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DC/DC Converters
TSR-3 Series, 3 A
High performance 3 Amp. switching regulator
Suitable for positive & negative output circuit
High efficiency up to 95 %
Adjustable output voltages
Wide input voltage ranges 2.5–5.5,
4.5–14 and 10–30 VDC
Short circuit protection
Remote On/Off input
Low output ripple & noise
3-year product warranty The TSR 3 models are non isolated step down switching regulators. Since production
May 2013 they can also be operated with negative output voltage.
They come in a very compact open frame package of 15.5 x 9.4 x 6.2mm. The high
efficiency of up to 95% admits a full load operation up to 50°C and up to 85°C
with 50% current reduction. A low standby current, a very wider input range and
no requirement for heatsink give these switching regulators a significant advantage
over linear regulators.
Togther with a remote On/Off input and protection against short circuit and over
temperature the TSR 3 Series models are ideal point of load regulators for high reli-
able and energy critical applications.
Order code * Input voltage range Output voltage
adjustable 6)
Output current max. Efficiency typ.
Positive output circuit
TSR 3-0533 2.5 – 5,5 VDC 1) 0.6 – 3.3 VDC 95 % at 2.5 VDC
TSR 3-1250 4.5 – 14 VDC 2) 0.59 – 6.0 VDC 93 % at 3.3 VDC
TSR 3-2450 10 – 30 VDC 3) 3.0 – 6.0 VDC 3 A 91 % at 5.0 VDC
TSR 3-24150 10 – 30 VDC 3) 5.0 – 15 VDC 95 % at 12 VDC
Negative output circuit
TSR 3-1250 4.7 – 13 VDC 4) -0.59 – -6.0 VDC 1.5 A at |Vout| >3.3 VDC
2.2 A at |Vout| <3.3 VDC 90 % at -3.3 VDC
TSR 3-2450 10 – 27 VDC 5) -3.0 – -6.0 VDC 2.2 A 90 % at -5.0 VDC
TSR 3-24150 10 – 25 VDC 5) -5.0 – -15 VDC 1.2 A 91 % at -12 VDC
* Suffix A for models with angular pins (see dimensions), availability on demand, no stocking item.
1) input voltage must be at least 0.5 V higher than output voltage
2) input voltage must be at least 2.0 V higher than output voltage, max. 9 VDC if output is <0.9 VDC
3) input voltage must be at least 3.0 V higher than output voltage
4) max. input voltage = 14-|Vout|
5) max. input voltage = 30-|Vout|
6) open trim input = min. output voltage
Input Specifications
Maximum input current (@ Vin min. and 3 A output current) TSR 3-0533: 3.0 A
TSR 3-1250: 2.6 A
TSR 3-2450: 2.2 A
TSR 3-24150: 3.0 A
No load input current positive output circuit 25 mA typ.
negative output circuit 35 mA typ., 60 mA typ. for TSR 3-24150
Reflected ripple current positive output circuit TSR 3-0533 and TSR 3-1250: 30 mA typ.
TSR 3-2450 & TSR 3-24150: 30 mA typ. with ext. filter, see fig. 1 page 3
negative output circuit all models: 30 mA typ. with ext. filter, see fig. 2 page 3
Input filter internal capacitors
Output Specifications
Voltage set accuracy ±2 % (at full load)
Output voltage adjustment see application note page 3
Regulation – Input variation >2.5 Vout: 0.2 %, <2.5 Vout: 5 mV
– Load variation 0 – 100 % >2.5 Vout: 0.8 %, <2.5 Vout: 20 mV
– Load variation 10 – 90 % >2.5 Vout: 0.6 %, <2.5 Vout: 15 mV
Temperature coefficient ±1 %/°C max.
Overshoot startup voltage 1.0 % max.
