1. Product profile
1.1 General description
The KMA200 is an angle sensor system. The MagnetoResistive (MR) element and the
mixed signal Integrated Circuit (IC) are integrated in one package. This angle system is
already pre-programmed, offsets are compensated and therefore, ready to use.
Via the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) the KMA200 is user programmable. This allows
user specific adjustments of the maximum angle, zero point, clamping level and a 32-bit
identifier. The data is stored permanently in an Electrically Erasable Programmable
Read-Only Memory (EEPROM).
The device can be programmed to work either in analog or digital (SPI) output mode.
Furthermore, different analog output characteristics are possible. The resolution is better
than 0.05.
The implemented online diagnosis supervises the input and output signals as well as the
data processing. Deviations and failures of the angle value are indicated in the output
signal. Overall temperature supervision is implemented.
1.2 Features and benefits
Programmable angle sensor
Rev. 8 — 7 December 2011 Product data sheet
Magnetic field angular sensing One package angle sensor system
High accuracy Resolution better than 0.05
Operating temperature range from
40 C to +160 C
Digital or analog output signals (user
Online diagnosis Overvoltage protec tio n at all ext ern al
Bidirectional digital interface (SPI) EEPROM (user programmable)
Programmable maximum angle up
to 180
Programmable zero point
Pre-calibrated, ready to use device
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Programmable angle sensor
1.3 Quick reference data
[1] Diagnosis GND and VDD lost only possible with a pull-up resistor of 5 k to 6 k.
[2] Diagnosis VDD lost only possible with a pull-down resistor of 5 k to 6 k.
[3] Load resistor required to enable the diagnosis features. Infinite resistor load permitted for normal operation without the diagnosis
2. Pinning information
[1] The other pins and lead frame parts must not be electrical connected. For operation of the device the
external pins must/have to be used.
3. Ordering information
Table 1. Quick reference data
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
VDD supply voltage normal operation 4.5 5.0 5.5 V
VDD(pr) programming supply voltage EEPROM 12 12.5 13 V
Tamb ambient temperature < 1000 hours in life time
at 160 C40 - +160 C
Tamb(pr) programming ambient temperature EEPROM 10 - 70 C
CLload capacitance at pin 2 and pin 3 0.1 - 27 nF
RL(pu) pull-up load resistance [1] 5- k
RL(pd) pull-down load resistance [2][3] 5- 10k
Cext external capacit a nce between VDD and GND conducted closely to
supply pins of KMA200 82 - 120 nF
Table 2. Pinning
Pin Symbol Description Simplified outline[1]
DD supply voltage
2 DATA/OUT1 data Input/Output (I/O)
analog output 1
3 CLK/OUT2 data clock
analog output 2
4 GND ground
5CS chip select
(used for data transfer I/O)
Table 3. Ordering information
Type number Package
Name Description Version
KMA200 - plastic single-ended multi-chip package;
6 interconnections; 5 in-line leads SOT637
xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxx xxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx x x
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Programmable angle sensor
4. Functional diagram
Fig 1. Functio nal diagram
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Programmable angle sensor
5. Functional description
The KMA200 amplifies two orthogonal sinusoidal signals delivered by the MR-sensor
element and converts them into the digital domain. Using the COordinate Rotation DIgital
Computer (CORDIC) algorithm, the angle is calculated. Angle output is either analog or
digital. The KMA200 compris es diagnostic features that ensure a complete online
supervision of all es se ntia l functional blocks including verification of input and output
signals and temperature supervision. In addition, the circuit is protected against reverse
polarity, overvoltage and short circuit at all external pins.
Two instrumentation amplifiers and -modulators convert the amplified signals into two
high-speed digital bit streams. The bit streams are filtered and decimated by two digital
decimation filters to obtain digital signals with higher resolution at a lower speed.
Further processing is done within an on-chip calibration microcontroller. This includes
offset cancellation, calculation of the mechanical angle using the CORDIC algorithm,
zero-angle and angular-range adjustment.
In addition, the calibration microcontroller perfor ms diagnostic tasks to ensure the validity
of its results. The calibration microcontroller takes calibration constants from an on-chip
EEPROM and stores intermediate results in a Random Access Memory (RAM). The
calculated angle is given out either digitally with an SPI-compatible serial inte rface or
analog via the analog output stage. Several output characteristics can be selected.
In case of analog output the analog output stage is used for conversion of the angle
information into two analog output voltages ratiometric to the supply voltages. For this
purpose, the analog outpu t stage cont ains two resistor-string Digital-to-Analog Co nverters
(DACs) which share the same resistor string. The two analog output voltages are buffered
by two offset-compensated amplifiers.
The internal circuitry is protected against overvoltage with special protection circuits.
Protection against reverse polarity is realized with the help of a current limiting circuit.
In addition, there are vari ous support circuits like bias generators, a free-running oscillator
including an oscillator fail-safe circuit and a power-on reset circuit which generates a reset
in dependence of the supply voltage.
