hiy Renesas ! Press Center! Events | Careers! Investor Relations | Contact Us * Europe/Middle East/Africa [Change] + Aarz= | ttStol | fittheos | Beach a 2EN ESAS search by keyword or Part No. | earch Home Products Software and Tools Starter Kits and Platforms CPU board QB-RSF100SL-TB o Provide feechade TENT Size & Print this page Products San ete a= Te A eT] Eo = =sll eae eca ne Related Resources = _ . i * io oe eh Starter Kits and Platforms oye COD . oS=7 7195-1 JAPAH | CPU board tm On a ea ee 3 Peist a ere en Al OB-RS5F100SL-TB \ oy fe hee Ba sssacor r "a - a ee) oor eree sere | 7 _ Ce rc Catalogs 0 site) eG Tr ata fs Uren i ales PL ade os a a nenen Lo ee Software pot __ Library 4 Smee ace ae ; , ; cise ere a ER eeRO Se a] rer rot * - ~ qe Sooo PL] Sample software 6-7 8F8041-TE ss a | oy a0 || Free Tool Target Devices EDEN rl Evaluation software tools RLT Family oe R ly = RL78/G13 (ROMS1 2KB) Se (lee | ; eLJ Online trainin QiB-F8KOKF2-TH Overview : Alliance Leos at | ee As 4a CPU board usable in connection with the on-chip debugging emulator E1 , this product achieves simple and easy evaluation Partner OB-78K0LG2-TB of the target MICU. eC Partner products Features Built-in RLF84s13 (RSF1O0SLAFB. #420 MHz oscillator mounted as main clack, high-2peed operation enabled (i 2.7 ta 5.5 Vv"). eel cals) Equipped with universal area (2.54 mm pitch). QB-F8KORKESL-TB Supports both flash memory programming and on-chip debugging (using TOOLO pin). lama neem Ie Highly extendable: peripheral board cannectors are equipped with microcontroller pins. Lead-free (Pb-free) product. Rack To Top Back To Top ISKB1-TE | as per pol) | | P actee e B-F5F104LE-TE Os ts) Ce) as ew] LB | Dt) = ee ea cea) a Pee ee PY ee! batt ol GB asta! le VESO0ESHG2-TH VESOESIG3U-TE Deeper | ented cD Rm InAs bern eews= Cleetrearice= Cmreazrstian93 21) noah retersecea ears BPsers-3= lLenol Deraes =e ea pec F Tianikter ri Cseekeaebl Wao hth Take Cite es ore