FEATURES Paralle cpei it on with fo-ced jad sharint Output vulta se adjustable (0' 6 to 110 High power density 54.3 W/ine Low output noise Metal base ciate 2:1 input voltage range High efficiency typ. 87% Remote sense Remote on/off Power good Signal Constant frequency Synchronization Thermal shutdown Current monitor TID CS Time input Vde Qutput Power W Output Vde 4EE5= [C 300 [Al 37?= [W) 250 1: [Bl [H] Pot lo. 1 L "18-364 rout limited :o 260 Fr tutpt Nok Out s less thin SV limioe to it Ata 600-4 and tages bat veer 2? /am 234 nsu fost y 5A fore W The FW300 provides 300 watts of cociinuous power and is the highest pcwe: level Board Mounted Power Module o.ferta 5, AT&T Power Systems. The FC/FW Series eatures over 54 watts per cubic inch in iheir compact 2.4 inches wide, 4.6 inches tcng. and. inch high case. in addition ta AT& ecellent parallel operation with forced od 3 haring feature, the full-feature st tcludes synchronization, power good 9in. and Wermal shutdown. The FC/FW Series 's Gastared for a wide variety of applications wich is 100C maximum case temperature end 6.7% ypical efficiency. The superior performance, ful, tecture set, and high reliability make the FC/F\/ Se:tas the preferred solution for your telecor murications or electronic data processing azpi'ation0.62 020661). _ Nr Te Storr at ease f OSOLDEH PLATED Brass (VOUT. Ve J =, VIN) Bottom H ow ~\-MBX0.5 THROUGH Set Point Acc racy. - +1% ; 2200 66.007 oteo@sa) TYP ov )4PLes Load Regulation =s(ts2 0.05% 0? @----- eh a -- -6 i - LineReguiation =i 8.01% * he cag T ome, opened ae = bt ft Output Temperature Drift 0.01% /C Ll ee Set sinew He your. + eh ts 2) | | Output Ripple @ es be in Hie 1.400 3.3V,5V Output 50mVp-p, 40mVvims |" LL su vr) 2A 12V Output 100 mVp-p, 80 mVrms ~ oot 15V Output 100 mVp-p, 80 mVrms Dr rn OY Overvoltage Shutdown 120% | '+- e200 608 eg Current Limit Inception 115% es Short Circuit Current 130% TYPICAL INPUT eee Pins are solder-plated brass. CHARACTERISTICS Dimensions are in inches and (millimeters). Reflected Ripple Current 20 mAp-p Ripple Reject ion @ 120 Hz 60 (Bo OPTIONS Heat sink available for extended operating ovebaepeeeeces Temperature (page 98) Compare to 6 r modules i in this anaes oe package size PRODUCT ATTRIBUTES ; kes " This module provides: Isolation Lower input and output noise Voltage 900 Vde Superior case design for grounding and mounting heat sink Capacitance 2000 pF e High power density 54:3 Wii - ce Resistance >10 MQ cesta eeeeeeaeenseeeenereere 1s Operating Case Temp. -40 to 100C For more specific technical information, call 1-800. 0-526-7819 Storage Temperature -40 to 120C Case Dimensions For product-specitic data sheet and application/t echnical notes, 4.60" L, 2.40" W, 0.50" H call 1-800-372-2447, + Remote On/Off Tech. Note AP91-036EPS 20