Specification / Datenblatt
Item No.:
Sach Nr.: T60404-E4624-X131
K-Nr.: 24805 Current Transformer / Wechselstromwandler Date:
Datum: 13.01.2011
Kunde Standard Type / Typenelement Customers part no.:
Kd. Sach Nr.: Page 2 of 2
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Hrsg.: KB-E
editor Bearb:
HL KB-PM: Ert.
check freig.: Pe.
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Copying of this document, disclosing it to third parties or using the contents there for any
purposes without express written authorization by use illegally forbidden.
Any offenders are liable to pay all relevant damages.
Inspection: (V: 100%-Test; AQL...: DIN ISO 2859-Teil1)
4) (AQL 1/S4) M3200: Mechanical test
Mechanische Prüfung
Measurements after temperature balance of the test samples at room temperature *preliminary/vorläufig
Messungen nach Temperaturangleich der Prüflinge an Raumtemperatur
1) This product is protected by one or more patents, including /
Dieses Produkt ist durch eines oder mehrere Patente geschützt, u.a
US 6663815, EP 1105893, EP 1609159
Further patents maybe pending
2) The resistance to alcohols and similar detergents of the component is restricted.
When performing washing procedures own tests are recommended.
Das Bauelement besitzt nur eine eingeschränkte Beständigkeit gegen Alkohole und ähnliche Reinigungsmittel.
Bei Waschprozessen empfehlen wir die Durchführung von eigenen Tests.
3) The customer has to check and to ensure the mechanical properties of the component and the
behaviour of the encapsulation, especially at the inner diameter by appropriate temperature tests.
Die mechanischen Eigenschaften des Bauelements und das Verhalten der Umhüllmasse, speziell am Innendurchmesser,
sind vom Kunden durch entsprechende Temperaturtests zu überprüfen und sicherzustellen.
4) This product has been designed for use in electricity meters that have to meet the requirements of IEC 62053-21 and
EN 50470-3. By using this product, the following supplementary conditions (“realistic load conditions”) can easily be met:
a) Supplementary condition to IEC 62053-21 Table 8
Limits of variation
in percentage error
for meters of class
Influence quantity Value of current
for direct connected
Factor 1 2
DC and even harmonics in
the a.c. current circuit 2
I 1
0.5 inductive 3.0 6.0
b) Supplementary condition to EN50470-3 Table 9
Critical change value
for meters of class index, % Disturbance Value of current
for direct connected
Factor A B C
DC and even harmonics in
the a.c. current circuit 2
I 1
0.5 inductive