Prelim i nary Dat a Shee t
www.IGBT-Driver.com Page 6
Footnot es to the K ey D a ta
1) Both supply voltages VDC and VCC should be applied in parallel.
2) The gate current is limited by the gate resistors located on the driver.
3) If the speci fied value is ex c eed ed, this indicates a drive r overload. It sho uld be n oted that the driver is
not protected against overload. From 70°C to 85°C, the maximum permissible output power can be
linearly interpolated from the given data.
4) This limit is due to active c lamping. It is hig her than for the standard types. It is therefore absolute ly
necessary to c heck the RBSO A of the IGBT modules in worst case condition to avoid excessive turn-off
overvoltage. Refer to “Description & Application Manual for 2SP0320T SCALE-2 IGBT Drivers”
(ele ctrical inte rface) or “Descri ption & App lication Manual for 2SP03 20V and 2 SP0320S SC ALE-2 IGBT
Drivers” (fiber-optic interface).
5) Undervoltage monitoring of the primary-side supply voltage (VCC to GND). If the voltage drops below
this limit, a fault is transmitted to the corresponding output(s) (2SP0320T/2SP0320V/2SP0320S) and
the IGBTs are switched off (only 2SP0320T).
6) The input impedance can be modified to values < 18 kΩ (customer-specific solution).
7) Turn-on and turn-off threshold values ca n be increased (customer-specific solution).
8) The res ulting pulse width o f the direct o utput of t he gate drive unit f or short-cir cuit type I (excl uding
the delay of the gate resistors) is the sum of response time plus delay to IGBT turn-off.
9) The turn-off event of the IGBT is delayed by the specified time after the response time.
10) Factory set value. The blocking time can be reduced with an external resistor. Refer to “Description &
Application Manual for 2SP0320T SCALE-2 I GBT Drivers”.
11) Measured from the transition of the turn-on or turn-off command at the driver input to direct output
of the gate drive unit (e xcluding the delay of the gate resistors).
12) Including the delay of the external fiber-optic links. Measured from the transition of the turn-on or
turn-off command at the optical transmitter on the host controller side to the direct output of the gate
drive unit (excluding the delay of the gate resistors).
13) Refers to the direct output of the gate drive unit (excluding the delay of the gate resistors).
14) Transmission delay of the fault state from the secondary side to the primary statu s outputs.
15) Measured on the host side. The fault status on the secondary side is automatically reset after the
specified time.
16) Including the delay of the external fiber-optic links. Measured from the transition of the turn-on or
turn-off command at the optical transmitter on the host controller side to the transition of the
acknowledge signal at the optical r eceiver on the host controller sid e.
17) The gate resistors are not assembled on this IGBT gate driver. They must be assembled by the user
according to the paragraph on “Gate Resistor Assembly”.
18) A dV/dt feedback can optionally be implemented in order to reduce the rate of rise of the collector
emitter voltage of the IGBTs at turn-off (customer-specific solution).
19) HiPot testing (= dielectric testing) must generally be restricted to suitable components. This gate
driver is suited for HiPot te sting. Never theless, it is strongly recommended to limi t the testing time to
1s slots as stipulated by EN 50178. Excessive HiPot testing at voltages much higher than 850V AC(eff)
may lead to insulation degradation. No degradation has been observed over 1min. testing at
3800VAC(eff). Every production sample shipped to custom ers has und ergone 100% te sting at the given
value or higher (<5100Veff) for 1s.
20) This spe cification guara ntees that the drive in formation will be tra nsferred reliabl y even at a high DC-
link voltage and with ultra-fast switching operations.
21) The transceivers required on the host controller side are not supplied with the gate driver. It is
recommended to use the same types as used in the gate driver. For product information refer
to www.IGBT-Driver.com/go/fiberoptics
22) The recommended transmitter current at the host controller is 20mA. A higher current may increase
jitter or delay at turn-off.
23) The typical transmitter current at the gate driver is 18mA. In case of supply undervoltage, the
minimum transmitter current at the gate driver is 12mA: this is suitable for adequate plastic optical
fibers with a length of more than 10 meters.