L-GAGE Q50 – Complementary Discrete Output Sensor
page 4
Banner Engineering Corp. • Minneapolis, MN U.S.A.
www.bannerengineering.com • Tel: 763.544.3164
Push-Button Procedure for Teaching a Single Sensing Set Point
(Complementary Outputs – Adjustable-Field Style)
The black wire conducts when the target is inside the programmed set point. The white
wire conducts when the target is outside (away from) the set point (see Figure 7).
1. Press and hold the Teach push button until the Teach LED turns Red (depress button
for approximately 2 seconds).
2. Position the target at the sensing set point. The Range LED should be green,
indicating a valid target. Briefly “click” the Teach push button. This will teach the
sensor the first limit. The Teach LED will flash red at 2 Hz to acknowledge receiving
the first window limit; it is now waiting for a second limit.
3. Maintain the same target position and “click” the Teach push button again to teach
the same window position. The Teach LED will return to either yellow or OFF as the
sensor returns to RUN mode.
Note: The yellow LED will follow the black wire output.
Remote Programming
A function is provided to program the sensor remotely or to disable/enable the push
button; this is accomplished via the gray wire. Disabling the push button prevents
anyone on the production floor from adjusting any of the programming settings.
Connect the gray wire of the Q50 Sensor to +5 to 30V dc, with a remote programming
switch connected between them. NOTE: The impedance of the remote teach input is 15
To program, pulse the wire as illustrated in
Figure 6. NOTE: The duration of each pulse
(corresponding to a push button “click”) is
0.04 to 0.8 seconds.
Run Mode
NOTE: All LED indicators momentarily go
OFF when the sensor changes state
between RUN and TEACH modes.
Range LED
When the sensor detects a target within its
sensing range (either 100 to 300 mm for
visible-beam models, or 100 to 400 mm
for infrared beam models) the LED will be
solid green. In the absence of a target, the
Range LED is solid red. Refer to the
Indicator Status table on page 3.
Teach/Output LED
In RUN mode, the Output LED is yellow
when a target is sensed within the
programmed window limits; otherwise the
Output LED is red. Refer to the Indicator
Status table on page 3.
Complementary Discrete Outputs
The complementary discrete outputs are
either both NPN or both PNP. The outputs
are configured via the Teach procedure to
either a single window or a fixed-field
(single set point) application. The outputs
are short circuit-protected and can switch
up to 150 mA (resistive load).