power is then calculated by adding 3 dB to the measured average
optical power. The data “0” output optical power is found by measur-
ing the optical power when the transmitter is driven by a logic “0”
input. The extinc tion ratio is the ratio of the optical power at the “0”
level compared to the optical power at the “1” level expressed as a
percentage or in decibels.
13. The transmitter provides compliance with the need for Transmit_Dis-
able commands from the FDDI SMT layer by providing an Output
Optical Power level of < -45 dBm average in response to a logic “0”
input. This speci cation applies to either 62.5/125 μm or 50/125
μm ber cables.
14. This parameter complies with the FDDI PMD requirements for the
tradeo s between center wave-length, spectral width, and rise/fall
times shown in Figure 9.
15. This parameter complies with the optical pulse envelope from the
FDDI PMD shown in Figure 10. The optical rise and fall times are
measured from 10% to 90% when the transmitter is driven by the
FDDI HALT Line State (12.5 MHz square-wave) input signal.
16. Duty Cycle Distortion contributed by the transmitter is measured at
a 50% threshold using an IDLE Line State, 125 MBd (62.5 MHz square-
wave), input signal. See Application Information - Transceiver Jitter
Performance Section of this data sheet for further details.
17. Data Dependent Jitter contributed by the transmitter is speci ed
with the FDDI test pattern described in FDDI PMD Annex A.5. See
Applica tion Information - Transceiver Jitter Performance Section of
this data sheet for further details.
18. Random Jitter contributed by the transmitter is speci ed with an
IDLE Line State, 125 MBd (62.5 MHz square-wave), input signal. See
Application Information - Transceiver Jitter Performance Section of
this data sheet for further details.
19. This speci cation is intended to indicate the performance of the
receiver section of the transceiver when Input Optical Power signal
characteristics are present per the following de nitions. The Input
Optical Power dynamic range from the minimum level (with a win-
dow time-width) to the maximum level is the range over which the
receiver is guaranteed to provide output data with a Bit Error Ratio
(BER) better than or equal to 2.5 x 10-10.
• At the Beginning of Life (BOL)
• Over the speci ed operating temperature and voltage ranges
• Input symbol pattern is the FDDI test pattern de ned in FDDI PMD
Annex A.5 with 4B/5B NRZI encoded data that contains a duty cycle
base-line wander e ect of 50 kHz. This sequence causes a near worst
case condition for inter-symbol interference.
• Receiver data window time-width is 2.13 ns or greater and centered
at mid-symbol. This worst case window time-width is the minimum
allowed eye-opening presented to the FDDI PHY PM._Data indica-
tion input (PHY input) per the example in FDDI PMD Annex E. This
minimum window time-width of 2.13 ns is based upon the worst case
FDDI PMD Active Input Interface optical conditions for peak-to-peak
DCD (1.0 ns), DDJ (1.2 ns) and RJ (0.76 ns) presented to the receiver.
To test a receiver with the worst case FDDI PMD Active Input jitter
condition requires exacting control over DCD, DDJ and RJ jitter compo-
nents that is di cult to implement with production test equipment.
The receiver can be equivalently tested to the worst case FDDI PMD
input jitter conditions and meet the minimum output data window
time-width of 2.13 ns. This is accom plished by using a nearly ideal
input optical signal (no DCD, insigni cant DDJ and RJ) and measuring
for a wider window time-width of 4.6 ns. This is possible due to the
cumula tive e ect of jitter components through their superposition
(DCD and DDJ are directly additive and RJ components are rms ad-
ditive). Speci cally, when a nearly ideal input optical test signal is
used and the maximum receiver peak-to-peak jitter contributions
of DCD (0.4 ns), DDJ (1.0 ns), and RJ (2.14 ns) exist, the minimum
window time-width becomes 8.0 ns -0.4 ns - 1.0 ns - 2.14 ns = 4.46
ns, or conservatively 4.6 ns. This wider window time-width of 4.6 ns
guarantees the FDDI PMD Annex E minimum window time-width
of 2.13 ns under worst case input jitter conditions to the Avago
Technologies receiver.
• Transmitter operating with an IDLE Line State pattern, 125 MBd (62.5
MHz square-wave), input signal to simulate any cross-talk present
between the trans mit ter and receiver sections of the transceiver.
20. All conditions of Note 19 apply except that the measurement is made
at the center of the symbol with no window time-width.
21. This value is measured during the transition from low to high levels
of input optical power.
22. The Signal Detect output shall be asserted within 100 μs (130 μs
for —40°C to 0°C) after a step increase of the Input Optical Power.
The step will be from a low Input Optical Power, —45 dBm, into the
range between greater than PA, and —14 dBm. The BER of the receiver
output will be 10-2 or better during the time, LS_Max (15 μs) after
Signal Detect has been asserted. See Figure 12 for more information.
23. This value is measured during the transition from high to low levels
of input optical power. The maximum value will occur when the input
optical power is either -45 dBm average or when the input optical
power yields a BER of 10-2 or better, whichever power is higher.
24. Signal detect output shall be de-asserted within 350 μs after a step
decrease in the Input Optical Power from a level which is the lower of;
-31 dBm or PD + 4 dB (PD is the power level at which signal detect was
deasserted), to a power level of -45 dBm or less. This step decrease
will have occurred in less than 8 ns. The receiver output will have
a BER of 10-2 or better for a period of 12 μs or until signal detect is
deasserted. The input data stream is the Quiet Line State. Also, signal
detect will be deasserted within a maximum of 350 μs after the BER
of the receiver output degrades above 10-2 for an input optical data
stream that decays with a negative ramp func tion instead of a step
function. See Figure 12 for more information.