HIGH REPEATABILITY ULTRAMINIATURE BROADBAND ATTENUATOR RELAYS SERIES DESIGNATION RELAY TYPE A152 Attenuator relay series INTERNAL CONSTRUCTION Armature Moving Contact Attenuator Pad/ Contact Assembly SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM 3 5 2 6 1 7 Terminal view. Case ground. ENVIRONMENTAL AND PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Storage -65C to +125C Operating -55C to +85C Vibration (General Note 1) 10 g's to 500 Hz Shock (General Note 1) 30 g's, 6ms half sine Enclosure Hermetically sealed Weight 0.11 oz. (3.2g) max. (c) 2006 TELEDYNE RELAYS A152 DESCRIPTION Stationary Contact Temperature (Ambient) SERIES The Series A152 highly repeatable ultraminiature attenuator relays are designed for attenuating RF signals in 50-ohm systems over a frequency range from DC to 5 GHz. Their low profile and small grid spacing makes them ideal for use when packaging density is a prime consideration. The A152 relays eliminate the need for additional external resistors/attenuators. These single section, switchable attenuator relays have an internal matched thin film attenuator pad in a "Pi" configuration. Relays are available in a fixed increment of 20 dB. The A152 attenuator relay features: * High repeatability. * Unique uni-frame motor design which provides high magnetic efficiency and mechanical rigidity. * Minimum mass components and welded construction for maximum resistance to shock and vibration. * Advanced cleaning techniques which assures internal cleanliness. * Gold plated, precious metal contacts, which provide excellent intermodulation performance. * Flat amplitude vs. frequency response. * High isolation between control and signal path. * Stable attenuation vs. temperature. * Excellent phase linearity. * Highly resistant to ESD. Patent No. 5,315,273 (800) 284-7007 * www.teledynerelays.com A152 Page 1 A152\042006\Q1 SERIES A152 GENERAL PERFORMANCE (-55C to + 85C, unless otherwise specified) PARAMETER MINIMUM TYPICAL MAXIMUM UNITS 5.0 GHz 1.0 Watt 0.0 Operating Frequency (Note 2) Power (Notes 5 and 6) 50 Impedance Ohms Typical at low level PARAMETER Contact life rating 10,000,000 cycles ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATION (-55C to +85C, unless otherwise specified) PART NUMBER (Note 7) A152-dB-5 A152-dB-12 A152-dB-15 A152-dB-26 Nom. 5 12 15 26.5 Max. 5.8 16.0 20.0 32.0 Coil Resistance Ohms 20% @25C 50 390 610 1560 Pick-up Voltage Vdc Max. @25C 3.8 9.0 11.3 18.0 Coil Voltage Vdc (Note 6) Switching Time ms (Note 8) Max. 4.0 Typ. 2.0 Insulation Resistance 1,000 M7 typical (all mutually isolated points) Dielectric Strength 300 VRMS / 60 Hz typical (at sea level) OUTLINE DIMENSIONS TELEDYNE RELAYS PART NUMBERING SYSTEM FOR A152 ATTENUATOR RELAYS CASE DETAIL .335 MAX. (8.51) A152 .435 MAX. (11.05) Series Designator .295 (7.49) - 20* .700 MIN. (17.78) +.002 DIA. -.001 +.05 .43 -.03 ( ) .375 MAX. (9.53) .200 .01 (5.08 5.08) 3 5 2 6 1 7 .031 REF. (.79) .150 .10 TYP. (3.81 .25) .475 MAX. (12.07) .035 REF. (.89) Dimensions are show in inches (millimeters). Terminal numbers shown are for reference only. Leads 1 and 7 are grounded to the case. .187" lead lengths available (see part numbering system) A152 Page 2 XX / S Q Attenuation Nominal S=.187" Leads Value (dB) Coil Voltage See Note 9 *Contact factory for additional attenuation values .017 - Q=Solder-Coated Leads G=Gold-Plated Leads (Notes 9 & 10) GENERAL NOTES 1. Contacts will exhibit no contact chatter in excess of 10 s or transfer in excess of 1 s. 2. Relays may be operated at higher frequencies with reduced RF performance. 3. For optimal RF performance, solder case to RF ground plane. 4. Attenuation values shown are with reference to the through path (low loss state). 5. Power handling for case temperatures of -55C to +55C is 1 Watt. Derate power handling 25 mW/C above +55C. Case measurement point is adjacent to the relay tab. 6. Do not operate coil at maximum coil voltage continuously. 7. Insert attenuation value, see part numbering system. 8. Switching time includes bounce. 