LTC4233 10A Guaranteed SOA Hot Swap Controller FEATURES DESCRIPTION Allows Safe Board Insertion into a Live Backplane nn Small Footprint nn 10m MOSFET Including R SENSE nn Safe Operating Area Guaranteed at 41W, 30ms nn Wide Operating Voltage Range: 2.9V to 15V nn Adjustable, 11% Accurate Current Limit nn Current and Temperature Monitor Outputs nn Overtemperature Protection nn Adjustable Current Limit Timer Before Fault nn Power Good and Fault Outputs nn Adjustable Inrush Current Control nn 2.5% Accurate Undervoltage and Overvoltage Protection nn Available in 38-Lead (5mm x 9mm) QFN Package nn Pin Compatible with LTC4234 The LTC(R)4233 is an integrated solution for Hot SwapTM applications that allows a board to be safely inserted and removed from a live backplane. The part integrates a Hot Swap controller, power MOSFET and current sense resistor in a single package for small form factor applications. The MOSFET Safe Operating Area is production tested and guaranteed for the stresses in Hot Swap applications. nn The LTC4233 provides separate inrush current control and an 11% accurate 11.2A current limit with output dependent foldback. The current limit threshold can be adjusted dynamically using the ISET pin. Additional features include a current monitor output that amplifies the sense resistor voltage for ground referenced current sensing and a MOSFET temperature monitor output. Thermal limit, overvoltage, undervoltage and power good monitoring are also provided. For a 20A pin compatible version see LTC4234. APPLICATIONS L, LT, LTC, LTM, Linear Technology and the Linear logo are registered trademarks and Hot Swap and PowerPath are trademarks of Linear Technology Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. High Availability Servers nn Solid State Drives nn Industrial nn Network Routers and Switches nn TYPICAL APPLICATION 12V, 10A Card Resident Application with Auto-Retry 12V 150k LTC4233 107k UV FB FLT SENSE- GATE TIMER ISET IMON GND VIN 10V/DIV CONTACT BOUNCE IIN 0.2A/DIV VOUT 10V/DIV PG SENSE INTVCC *TVS: DIODES INC. SMAJ17A 680F 10k OV 1F + 20k 5.23k 10k VOUT 12V 10A OUT VDD * Power-Up Waveforms ADC PG 10V/DIV 20k 20ms/DIV 4233 TA01b 4233 TA01a 4233f For more information 1 LTC4233 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PIN CONFIGURATION (Notes 1, 2) TOP VIEW UV 1 38 ISET OV 2 37 FB IMON 3 36 FLT TIMER 4 35 PG INTVCC 5 34 SENSE- VDD (DNC) 6 33 VDD (DNC) GND 7 32 GATE SENSE (DNC) 8 31 SENSE OUT 9 30 OUT OUT 10 29 OUT 28 OUT 27 OUT 39 VDD 40 SENSE 24 OUT OUT 16 23 OUT 22 15 21 OUT OUT OUT 25 20 14 OUT OUT OUT OUT 26 19 13 18 OUT OUT 12 17 11 OUT OUT OUT OUT Supply Voltage (VDD).................................. -0.3V to 28V Input Voltages FB, OV, UV...............................................-0.3V to 12V TIMER.................................................... -0.3V to 3.5V SENSE-, SENSE......VDD - 10V or -0.3V to VDD + 0.3V Output Voltages ISET, IMON.................................................. -0.3V to 3V PG, FLT .................................................. -0.3V to 35V OUT............................................. -0.3V to VDD + 0.3V INTVCC................................................... -0.3V to 3.5V GATE (Note 3)......................................... -0.3V to 33V Operating Ambient Temperature Range LTC4234C................................................. 0C to 70C LTC4234I..............................................-40C to 85C LTC4234H........................................... -40C to 125C Junction Temperature (Note 4, 5).......................... 150C Storage Temperature Range................... -65C to 150C WHH PACKAGE 38-LEAD PLASTIC QFN (5mm x 9mm) TJMAX = 150C, JA = 15C/W EXPOSED PAD (PINS 39 AND 40) ARE VDD AND SENSE, JA = 15C/W SOLDERED, OTHERWISE JA = 50C/W ORDER INFORMATION LEAD FREE FINISH TAPE AND REEL PART MARKING PACKAGE DESCRIPTION TEMPERATURE RANGE LTC4233CWHH#PBF LTC4233CWHH#TRPBF 4233 38-Lead (5mm x 9mm) Plastic QFN 0C to 70C LTC4233IWHH#PBF LTC4233IWHH#TRPBF 4233 38-Lead (5mm x 9mm) Plastic QFN -40C to 85C LTC4233HWHH#PBF LTC4233HWHH#TRPBF 4233 38-Lead (5mm x 9mm) Plastic QFN -40C to 125C Consult LTC Marketing for parts specified with wider operating temperature ranges. Consult LTC Marketing for information on nonstandard lead based finish parts. For more information on lead free part marking, go to: For more information on tape and reel specifications, go to: 4233f 2 For more information LTC4233 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The l denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25C. VDD = 12V unless otherwise noted. SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS DC Characteristics VDD Input Supply Range IDD Input Supply Current MOSFET On, No Load l 15 V VDD(UVL) Input Supply Undervoltage Lockout VDD Rising l 2.63 1.6 3 mA 2.73 2.85 V IOUT OUT Leakage Current VOUT = VGATE = 0V, VDD = 15V VOUT = VGATE = 12V l l 1 0 2 300 4 A A dVGATE /dt OUT Turn-on Ramp Rate Gate Open l 0.15 0.3 0.6 V/ms RON MOSFET + Sense Resistor On-Resistance C-Grade, I-Grade H-Grade l l 4.5 4.5 10 10 14.5 16.5 m m ILIM(TH) Current Limit Threshold VFB = 1.35V, ISET Open VFB = 0V, ISET Open VFB = 1.35V, RSET = 20k l l l 10 2.0 4.7 11.2 2.8 5.6 12.4 3.7 6.4 A A A SOA MOSFET Safe Operating Area VDS = 13.5V, 3A Folded Back, 50W2s (Note 6) VDS = 7.5V, 11A Onset of Foldback, 50W2s (Note 7) IIN OV, UV, FB Input Current V = 1.2V ISENSE-(IN) SENSE- Input Current VSENSE l VTH OV, UV, FB Threshold Voltage VPIN Rising l 1.205 VOV(HYST) OV Hysteresis l 10 20 30 mV VUV(HYST) UV Hysteresis VUV(RTH) UV Reset Threshold Voltage VFB(HYST) RISET l 2.9 30 7 ms ms Inputs - = 12V 0 l 1 A 4 10 A 1.235 1.265 V l 50 80 110 mV l 0.55 0.62 0.7 V FB Power Good Hysteresis l 10 20 30 mV ISET Internal Resistor l 19 20 21 k 2.8 VUV Falling Outputs VINTVCC INTVCC Output Voltage VDD = 5V,15V, ISINK = 0mA, -10mA l 3.1 3.3 VOL PG, FLT Pin Output Low Voltage ISINK = 2mA l 0.4 0.8 V IOH PG , FLT Pin Input Leakage Current V = 30V l 0 10 A VTIMER(H) TIMER High Threshold VTIMER Rising l 1.2 1.235 1.28 V VTIMER(L) TIMER Low Threshold VTIMER falling l 0.1 0.21 0.3 V ITIMER(UP) TIMER Pull Up Current VTIMER = 0V l -80 -100 -120 A ITIMER(DN) TIMER Pull Down Current VTIMER = 1.2V l 1.4 2 2.6 A ITIMER(RATIO) TIMER Current Ratio ITIMER(DN)/ITIMER(UP) l 1.6 2 2.7 % AIMON IMON Current Gain l 9 10 10.5 A/A BWIMON IMON Bandwidth 250 kHz IOFF(IMON) IMON Offset Current IOUT = 300mA l 0 9 A IGATE(UP) Gate Pull-Up Current Gate Drive On, VGATE = VOUT = 12V l -18 -24 -29 A IGATE(DN) Gate Pull-Down Current Gate Drive Off, VGATE = 18V, VOUT = 12V l 180 250 500 A IGATE(FST) Gate Fast Pull-Down Current Fast Turn Off, VGATE = 18V, VOUT = 12V 140 mA 4233f For more information 3 LTC4233 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The l denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25C. VDD = 12V unless otherwise noted. SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS l 8 20 s l 1 5 s 72 ms AC Characteristics tPHL(GATE) Input High (OV), Input Low (UV) to GATE Low Propagation Delay VGATE < 17.8V Falling tPHL(ILIM) Short Circuit to GATE Low VFB = 0, Step VDD - SENSE- to 50mV, VGATE < 15V Falling tD(ON) Turn-On Delay Step VUV to 2V, VGATE > 13V l 24 48 tD(FAULT) UV Low to Clear Fault Latch Delay tD(CB) Circuit Breaker Filter Delay Time (Internal) VFB = 0, Step VDD - SENSE- to 50mV l 1.2 2 2.7 ms tD(COOL-DOWN) Cool Down Delay (Internal) l 600 900 1200 ms 1 Note 1: Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to any Absolute Maximum Rating condition for extended periods may affect device reliability and lifetime. Note 2: All currents into pins are positive; all voltages are referenced to GND unless otherwise specified. Note 3: An internal clamp limits the GATE pin to a maximum of 6.5V above OUT. Driving this pin to voltages beyond the clamp may damage the device. Note 4: This IC includes overtemperature protection that is intended to protect the device during momentary overload conditions. Junction temperature will exceed 150C when overtemperature protection is active. Continuous operation above the specified maximum operating junction temperature may impair device reliability. s Note 5: TJ is calculated from the ambient temperature, TA, and power dissipation, PD, according to the formula: TJ = TA + (PD * 15C/W) Note 6: SOA tested at room temperature, SOA (i.e. P2t) is reduced at elevated temperatures according to the following formula: 150C - TJ P 2 t(TJ ) = 50 W 2s * 150C - 25C 2 Note 7: Guaranteed by design and extrapolated from P2t limit of 50W2s. 4233f 4 For more information LTC4233 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS IDD vs VDD TA = 25C, VDD = 12V unless otherwise noted. UV Low-High Threshold vs Temperature INTVCC Load Regulation 2.2 3.5 1.240 3.0 125C 2.5 1.8 INTVCC (V) IDD (mA) 25C -40C 1.4 UV LOW-HIGH THRESHOLD (V) VDD = 5V VDD = 3.3V 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 5 10 15 VDD (V) 20 25 0 30 -2 -4 4233 G01 -6 -8 ILOAD (mA) -10 0.08 0.06 0.04 -50 -25 0 -95 -90 -50 -25 0 10 10 4 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 FB VOLTAGE (V) 0 10 40 20 30 OUTPUT CURRENT (A) 50 60 4233 G06 RISET Resistor vs Temperature 22 8 6 4 21 20 19 2 >30ms SOA GUARANTEED 0 1 0.1 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (C) ISET RESISTOR (k) 12 6 10 Current Limit Adjustment (IOUT vs RSET) 12 8 100 4233 G05 CURRENT LIMIT VALUE (A) CURRENT LIMIT VALUE (A) 4233 G03 1000 -100 Current Limit Threshold Foldback 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (C) Current Limit Delay (tPHL(ILIM) vs Overdrive) -105 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (C) 0 4233 G02 4233 G04 2 1.228 1.224 -50 -25 -14 -110 TIMER PULL-UP CURRENT (A) 0.10 0 -12 1.232 Timer Pull-Up Current vs Temperature UV Hysteresis vs Temperature UV HYSTERESIS (V) 0 CURRENT PROPAGATION DELAY (s) 1.0 1.236 1 1.2 4233 G07 0 1k 10k 100k RSET () 1M 10M 4233 G08 18 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (C) 4233 G09 4233f For more information 5 LTC4233 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS SOA Constant vs Junction Temperature RON vs Temperature 16 Guaranteed MOSFET SOA Curve 1.0 VDD = 3.3V TO 12V 100 0.8 NORMALIZED P2t 12 8 10 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -50 -25 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (C) 25 50 75 100 125 JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (C) 4233 G10 150 -24.5 IGATE PULL-UP (A) IMON (A) PG, FLT VOL (V) 95 90 4 85 2 VDD = 3.3V, 12V ILOAD = 10A 0 2 4 6 8 CURRENT (mA) 10 80 -50 -25 12 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (C) 4233 G12 4 VDD = 3.3V 2 1 -5 -10 -15 -20 IGATE (A) -25 -30 4233 G15 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (C) 4233 G14 VISET vs Temperature 0.9 0.8 6.0 0.7 5.8 VISET (V) VGATE (VGATE - VOUT) (V) 5 0 -23.0 -50 -25 6.2 VDD = 12V 3 -23.5 Gate Drive vs VDD 7 6 -24.0 4233 G13 Gate Drive vs Gate Pull-Up Current 5.6 0.6 0.5 5.4 5.2 4233 G12 -25.0 100 6 100 GATE Pull-Up Current vs Temperature 10 8 10 VDS (V) 105 12 DC 1 0.1 IMON vs Temperature 14 VGATE (VGATE - VOUT) (V) 0.1 TA = 25C SINGLE PULSE 4233 G11 PG, FLT Output Low vs ISINK 0 30ms 1 4 0 3ms >30ms SOA GUARANTEED ID (A) RON (m) TA = 25C, VDD = 12V unless otherwise noted. 