Minimum load not required
Ripple and noise (20 MHz Bandwidth) TSR 3-0533: 30 mVp-p
TSR 3-1250: 60 mVp-p
TSR 3-2450: 75 mVp-p
TSR 3-24150: 150 mVp-p
Dynamic load response 50 % load change (upper half) 150 mV max. peak variation
(250 mV max. for TSR 3-24150)
120 µs max. response time
Startup rise time 10 % to 90 % Vout TSR 3-0533 & TSR 3-1250: 6 ms
TSR 3-2450 & TSR 3-24150: 10 ms
Short circuit protection continuous, automatic recovery
Current limitation TSR 3-0533: 280 % typ.
other models: 220 % typ.
Capacitive load – positive output; ESR > 1 mOhm TSR 3-24150: 500 µF max.
other models: 1000 µF max.
– positive output; ESR > 10 mOhm TSR 3-24150: 1200 µF max.
other models: 3000 µF max.
– negative output TSR 3-1250: 780 µF max.
TSR 3-2450: 2200 µF max.
TSR 3-24150: 580 µF max.
General Specifications
Temperature ranges – Operating (natural convection cooling 20 LFM) –40°C to +85°C
– Storage –55°C to +125°C
Derating 1.5 %/K above +50°C
Thermal shock acc. MIL-STD-810F
Humidity (non condensing) 5 % to 95 % rel H max.
Reliability, calculated MTBF (MIL-HDBK-217F, at +25°C, ground benign) >4500’000 h
Isolation voltage none
Switching frequency TSR 3-0533 & TSR 3-1250: 600 kHz typ.
TSR 3-2450 & TSR 3-24150: 300 kHz typ.
Remote On/Off – On TSR 3-0533: open or Vin
(pin 1 ref. to GND) other models: open or 1 to 12 VDC
– Off 0 to 0.3 VDC
– Off idle current: TSR 3-0533 & TSR 3-1250: 1.5 mA typ.
TSR 3-2450 & TSR 3-24150: 6 mA typ.
Environmental compliance – Reach
– RoHS RoHS directive 2011/65/EU
DC/DC Converters
TSR-3 Series 3 A
All specifications valid at nominal input voltage, full load and +25°C after warm-up time unless otherwise stated.
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Specifications can be changed without notice! Make sure you are using the latest documentation, downloadable at
Outline Dimensions
DC/DC Converters
TSR-3 Series 3 A
Rev. September 10, 2018
positive negative
1Remote On/Off
2+Vin (Vcc)
3GND –Vout
4+Vout GND
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Dimensions in [mm], () = Inch
Pin pitch tolerances: ±0.25 (± 0.01)
Pin profile tolerance: ±0.1 (±0.004)
Other tolerances: ±0.5 (±0.02)
Applications notes
Input filter to reduce reflected ripple current
C1 = 220 µF, ESR <0.1 Ohm
C2 = 150 µF
L1 = 8.2 µH
Output voltage adjustment (for negative and positive circuit)
4 x 1.70 3.7
3.3 H
(4 x 0.06) (0.14)
quare pins
0.64 x 0.64
(0.025 x 0.025)
TSR 3-0533 & TSR 3-1250: W=9.4 (0.37) H=15.5 (0.61)
TSR 3-2450 & TSR 3-24150: W=10.4 (0.41) H=16.5 (0.65)
Model R trim [KOhm] 1/16 W
TSR 3-0533 1.2/(|Vout| -0.6)-0.01
TSR 3-1250 1.18/(|Vout| -0.59)
TSR 3-2450 11.2/(|Vo ut| -3 )
TSR 3-24150 8.4/(|Vout| -5)
(Component allocation is model specific)
Weight TSR 3-0533 & TSR 3-1250: 1.7 g
TSR 3-2450 & TSR 3-24150: 2.1 g
Positive output circuit Negative output circuit
C1, C2 =10 µF, MLCC
fig. 1 fig. 2
Angular Pin version
Standard version
(|Vout| = absolute value)
Supporting documents: