3455RC 01000231
3455RC Redi-Temp Series Ceramic
Automatic Reset Thermostats
Actual product appearance may vary.
Cost effective
Rivet sleeve
High profile
High temperature
High current
Copy machines
Power supplies
Office copy machines
Shipped from stock, the 3455RC Series thermostats are often suitable for
applications such as copy machines, power supplies, telecommunications and
ovens. UL, CSA and European approval agencies listings available.
Product Specifications
Functional Properties Open on rise
Reset Type Automatic
Amperage 15 A/10 A resistive max.
Voltage 120 Vac/240 Vac
Operating Temperature
Range 0 °C to 260 °C [32 °F to
500 °F]
Environmental Exposure
Range -20 °C to 287 °C [0 °F to
550 °F]
Open Temperature 79.4 °C [175 °F]
Close Temperature 62.8 °C [145 °F]
Open Tolerance 2.8 °C [5 °F]
Close Tolerance 4.4 °C [8 °F]
Dielectric Strength MIL-STD-202, Method 301;
2000 Vac 60 Hz - Terminal
to Case
Insulation Resistance MIL-STD-202, Method 302;
500 MOhm
Contact Resistance MIL-STD-202, Method 307;
0.050 Ohm max.
Housing Material Ceramic
Contact Material Silver/nickel alloy
Approvals UL, CSA, VDE
Mounting B203S moveable bracket
Series Name 3455RC