0.4 0 5 10 15 VDD (V) 20 25 30 4233 G16 0.3 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (C) 4233 G18 4233f 6 For more information LTC4233 PIN FUNCTIONS DNC: Do Not Connect. Leave open. FB: Foldback and Power Good Input. Connect this pin to an external resistive divider from OUT. If the voltage falls below 0.6V, the current limit is reduced using a foldback profile (see the Typical Performance Characteristics section). If the voltage falls below 1.21V, the PG pin will pull low to indicate the power is bad FLT: Overcurrent fault indicator. Open-drain output pulls low when an overcurrent fault has occurred and the circuit breaker trips. For overcurrent auto-retry tie to UV pin (see Applications Information section for details). GATE: Gate Drive for internal N-Channel MOSFET. An internal 24A current source charges the gate of the N-channel MOSFET. At start-up the GATE pin ramps up at a 0.35V/ms rate determined by internal circuitry. During an undervoltage or overvoltage condition a 250A pull-down current turns the MOSFET off. During a short circuit or undervoltage lockout condition, a 140mA pull-down current source between GATE and OUT is activated. GND: Device Ground. IMON: Current Monitor Output. The current in the internal MOSFET switch is divided by 100,000 and sourced from this pin. Placing a 20k resistor on this pin allows a 0 to 2V voltage swing when current ranges from 0A to 10A. INTVCC: Internal 3.1V Supply Decoupling Output. This pin must have a 1F or larger bypass capacitor. Overloading this pin can disrupt internal operation. ISET: Current Limit Adjustment Pin. For 11.2A current limit value open this pin. This pin is driven by a 20k resistor in series with a voltage source. The pin voltage is used to generate the current limit threshold. The internal 20k resistor (RISET) and an external resistor (RSET) between ISET and ground create an attenuator that lowers the current limit value. Due to circuit tolerance RSET should not be less than 2k. In order to match the temperature variation of the sense resistor, the voltage on this pin is made proportional to temperature of the MOSFET switch. OUT: Output of internal MOSFET switch. Connect this pin directly to the load. OV: Overvoltage Comparator Input. Connect this pin to an external resistive divider from VDD. If the voltage at this pin rises above 1.235V, an overvoltage is detected and the switch turns off. Tie to GND if unused. PG: Power good indicator. Open drain output pulls low when the FB pin drops below 1.21V indicating the power is bad. If the voltage at FB rises above 1.235V and the GATE to OUT voltage exceeds 4.2V, the open-drain pull-down releases the PG pin to go high. SENSE: Current Sense Node and MOSFET Drain. One exposed pad on the UH package is connected to SENSE and should be soldered to an electrically isolated printed circuit board trace to properly transfer the heat out of the package. Connect the SENSE Pin 31 to the SENSE- Pin 34. SENSE-: Current Limit and Current Monitor Amplifier Input. The current limit circuit controls the GATE pin to limit the voltage between the VDD and SENSE- pins to 15mV (11.2A) or less depending on the voltage at the FB pin. This pin must be connected to SENSE pin on the right side (connect pin 34 to pin 31). TIMER: Current Limit Timer Input. Connect a capacitor between this pin and ground to set a 12 ms/F duration for current limit before the switch is turned off. If the UV pin is toggled low while the MOSFET switch is off, the switch will turn on again following cool-down time of 4.14s/F duration. Tie this pin to INTVCC for a fixed 2ms overcurrent delay and 900ms cool-down time. UV: Undervoltage Comparator Input. Tie high to INTVCC if unused. Connect this pin to an external resistive divider from VDD. If the UV pin voltage falls below 1.15V, an undervoltage is detected and the switch turns off. Pulling this pin below 0.62V resets the overcurrent fault and allows the switch to turn back on (see Application Information section for details). If overcurrent auto-retry is desired then tie this pin to the FLT pin. VDD: Supply Voltage and Current Sense Input. This exposed pad must be soldered to input power. VDD has an undervoltage lockout threshold of 2.73V. 4233f For more information 7 LTC4233 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM SENSE (EXPOSED PAD) VDD (EXPOSED PAD) 1.4m SENSE RESISTOR GATE 6.1V 8.6m MOSFET OUT IMON SENSE- - CS +- CLAMP CHARGE PUMP AND GATE DRIVER f = 2MHz + INRUSH 0.6V POSITIVE TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT REFERENCE 0.35V/ms ISET RISET 20k X1 FB CM FOLDBACK 0.6V + + 1.235V UV PG - - UV LOGIC 1.235V PG 0.62V + RST - 0.21V FLT + INTVCC TM1 OV - + 100A OV 1.235V - 2A + VDD TM2 VDD - 1.235V - + - 2.73V INTVCC 3.1V GEN UVLO1 TIMER UVLO2 2.65V + GND 4233 BD 4233f 8 For more information LTC4233 OPERATION The Functional Block Diagram displays the main circuits of the device. The LTC4233 is designed to turn a board's supply voltage on and off in a controlled manner allowing the board to be safely inserted and removed from a live backplane. The LTC4233 includes a 8.6m MOSFET and a 1.4m current sense resistor. During normal operation, the charge pump and gate driver turn on the pass MOSFET's gate to provide power to the load. The inrush current control is accomplished by the INRUSH circuit. This circuit limits the GATE ramp rate to 0.35V/ms and hence controls the voltage ramp rate of the output capacitor. 0.21V (Comparator TM1) which completes one timer cycle. After eight TIMER pin cycles (ramping to 1.235V and then below 0.21V) the logic starts the internal 48ms timer. At this point, the pass transistor has cooled and it is safe to turn it on again. It is suitable in many applications to use an internal 2ms overcurrent timer with a 900ms cool down period. Tying the TIMER pin to INTVCC sets this default timing. Latchoff is the normal operating condition following overcurrent turnoff. Retry is initiated by pulling the UV pin low for a minimum of 1s then high. Auto-retry is implemented by tying the FLT to the UV pin. The current sense (CS) amplifier monitors the load current using the voltage sensed across the current sense resistor. The CS amplifier limits the current in the load by reducing the GATE-to-OUT voltage in an active control loop. It is simple to adjust the current limit threshold using the current limit adjustment (ISET) pin. This allows a different threshold during other times such as startup. Note there must be a connection between SENSE to SENSE- (Pin 34 to Pin 31) in order to monitor current. The output voltage is monitored using the FB pin and the PG comparator to determine if the power is available for the load. The power good condition is signaled by the PG pin using an open-drain pull-down transistor. A short circuit on the output to ground causes significant power dissipation during active current limiting. To limit this power, the foldback amplifier reduces the current limit value from 11.2A to 2.8A in a linear manner as the FB pin drops below 0.6V (see the Typical Performance Characteristics). If an overcurrent condition persists, the TIMER pin ramps up with a 100A current source until the pin voltage exceeds 1.235V (comparator TM2). This indicates to the logic that it is time to turn off the pass MOSFET to prevent overheating. At this point the TIMER pin ramps down using the 2A current source until the voltage drops below The Functional Block Diagram shows the monitoring blocks of the LTC4233. The two comparators on the left side include the UV and OV comparators. These comparators are used to determine if the external conditions are valid prior to turning on the MOSFET. But first the undervoltage lockout circuits UVLO1 and UVLO2 must validate the input supply and the internally generated 3.1V supply (INTVCC) and generate the power up initialization to the logic circuits. If the external conditions remain valid for 48ms the MOSFET is allowed to turn on. Other monitoring features include MOSFET current and temperature monitoring. The current monitor (CM) outputs a current proportional to the sense resistor current. This current can drive an external resistor or other circuits for monitoring purposes. A voltage proportional to the MOSFET temperature is output to the ISET pin. The MOSFET is protected by a thermal shutdown circuit. 4233f For more information 9 LTC4233 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION 12V VDD R3 140k CCOMP 3.3nF Z1* LTC4233 UV R1 226k R2 20k OUT FB GATE FLT OV R4 20k RGATE 100k CGATE 0.1F R5 150k VOUT 12V 5A + CL 330F R6 20k UV = 9.88V OV = 15.2V PG = 10.5V R7 10k PG SENSE- ISET SENSE RSET 20k TIMER CT 0.1F C1 1F INTVCC ADC IMON RMON 20k GND 4233 F01 *TVS Z1: DIODES INC. SMAJ17A Figure 1. 5A, 12V Card Resident Application The typical LTC4233 application is in a high availability system that uses a positive voltage supply to distribute power to individual cards. The complete application circuit is shown in Figure 1. External component selection is discussed in detail in the following sections. VDD + 6.15V GATE SLOPE = 0.35[V/ms] VDD OUT Turn-On Sequence Several conditions must be present before the internal pass MOSFET can be turned on. First the supply VDD must exceed its undervoltage lockout level. Next the internally generated supply INTVCC must cross its 2.65V undervoltage threshold. This generates a 25s power-on-reset pulse which clears the fault register and initializes internal latches. After the power-on-reset pulse, the UV and OV pins must indicate that the input voltage is within the acceptable range. All of these conditions must be satisfied for a duration of 48ms to ensure that any contact bounce during the insertion has ended. The MOSFET is turned on by charging up the GATE with a charge pump generated 24A current source whose value is adjusted by shunting a portion of the pull-up current to ground. The charging current is controlled by the INRUSH circuit that maintains a constant slope of GATE voltage t1 t2 4233 F02 Figure 2. Supply Turn-On versus time (Figure 2). The voltage at the GATE pin rises with a slope of 0.35[V/ms] and the supply inrush current is set at: IINRUSH = CL * 0.35[V/ms] This gate slope is designed to charge up a 1000F capacitor to 12V in 34ms, with an inrush current of 350mA. This allows the inrush current to stay under the folded back current limit threshold (2.8A) for capacitors less than 5mF. Included in the Typical Performance Characteristics section is a graph of the Safe Operating Area for the MOSFET. It is evident from this graph that the power dissipation at 12V, 350mA for 34ms is in the safe region. 4233f 10 For more information LTC4233 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Adding a capacitor and a 100k series resistor from GATE to ground will lower the inrush current below the default value set by the INRUSH circuit. The 3.3nF capacitor, CCOMP, is necessary to compensate the current limit regulation loop when the RGATE and CGATE network is on the GATE pin. The GATE is charged with a 24A current source (when INRUSH circuit is not driving the GATE). The voltage at the GATE pin rises with a slope equal to 24A/CGATE and the supply inrush current is set at: IINRUSH= CL CGATE LTC4233 GATE CP 2.2nF OPTIONAL RC TO LOWER INRUSH CURRENT 4233 F03 Figure 3. Compensation for Small CLOAD Turn-Off Sequence * 24A When the GATE voltage reaches the MOSFET threshold voltage, the switch begins to turn on and the OUT voltage follows the GATE voltage as it increases. Once OUT reaches VDD, the GATE will ramp up until clamped by the 6.1V Zener between GATE and OUT. As the OUT voltage rises, so will the FB pin which is monitoring it. Once the FB pin crosses its 1.235V threshold and the GATE to OUT voltage exceeds 4.2V, the PG pin will cease to pull low and indicate that the power is good. Parasitic MOSFET Oscillation When the N-channel MOSFET ramps up the output during power-up it operates as a source follower. The source follower configuration may self-oscillate in the range of 25kHz to 300kHz when the load capacitance is less than 10F, especially if the wiring inductance from the supply to VDD pin is greater than 3H. The possibility of oscillations will increase as the load current (during power-up) increases. There are two ways to prevent this type of oscillation. The simplest way is to avoid load capacitances below 10F. For wiring inductances larger than 20H, the minimum load capacitance may extend to 100F. A second choice is to connect an external gate capacitor CP > 1.5nF as shown in Figure 3. The switch can be turned off by a variety of conditions. A normal turn-off is initiated by the UV pin going below its 1.235V threshold. Additionally, several fault conditions will turn off the switch. These include an input overvoltage (OV pin), overcurrent circuit breaker (SENSE pin) or overtemperature. Normally the switch is turned off with a 250A current pulling down the GATE pin to ground. With the switch turned off, the OUT voltage drops which pulls the FB pin below its threshold. The PG then pulls low to indicate output power is no longer good. If VDD drops below 2.65V for greater than 5s or INTVCC drops below 2.5V for greater than 1s, a fast shutdown of the switch is initiated. The GATE is pulled down with a 140mA current to the OUT pin. Overcurrent Fault The LTC4233 features an adjustable current limit with foldback that protects against short-circuits and excessive load current. To protect against excessive power dissipation in the switch during active current limit, the available current is reduced as a function of the output voltage sensed by the FB pin. A graph in the Typical Performance Characteristics curves shows the current limit threshold foldback. 4233f For more information 11 LTC4233 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION An overcurrent fault occurs when the current limit circuitry has been engaged for longer than the timeout delay set by the TIMER. Current limiting begins when the MOSFET current reaches 2.8A to 11.2A (depending on the foldback). The GATE pin is then brought down with a 140mA GATEto-OUT current. The voltage on the GATE is regulated in order to limit the current to 11.2A. At this point, a circuit breaker time delay starts by charging the external timing capacitor with a 100A pull-up current from the TIMER pin. If the TIMER pin reaches its 1.235V threshold, the internal switch turns off (with a 250A current from GATE to ground). Included in the Typical Performance Characteristics curves is a graph of the Safe Operating Area for the MOSFET. From this graph one can determine the MOSFET's maximum time in current limit for a given output power. Tying the TIMER pin to INTVCC will force the part to use the internally generated (circuit breaker) delay of 2ms. In either case the FLT pin is pulled low to indicate an overcurrent fault has turned off the pass MOSFET. For a given circuit breaker time delay, the equation for setting the timing capacitor's value is as follows: CT = tCB * 0.083[F/ms] After the switch is turned off, the TIMER pin begins discharging the timing capacitor with a 2A pull-down current. When the TIMER pin reaches its 0.21V threshold, it completes one timer cycle. After eight TIMER pin cycles (ramping to 1.235V and then below 0.21V) plus the 48ms debounce time the switch is allowed to turn on again if the overcurrent fault latch has been cleared. Bringing the UV pin below 0.6V for a minimum of 1s and then high will clear the fault latch. If the TIMER pin is tied to INTVCC then the switch is allowed to turn on again (after an internal 900ms cool down time plus the 48ms debounce time), if the overcurrent fault latch is cleared. Tying the FLT pin to the UV pin allows the part to self-clear the fault and turn the MOSFET on as soon as TIMER pin has ramped below 0.21V for the eighth time followed by the 48ms debounce time. In this auto-retry mode the LTC4233 repeatedly tries to turn on after an overcurrent at a period determined by the capacitor on the TIMER pin. The auto retry mode also functions when the TIMER pin is tied to INTVCC. The waveform in Figure 4 shows how the output latches off following a short circuit. The current in the MOSFET is 2.8A as the TIMER ramps up. VOUT 10V/DIV IOUT 2A/DIV VGATE 10V/DIV TIMER 2V/DIV 1ms/DIV 4233 F04 Figure 4. Short-Circuit Waveform Current Limit Adjustment The default value of the active current limit is 11.2A. The current limit threshold can be adjusted lower by placing a resistor between the ISET pin and ground. As shown in the Functional Block Diagram the voltage at the ISET pin (via the clamp circuit) sets the CS amplifier's built-in offset voltage. This offset voltage directly determines the active current limit value. With the ISET pin open, the voltage at the ISET pin is determined by a positive temperature coefficient reference. This voltage is set to 0.618V which corresponds to a 11.2A current limit at room temperature. 4233f 12 For more information LTC4233 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION An external resistor RSET placed between the ISET pin and ground forms a resistive divider with the internal 20k RISET sourcing resistor. The divider acts to lower the voltage at the ISET pin and therefore lower the current limit threshold. The overall current limit threshold precision is reduced to 15% when using a 20k resistor to halve the threshold. Using a switch (connected to ground) in series with RSET allows the active current limit to change only when the switch is closed. This feature can be used to program a reduced running current while the maximum available current limit is used at startup. Monitor MOSFET Temperature The voltage at the ISET pin increases linearly with increasing temperature. The temperature profile of the ISET pin is shown in the Typical Performance Characteristics section. Using a comparator or ADC to measure the ISET voltage provides an accurate indication of the MOSFET temperature. The ISET voltage follows the formula: VISET = RSET * ( T + 273C) * 2.093[mV/C] RSET + RISET The MOSFET temperature is calculated using RISET of 20k. T= (RSET + 20k ) * VISET RSET * 2.093[mV/C] - 273C The current in the MOSFET passes through an internal 1.4m sense resistor. The voltage on the sense resistor is converted to a current that is sourced out of the IMON pin. The gain of ISENSE amplifier is 10A/A referenced from the MOSFET current. This output current can be converted to a voltage using an external resistor to drive a comparator or ADC. The voltage compliance for the IMON pin is from 0V to INTVCC - 0.7V. A microcontroller with a built-in comparator can build a simple integrating single-slope ADC by resetting a capacitor that is charged with this current. When the capacitor voltage trips the comparator and the capacitor is reset, a timer is started. The time between resets will indicate the MOSFET current. Monitor OV and UV Faults Protecting the load from an overvoltage condition is the main function of the OV pin. In Figure 1 an external resistive divider (driving the OV pin) connects to a comparator to turn off the MOSFET when the VDD voltage exceeds 15.2V. If the VDD pin subsequently falls back below 14.9V, the switch will be allowed to turn on immediately. In the LTC4233 the OV pin threshold is 1.235V when rising, and 1.215V when falling out of overvoltage. The UV pin functions as an undervoltage protection pin or as an ON pin. In the Figure 1 application the MOSFET turns off when VDD falls below 9.23V. If the VDD pin subsequently rises above 9.88V for 48ms, the switch will be allowed to turn on again. The LTC4233 UV turn-on/off threshold are 1.235V (rising) and 1.155V (falling). When RSET is not present, T becomes: T= Monitor MOSFET Current VISET - 273C 2.093[mV/C] There is an overtemperature circuit in the LTC4233 that monitors an internal voltage similar to the ISET pin voltage. When the die temperature exceeds 155C the circuit turns off the MOSFET until the temperature drops to 135C. In the case of an undervoltage or overvoltage the MOSFET turns off and there is indication on the PG status pin. When the overvoltage is removed, the MOSFET's gate ramps up immediately at the rate determined by the INRUSH circuit. 4233f For more information 13 LTC4233 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Power Good Indication In addition to setting the foldback current limit threshold, the FB pin is used to determine a power good condition. The Figure 1 application uses an external resistive divider on the OUT pin to drive the FB pin. On the LTC4233 the PG comparator drives high when the FB pin rises above 1.235V and low when it falls below 1.215V. Once the PG comparator is high the GATE pin voltage is monitored with respect to the OUT pin. Once the GATE minus OUT voltage exceeds 4.2V the PG pin goes high. This indicates to the system that it is safe to load the OUT pin while the MOSFET is completely turned on. The PG pin goes low when the GATE is commanded off (using the UV, OV or SENSE- pins) or when the PG comparator drives low. Design Example Consider the following design example (Figure 5): TA = 60C, VIN = 12V, IMAX = 10A. IINRUSH = 240mA, CL = 680F, VUVON = 9.88V, VOVOFF = 15.2V, VPGTHRESHOLD = 10.5V. A current limit fault triggers an automatic restart of the power up sequence. 12V The inrush current is defined by the current required to charge the output capacitor using the fixed 0.35V/ms GATE charge up rate. The inrush current is defined as: IINRUSH = CL * 0.35[V/ms] = 680F * 0.35[V/ms] = 240mA As mentioned previously the charge-up time is the output voltage (12V) divided by the output rate of 0.35V/ms resulting in 34ms. The peak power dissipation of 12V at 240mA (or 2.9W) must not exceed the SOA of the pass MOSFET for 34ms (see MOSFET SOA graph in the Typical Performance Characteristics section). On the SOA graph the 30ms line crosses the 10V VDS vertical line at 4A. This verifies that the 40W for 30ms is safe at room temperature. Each single point on the 3ms and 30ms lines represent a power (voltage times current) and time that follow a constant P2t relationship of 50W2s. If the MOSFET junction temperature is elevated then the P2t constant must be derated. At TJ = 60 the new constant becomes: P2 t (TJ = 60C) = 2 150C - 60C = 26 W2s 50 W2s * 150C - 25C VDD R3 140k OUT LTC4233 Z1* FB R6 20k UV R1 226k R5 150k FLT OV R2 20k R4 20k SENSE- CL 680F UV = 9.88V OV = 15.2V PG = 10.5V R7 10k PG GATE SENSE C1 1F + VOUT 12V 10A TIMER ISET INTVCC IMON GND ADC RMON 20k *TVS Z1: DIODES INC. SMAJ17A 4233 F05 Figure 5. 