6DS9174-08 April 2011www.richtek.com
Application Information
Ca pa citors Sele ction
A 0.1μF minimum capacitor is recommended between VDD
and ground to increa se stability . The linear controllers use
dominant pole compensation integrated into the error
amplifier and are sensitive to output capacitor selection.
When driving external pa ss transistor, normally a minimum
470μF ca pacitor must be pla ced at output for stability and
good transient response. When using internal pass
tran sistor, just need 10μF capa citor f or sta ble.
Pa ss Transistor Selection
The RT9174 are designed specifically to driver external
NPN or NMOSFET pass transistor for up to 5A output
current. The driver could deliver more 100mA when driving
NPN transistor and sinking for a pull up resistor load when
driving a NMOSFET.
Typically pass transistor with NPN hfe > 50 at Imax or
NMOSFET Rds-on 100mΩ are suitable in most
Output Voltage Setting
The RT9174 develop a 0.8V reference voltage, especially
suit for low voltage a pplication. As shown in Figure 4, the
output voltage could be easy set by R1 & R2 resistor.
The divided resistor must keep below 1kΩ for quick
response a nd stability.
T ri-state Operation
A special Tri-state design is empolyed in the RT9174 for
AGP 2X/4X power supply. T ypical application shown the
detail circuit. In AGP 2X SELECT = open, FB1 will be
pulled up over 1.3V through R8 to trip the Tri-state
threshold. R8 has to meet the following relation shi p:
R8 < 0.75 (V 33 - 1.3) x R2,
if 1.50.8
RRR 323 =×
When in AGP 4X SELECT = GND, VDDQ will work in
normal 1.5V setting.
Layout Considerations
There are two critical layout considerations. One is the
divider resistors should be located to RT9174 as possible
to avoid inducing any noise. The second is COUT should
be put at near the pass tran sistor to avoid oscillation.
Figure 4
RT9174VDD DR11
As close as to RT9174