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Programmable angle sensor
6. Diagnostic features
The KMA200 includes diagnostic features to ensure the validity of its output signals. The
diagnostic features can be configured with the control information words (ctrl) written to
the user-pro g ra mma ble EE PROM .
In the analog output modes a diagnostic error condition is signaled to the user by setting
the outputs into the high-impedance state. The outputs are forced to lie in the upper or
lower diagnostic range by external pull-up or pull-down resistors.
With no external pull-up/pull-down resistors the output signal will be internally pulled up to
upper diagnosis range.
If digital outpu t is selected, an er ror condition can also be signaled by setting the error flag
in the digital output word. The least significant bits show the error code. The Table 4
shows the behavior in detail:
Once a diagnostic error condition is reached, the KMA200 continues to work normally
after a new external power-on reset or by itself, as described in the table below. It is
possible to configure the KMA200 the way that the error condition has to be fulfilled more
than once. The numbe r of error conditions that is necessary can also be programmed with
bits in the control information words.
[1] Reactivation for angular measurement with valid angle information (normal operation mode) only by new
external power-on reset
Temperature supervision
The chip temperature measured within the KMA200 can be used to detect
over-temp er at ure co nd itio ns . Two temperature levels ar e de fin ed : the tem p er at ur e
warning level and the temperature shutdown level.
The user can evaluate the temperature warning if digital output mode is selected. When
the device temperature exceeds the warning level, the error flag in the digital output word
is set. The other data bits st ill show the angle information. In the analog output modes, the
device temperature warning is not available. If the temperature exceeds the
over-temp er at ure sh utdown lev el, th e KMA200 switches off.
Table 4. Summary KMA200 behavior at diagnosis conditi ons in normal operation mode
Error appearance Analog output Digital output
Oscillator fail detection [1] high-impedance state [1] high-impedance state
Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) [1] high-impedance state [1] diagnosis bit set
Watchdog [1] high-impedance state [1] high-impedance state
Input stage (including magnet lost) high-impedance state diagnosis bit set
Output stage [1] high-impedance state -
Over-temperature warning - diagnosis bit set
Over-temperature shutdown [1] high-impedance state [1] high-impedance state
Overvoltage high-impedance state high-impedance state
Reverse polarity high-impedance state high-impeda nce state
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Programmable angle sensor
Diagnosis of input stage
For diagnosis of the input stage, the calibration microcontroller calculates the expected
signal magnitude using the temperature information and the EEPROM constants and
compares it to the signal magnitude based on the current measurement.
If the difference of the two magnitudes is greater than an allowed deviation, an error
condition is signaled to the user.
The allowed difference depends on the bits DI1 and DI0 in the EEPROM control
information word.
Diagnosis of output stage
Both analog outputs are supervised by the auxiliary ADC which reads the present analog
signal and converts it back to the digital domain with a resolution of 8 bits. The digitized
value is compared to the digital angle value originally sent.
If the difference of these two values is greater than an error bound, an error condition is
signaled by switching off the analog outputs.
The allowed difference depends on the bits DO1 and DO0 in the EEPROM control
information word.
CRC check of EEPROM constants
During normal operation mode a CRC code of the configuration constants taken from the
EEPROM is calculated on a regular basis. This code is compared to a pre-calculated CRC
code from the EEPROM (CRC). If there is a mismatch, an error condition is signaled to
the user by setting the error flag in the digital output word or by switching off the analog
The CRC code used is the CRC-16 code (ISO/IEC 3309:1993 and ITU-T V.42)
Watchdog timer
The KMA200 comprises a watchdog timer to supervise the flow of the program. After
reset, the watchdog is automatically activated. During operation the watchdog timer must
be toggled on a regular basis, as otherwise the error condition is signaled. The access to
the watchdog timer is protected against unwanted operations using a fail-safe watchdog
feed sequence.
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Programmable angle sensor
Oscillator fail-safe circuit
The function of the free-running oscillator is checked with re-triggered mono flop. If the
mono flop is not triggered, the KMA200 signals an error.
Fig 2. Power supply behavior; the de vice operation dependenc ies to its power supply
high overvoltage
low overvoltage
low voltage
reverse polarity
power on/off
undefined 32 V
26.5 V
13 V
12 V
7 V
5.5 V
4.5 V
3.1 V
4.45 V
2.9 V
4.4 V
6 V
0 V
16.5 V
device damage
normal operation area
specification parameters are not valid (*)
(diagnosis functions available)
0.05 V < hysteresis< 0.6 V
switch-on switch-off
overvoltage protection for 400 ms
overvoltage protection for infinite duration
overvoltage protection,
normal programming area, temp within 0 °C to 70 °C
overvoltage protection,
programming area - unsufficient voltage
specification parameters are not valid (*)
(diagnosis functions available)
low voltage (device switched-off)
reverse polarity voltage protection
device damage
weak pull-up
situation modes VDD
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Programmable angle sensor
7. Outputs of KMA200
The output of the KMA200 is either d igital or analog, dep ending on the control word stor ed
in the EEPROM. The analog output consists of a standard and a programmable output
stage. The programmable output stage allows four different characteristics; mode 1,
mode 2, mode 3 or none output. The digital output has two different modes; mode 5 and
mode 6.
Analog out p ut
In the analog output mode the measured angle value is converted linear into a value that
is ratiometric to the supply voltage VDD. This voltage is driven by the standard output
stage to pin DATA/OUT1. The same value is fed to a second output stage that is
connected to pin CLK/OUT2. This second output stage is programmable to one of four
different output characteristics; mode 1, mode 2, mode 3 or high-impedance state output.
A valid angle value is nominally mapped to an output voltage range of V(CL)l
(default = 5 %) to V(CL)u (default = 95 %) of VDD at the standard output VOUT1
(see Figure 3).
For mode 1 the valid output voltage range at pin CLK/OUT2 is identical to the output
voltage range of the standard analog voltage but the output characteristic is inverted
(see Figure 4).
In mode 2 (see Figure 5) the valid output range at pin CLK/OUT2 is nominally V(CL)l/2 to
V(CL)u/2 of VDD.
A further possibility is to program the VOUT2 (mode 3, thresh) as a comparator dep en ding
from the angle value (see Figure 6).
When the KMA200 detects an error condition, it switches the analog outputs into
high-impedance st ate. The ou tput s are forced to lie in the uppe r or lower d iagnostic ran ge
by the external pull-up or pull-down resistors.
Table 5. Setting the KMA200 output characteristics
Output characteristics Pin assignment Mode setting of EEPROM
Mode 1 analog standard inverted 1 0 0
Mode 2 analog standard hal f ran ge 1 0 1
Mode 3 analog standard comparator 1 1 0
Mode 4 analog standard high-impedance state 1 1 1
Mode 5 digital serial data (SPI) (clock) 0 0 0
Mode 6 digital bit complement
serial data (SPI) (clock) 001
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Programmable angle sensor
Fig 3. Standard analog output mode
Fig 4. Inverted analog output (mode 1)
100 %
96 %
4 %
diagnostics area
diagnostics area
(180° αmax)/2
100 %
96 %
4 %
diagnostics area
diagnostics area
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Programmable angle sensor
Fig 5. Half range output mode (mode 2)
Fig 6. Comparator analog output (mode 3)
100 %
50 %
2 %
diagnostics area
diagnostics area
(180° − αmax)/2
(180° αmax)/2
100 %
90 %
10 %
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Programmable angle sensor
8. Digital output (SPI)
Standard digital output
If the standard digital output mode is configured, output data can be read with the serial
interface. Figure 7 shows the timing diagram of an interface access. The access is
enclosed by a HIGH-to-LOW and LOW-to-HIGH transition of CS.
DATA are clocked out at the falling edge of CLK and should be evaluated at the rising
edge. The output data consist of 3 bytes (24 bits). The first two dat a bytes cont ain an error
flag and 13 bits of angle information. The last data byte contains the measured
temperature as 7-bit value. Every byte features a parity bit (odd parity).
The data transmission can be interrupted at any time by deactivating CS. If, for instance,
the temperature information is not desired, the data transfer can be finished by
deactivating CS after reading the first two data bytes.
If the error flag is 0, the 13 angle data bits contain the most significant bits of the
calculated angle. If the error flag is 1, an error condition was detected. The two least
significant angle data bits (A[1:0]) are replaced by an error code. All other angle data bits
(A[12:2]) still show the current measurement value. Depending on the special error case,
the measurement values are reliable or not. Error codes are described in Table 8.
The output driver of the DATA pin is slew-rate limited. The rise and fall times of the DATA
output can be programmed with the SL bit (ctrl EEPROM constant); see Table 12.
Complementary digital output
In complementa ry digital output mode the da ta transmitted is identical to the output dat a in
standard digital output mode except that the angle and temperature information data bits
are logically inverted. The error flag and the error code in b it s A[1:0] when the error flag is
set are coded as in case of standard digital output. The parity bits also use odd parity as
standard digital output mode.
Fig 7. Digital output coding
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Programmable angle sensor
9. Limiting values
Table 6. Limiting values
In accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Max Unit
VDD supply voltage pin VDD versus GND 16.5 +26.5 V
at t < 400 ms - 32 V
VXvoltage on pins CS, DATA/OUT1, CLK/OUT2
versus GND 0100%V
Tamb ambient temperature < 1000 hours in life time at 160 C40 +160 C
Tamb(pr) programming ambient temperature EEPROM 10 70 C
Tstg storage temp erature 50 +150 C
tret retention time Tmax(AV) =50C17-year
Nendu(W_ER) write or erase en durance Tmax(AV) =70C for programming - 500 cycle
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Programmable angle sensor
10. Characteristics
Table 7. Characteristics
In homogenous magnetic field at saturation field strength of minimum 35 kA/m and external capacitance Cext between VDD
and GND. Tamb =
C to +160
C; VDD = 4.5 V to 5.5 V.
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Supply voltage and operation currents
VDD supply voltage normal operati on 4.5 5.0 5.5 V
VDD(pr) programming supply voltage EEPROM 12 12.5 13 V
IDD supply current for normal operation mode 5 - 12 mA
CLload capacitance at pin 2 and pin 3 0.1 - 27 nF
RL(pu) pull-up load resistance [1] 5-k
RL(pd) pull-down load resistance [2][3] 5-10k
Cext external capacitance between
VDD and GND conducted closely to supply pins of
KMA200 82 - 120 nF
Power-on reset
VDDon switch-on threshold voltage KMA200 switches on if
3.1 3.75 4.45 V
VDDoff switch-off threshold voltage KMA200 switches off if
2.9 - 4.4 V
Vhys hysteresis voltage Vhys =V
DDon VDDoff 0.05 - 0.6 V
System performance
Analog output VOUT1: standard output
VOUT1(nom) nominal output voltage range on
pin OUT1 5-95%V
VO(ldr) lower diagnostic range output
voltage on OU T1 0 - 4 %VDD
VO(udr) upper diagnostic range output
voltage on OU T1 96 - 100 %VDD
max maximum angle programmable from 0 to angle
range max EEPROM address 3 0.1 - 180 deg
V(CL)u upper clamping voltage level setting by EEPROM address 9 69.5 - 95 %VDD
V(CL)l lower clamping voltage level setting by EEPROM address 9 5 - 30.5 %VDD
res angle resolution 4608 counts in nominal output
voltage range (clamping level
DD to 95 %VDD)
[4] - 0.04 0.05 deg
Nooutput noise peak to peak, 25 ms measurement
time [4] - - 0.1 deg
V(CL) clamping voltage variation at 5 %VDD and 95 %VDD [4] 0.3 - +0.3 %VDD
lin angle linearity error normal operation mode, deviation
from reference line [4] 1.65 - +1.65 deg
Tangle temperature drift valid for temperature range 25 C
up to +125 C (3 sigma) [4][5] 0.64 - +0.64 deg
lin microlinearity deviation at an angle step of 1[4] 0.1 - +0.1 deg
hys hysteresis absolute value [4] 0 - 0.088 deg
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Programmable angle sensor
Analog programmable output VOUT2: mode 1
VOUT2(nom) nominal output voltage range on
pin OUT2 5-95%V
VO(ldr) lower diagnostic range output
voltage on OU T2 0 - 4 %VDD
VO(udr) upper diagnostic range output
voltage on OU T2 96 - 100 %VDD
max maximum angle programmable from 0 to angle
range max EEPROM address 3 0.1 - 180 deg
V(CL)u upper clamping voltage level setting by EEPROM address 9 69.5 - 95 %VDD
V(CL)l lower clamping voltage level setting by EEPROM address 9 5 - 30.5 %VDD
res angle resolution 4608 counts in nominal output
voltage range (clamping level
DD to 95 %VDD)
[4] - 0.04 0.05 deg
Nooutput noise peak to peak, 25 ms measurement
time [4] - - 0.1 deg
V(CL) clamping voltage variation at 5 %VDD and 95 %VDD [4] 0.3 - +0.3 %VDD
lin angle linearity error normal operation mode, deviation
from reference line [4] 1.65 - +1.65 deg
Tangle temperature drift valid for temperature range 25 C
up to +125 C (3 sigma) [4][5] 0.64 - +0.64 deg
lin microlinearity deviation at an angle step of 1[4] 0.1 - +0.1 deg
hys hysteresis absolute value [4] 0 - 0.088 deg
Vpl(mode1) plausibility VOUT1 to VOUT2
(mode 1) VOUT1 +V
OUT2 VDD Vpl(mode1) [4] 0.5 - +0.5 %VDD
Table 7. Characteristics …continued
In homogenous magnetic field at saturation field strength of minimum 35 kA/m and external capacitance Cext between VDD
and GND. Tamb =
C to +160
C; VDD = 4.5 V to 5.5 V.