9. The slash and characters appearing after the slash are not marked on the relay. 10. Unless otherwise specified, relays will be supplied with either gold-plated or solder-coated leads. SPECIFICATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE (c) 2006 TELEDYNE RELAYS A152\042006\Q1 RF PERFORMANCE (-55C to +85C, unless otherwise specified) (Notes 2, 3 and 4) PARAMETER MINIMUM TYPICAL MAXIMUM UNITS CONDITION 0.1 0.25 dB DC-1 GHz 0.2 0.35 dB 1-2 GHz 0.3 .055 dB 2-3 GHz Insertion Loss See graph VSWR (Through path) 3-5 GHz 1.10 1.20 DC-1 GHz 1.20 1.25 1-2 GHz 1.25 1.30 2-3 GHz 1.20 1.25 DC-1 GHz 1.30 1.35 1-2 GHz 1.40 1.45 2-3 GHz See graph VSWR (Attenuated path) 3-5 GHz See graph ATTENUATION 3-5 GHz MINIMUM TYPICAL MAXIMUM UNITS CONDITION 4.75 5.0 5.25 dB DC-1 GHz 4.62 5.0 5.38 dB 1-2 GHz 4.37 5.0 5.63 dB 2-3 GHz 5 See graph ATTENUATION 3-5 GHz MINIMUM TYPICAL MAXIMUM 19.8 20.0 19.6 20.0 19.0 20.0 20 UNITS CONDITION 20.2 dB DC-1 GHz 20.4 dB 1-2 GHz 21.0 dB 2-3 GHz See graph 3-5 GHz Contact factory for additional attenuation values SERIES A152 TYPICAL RF PERFORMANCE (Notes 2, 3 and 4) A152 Attenuated Path Insertion Loss A152 Attenuated Path Reflection 1.4 -18.0 -18.5 VSWR Attenuation (dB) -17.5 -19.0 -19.5 1.2 1.1 -20.0 -20.5 1.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 Frequency (GHz) 4 5 4 5 A152 Through-Path Reflection A152 Through-Path Insertion Loss 0 1.6 1.5 -0.2 VSWR Insertion Loss (dB) 3 Frequency (GHz) -0.4 1.4 1.3 1.2 -0.6 1.1 1.0 -0.8 0 1 2 3 Frequency (GHz) (c) 2006 TELEDYNE RELAYS 4 5 0 1 2 3 Frequency (GHz) (800) 284-7007 * www.teledynerelays.com A152 Page 3 A152\042006\Q1 SERIES A152 TYPICAL RF INSERTION LOSS REPEATABILITY CHARACTERISTICS (Notes 1 and 3) A152 Insertion Loss Repeatability (Through Path) IL Repeatability (dB) 0.2 * Data represents 1 sample of A152-20-5 * Relay was cycled at 5 Hz and IL was measured at every 10K cycles up to 1M cycles. Data presented is with respect to the first sweep. * Relay was tested on a fixture made by Microtest Inc. * HP 8719D VNA was used for measurements * Test was performed at room temperature. * RF input power level 10dBm 0.1 0 -0.1 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.6 3.9 4.2 4.5 4.8 5.0 3.6 3.9 4.2 4.5 4.8 5.0 Frequency (GHz) A152 Insertion Loss Repeatability (Attenuated Path) 1 0.9 IL Repeatability (dB) 0.8 * Data represents 1 sample of A152-20-5 * Relay was cycled at 5 Hz and IL was measured at every 10K cycles up to 1M cycles. Data presented is with respect to the first sweep. * Relay was tested on a fixture made by Microtest Inc. * HP 8719D VNA was used for measurements * Test was performed at room temperature. * RF input power level 10dBm 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.0 3.3 Frequency (GHz) RF INSERTION LOSS REPEATABILITY NOTES 1. Test conditions: a. Fixture: Custom plug-in test fixture. b. Relay header is in contact with, but not soldered to, ground plane. c. Test performed at room ambient temperature. d. Contact signal level: 10 dBm. 2. Data presented herein represents typical characteristics and is not intended for use as specification limits. 3. Insertion loss repeatability measured over frequency range from 3 MHz to 5 GHz. A152 Page 4 SPECIFICATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE (c) 2006 TELEDYNE RELAYS A152\042006\Q1 Appendix A: Spacer Pads Pad designation and bottom view dimensions Height O.150 [3.81] (REF) Dim H MAX "M4" Pad for TO-5 Dim H MAX "M4" Pad for TO-5 Dim H MAX "M4" Pad for Centigrid(R) .156 [3.96] (REF) Dim H MAX .256 [6.5] (REF) "M9" Pad for Centigrid(R) For use with the following: ER411T ER412, ER412D, ER412DD 712, 712D, 712TN, RF300, RF310, RF320 ER420, ER422D, ER420DD, 421, ER421D, ER421DD, ER422, ER422D, ER422DD, 722, 722D, RF341 ER431T, ER432T, ER432, ER432D, ER432DD 732, 732D, 732TN, RF303, RF313, RF323 .295 (7.49) .300 (7.62) .305 (7.75) .400 (10.16) .410 (10.41) RF312 .350 (8.89) ER411, ER411D, ER411DD .295 (7.49) ER431, ER431D, ER431DD .400 (10.16) RF311 .300 (7.62) RF331 .410 (10.41) 172, 172D .305 (7.75) ER114, ER114D, ER114DD, J114, J114D, J114DD .300 (7.62) ER134, ER134D, ER134DD, J134, J134D, J134DD .400 (10.16) RF100 .315 (8.00) RF103 .420 (10.67) 122C, A152 .320 (8.13) ER116C, J116C .300 (7.62) ER136C, J136C .400 (10.16) RF180 .325 (8.25) A150 .305 (7.75) Notes: 1. Spacer pad material: Polyester lm. 2. To specify an "M4" or "M9" spacer pad, refer to the mounting variants portion of the part numbering example in the applicable datasheet. 3. Dimensions are in inches (mm). 4. Unless otherwise specied, tolerance is .010 (.25). 5. Add 10 m to the contact resistance show in the datasheet. 6. Add 0.01 oz. (0.25 g) to the weight of the relay assembly shown in the datasheet. (c) 2008 Teledyne Relays Dim. H Max. SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Appendix A: Spreader Pads Pad designation and bottom view dimensions Height For use with the following: .370 [9.4] MAX SQ .100 [2.54] Dim H MAX .150 [3.81] .014 [0.36] (REF) .300 [7.62] .100 [2.54] .370 [9.4] MIN .200 [5.08] "M" Pad 5/ 6/ .390 [9.91] SQ .100 [2.54] .100 [2.54] .150 [3.81] .300 [7.62] .300 [7.62] .150 [3.81] Dim H MAX ER411T, J411T, ER412, ER412D ER412DD, J412, J412D, J412DD ER412T, J412T 712, 712D, 712TN ER431T, J431T, ER432, ER432D ER432DD, J432, J432D, J432DD ER432T, J432T 732, 732D, 732TN .370 [9.4] MAX SQ .100 [2.54] Dim H MAX .150 [3.81] .014 [0.36] (REF) .300 [7.62] .100 [2.54] .200 [5.08] .370 [9.4] MIN "M3" Pad 5/ 6/ 9/ .393 (9.99) .493 (12.52) .503 (12.78) .398 (10.11) ER411T ER412, ER412D, ER412DD J412, J412D, J412DD .441 (11.20) 732, 732D "M2" Pad 7/ 8/ .388 (9.86) ER420, J420, ER420D, J420D ER420DD, J420DD, ER421, J421 ER421D, J421D, ER421DD J422D, ER422DD, J422DD, 722 712, 712D ER421, ER421D, ER421DD 722, 732D ER431T ER432, ER432D, ER432DD .130 [3.3] Dim. H Max. ER411, ER411D, ER411DD ER411TX ER412X, ER412DX, ER412DDX ER412TX 712X, 712DX, 712TNX ER420X, ER420DX, ER420DDX ER421X, ER421DX, ER421DDX ER422X, ER422DX ER422DDX, 722X, 722DDX ER431, ER431D, ER431DD ER431TX ER432X, ER432DX, ER432DDX ER432TX 732X, 732DX, 732TNX .451 (11.46) .451 (11.46) .546 (13.87) .556 (14.12) .388 (9.86) .393 (9.99) .398 (10.11) .493 (12.52) .503 (12.78) Notes: 1. Spreader pad material: Diallyl Phthalate. 2. To specify an "M", "M2" or "M3" spreader pad, refer to the mounting variants portion of the part number example in the applicable datasheet. 3. Dimensions are in inches (mm). 4. Unless otherwise specied, tolerance is .010" (0.25). 5/. Add 25 m to the contact resistance shown in the datasheet. 6/. Add .01 oz. (0.25 g) to the weight of the relay assembly shown in the datasheet. 7/. Add 50 m to the contact resistance shown in the datasheet. 8/. Add 0.025 oz (0.71 g) to the weight of the relay assembly shown in the datasheet. 9/. M3 pad to be used only when the relay has a center pin (e.g. ER411M3-12A, 722XM3-26.) (800) 284-7007 * www.teledynerelays.com +44 (0) 1236 453124 * www.teledyne-europe.com (c) 2008 Teledyne Relays Appendix A: Ground Pin Positions O.200 [O5.08] 363 "Z" POSITION "X" POSITION "Y" POSITION "Z" O.200 [O5.08] "Y" 453 TO-5 Relays: ER411T, ER412, ER412T, ER420, ER421, ER422, ER431T, ER432, ER432T, 712, 712TN, 400H, 400K, 400V, RF300, RF303, RF341, RF312, RF310, RF313, RF320, RF323 "Y" POSITION POSITION TO-5 Relays: ER411, ER431, RF311, RF331 POSITION .100 [2.54] "W" "Z" .100 [2.54] .050 [1.27] "X" .100 [2.54] POSITION POSITION "Z" POSITION POSITION .100 [2.54] POSITION "U" POSITION (ER116C and ER136C only) Centigrid(R) Relays: RF180, ER116C, 122C, ER136C .100 [2.54] Centigrid(R) Relays: RF100, RF103, ER114, ER134, 172 Indicates ground pin position Indicates glass insulated lead position Indicates ground pin or lead position depending on relay type (c) 2008 Teledyne Relays "Y" .100 [2.54] NOTES 1. Terminal views shown 2. Dimensions are in inches (mm) 3. Tolerances: .010 (.25) unless otherwise specied 4. Ground pin positions are within .015 (0.38) dia. of true position 5. Ground pin head dia., 0.035 (0.89) ref: height 0.010 (0.25) ref. 6. Lead dia. 0.017 (0.43) nom. SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE