Current sensing amplifying network
5 Current sensing amplifying network
The STEVAL-IPMNG3Q motor control demonstration board can be configured to run in
three-shunt or single-shunt configurations for field oriented control (FOC).
The current can be sensed thanks to the shunt resistor and amplified by using the on-board
operational amplifiers or by the MCU (if equipped with op-amp).
Once the shunt configuration is chosen by setting solder bridge on SW5, SW6, SW7 and
SW8 (as described in Section 4.3.4: "Single- or three-shunt selection"), the user can
choose whether to send the voltage shunt to the MCU amplified or not amplified.
Single-shunt configuration requires a single op amp so the only voltage sent to the MCU to
control the sensing is connected to phase V through SW2.
SW1, SW2, SW3 and SW17 can be configured to select which signals are sent to the
microcontroller, as per the following table.
Table 2: Op-amp sensing configuration
The operational amplifier TSV994 used on the amplifying networks has a 20 MHz gain
bandwidth from a single positive supply of 3.3 V.
The amplification network must allow bidirectional current sensing, so an output offset VO =
+1.65 V represents zero current.
For the STGIPQ3H60T-HZ (IOCP = 4.2 A; RSHUNT = 0.2 Ω), the maximum measurable phase
current, considering that the output swings from +1.65 V to +3.3 V (MCU supply voltage)
for positive currents and from +1.65 V to 0 for negative currents is:
Equation 5
The overall trans-resistance of the two-port network is:
Finally choosing Ra=Rb and Rc=Rd, the differential gain of the circuit is: