Rev. 1.3 October 2012
Page 10 of 18
Once the product of VIN x TON is constant, the switching
frequency keeps constant and is independent with input
An external resistor between the IN and T ON pin sets the
switching frequency according to the following equation:
A further simplified equation will be:
If VOUT is 1.8V, RTON is 137k, the switching frequency
will be 500kHz.
This algorithm results in a nearly constant switching
frequency despite the lack of a fixed-frequency cloc k
True Current Mode Control
The constant-on-time control scheme is intrinsically
unstable if output capacitor’s ESR is not large enough as
an effective current-sense resistor. Ceramic capacitors
usually cannot be used as output capacitor.
The AOZ1232-01 senses the low-side MOSFET current
and processes it into DC and AC current information
using AOS proprietary technique. The AC current
information is decoded and added on the FB pin on
phase. With AC current information, the stability of
constant-o n- tim e co nt rol is signific an tly imp r ove d eve n
without the help of output capacitor’s ESR, and thus the
pure ceramic capacitor solution can be applicable. The
pure ceramic capacitor solution can significantly reduce
the output ripp le (n o ESR cau se d over sh oo t an d
undershoot) and less board area design.
Valley Current-Limit Protection
The AOZ1232-01 uses the valley current-limit protectio n
by using RDSON of the lower MOSFET current sensing.
To detect real cu rren t info rm a tio n, a minim u m co nst an t-
off (150ns typical) is implemented after a constant-on
time. If the current exceeds the valley current-limit
threshold, th e PW M cont ro ller is not allo we d to initiat e a
new cycle. The actual peak current is greater than the
valley current-limit threshold by an amount equal to the
inductor ripple current. Therefore, the exact current-limit
characteristic and maximum load capability are a
function of the inductor value as well as input and output
voltages. The current limit will keep the low-side
MOSFET ON and will not allow another high-side on-
time, until the current in the low-side MOSFET reduces
below the current limit. Figure 2 shows the inductor
current durin g the cu rren t limi t .
Figure 2. Inductor Current
After 128s (typical), the AOZ1232-01 considers this is a
true failed condition and therefore, turns-off both high-
side and low-side MOSFETs and latches off. When
triggered, only the enable can restart the AOZ1232-01
Output Voltage Under-Voltage Protection
If the outp ut voltage is lo wer than 2 5% by over -curr ent or
short circuit, th e AOZ1232-0 1 wil l wait for 12 8s (typical)
and turns-off both high-side and low-side MOSFETs and
latches off. When triggered, only the enable can restart
the AOZ1232-01 again.
Output Voltage Over-Voltage Protection
The threshold of OVP is set 15% higher than 800mV.
When the VFB voltage exceeds the OVP threshold, high-
side MOSFET is turned-off and low-side MOSFETs is
turned-on until VFB voltage is lower than 800mV.
Power Good Output
The power good (PGOOD) output, which is an open
drain output, requires the pull-up resistor. When the
output volta ge is 10% below than the nominal regulation
voltage for 50s (typical), the PGOOD is pulled low.
When the output voltage is 15% higher than the nominal
regulation voltage, the PGOOD is also pulled low.
When combined with the under-voltage-protection circuit,
this current limit method is effectiv e in alm o st eve ry
circumstance. In forced-PWM mo de, the AOZ1232-01
also implemen ts a ne ga tiv e cur re n t limit to pre ven t
excessive reverse inductor currents when VOUT is
sinking current.
26.3 RTON
38000 VOUT