAULT TIMER GND DD PART MARKING LBQC 1 2 3 4 5 11 10 9 8 7 6 ACPR BAT SHDN PROG NTC LTC4053EMSE-4.2 MSE EXPOSED PAD PACKAGE 10-LEAD PLASTIC MSOP MSE PART MARKING TJMAX = 125C, JA = 40C/W (NOTE 4) EXPOSED PAD (PIN 11) IS GND (MUST BE SOLDERED TO PCB) LTZT Order Options Tape and Reel: Add #TR Lead Free: Add #PBF Lead Free Tape and Reel: Add #TRPBF Lead Free Part Marking: Consult LTC Marketing for parts specified with wider operating temperature ranges. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25C. VCC = 5V SYMBOL PARAMETER VCC VCC Supply Voltage ICC VCC Supply Current VBAT VBAT Regulated Float Voltage IBAT Battery Pin Current ITRIKL CONDITIONS MIN Charger On; Current Mode; RPROG = 30k (Note 5) Shutdown Mode; VSHDN = 0V Sleep Mode VCC < VBAT or VCC 4V TYP 4.25 MAX UNITS 6.5 V 1 25 25 2 50 50 mA A A 4.158 4.2 4.242 RPROG = 3k; Current Mode RPROG = 15k; Current Mode Shutdown Mode; VSHDN = 0V Sleep Mode VCC < VBAT or VCC < (VUV - VUV) 465 93 500 100 1 1 535 107 3 3 mA mA A A Trickle Charge Current VBAT < 2V; RPROG = 3k 35 50 65 mA VTRIKL Trickle Charge Trip Threshold VBAT Rising VTRIKL Trickle Charge Trip Hysteresis VUV VCC Undervoltage Lockout Voltage VUV VCC Undervoltage Lockout Hysteresis VMSD Manual Shutdown Threshold Voltage VASD Automatic Shutdown Threshold Voltage (VCC - VBAT) High to Low (VCC - VBAT) Low to High VCC Rising 2.48 V 100 mV 4 4.25 200 SHDN Pin Voltage V 0.6 mV 1.3 35 70 V V mV mV 4053fa 2 LTC4053-4.2 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25C. VCC = 5V SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS VPROG PROG Pin Voltage RPROG = 3k, IPROG = 500A ICHRG CHRG Pin Weak Pulldown Current VCHRG = 1V 30 50 A VCHRG CHRG Pin Output Low Voltage ICHRG = 5mA 0.35 0.6 V VACPR ACPR Pin Output Low Voltage IACPR = 5mA 0.35 0.6 V VFAULT FAULT Pin Output Low Voltage IFAULT = 5mA 0.35 0.6 V IC/10 End of Charge Indication Current Level RPROG = 3k 50 56 mA tTIMER TIMER Accuracy CTIMER = 0.1F VRECHRG Recharge Battery Voltage Threshold Battery Voltage Falling VNTC-HOT NTC Pin Hot Threshold Voltage VNTC Falling VHOT-HYS NTC Pin Hot Hysteresis Voltage VNTC-COLD NTC Pin Cold Threshold Voltage VCOLD-HYS NTC Pin Cold Hystersis Voltage VNTC-DIS NTC Pin Disable Threshold Voltage 100 mV VDIS-HYS NTC Pin Disable Hystersis Voltage 10 mV TLIM Junction Temperature in Constant-Temperature Mode 105 C RON Power MOSFET "ON" Resistance 375 m VNTC Rising MIN TYP 1.5 15 44 10 Note 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which the life of a device may be impaired. Note 2: The Absolute Maximum BAT Current Rating of 1.3A is guaranteed by design and current density calculations. The Absolute Maximum PROG Current Rating is guaranteed to be 1/1000 of BAT current rating by design. Note 3: The LTC4053E is guaranteed to meet performance specifications from 0C to 70C. Specifications over the -40C to 85C operating UNITS V % 4.035 V 2.5 V 80 mV 4.375 80 VNTC Rising MAX V mV temperature range are assured by design, characterization and correlation with statistical process controls. Note 4: Failure to solder the exposed backside of the package to the PC board will result in a thermal resistance much higher than 40C/W. Note 5: Supply current includes PROG pin current (approximately 50A) but does not include any current delivered to the battery through the BAT pin (approximately 50mA). 4053fa 3 LTC4053-4.2 U W TYPICAL PERFOR A CE CHARACTERISTICS Battery Regulation Voltage vs Battery Charge Current 4.24 VCC = 5V TA = 25C RPROG = 3k 4.21 VBAT (V) 4.20 VBAT (V) Battery Regulation Voltage vs VCC 4.19 4.210 4.22 4.208 4.20 4.206 4.18 4.204 4.16 4.202 VBAT (V) 4.22 Battery Regulation Voltage vs Temperature 4.14 4.12 4.18 4.08 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 IBAT (mA) 4.06 -50 4.192 4.190 0 25 50 75 TEMPERATURE (C) -25 100 4053 G01 4 450 VBAT = 4.15V 100 4.5 300 250 400 150 300 100 200 50 100 0 0.5 1 VCC (V) 1.5 2 2.5 VBAT (V) 3 3.5 4053 G04 4 4.05 30 4.04 4053 G06 VCC = 6V 1.15 VCC = 5.5V 1.10 15 VMSD (V) ICC (A) VUV (V) 100 1.20 1.05 VCC = 4.5V 1.00 10 3.97 75 1.25 VCC = 6.5V 20 3.98 25 50 0 TEMPERATURE (C) 1.30 VCC = 5.5V 4.02 3.99 -25 Manual Shutdown Threshold Voltage vs Temperature VSHDN = 0V 25 4.03 4.00 VCC = 5V VBAT = 3.5V RPROG = 1.5k 0 -50 4.5 Shutdown Supply Current vs Temperature 4.01 THERMAL CONTROL LOOP IN OPERATION 4053 G05 Undervoltage Lockout Voltage vs Temperature 0.95 VCC = 5V 0.90 5 3.96 3.95 -50 -25 600 500 200 5.5 5.0 7 700 0 4.0 6.5 800 IBAT (mA) IBAT (mA) IBAT (mA) 200 0 6 900 350 300 5.5 VCC (V) 1000 VCC = 5V TA = 25C RPROG = 3k 500 VBAT = 4.05V 5 Charge Current vs Ambient Temperature with Thermal Regulation 400 400 4.5 4053 G03 Charge Current vs Battery Voltage 550 TA = 25C RPROG = 3k VBAT = 3.95V 500 125 4053 G02 Charge Current vs Input Voltage 600 4.198 4.194 VCC = 5V RPROG = 3k IBAT = 10mA 4.17 0 4.200 4.196 4.10 4.16 VCC = 5V RPROG = 3k IBAT = 10mA VCC = 4.5V 0.85 50 25 0 75 TEMPERATURE (C) 100 125 4053 G07 0 -50 -25 50 25 75 0 TEMPERATURE (C) 100 125 4053 G08 0.80 -50 -25 50 25 0 75 TEMPERATURE (C) 100 125 4053 G09 4053fa 4 LTC4053-4.2 U W TYPICAL PERFOR A CE CHARACTERISTICS PROG Pin Voltage vs Charge Current 1.515 1.515 1.6 VCC = 5V TA = 25C RPROG = 3k 1.4 PROG Pin Voltage vs Temperature Constant Current Mode PROG Pin Voltage vs VCC Constant Current Mode VBAT = 3.5V TA = 25C RPROG = 3k 1.510 VCC = 5V VBAT = 4V RPROG = 3k 1.510 1.505 0.8 0.6 VPROG (V) 1.505 1.0 VPROG (V) VPROG (V) 1.2 1.500 1.500 1.495 1.495 1.490 1.490 0.4 0.2 1.485 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 CHARGE CURRENT (mA) 4 4.5 5 5.5 VCC (V) 6.5 6 Trickle Charge Current vs Temperature 0.6 VCC = 5V 34 IBAT < C/10 32 VCHRG (V) ICHRG (A) VCC = 5V ICHRG = 5mA 0.4 31 30 29 0.3 0.2 28 27 8 100 0.5 33 9 75 CHRG Pin Output Low Voltage vs Temperature 35 10 0 25 50 TEMPERATURE (C) 4053 G12 CHRG Pin Weak Pull-Down Current vs Temperature VBAT = 2V TA = 25C RPROG = 3k 0.1 26 50 25 0 75 TEMPERATURE (C) 100 125 25 -50 -25 50 25 0 75 TEMPERATURE (C) 100 Timer Error vs Temperature 5 4 50 25 75 0 TEMPERATURE (C) 100 125 4053 G15 Timer Error vs VCC 5 VCC = 5V CTIMER = 0.1F TA = 25C CTIMER = 0.1F 4 3 3 2 2 1 0 -1 -2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -3 -4 -4 -5 -50 -25 0 -50 -25 125 LTC1323 * TPC05 4053 G13 tTIMER (%) 7 -50 -25 tTIMER (%) IBAT (% OF PROGRAMMED CURRENT) 11 -25 4053 G11 4052 G10 12 1.485 -50 7 -5 50 25 0 75 TEMPERATURE (C) 100 125 LTC1323 * TPC05 4 4.5 5 5.5 VCC (V) 6 6.5 7 4056 G17 4053fa 5 LTC4053-4.2 U U U PI FU CTIO S CHRG: Open-Drain Charge Status Output. When the battery is being charged, the CHRG pin is pulled low by an internal N-channel MOSFET. When the charge current drops to 10% of the full-scale current, the N-channel MOSFET latches off and a 30A current source is connected from the CHRG pin to ground. The C/10 latch can be cleared by grounding the SHDN pin, momentarily, or toggling VCC. When the timer runs out or the input supply is removed, the current source is disconnected and the CHRG pin is forced high impedance. VCC: Positive Input Supply Voltage. When VCC is within 35mV of VBAT or less than the undervoltage lockout threshold, the LTC4053 enters sleep mode, dropping IBAT to less than 3A. VCC can range from 4.25V to 6.5V. Bypass this pin with at least a 4.7F ceramic capacitor to ground. FAULT: Open-Drain Fault Status Output. The FAULT opendrain logic signal indicates that the charger has timed out under trickle charge conditions or the NTC comparator is indicating an out-of-range battery temperature condition. If VBAT is less that 2.48V, trickle charging begins whereby the charge current drops to one tenth of its programmed value and the timer period is reduced by a factor of four. When one fourth of the timing period has elapsed, if VBAT is still less than 2.48V, trickle charging stops and the FAULT pin latches to ground. The fault can be cleared by toggling VCC, momentarily grounding the SHDN pin or pulling the BAT pin above 2.48V. If the NTC comparator is indicating an out-of-range battery temperature condition, the FAULT pin will pull to ground until the temperature returns to the acceptable range. TIMER: Timer Capacitor. The timer period is set by placing a capacitor, CTIMER, to ground. The timer period is: Time (Hours) = (CTIMER * 3 hr)/(0.1F) Short the TIMER pin to ground to disable the internal timer function. NTC: Input to the NTC (Negative Temperature Coefficient) Thermistor Temperature Monitoring Circuit. With an external 10k NTC thermistor to ground and a 1% resistor to VCC, this pin can sense the temperature of the battery pack and stop charging when it is out of range. When the voltage at this pin drops below (0.5)*(VCC) at hot temperatures or rises above (0.875)*(VCC) at cold, charging is suspended and the internal timer is frozen. The CHRG pin output status is not affected in this hold state. The FAULT pin will be pulled to ground, but not latched. When the temperature returns to an acceptable range, charging will resume and the FAULT pin will be released. The NTC feature can be disabled by grounding the NTC pin. PROG: Charge Current Program and Charge Current Monitor Pin. The charge current is programmed by connecting a resistor, RPROG to ground. When in constant-current mode, the LTC4053 servos the PROG pin voltage to 1.5V. In all modes the voltage on the PROG pin can be used to measure the charge current as follows: IBAT = (VPROG/RPROG) * 