10A, 12V Card Resident Application 4233f 14 For more information LTC4233 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION The maximum power for 34ms can be calculated from the derated constant: PMAX 26 W2s P2 t(TJ = 60C) = 28W = = t 34ms Therefore, the power dissipation at charge-up is within the MOSFET SOA. Next the power dissipated in the MOSFET during overcurrent must be limited. The active current limit uses a timer to prevent excessive energy dissipation in the MOSFET. The worst-case power dissipation occurs when the voltage versus current profile of the foldback current limit is at the maximum. This occurs when the current is 12.4A and the voltage is half of VIN or 6V. See the Current Limit Threshold Foldback in the Typical Performance Characteristics section to view this profile. In order to survive 74W, the MOSFET SOA dictates a maximum current limit timeout. If the MOSFET operating temperature is elevated prior to current limit the SOA constant must be derated according to the formula: 150C - TJ P2 t(TJ ) = P2 t(25C) * 150C - 25C 2 TJ is calculated from the ambient temperature, package thermal impedance (JA) and the I2R heating. TJ = (JA * I2 * RON) + TA = 15C/W * (10A)2 * 14.5m + 60C = 82C Using the SOA derating formula: 2 150C - 82C P t(TJ = 82C) = 50 W2s * = 150C - 25C 2 15 W2s So the SOA constant is derated to 15W2s. The maximum current limit timeout is calculated from the revised constant and the 74W dissipated in current limit. tMAX = 2 P2 t ( TJ = 82C) 15 W s = = 2.7ms P2 (74W )2 Invoke the internal 2ms timer by tying the TIMER pin to INTVCC. To configure the LTC4233 for auto-retry after overcurrent fault, connect the FLT to the UV pin. After the 2ms timeout the FLT pin pulls down on the UV pin restart the power-up sequence. The values for overvoltage, undervoltage and power good thresholds using the resistive dividers on the UV, OV and FB pins match the requirements of turn-on at 9.88V and turn-off at 15.2V. The final schematic in Figure 5 results in very few external components. The pull-up resistor, R7, connects to the PG pin while the 20k (RMON) converts the IMON current to a voltage at a ratio: VIMON = 10[A/A] * 20k * IOUT = 0.2[V/A] * IOUT In addition there is a 1F bypass (C1) on the INTVCC pin and note the connection between SENSE to SENSE- (Pin 34 to Pin 31). 4233f For more information 15 LTC4233 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Layout Considerations In Hot Swap applications where load currents can be 10A, narrow PCB tracks exhibit more resistance than wider tracks and operate at elevated temperatures. The minimum trace width requirement for 1oz copper foil is 0.02" per amp to make sure the trace stays at a reasonable temperature. Using 0.03" per amp or wider is recommended. Note that 1oz copper exhibits a sheet resistance of about 0.5m/ square. Small resistances add up quickly in high current applications. The input supply should be tied to the VDD exposed pad through a PCB trace that enters between Pin 1 and Pin 38. The VDD pad connects to the sense resistor and MOSFET. VDD VDD Globally, there are three DNC pins that are unconnected and left open (Pins 6, 8, 33). Connect the SENSE- pin (Pin 34) to the SENSE pin (Pin 31). Figure 6 shows a recommended layout for the LTC4233. During normal operation the power dissipated in the MOSFET could be as high as 1.5W. To remove this heat, solder the SENSE exposed pad to a copper trace that contains vias underneath the pad. The OUT pins also conduct substantial heat from the MOSFET. Connect all the OUT pins to a plane of 1oz copper. Since the trace that connects OUT pins must accommodate high current, this area of copper is usually present. It is also important to put C1, the bypass capacitor for the INTVCC pin as close as possible between INTVCC and GND. SENSE OUT C1 GND 4233 F06 Figure 6. Recommended Layout 4233f 16 For more information LTC4233 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Thermal Considerations The LTC4233 junction to board temperature rise in still air when the load current is 5A, 7.5A and 10A is shown in curves of Figures 7 and 8. The junction temperature was measured at the package and the board temperature was measured at the board edge. This temperature rise falls as the board area is increases from 6.45 cm2 to 103 cm2. Two different SENSE pad areas are shown as separate figures. The curves demonstrate that the heat from the MOSFET can be effectively transferred out of the package through the OUT pins and only requires a minimum sized SENSE pad under the package. However for small boards the larger SENSE area does reduce the junction temperature when sourcing higher currents. 120 120 100 100 80 80 5A 60 7.5A 10A AB (cm2) AB (cm2) This thermal test board uses 2oz copper on the top layer divided equally between VDD and OUT traces similar to Figure 6. The second layer is 1oz copper connected to the vias to the SENSE pad on the top layer. Two versions of the second layer are considered. One uses a minimum sized SENSE pad that only covers the vias for the top layer while the remainder of the second layer is empty (see Figure 7). The other version fills the second layer with SENSE connected copper (see Figure 8). The third layer is 1oz copper tied to ground while the bottom layer is 2oz copper tied to ground except for a few signal traces. 