Secure Mobile Solutions SLE 66R35 Intelligent 1 Kbyte Memory Chip with Interface for Contactless Transmission according to the MIFARE(R)-System Short Product Information August 2003 SLE 66R35 Short Product Information Revision History: Ref.: SPI_SLE66R35_0803.doc Current Version 2003-08-07 Previous Releases: Page Subjects (changes since last revision) Important: For further information please contact: Infineon Technologies AG in Munich, Germany, Secure Mobile Solutions, Tel +49 (0)89 / 234-80000 Fax +49 (0)89 / 234-81000 E-Mail: Published by Infineon Technologies AG, SMS Applications Group St.-Martin-Strasse, D-81541 Munchen (c) Infineon Technologies AG 2003 All Rights Reserved. To our valued customers We constantly strive to improve the quality of all our products and documentation. We have spent an exceptional amount of time to ensure that this document is correct. However, we realise that we may have missed a few things. 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For information on the types in question please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies Office. Infineon Technologies components may only be used in life-support devices or systems with the express written approval of Infineon Technologies, if a failure of such components can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system, or to affect the safety or effectiveness of that device or system. Life support devices or systems are intended to be implanted in the human body, or to support and/or maintain and sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user or other persons may be endangered. SLE 66R35 Intelligent 1 Kbyte Memory Chip with Interface for Contactless Transmission, Security Logic and Anticollision according to the MIFARE(R)-System 1) Features 1 Kbyte EEPROM * * * Organised in 16 sectors with 4 blocks of 16 byte each User definable access condition for each memory block Unique chip identification number Contactless Mifare(R) Interface * Read and write distance up to 10 cm and more (influenced by external circuitry i.e. readerantenna configuration) * Physical Interface and Anticollision complying to ISO/IEC 14443, part 2-3 - Contactless transmission of data and supply energy - Anticollision logic: Several cards may be operated in the field simultaneously - Operating frequency 13.56 MHz - Data rate transfer 106 Kbit/s * Short transaction times: Typical ticketing transaction < 100 ms (including backup); transaction possible with moving card Security Features * Mutual three pass authentication between card and reader * Data encryption for RF channel * Data integrity supported by several mechanisms: anticollision, 16 bit CRC, parity check, bit count checking and channel monitoring * Suited for multifunctional applications by individual key sets for each EEPROM sector * Access protection to EEPROM by transport key on chip delivery Sophisticated electrical characteristics * EEPROM programming time 5 ms * Endurance minimum 100 000 write/erase cycles / bit2) * Data retention for minimum of 10 years2) * ESD protection typical 6 kV * Ambient temperature - 25 ... +70C 1) 2) Mifare(R) is a registered trademark of Philips Electronics N.V. Values are temperature dependent Short Product Information 3/6 2003-08-07 SLE 66R35 1 Ordering and Packaging information Table 1 Ordering Information Type Package1) Ordering Code SLE 66R35 Die (on Wafer) on request SLE 66R35 P-MCC2-2-1 on request SLE 66R35 P-MCC8-2-1 on request Pin Description Figure 1 Module Contactless Card - MCC8 in Top View LA SLE 66R35 Figure 2 Pad Configuration Die Table 2 Pin Definitions and Functions Card Contact Function LA Antenna Connection LB Antenna Connection 1) LB Available as a Module Contactless Card (MCC) for embedding in plastic cards or as a die (C) for customer packaging Short Product Information 4/6 2003-08-07 SLE 66R35 2 Mifare(R) System Overview SLE 66R35 is designed to operate in the Mifare system, a contactless proximity smart card system compliant to the ISO/IEC 14443, part 2-3. The system consists of a smart card on the one hand and a card reader together with an antenna on the other hand. Contactless Energy and Data Transfer In the Mifare system the operating distance between card and reader antenna is up to 10 cm and more (influenced by external circuitry i.e. reader-antenna configuration). The card's antenna consists of a simple coil with a few turns embedded in plastic. Mifare cards are passive and work without battery. The high speed RF communication interface allows transmitting data with 106 Kbit/s. Mifare - The User-Friendly Contactless System The Mifare system is designed for optimal user-friendliness. The high data transmission rate permits short transaction times. For example, a ticketing transaction can be handled in less than 100 ms so that the Mifare card user does not need to stop at the reader target (antenna). The Mifare card may also remain in the wallet of the user even if there are coins in it. An intelligent anticollision function allows to operate more than one card in the field simultaneously. The anticollision algorithm selects each card individually and ensures that the execution of a transaction with a selected card is performed correctly without data corruption resulting from other cards in the field. Multi-Application Functionality The Mifare system is especially suited for the use in payment systems as in ticketing systems, e.g. public transport applications. Both kinds of applications can be performed with the same card. Hierarchical key management is supported i.e. two different keys for each memory sector allow authentication. High System Security In the Mifare system design, special emphasis has been placed on security against fraud. An access to the card memory is only possible after a three pass authentication. The serial number is unique for each card and can never be changed. Each data transmission is enciphered. Configurable access conditions protected by secret keys for memory operations as read or write protect from misuse. Mifare Card Mifare Read/Write Device Energy Data Antenna Figure 3 Mifare(R) System Overview Short Product Information 5/6 2003-08-07 SLE 66R35 3 Circuit Description SLE 66R35 consists of an EEPROM memory of 1 Kbyte organised in 16 sector with 4 blocks each containing 16 bytes, an analog interface for contactless energy and data transmission and a control unit. The power supply and data are transferred to SLE 66R35 via an antenna, which consists of a coil with a few turns directly connected to the chip. No further external components are necessary. The circuit is designed to communicate with a card-reader at an operating distance up to 10 cm (or more) depending on the reader-antenna configuration. Anti- Control collision Logic EEPROM- Analog Interface Interface Authentication Logic Arithmetic EEPROM Unit RAM Coil Control Unit Figure 4 Block Diagram * Analog Interface - Modulator / Demodulator circuit - Rectifier circuit - Clock Recovery circuit - Power on Reset circuit - Voltage Regulator circuit * Anticollision Internal logic of SLE 66R35 ensures the recognition of several cards in the field, which may be selected and operated in sequence. * Authentication Logic Only after the authentication procedure with specific key, correct execution of any memory operation is permitted. * Control Logic Access to a block is defined by the associated access conditions of a block that are programmed individually for each block in a sector. * Arithmetic Unit / RAM Arithmetic Capability: Increase and decrease of values stored in a special redundant format. * EEPROM: 1 Kbyte organized in 16 sectors with 4 blocks by 16 bytes each. Last block of each sector is called "Sector Trailer" and used for a pair of secret keys and programmable access conditions for each block. Short Product Information 6/6 2003-08-07