1000. SHDN: Shutdown Input Pin. Pulling the SHDN pin to ground will put the LTC4053 into standby mode where the BAT drain current is reduced to less than 3A, and the supply current is reduced to less than 25A. For normal operation, pull the SHDN pin up to VCC. BAT: Charge Current Output. A bypass capacitor of at least 1F with a 1 series resistor is required to keep the loop stable when the battery is not present. A precision internal resistor divider sets the final float potential on this pin. The internal resistor divider is disconnected in sleep and shutdown mode. ACPR: Open-Drain Power Supply Status Output. When VCC is greater than the undervoltage lockout threshold and at least 35mV above VBAT, the ACPR pin will pull to ground. Otherwise, the pin is high impedance. GND: Ground. The exposed backside of the package is also ground and must be soldered to the PC board for maximum heat transfer. 4053fa 6 LTC4053-4.2 W W SI PLIFIED BLOCK DIAGRA VCC 2 - 105C D1 TA D2 + TDIE M2 x1 D3 M1 x1000 + - MA 9 30A NTC 6 BAT R1 NTC MP + VA R2 - CA + - 2.485V REF HOT COLD DISABLE CHRG 1 STOP SHDN 8 SHDN C/10 R3 30A 1.5V LOGIC ACPR 10 R4 ACPR 0.15V + C2 C/10 FAULT 3 R5 - FAULT CHARGE COUNTER C3 OSCILLATOR - 2.485V 4 + TO BAT 7 TIMER PROG 5 GND 4053 BD RPROG CTIMER Figure 1 4053fa 7 LTC4053-4.2 U OPERATIO The LTC4053 is a linear battery charger designed primarily for charging single cell lithium-ion batteries. Featuring an internal P-channel power MOSFET, the charger uses a constant-current/constant-voltage charge algorithm with programmable current and a programmable timer for charge termination. Charge current can be programmed up to 1.25A with a final float voltage accuracy of 1%. No blocking diode or sense resistor is required thus dropping the external component count to three for the basic charger circuit. The CHRG, ACPR, and FAULT open-drain status outputs provide information regarding the status of the LTC4053 at all times. An NTC thermistor input provides the option of charge qualification using battery temperature. An internal thermal limit reduces the programmed charge current if the die temperature attempts to rise above a preset value of approximately 105C. This feature protects the LTC4053 from excessive temperature, and allows the user to push the limits of the power handling capability of a given circuit board without risk of damaging the LTC4053 or the external components. Another benefit of the LTC4053 thermal limit is that charge current can be set according to typical, not worst-case, ambient temperatures for a given application with the assurance that the charger will automatically reduce the current in worst-case conditions. The charge cycle begins when the voltage at the VCC pin rises above the UVLO level, a program resistor is connected from the PROG pin to ground, and the SHDN pin is pulled above the shutdown threshold. At the beginning of the charge cycle, if the battery voltage is below 2.48V, the charger goes into trickle charge mode to bring the cell voltage up to a safe level for charging. The charger goes into the fast charge constant-current mode once the voltage on the BAT pin rises above 2.48V. In constantcurrent mode, the charge current is set by RPROG. When the battery approaches the final float voltage, the charge current begins to decrease as the LTC4053 enters the constant-voltage mode. When the current drops to 10% of the full-scale charge current, an internal comparator latches off the MOSFET on the CHRG pin and connects a weak current source to ground (30A) to indicate a near end-of-charge (C/10) condition. The C/10 latch can be cleared by grounding the SHDN pin momentarily, or momentarily removing and reapplying VCC. An external capacitor on the TIMER pin sets the total charge time. When this time elapses, the charge cycle terminates and the CHRG pin assumes a high impedance state. To restart the charge cycle, remove the input voltage and reapply it, or momentarily force the SHDN pin to 0V. The charge cycle will also restart if the BAT pin voltage falls below the recharge threshold. For lithium-ion and similar batteries that require an accurate final float voltage, the internal reference, voltage amplifier and the resistor divider provide regulation with 1% (max) accuracy. When the input voltage is not present, the charger goes into a sleep mode, dropping battery drain current, IBAT, to less than 5A. This greatly reduces the current drain on the battery and increases the standby time. The charger can be shut down (ICC = 25A) by forcing the SHDN pin to 0V. 4053fa 8 LTC4053-4.2 U W U U APPLICATIO S I FOR ATIO Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO) An internal undervoltage lockout circuit monitors the input voltage and keeps the charger in shutdown mode until VCC rises above the undervoltage lockout threshold. The UVLO circuit has a built-in hysteresis of 150mV. Furthermore, to protect against reverse current in the power MOSFET, the UVLO circuit keeps the charger in shutdown mode if VCC falls to within 35mV of the battery voltage. If the UVLO comparator is tripped, the charger will not come out of shutdown until VCC rises 70mV above the battery voltage. For example, if 500mA charge current is required, calculate: RPROG = 1500V/0.5A = 3k For best stability over temperature and time, 1% metalfilm resistors are recommended. If the charger is in constant-temperature or constantvoltage mode, the battery current can be monitored by measuring the PROG pin voltage as follows: ICHG = (VPROG / RPROG) * 1000 Trickle Charge And Defective Battery Detection USB and Wall Adapter Power At the beginning of a charge cycle, if the battery voltage is low (below 2.48V) the charger goes into trickle charge reducing the charge current to 10% of the full-scale current. If the low battery voltage persists for one quarter of the total charge time, the battery is assumed to be defective, the charge cycle is terminated, the CHRG pin output assumes a high impedance state, and the FAULT pin pulls low. The fault can be cleared by toggling VCC, temporarily forcing the SHDN pin to 0V, or temporarily forcing the BAT pin voltage above 2.48V. Although the LTC4053 allows charging from a USB port, a wall adapter can also be used to charge Li-Ion batteries. Figure 2 shows an example of how to combine wall adapter and USB power inputs. A P-channel MOSFET, MP1, is used to prevent back conducting into the USB port when a wall adapter is present and Schottky diode, D1, is used to prevent USB power loss through the 1k pull-down resistor. Shutdown The LTC4053 can be shut down (ICC = 25A) by pulling the SHDN pin to 0V. For normal operation, pull the SHDN pin above the manual shutdown threshold voltage level. Do not leave this pin open. In shutdown the internal linear regulator is turned off, and the internal timer is reset. Programming Charge Current Typically a wall adapter can supply significantly more current than the 500mA-limited USB port. Therefore, an Nchannel MOSFET, MN1 and an extra 3k program resistor can be used to increase the charge current to 1A when the wall adapter is present. 5V WALL ADAPTER 1A ICHG USB POWER 500mA ICHG LTC4053 D1 2 MP1 BAT = (1.5V / RPROG) * 1000 or ICHG SYSTEM LOAD VCC The formula for the battery charge current (see Figure 1) is: ICHG = (IPROG) * 1000 9 PROG 7 + Li-Ion BATTERY 3k 1k MN1 3k 4053 F02 RPROG = 1500V/ICHG where RPROG is the total resistance from the PROG pin to ground. Under trickle charge conditions, this current is reduced to 10% of the full-scale value. Figure 2. Combining Wall Adapter and USB Power 4053fa 9 LTC4053-4.2 U W U U APPLICATIO S I FOR ATIO Programming The Timer The programmable timer is used to terminate the charge cycle. The timer duration is programmed by an external capacitor at the TIMER pin. The total charge time is: Table 1. FAULT CHRG High Low Charge cycle has started, C/10 has not been reached and charging is proceeding normally. Low Low Charge cycle has started, C/10 has not been reached, but the charge current and timer have been paused due to an NTC out-oftemperature condition. High 30A pull-down C/10 has been reached and charging is proceeding normally. Low 30A pull-down C/10 has been reached but the charge current and timer have paused due to an NTC out-oftemperature condition. High High Normal timeout (charging has terminated). Low High If FAULT goes low and CHRG goes high impedance simultaneously, then the LTC4053 has timed out due to a bad cell (VBAT <2.48V after one-quarter the programmed charge time). If CHRG goes high impedance first, then the LTC4053 has timed out normally (charging has terminated), but NTC is indicating an outof-temperature condition. Time (Hours) = (3 Hours) * (CTIMER/0.1F) or CTIMER = 0.1F * Time (Hours)/3 (Hours) The timer starts when an input voltage greater than the undervoltage lockout threshold level is applied and the SHDN pin is greater than the manual shutdown threshold voltage level. After a time-out occurs, the charge current stops, and the CHRG output assumes a high impedance state to indicate that the charging has stopped. Connecting the TIMER pin to ground disables the timer function. Recharge After a charge cycle has terminated, if the battery voltage drops below the recharge threshold of 4.05V a new charge cycle will begin. The recharge circuit integrates the BAT pin voltage for a few milliseconds to