40 40 20 20 0 0 5 10 15 20 TJB (C) 25 30 35 SMALL SENSE PAD (2ND LAYER) 5A 7.5A 5 10 10A 60 0 0 15 20 TJB (C) 25 30 35 LARGE SENSE PAD (2ND LAYER) 4233 F07 Figure 7. Temperature Rise for Small SENSE Pad 4233 F08 Figure 8. Temperature Rise for Large SENSE Pad 4233f For more information 17 LTC4233 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Additional Applications The LTC4233 has a wide operating range from 2.9V to 15V. The UV, OV and PG thresholds are set with few resistors. All other functions are independent of supply voltage. Figure 10 shows a 3.3V application with a UV threshold of 2.87V, an OV threshold of 3.77V and a PG threshold of 3.05V. In addition to Hot Swap applications, the LTC4233 also functions as a backplane resident switch for removable load cards (see Figure 9). The last page shows a 20A parallel application where the two LTC4233 parts each provide 10A to the load. The PNPs prevent one LTC4233 from faulting off in current limit until both parts hit the 11.2A limit. The PNPs are disconnected when power good is false via the series MOSFETs M1 and M2. VDD 12V Z1* R1 226k OUT LTC4233 R7 10k FB R6 20k PG OV R2 20k R5 150k 12V R4 20k FLT SENSE - UV UV = 9.88V OV = 15.2V PG = 10.5V R3 140k LOAD GATE SENSE C1 1F VOUT 12V 10A TIMER ISET INTVCC IMON ADC RMON 20k GND *TVS Z1: DIODES INC. SMAJ17A 4233 F09 Figure 9. 12V, 10A Backplane Resident Application with Insertion Activated Turn-On 3.3V VDD R1 17.4k R4 14.7k Z1* LTC4233 UV R2 3.16k + FB FLT CL 680F UV = 2.87V OV = 3.77V PG = 3.05V R5 10k OV R3 10k VOUT 3.3V 10A OUT R7 10k SENSE- PG SENSE C1 1F GATE TIMER ISET INTVCC IMON GND ADC RMON 20k *TVS Z1: DIODES INC. SMAJ17A 4233 F10 Figure 10. 3.3V, 10A Card Resident Application with Auto-Retry 4233f 18 For more information LTC4233 PACKAGE DESCRIPTION Please refer to for the most recent package drawings. WHH Package WHH Package Variation: WHH38MA Variation: 38-Lead PlasticWHH38MA QFN (5mm x 9mm) 38-Lead Plastic QFN#(5mm x 9mm) (Reference LTC DWG 05-08-1934 Rev O) (Reference LTC DWG # 05-08-1934 Rev O) 0.70 0.05 1.22 REF 0.72 REF 3.59 0.05 0.35 REF 5.5 0.05 3.59 0.05 4.1 0.05 0.7 2.7 0.05 BSC 0.5 REF 2.93 0.05 PACKAGE OUTLINE 4.14 0.05 0.70 0.05 0.25 0.05 0.5 BSC 7.5 REF (2 SIDES) RECOMMENDED SOLDER PAD PITCH AND DIMENSIONS APPLY SOLDER MASK TO AREAS THAT ARE NOT SOLDERED 5.00 0.10 (2 SIDES) PIN 1 NOTCH R = 0.30 0.350 REF 0.9 0.10 PIN 1 TOP MARK (SEE NOTE 6) 1 2 2.93 0.10 3.59 0.10 0.50 REF 7.50 REF 9.00 0.10 (2 SIDES) 4.14 0.10 1.22 0.72 REF REF 0.25 0.05 3.59 0.10 0.5 BSC (WHH36MA) QFN 1212 REV O 0.7 BSC 0.203 REF 0.00 - 0.05 0.90 0.10 0.40 0.10 2.7 REF BOTTOM VIEW--EXPOSED PAD SEATING PLANE NOTE: 1. DRAWING IS NOT A JEDEC PACKAGE OUTLINE 2. DRAWING NOT TO SCALE 3. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS 4. DIMENSIONS OF EXPOSED PAD ON BOTTOM OF PACKAGE DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. MOLD FLASH, IF PRESENT, SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.20mm ON ANY SIDE 5. EXPOSED PAD SHALL BE SOLDER PLATED 6. SHADED AREA IS ONLY A REFERENCE FOR PIN 1 LOCATION ON THE TOP AND BOTTOM OF PACKAGE 4233f Information furnished by Linear Technology Corporation is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for its use. Linear Technology Corporation makes no representation that the interconnection of its circuits as described herein will not infringe on existing patent rights. For more information 19 LTC4233 TYPICAL APPLICATION 12V, 20A Parallel Application 12V OUT VDD Z1* 107k 150k LTC4233 FB UV + FLT 1000F VOUT 12V 20A 100k 20k 5.23k PG OV 10k 1F SENSE- TIMER SENSE GATE INTVCC ISET GND VDD 107k 0.1F IMON OUT 150k LTC4233 UV FB FLT 20k 5.23k PG OV 10k 1F SENSE- TIMER SENSE GATE INTVCC ISET GND 0.1F IMON 4233 TA02 *TVS Z1: DIODES INC. SMAJ17A M2 VN2222LLG M1 VN2222LLG Q2 2N5087 Q1 2N5087 RELATED PARTS PART NUMBER LTC4210 LTC4211 LTC4212 LTC4214 LTC4215 LTC4217 LTC4218 LTC4221 LTC4227 DESCRIPTION Single Channel Hot Swap Controller Single Channel Hot Swap Controller Single Channel Hot Swap Controller Negative Voltage Hot Swap Controller Hot Swap Controller with I2C Compatible Monitoring 2A Integrated Hot Swap Controller Hot Swap Controller with 5% Accurate 15mV Current Limit 5A Integrated Hot Swap Controller Positive and Negative Voltage, Dual Channel, Hot Swap Controller Dual Hot Swap Controller/Sequencer Dual Ideal Diode and Single Hot Swap Controller LTC4228 Dual Ideal Diode and Hot Swap Controller LTC4230 LTC4232 LTC4234 Triple Channel Hot Swap Controller 5A Integrated Hot Swap Controller 20A Guaranteed SOA Hot Swap Controller LTC4219 LT(R)4220 COMMENTS Operates from 2.7V to 16.5V, Active Current Limiting, SOT23-6 Operates from 2.5V to 16.5V, Multifunction Current Control, MSOP-8 or MSOP-10 Operates from 2.5V to 16.5V, Power-Up Timeout, MSOP-10 Operates from 0V to -16V, MSOP-10 Operates from 2.9V to 15V, 8-Bit ADC Monitors Current and Voltage Operates from 2.9V to 26.5V, Adjustable 5% Accurate Current Limit Operates from 2.9V to 26.5V, Adjustable Current Limit, SSOP-16, DFN-16 12V and 5V Preset Versions, 10% Accurate Current Limit Operates from 2.7V to 16.5V, SSOP-16 Operates from 1V to 13.5V, Multifunction Current Control, SSOP-16 Operates from 2.9V to 18V, PowerPathTM and Inrush Current Control for Redundant Supplies Operates from 2.9V to 18V, PowerPath and Inrush Current Control for Two Rails, MicroTCA, Redundant Power Supplies, and Supply Holdup Applications Operates from 1.7V to 16.5V, Multifunction Current Control, SSOP-20 Operates from 2.9V to 15V, Adjustable 10% Accurate Current Limit Operates from 2.9V to 15V, Adjustable 11% Accurate Current Limit 4233f 20 Linear Technology Corporation 1630 McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035-7417 For more information (408) 432-1900 FAX: (408) 434-0507 LT 0715 * PRINTED IN USA LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 2015