XC5200 Series Field Programmab le Gate Arra ys
7-110 November 5, 1998 (Version 5.2)
The l ength cou nter b egins c ounti ng immedi ately upon entr y
into the configuration state. In slave-mode operation it is
important to wait at least two cycles of the internal 1-MHz
clock oscillator after INIT is recognized before toggling
CCLK and feeding the serial bitstream. Configuration will
not begin until the internal configuration logic reset is
released, which happens two cycles after INIT goes High.
A master device’s configuration is delayed from 32 to 256
µs to ens ure prop er operation with any s lave devic es driven
by the master devic e.
The 0010 preamble code, included for all modes except
Express mode, indicates that the following 24 bits repre-
sent t he len gt h c ount . Th e le ngt h c ou nt i s the t ot al nu mbe r
of co nf i gu ra tio n c l o cks ne ed ed to lo ad t he co mple te c on fig -
uration data. (Four additional configuration clocks are
required to complete the configuration process, as dis-
cussed below.) After the preamble and the length count
have be en pas sed t hrou gh to all de vice s in t he dai sy ch ain ,
DOUT is held High to prevent frame start bits from reaching
any daisy-chained devices. In Express mode, the length
count bits are ignored, and DOUT is held Low, to disable
the ne xt device in the pseudo daisy chain.
A spe cifi c conf igu rati on b it, ea rly i n th e fi rst fr ame of a mas -
ter device, controls the configuration-clock rate and can
increase it by a factor of eight. Therefore, if a fast configu-
ration clock is selected by the bitstream, the slower clock
rate is used until this configuration bit i s detected.
Each frame has a start field followed by the frame-configu-
rati on da ta b its a nd a frame err or f ield. If a f rame data erro r
is detected, the FPGA halts loading, and signals the error
by pullin g the open -drain INIT pin Low. After all configura-
tion frames have been loaded into an FPGA, DOUT again
follows the input data so that the remaining data is passed
on to the next device. In Express mode, when the first
device is fully programmed, DOUT goes High to enable the
next device in the chain.
Delaying Configuration After Power-Up
To delay master mode configuration after power-up, pull
the bidirectional INIT pin Low, using an open-collector
(open-drain) driver. (See Figure 12.)
Using an open-collector or open-drain driver to hold INIT
Low before the beginning of master mode configuration
causes the FPGA to wait after completing the configuration
memory clear operation. When INIT is no longer he ld Low
externally, t he device det ermines its configurat ion mod e by
captu ri ng i ts mod e pins , and is rea dy to st ar t t he conf i gura -
tion proces s. A maste r device waits up to an addi tional 250
µs to make sure that any slaves in the optional da isy chain
have seen that INIT is High.
Start-up is the transition from the configuration process to
the intended user operation. This transition involves a
change from one clock source to another, and a change
from interfacing parallel or serial configuration data where
most ou tputs are 3-sta ted, t o normal op erati on with I/O pins
active in the user-system. Start-up must make sure that
the user-logic ‘wakes up’ gracefully, that the outputs
beco me ac t i ve w i tho ut c au sin g c ont en tio n w ith t he c onf i gu-
ration signals, and that the internal flip-flops are released
from the global Reset at the right time.
Figure 25 describes start-up timing for the three Xilinx fam-
ilies in detail. Express mode configuration always uses
either CCLK_SYNC or UCLK_SYNC timing, the other con-
figur ation modes can use any of t he f our ti ming se quenc es.
To acce ss the i nterna l start- up signal s, place the STARTUP
library symbol.
Start-up Timing
Different F PGA fa milie s ha ve different star t-u p seq uenc es .
The XC200 0 fami ly g oes t hrou gh a fi xed sequenc e. D ONE
goes H igh and the i ntern al g lobal Reset is de -act ivat ed on e
CCLK period after the I/O become active.
The XC3 000A family offers some flexibility. DONE can be
programmed to go High one CCLK period before or after
the I/O beco m e active. Independent of DONE, the inte rnal
global Reset is de-activated one CCLK period before or
after the I/O become active.
The XC4000/XC5200 Series offers additional flexibility.
The three ev ents — DO NE going High, the in ternal Re set
being de-ac tivated, and the user I/O going active — can all
occur in any arbitrary sequence. Each of them can occur
one CCLK pe ri od be fo re or af t er, or simultan eou s w it h, any
of the others. This relative timing is selected by means of
software options in the bitstream generation software.
The default option, and the most practical one, is for DONE
to go Hig h first, disconnec ting the conf igurati on data sour ce
and avoiding any contention when the I/Os become active
one cl ock l ater. Reset is then releas ed an othe r cloc k peri od
later to make sure that user-operation starts from stable
internal conditions. This is the most common sequence,
shown with heavy lines in Figure 25, but the designer can
modify it to meet particular requirement s.
Normal ly, the start -up se quence is cont rolled by the inte rnal
device oscillator output (CCLK), which is asynchronous to
the system clock.
XC4000/XC5200 Series offers another start-up clocking
option, UCLK_NOSYNC. The three events described
above ne ed not be trigger ed by CCLK . They can , as a con-
figuration option, be tri ggered by a user c lock. This means
that the device can wake up in synchronism with the user
system .
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