prevent a transient from restarting the charge cycle. If the battery voltage remains below 2.48V during trickle charge for 1/4 of the programmed time, the battery may be defective and the charge cycle will end. In addition, the recharge comparator is disabled and a new charge cycle will not begin unless the input voltage is toggled off-thenon, the SHDN pin is momentarily pulled to ground, or the BAT pin is pulled above the 2.48V trickle charge threshold. Open-Drain Status Outputs The LTC4053 has three open-drain status outputs: ACPR, CHRG and FAULT. The ACPR pin pulls low when an input voltage greater than the undervoltage lockout threshold is applied and becomes high impedance when power (VIN < VUV) is removed. CHRG and FAULT work together to indicate the status of the charge cycle. Table 1 describes the status of the charge cycle based on the CHRG and FAULT outputs. Description CHRG Status Output Pin When the charge cycle starts, the CHRG pin is pulled to ground by an internal N-channel MOSFET capable of driving an LED. When the charge current drops to 10% of the full-scale current (C/10), the N-channel MOSFET is latched off and a weak 30A current source to ground is connected to the CHRG pin. After a time-out occurs, the pin assumes a high impedance state. By using two different value pull-up resistors a microprocessor can detect three states from this pin (charging, C/10 and timeout). See Figure 3. When the LTC4053 is in charge mode, the CHRG pin is pulled low by the internal N-channel MOSFET. To detect this mode, force the digital output pin, OUT, high and measure the voltage at the CHRG pin. The N-channel MOSFET will pull the pin low even with the 2k pull-up resistor. Once the charge current drops to 10% of the 4053fa 10 LTC4053-4.2 U W U U APPLICATIO S I FOR ATIO V+ VDD VCC 7/8 VCC 8 VCC 400k LTC4053 CHRG 3 2k PROCESSOR - RHOT 1% OUT TOO COLD + NTC IN 4053 F03 RNTC 10k TOO HOT - Figure 3. Microprocessor Interface full-scale current (C/10), the N-channel MOSFET is turned off and a 30A current source is connected to the CHRG pin. The IN pin will then be pulled high by the 2k pull-up. By forcing the OUT pin to a high impedance state, the current source will pull the pin low through the 400k resistor. When the internal timer has expired, the CHRG pin will assume a high impedance state and the 400k resistor will then pull the pin high to indicate that charging has terminated. NTC Thermistor The battery temperature is measured by placing a negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistor close to the battery pack. The NTC circuitry is shown in Figure 4. To use this feature, connect a 10k NTC thermistor between the NTC pin and ground and a resistor (RHOT) from the NTC pin to VCC. RHOT should be a 1% resistor with a value equal to the value of the chosen NTC thermistor at 50C (this value is 4.1k for a Vishay NTHS0603N02N1002J thermistor). The LTC4053 goes into hold mode when the resistance of the NTC thermistor drops below 4.1k which should be approximately 50C. The hold mode freezes the timer and stops the charge cycle until the thermistor indicates a return to a valid temperature. As the temperature drops, the resistance of the NTC thermistor rises. The LTC4053 is designed to go into hold mode when the value of the NTC thermistor increases to seven times the value of RHOT. For a Vishay NTHS0603N02N1002J thermistor, this value is 28.7k which corresponds to approximately 0C. The hot and cold comparators each have approximately 2C of hysteresis to prevent oscillation about the trip point. The NTC function can be disabled by grounding the NTC pin. + 1/2 VCC + 3/160 VCC DISABLE NTC - LTC4053 4053 F04 Figure 4 Thermistors The LTC4053 NTC trip points were designed to work with thermistors whose resistance-temperature characteristics follow Vishay Dale's "R-T Curve 2". The Vishay NTHS0603N02N1002J is an example of such a thermistor. However, Vishay Dale has many thermistor products that follow the "R-T Curve 2" characteristic in a variety of sizes. Futhermore, any thermistor whose ratio of RCOLD to RHOT is about 7.0 will also work (Vishay Dale R-T Curve 2 shows a ratio of RCOLD to RHOT of 2.816/0.4086 = 6.9). NTC Layout Considerations It is important that the NTC thermistor not be in close thermal contact with the LTC4053. Because the LTC4053 package can reach temperatures in excess of the 50C trip point, the NTC function can cause a hysteretic oscillation which turns the charge current on and off according to the package temperature rather than the battery temperature. This problem can be eliminated by thermally coupling the NTC thermistor to the battery and not to the LTC4053. Furthermore, it is essential that the VCC connection to RHOT is made according to standard Kelvin sense techniques. Since VCC is a high current path into the LTC4053, it is essential to minimize voltage drops between the VCC input pin and the top of RHOT. 4053fa 11 LTC4053-4.2 U W U U APPLICATIO S I FOR ATIO NTC Trip Point Errors When a 1% resistor is used for RHOT, the major error in the 50C trip point is determined by the tolerance of the NTC thermistor. A typical 10k NTC thermistor has a 10% tolerance. By looking up the temperature coefficient of the thermistor at 50C, the tolerance error can be calculated in degrees centigrade. Consider the Vishay NTHS0603N02N1002J thermistor which has a temperature coefficient of -3.3%/C at 50C. Dividing the tolerance by the temperature coefficient, 10%/ (3.3%/C) = 3C, gives the temperature error of the hot trip point. The cold trip point is a little more complicated because its error depends on the tolerance of the NTC thermistor and the degree to which the ratio of its value at 0C and its value at 50C varies from 7 to 1. Therefore, the cold trip point error can be calculated using the tolerance, TOL, the temperature coefficient of the thermistor at 0C, TC (in %/C), the value of the thermistor at 0C, RCOLD, and the value of the thermistor at 50C, RHOT. The formula is: 1 + TOL RCOLD * - 1 * 100 RHOT Temperature Error (C) = 7 TC For example, the Vishay NTHS0603N02N1002J thermistor with a tolerance of 10%, TC of -4.5%/C, and RCOLD/ RHOT of 6.89, has a cold trip point error of: 1 0.10 * 6.89 - 1 * 100 Temperature Error (C) = 7 - 4.5 = -1.8C, +2.5C If a thermistor with a tolerance less than 10% is used, the trip point errors begin to depend on errors other than thermistor tolerance including the input offset voltage of the internal comparators of the LTC4053 and the effects of internal voltage drops due to high charging currents. Constant-Current/Constant-Voltage/ Constant-Temperature The LTC4053 uses a unique architecture to charge a battery in a constant-current, constant-voltage, constanttemperature fashion. Figure 1 shows a simplified block diagram of the LTC4053. Three of the amplifier feedback loops shown control the constant-current, CA, constantvoltage, VA, and constant-temperature, TA modes. A fourth amplifier feedback loop, MA, is used to increase the output impedance of the current source pair, M1 and M2 (note that M1 is the internal P-channel power MOSFET). It ensures that the drain current of M1 is exactly 1000 times greater than the drain current of M2. Amplifiers CA, TA, and VA are used in three separate feedback loops to force the charger into constant-current, temperature, or voltage mode, respectively. Diodes, D1, D2, and D3 provide priority to whichever loop is trying to reduce the charge current the most. The outputs of the other two amplifiers saturate low which effectively removes their loops from the system. When in constantcurrent mode, CA servos the voltage at the PROG pin to be precisely 1.50V (or 0.15V when in trickle-charge mode). TA limits the die temperature to approximately 105C when in constant-temperature mode and the PROG pin voltage gives an indication of the charge current as discussed in "Programming Charge Current". VA servos its inverting input to precisely 2.485V when in constantvoltage mode and the internal resistor divider made up of R1 and R2 ensures that the battery voltage is maintained at 4.2V. Again, the PROG pin voltage gives an indication of the charge current. In typical operation, the charge cycle begins in constantcurrent mode with the current delivered to the battery equal to 1500V/RPROG. If the power dissipation of the LTC4053 results in the junction temperature approaching 105C, the amplifier (TA) will begin decreasing the charge current to limit the die temperature to approximately 105C. As the battery voltage rises, the LTC4053 either returns to constant-current mode or it enters constantvoltage mode straight from constant-temperature mode. 4053fa 12 LTC4053-4.2 U W U U APPLICATIO S I FOR ATIO Regardless of mode, the voltage at the PROG pin is proportional to the current being delivered to the battery. Power Dissipation The conditions that cause the LTC4053 to reduce charge current due to the thermal protection feedback can be approximated by considering the power dissipated in the IC. For high charge currents, the LTC4053 power dissipation is approximately: PD = (VCC - VBAT) * IBAT where PD is the power dissipated, VCC is the input supply voltage, VBAT is the battery voltage, and IBAT is the battery charge current. It is not necessary to perform any worstcase power dissipation scenarios because the LTC4053 will automatically reduce the charge current to maintain the die temperature at approximately 105C. However, the approximate ambient temperature at which the thermal feedback begins to protect the IC is: TA = 105C - PDJA TA = 105C - (VCC - VBAT) * IBAT * JA Example: Consider an LTC4053 operating from a 5V wall adapter providing 1.2A to a 3.75V Li-Ion battery. The ambient temperature above which the LTC4053 will begin to reduce the 1.2A charge current is approximately: TA = 105C - (5V - 3.75V) * 1.2A * 40C/W TA = 105C - 1.5W * 40C/W = 105C - 60C = 45C The LTC4053 can be used above 45C, but the charge current will be reduced below 1.2A. The approximate charge current at a given ambient temperature can be approximated by: IBAT = 105C - TA (VCC - VBAT )* JA Consider the above example with an ambient temperature of 55C. The charge current will be reduced to approximately: IBAT = 105C - 55C 50C = = 1A (5V - 3.75V)* 40C / W 50C / A Furthermore, the voltage at the PROG pin will change proportionally with the charge current as discussed in the Programming Charge Current section. It is important to remember that LTC4053 applications do not need to be designed for worst-case thermal conditions since the IC will automatically reduce power dissipation when the junction temperature reaches approximately 105C. Board Layout Considerations The ability to deliver maximum charge current under all conditions require that the exposed metal pad on the backside of the LTC4053 package be soldered to the PC board ground. Correctly soldered to a 2500mm2 doublesided 1oz. copper board the LTC4053 has a thermal resistance of approximately 40C/W. Failure to make thermal contact between the exposed pad on the backside of the package and the copper board will result in thermal resistances far greater than 40C/W. As an example, a correctly soldered LTC4053 can deliver over 1250mA to a battery from a 5V supply at room temperature. Without a backside thermal connection, this number could drop to less than 500mA. VCC Bypass Capacitor Many types of capacitors can be used for input bypassing. However, caution must be exercised when using multilayer ceramic capacitors. Because of the self resonant and high Q characteristics of some types of ceramic capacitors, high voltage transients can be generated under some start-up conditions, such as connecting the charger input to a hot power source. For more information refer to Application Note 88. Stability The constant-voltage mode feedback loop is stable without any compensation provided that a battery is connected. However, a 1F capacitor with a 1 series resistor to GND is recommended at the BAT pin to keep ripple voltage low when the battery is disconnected. In the constant-current mode it is the PROG pin that is in the feedback loop and not the battery. The constantcurrent mode stability is affected by the impedance at the 4053fa 13 LTC4053-4.2 U W U U APPLICATIO S I FOR ATIO PROG pin. With no additional capacitance on the PROG pin, stability is acceptable with program resistor values as high as 50k. However, additional capacitance on this node reduces the maximum allowed program resistor. The pole frequency at the PROG pin should be kept above 500kHz. Therefore, if the PROG pin is loaded with a capacitance, C, the following equation should be used to calculate the maximum resistance value for RPROG: Average, rather than instantaneous, battery current may be of interest to the user. For example, if a switching power supply operating in low-current mode is connected in parallel with the battery the average current being pulled out of the BAT pin is typically of more interest than the instantaneous current pulses. In such a case, a simple RC filter can be used on the PROG pin to measure the average battery current as shown in Figure 5. A 10k resistor is added between the PROG pin and the filter capacitor and monitoring circuit to ensure stability. RPROG < 1/(6.283 * 5 x 105 * C) LTC4053 PROG GND 5 CHARGE CURRENT MONITOR CIRCUITRY 10k 7 RPROG CFILTER 4053 F05 Figure 5. Isolating Capacitive Load on PROG Pin and Filtering U PACKAGE DESCRIPTIO DD Package 10-Lead Plastic DFN (3mm x 3mm) (Reference LTC DWG # 05-08-1698) R = 0.115 TYP 6 0.38 0.10 10 0.675 0.05 3.50 0.05 1.65 0.05 2.15 0.05 (2 SIDES) 3.00 0.10 (4 SIDES) PACKAGE OUTLINE 1.65 0.10 (2 SIDES) PIN 1 TOP MARK (SEE NOTE 6) (DD10) DFN 1103 5 0.25 0.05 0.200 REF 0.50 BSC 2.38 0.05 (2 SIDES) 1 0.75 0.05 0.00 - 0.05 0.25 0.05 0.50 BSC 2.38 0.10 (2 SIDES) BOTTOM VIEW--EXPOSED PAD RECOMMENDED SOLDER PAD PITCH AND DIMENSIONS NOTE: 1. DRAWING TO BE MADE A JEDEC PACKAGE OUTLINE M0-229 VARIATION OF (WEED-2). CHECK THE LTC WEBSITE DATA SHEET FOR CURRENT STATUS OF VARIATION ASSIGNMENT 2. DRAWING NOT TO SCALE 3. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS 4. DIMENSIONS OF EXPOSED PAD ON BOTTOM OF PACKAGE DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. MOLD FLASH, IF PRESENT, SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.15mm ON ANY SIDE 5. EXPOSED PAD SHALL BE SOLDER PLATED 6. SHADED AREA IS ONLY A REFERENCE FOR PIN 1 LOCATION ON THE TOP AND BOTTOM OF PACKAGE 4053fa 14 LTC4053-4.2 U PACKAGE DESCRIPTIO MSE Package 10-Lead Plastic MSOP (Reference LTC DWG # 05-08-1663) BOTTOM VIEW OF EXPOSED PAD OPTION 2.794 0.102 (.110 .004) 5.23 (.206) MIN 0.889 0.127 (.035 .005) 1 2.06 0.102 (.081 .004) 1.83 0.102 (.072 .004) 2.083 0.102 3.2 - 3.45 (.082 .004) (.126 - .136) 10 0.50 0.305 0.038 (.0197) (.0120 .0015) BSC TYP RECOMMENDED SOLDER PAD LAYOUT 3.00 0.102 (.118 .004) (NOTE 3) 3.00 0.102 (.118 .004) NOTE 4 4.90 0.15 (1.93 .006) 0.254 (.010) DETAIL "A" 0 - 6 TYP 1 2 3 4 5 GAUGE PLANE 0.53 0.01 (.021 .006) DETAIL "A" 0.18 (.007) 0.497 0.076 (.0196 .003) REF 10 9 8 7 6 SEATING PLANE 0.86 (.034) REF 1.10 (.043) MAX 0.17 - 0.27 (.007 - .011) TYP 0.50 (.0197) BSC 0.13 0.076 (.005 .003) MSOP (MSE) 0802 NOTE: 1. DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETER/(INCH) 2. DRAWING NOT TO SCALE 3. DIMENSION DOES NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH, PROTRUSIONS OR GATE BURRS. MOLD FLASH, PROTRUSIONS OR GATE BURRS SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.152mm (.006") PER SIDE 4. DIMENSION DOES NOT INCLUDE INTERLEAD FLASH OR PROTRUSIONS. INTERLEAD FLASH OR PROTRUSIONS SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.152mm (.006") PER SIDE 5. LEAD COPLANARITY (BOTTOM OF LEADS AFTER FORMING) SHALL BE 0.102mm (.004") MAX 4053fa Information furnished by Linear Technology Corporation is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for its use. Linear Technology Corporation makes no representation that the interconnection of its circuits as described herein will not infringe on existing patent rights. 15 LTC4053-4.2 U TYPICAL APPLICATIO S USB/Wall Adapter Power Li-Ion Battery Charger 5V WALL ADAPTER LTC4053-4.2 BAT 2 USB POWER IBAT 9 1F VCC + Li-Ion CELL 1 4.7F 4 1k TIMER SHDN 8 SUSPEND GND NTC PROG 5 7 6 C 3.74k 0.1F 100mA/ 500mA 15k 4053 F06 Li-Ion Battery Charger with Reverse Polarity Input Protection 2 5V WALL ADAPTER 8 4.7F 4 LTC4053-4.2 9 VCC BAT VIN = 5V IBAT = 1A 1k PROG GND NTC 0.1F 5 6 8 SHDN 1k 1-CELL+ Li-Ion BATTERY SHDN TIMER Full Featured Single Cell Li-Ion Charger 1k 2 VCC 4k 1% ACPR 10 1 7 4.7F 1.5k 1% 3 CHRG FAULT LTC4053-4.2 6 9 NTC BAT 4 RNTC 10k 4053 F07 TIMER PROG GND 0.1F 5 7 3k 1% IBAT = 500mA 1F 1 Li-Ion CELL 4053 F08 RELATED PARTS PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION COMMENTS LT1571 LTC1729 LTC1730 LTC1731 200kHz/500kHz Switching Battery Charger Lithium-Ion Battery Charger Termination Controllers Lithium-Ion Battery Pulse Charger Lithium-Ion Linear Battery Charger Controller LTC1732 Lithium-Ion Linear Battery Charger Controller LTC1733 LTC1734 LTC1734L LTC4050 Monolithic Lithium-Ion Linear Battery Charger Lithium-Ion Linear Battery Charger in ThinSOTTM Lithium-Ion Linear Battery Charger Controller Lithium-Ion Linear Battery Charger Controller LTC4052 Lithium-Ion Linear Battery Pulse Charger LTC4054 Standalone Lithium-Ion Linear Battery Charger in ThinSOT Standalone Lithium-Ion Linear Battery Charger Controller in ThinSOT Up to 1.5A Charge Current; Preset and Adjustable Battery Voltages Time or Charge Current Termination, Preconditioning 8-Lead MSOP No Blocking Diode Required, Current Limit for Maximum Safety Simple Charger uses External FET, Features Preset Voltages, C/10 Charger Detection and Programmable Timer Simple Charger uses External FET, Features Preset Voltages, C/10 Charger Detection and Programmable Timer, Input Power Good Indication Standalone Charger with Programmable Timer, Up to 1.5A Charge Current Simple ThinSOT Charger, No Blocking Diode, No Sense Resistor Needed 50mA to 180mA, No Blocking Diode, No Sense Resistor Needed Simple Charger uses External FET, Thermistor Input for Battery Temperature Sensing Fully Integrated, Standalone Pulse Charger, Minimal Heat Dissipation, Overcurrent Protection Up to 800mA Charge Current, Thermal Regulation, USB Compatible, Charge Termination Up to 700mA Charge Current, Charge Termination, Continuous Charging with Poorly Regulated or High Impedance Input Supplies LTC4056 ThinSOT is a trademark of Linear Technology Corporation. 4053fa 16 Linear Technology Corporation LT/LT 0705 REV A * PRINTED IN USA 1630 McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035-7417 (408) 432-1900 FAX: (408) 434-0507 (c) LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 2001