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
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Programmable angle sensor
Analog programmable output VOUT2: mode 2
VOUT2(nom) nominal output voltage range on
pin OUT2 2.5 - 47.5 %VDD
VO(ldr) lower diagnostic range output
voltage on OU T2 0 - 2 %VDD
VO(udr) upper diagnostic range output
voltage on OU T2 50 - 100 %VDD
res angle resolution 2304 counts in nominal output
voltage range with clamping level
DD to 95 %VDD
[4] -0.08-deg
max maximum angle programmable from 0 to angle
range max EEPROM address 3 0.1 - 180 deg
Nooutput noise peak to peak, 25 ms measurement
time [4] - - 0.2 deg
V(CL) clamping voltage variation at 2.5 %VDD and 47.5 % VDD [4] 0.3 - +0.3 %VDD
lin angle linearity error normal operation mode, deviation
from reference line [4] 2.0 - +2.0 deg
Tangle temperature drift valid for temperature range 25 C
up to +125 C (3 sigma) [4][5] 0.64 - +0.64 deg
lin microlinearity deviation at an angle step of 1[4] 0.2 - +0.2 deg
hys hysteresis absolute value [4] 0 - 0.088 deg
Vpl(mode2) plausibility VOUT1 to VOUT2
(mode 2) VOUT1 2VOUT2 Vpl(mode2) 0.7 - +0.7 %VDD
Analog programmable output VOUT2: mode 3
VOUT2(L) LOW -level output voltage on pin
OUT2 0-10%V
VOUT2(H) HIGH-level output voltage on pin
OUT2 90 - 100 %VDD
th(res) threshold angle resolution setting by EEPROM address 4 - - 16 bit
Digital output and complement digital output
res(dig) digital angle resolution - 0.022 - deg/LSB
Ndig digital noise level noise: 10 measurements in
sequence --4LSB
lin angle linearity error normal operation mode from
reference line 1.65 - +1.65 deg
Tangle temper at ure drif t 1.3 - +1.3 deg
valid for temperature range 25 C
up to +125 C (3 sigma) 0.5 - +0.5 deg
lin microlinearity 0.088 - +0.088 deg
hys hysteresis absolute value 0 - 0.088 deg
Table 7. Characteristics …continued
In homogenous magnetic field at saturation field strength of minimum 35 kA/m and external capacitance Cext between VDD
and GND. Tamb =
C to +160
C; VDD = 4.5 V to 5.5 V.
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
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Programmable angle sensor
[1] Diagnosis GND and VDD lost only possible with a pull-up resistor of 5 k to 6 k.
[2] Diagnosis VDD lost only possible with a pull-down resistor of 5 k to 6 k.
[3] Load resistor required to enable the diagnosis features. Infinite resistor load permitted for normal operation without the diagnosis
[4] Analog outputs need to be low-pass filtered (corner frequency about 1.3 kHz).
[5] See Figure 9.
On-chip temperature sensor characteristics
Tsen sensor temperature chip temperature 50 - +180 C
Tsen(res) sensor temperatu r e resolution chip temperature - 2 - C/LSB
Tsen sensor temperature accuracy chip temperature 5- +5C
Twarn(res) warning temperature resolution setting by EEPROM address 6 - 2 - C
Tshut(res) shut-down temperature
resolution setting by EEPROM address 6 - 2 - C
SPI characteristics
VIL LOW-level input voltage for VX=CLK, CS, DATA 0 - 25 %VDD
VIH HIGH-level input voltage for VX=CLK, CS, DATA 75 - 100 %VDD
VOL LOW-level output voltage Isink <2mA 0 - 15 %V
VOH HIGH-level output voltage Isource <2mA 85 - 100 %V
IOM peak output current current limitation of the device - - 20 mA
tr(o) output rise time norma l operation mode from
10 %VDD to 90 %VDD, CL= 100 pF
(SL bit = 0) 100 - 400 ns
(SL bit = 1) 500 - 1300 ns
tf(o) output fall time
(SL bit = 0) 100 - 400 ns
(SL bit = 1) 500 - 1300 ns
fclk clock frequency for VX= CLK 1 - 1000 kHz
tpu power-up time until first valid result - - 10 ms
fupd(meas) measurement update rate at oscillator frequency 3 4 5 kHz
tssettling time after ideal input angle step until
analog standard output reaches
90 % of final value, at nominal
oscillator frequency, CL=5nF
Table 7. Characteristics …continued
In homogenous magnetic field at saturation field strength of minimum 35 kA/m and external capacitance Cext between VDD
and GND. Tamb =
C to +160
C; VDD = 4.5 V to 5.5 V.
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
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Programmable angle sensor
11. Error codes
Standard digital output:
Temperature = 50 C + T[6:0] 2C
Complement digital output:
Temperature = 50 C+T
[6:0] 2C
Table 8. Error codes
A[1:0] Description Angle valid
00 diagnosis error no
01 diagnosis error (input stage) no
10 over-temperature warning yes
11 (not occupied) -
a A[12:0] 180
----------- A[12:0] 0.022=
a A[12:0] 180
A[12:0] 0.022=
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12. Definition of errors
12.1 General
For the accuracy is assumed that the sensor operates in a homogen eous magnetic field at
saturation field strength Hsat. Also, the zer o ang le re gis te r of the KMA200 is set at a
mechanical reference point at room temperature (and zero degree).
This reference line is valid for digital and analog outputs. The maximum angle is set to
180 and the cla mp in g levels ar e pr og ra m m ed to V(CL)l = 5 %VDD and V(CL)u =95%V
12.2 Linearity error
The deviation from the reference line lin is called angle linearity error and defined as
lin =lin(ref,Tj)
Tj: any ambient temperature in the specific range
Following formula is used to calculate meas in degree from an analog voltage value:
VOUT: analog output of KMA200 [%VDD]
For sensors the error of the analog output lin is only defined in the rang e from 5.5 %VDD
to 94.5 %VDD.
ref: reference angle in degree
meas: measured angle of the KMA200 in degree
lin: deviation from reference line in degree
Fig 8. Visualization of linearity behavior
reference line
95 %VDD 5 %VDD
-------------------------------------------------- 180=
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Programmable angle sensor
12.3 Temperature drif t
The temperat ur e dr ift is defined as the en velope deviation of the angle value over th e
temperature range. It is considered as the pure thermal effect.
Following mathematical description is given for temperature drift value:
: temperature drift, deviation over temperature in degree
lin: linearity error measured at different temperatures in degree
Tj, Tk and Tm: any ambient temperature in the specified range (Tamb)
Fig 9. Temperature drift behavior
temperature T
temperature T
temperature T
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Programmable angle sensor
12.4 Microlinearity
Microlinearit y is the de via tio n be twe e n the device output and the reference line at any
angle and for an angle step of 1. The microli nearity is determined at a constant
The microlinearity is calculated as follows:
lin =V
ideal 1=V
lin: microlinearity
Vmeas(ref(i)): measured voltage [%VDD] for angle position ref(i)
mideal: ideal, theoretical slope; with 90 %VDD and maximum angle 180
The output slopes are monotonic by design. This figures can also be used for the
definition of lin in digital mode, as follows: assume that
Vmeas(ref(i))=meas(ref(i)) and Vmeas(ref(i+1))=meas(ref(i+1)),
whereas meas(X) is the output angle of the KMA200 at the angle position X.
Fig 10. Microlinearity behavior
theoretical slope m
starting at output
= 1° = |ϕ
− ϕ
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Programmable angle sensor
12.5 Hysteresis
The hysteresis error is defined as the maximum differen ce between angle values given by
the device output when performing a positive (clockwise) rotation and negative rotation
(counter clockwise) over an angle range of 180.
The hysteresis error is defined as follows:
hys =meas CW(ref)
meas CCW(ref)
hys: hysteresis
meas: CW measured angle for clockwise rotation
meas: CCW measured angle for counter clockwise rotation
13. Programming
The KMA200 comprises two major modes of operation. These modes are:
13.1 Normal operation mode
This is the default mode. The KMA200 starts in this mode without the need of writing to
the serial interface. In this mode a continuous conversion of the input signals into the
corresponding angles takes place. This mode is configured with the on-chip EEPROM.
Once in normal operation mod e, the KMA200 can be r eactivated for comm and mode only
by a new power-on reset.
Fig 11. Hysteresis
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Programmable angle sensor
13.2 Command mode
This mode is used for calibration and programming. The KMA200 is controlled with serial
interface commands.
To activate the command mode, the following initialization procedur e m ust be ex ecu te d
during power-on reset. The pin CS must be constantly held on HIGH level and
pin CLK/OUT2 must be constantly held on LOW level during power-o n. This condition has
to start during reset and must be valid during the following initialization phase of the
KMA200 for at least 1 ms. CS and CLK are internally weak pull-up so that at least CLK
must be actively driven. If these conditions are valid, the KMA200 starts in command
mode. At all other combinations or if the levels are not constant for the minimum time of
1 ms, the KMA200 starts in normal operation mode.
The normal operation mode is configured with sixteen 16-bit constants stored in the
on-chip EEPROM.
13.3 Notes to the programming
The KMA200 sensor is delivered in a pre-calibrated and preprogrammed default
The EEPROM addres ses 0, 1, 5, C, D and E are device de pendent and pre-calibrate d
for each device. A changing of this contents to another value is not allowed,
because the specified data, influenced by these addresses, are no longer valid.
The EEPROM addresses A and B are used to store production related information.
A changing of th es e valu e s s hould no t be don e.
Address A: storage the date code. Date code assembly center: day of the year
(maximum 365) + year (maximum 99)
Fig 12. Command mode
max. 3 ms
min. 1 ms
(ASIC internal
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Programmable angle sensor
Address B: storage the assembly lot no. (maximum 65535)
13.4 Write RAM (0nh), read RAM (1nh)
To write data to the RAM the command byte 0nh (n is the address of the dat a) followed by
the 16-bit dat a ha s to be se nd. To read dat a from the RAM , the co mmand byte 1 nh has to
be send. If CS is activated again, the RAM contents at the specified address is clocked
out. Note that at power-on addresses 00h to 0Fh are read from the EEPROM into the
13.5 Calculate CRC-16 and program EEPROM (3 0h)
To program the EEPROM, the configuration data has to be written to the RAM addresses
00h to 0Eh. Afterwards, the command byte 30h has to be sent and the EEPROM
programming voltage has to be applied at the VDD pin. The KMA200 calculates the
CRC-16 check sum and writes the RAM constants at addresses 00h to 0Fh to the
EEPROM. This command is only executed when the EP bit in the control information word
is logic 0 on power-on. If the EP bit is logic 1, this command is ignored.
Ta ble 9. EEPROM content
Address Name Description
0 sensor_offset_1 dependent of individual production calibration results
1 sensor_offset_2 dependent of individual production calibration results
2 zero_angle mechanical 0 position relative to the zero point of the
sensor output; u s ed for zero -an g l e cal i b ra ti on
default value: 0000h (0)
3 angular_range definition of the angular input range that is mapped to the
whole analog output signal ra nge
default value: 0000h (180)
4thresh threshold for programmable output in mode 3
default value: internal CRC of the addresses 0, 1, 5, C, D
and E
5 temp_vref, temp_offs dependent of individual production calibration results
shut(res), Twarn(res) temperature warning and temperature shutdown level; used
for temperature supervis ion default value: FAF8h
(temperature shutdown at 200 C, warning at 198 C)
7 ctrl1 control information word 1 ; used for selection of various
operating modes default value: 4046h (output mode
standard + mode 1)
8 ctrl2 control information word 2; configures the diagnostic
functions default value: 0704h (temperature supervision is
on; input stage diagnosis is on; output stage diagnosis is off)
(CL)l, V(CL)u clamping voltage levels of analog outputs
default value: 00FF h (clamp ing level LOW at 5 %VDD,
clamping level HIGH at 95 %VDD)
A id1 sensor identifier 1; this data is not evaluated by the KMA200
and is used for sensor identification
B id2 sensor identifier 2; this data is not evaluated by the KMA200
and is used for sensor identification
C anom, tc_anom dependent of individual production calibration results
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Programmable angle sensor
[1] EP: EEPROM write protection: default value: 0
0EEPROM programming possible
1EEPROM not writable
This bit is evaluated only if the CRC checksum is valid.
[2] SL: rise and fall time of DATA output: default value: 0
0nominal 150 ns
1nominal 750 ns
[3] DO[1:0]: diagnosis of output stage: default value: 00
00 level 0: Vmeas(OUT) Vexp(OUT)<10%V
01 level 1: Vmeas(OUT) Vexp(OUT)<5%V
10 level 2: Vmeas(OUT) Vexp(OUT)<2%V
11 level 3: Vmeas(OUT) Vexp(OUT)<1%V
[4] DI[2:0]: diagnosis of input stage: default value: 000
000 level 0: AMeas ASoll<6.24mV/V
001 level 1: AMeas ASoll<4.68mV/V
010 level 2: AMeas ASoll<3.12mV/V
011 level 3: AMeas ASoll<1.56mV/V
100 level 4: AMeas ASoll<0.78mV/V
[5] OM[2:0]: output mode: default value: 100
000 digital output
001 complement digital output
100 analog output; standard + programmable output mode 1
101 analog output; standard + programmable output mode 2
110 analog output; standard + programmable output mode 3
111 analog output; standard output only
D tc_offset_1 dependent of individual production calibration results
E tc_offset_2 dependent of individual production calibration results
F CRC-16 dependent of individual programming
Ta ble 9. EEPROM content …continued
Address Name Description
Table 10. Format of zero_angle, angular_ra ng e an d thresh
zero_angle = A[15:0]
, angular_range = A[15:0]
thresh = A[15:0]
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
A[15] A[14] A[13] A[12] A[11] A[10] A[9] A[8] A[7] A[6] A[5] A[4] A[3] A[2] A[1] A[0]
Table 11. Format of Tshut(res) and Twarn(res)
Tshut(res) =
C + TS[7:0]
C and Twarn(res) =
15 14 13 12 11 10 9876543210
Tshut(res) Twarn(res)
[7] TS
[6] TS
[5] TS
[4] TS
[3] TS
[2] TS
[1] TS
[0] TW
[7] TW
[6] TW
[5] TW
[4] TW
[3] TW
[2] TW
[1] TW
Table 12. Format of ctrl1
15 14 13[1] 12 11[2] 10[3] 9[3] 8[4] 7[4] 6[5] 5[5] 4[5] 3 2 1 0
0 1 EP 0 SL DO1 DO0 DI1 DI0 OM2 OM1 OM0 0 1 1 0
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Programmable angle sensor
[1] DI[2:0]: diagnosis of input stage: default value: 000
000 level 0: AMeas ASoll<6.24mV/V
001 level 1: AMeas ASoll<4.68mV/V
010 level 2: AMeas ASoll<3.12mV/V
011 level 3: AMeas ASoll<1.56mV/V
100 level 4: AMeas ASoll<0.78mV/V
[2] FB: automatic fallback into normal operation mode: default value: 1
This bit is evaluated only if the CRC checksum is valid.
[3] ETS: enable temperature supervision: default value: 1
[4] TC[1:0]: error counter temperature supervision: default value: 00
00 0
01 2
10 4
11 8
[5] EDO: enable diagnosis output stage: default value: 0
[6] CO[1:0]: error counter diagnosis output stage: default value: 00
00 0
01 2
10 4
11 8
[7] EDI: enable diagnosis input stage: default value: 1
[8] CI[1:0]: error counter diagnosis input stage: default value: 00
00 0
01 2
10 4
11 8
Table 13. Format of ctrl2
15 14 13 12 11[1] 10 9[2] 8[3] 7[4] 6[4] 5[5] 4[6] 3[6] 2[7] 1[8] 0[8]
0 0 0 0 DI2 1 FB ETS TC1 TC0 EDO CO1 CO0 EDI CI1 CI0
Table 14. Format of V(CL)l and V(CL)u
Lower clamping level output voltage = 5 %VDD +V
0.1 %VDD and
upper clamping level output voltage = 69.5 %VDD +V
0.1 %VDD.
15 14 13 12 11 10 9876543210
V(CL)l V(CL)u
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Programmable angle sensor
14. ElectroMagnetic Interference (EMI)
The following tests are performed with the sensor system KMA200. Details of the
measurements and behavior are available on request.
14.1 Emission (CISPR 25)
Conducted radio disturbance: tests according CISPR 25, chapter 11 (artificial network).
Radiated radio disturbance: test according CISPR 25, chapter 13 (anechoic chamber -
14.2 Radiated disturbances (ISO 11452-2, ISO 11452-5)
Immunity against mobile phones and Absorber Lined Chamber an d S trip line (ALCS); strip
line measurements are performed up to 1 GHz.
14.3 Transients - pulses (ISO 7637-1, ISO 7637-3)
Galvanic: line conducted pulse s on the supply lines according ISO 7637-1 pulses 1, 2, 3a,
3b, 4 and 5 (for pulse no. 5 a suitable protection circuit must be used).
Coupled: transient transmission by capacitive and inductive coupling via lines other than
supply lines (interface, analog output) according ISO 7637-3 pulses 3a and 3b.
15. ElectroStatic Discharge (ESD)
15.1 Human body model
The KMA200 must not be damaged at 4000 V, 100 pF, 1.5 k to the human body model.
The test is according to MIL-STD-883D method 3015.7. This protection must be ensured
at all external pins (CLK/OUT2, CS and DA TA/OUT1) including device supply (VDD, GND).
For the interconnects (pins between upper and lower package part), the protection is up to
1500 V.
15.2 Machine model
The KMA200 must not be damage d at 400 V to the machine model. The test is a ccordin g
to MIL-STD-883D method 3015.7. This protection must be ensured at all external pins
(CLK/OUT2, CS and DATA/OUT1) including device supply (VDD, GND). For the
interconnects (pins between upper and lower package part), the protection is up to 100 V.
16. Terminals
Device terminals shall be compatible with laser welding and electrical welding.
Lead frame material: CuZr with 0.1 % Zr, 99.9 % Cu
Lead finish: pure tin, 7 mthickness 11 m
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Programmable angle sensor
17. Marking
Package is SOT637
Marking paint: laser on package head and package body
Letter height: 0.8 mm
Marking of package head: batch number
Marking of package body: type no., date code (x yyy z); x: m for manufacturing Manila,
y: day of the year, z: year of production
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Programmable angle sensor
18. Package outline
Fig 13. Package outline SOT637
UNIT bpc
mm 1.65
1.45 0.41
0.24 8.1
0.24 4.75
6.9 0.85
2.55 0.35
1.27 21.4
6.32 5.85
DIMENSIONS (mm are the original dimensions)
SOT637 02-01-18
0 2.5 5 mm
bp1 D
1. Terminal dimensions within this zone are uncontrolled to allow for flow of plastic between and besides the leads.
Plastic single-ended multi-chip package; 6 interconnections; 5 in-line leads
* centre of reading point
view A-B
0.4 vA
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Programmable angle sensor
19. Handling information
Dimensions in mm
(1) No bending allowed
(2) Plastic body and interface plastic body - leads: application of bending forces not allowed
Fig 14. Bending recommendation
R 0.25 min
R 0.25 min
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Programmable angle sensor
20. Revision history
Table 15. Revision history
Document ID Release date Data sheet stat us Change notice Supersedes
KMA200_8 20111207 Product data sheet PCN 201106032F01 KMA200_7
Modifications: Section 16 “Terminals: Lead finish dimensions changed
KMA200_7 20080718 Product data sheet - KMA200_6
Modifications: Section 16: The lead finish thickness has been changed
KMA200_6 20070102 Product data sheet - KMA200_5
KMA200_5 20050816 Product data sheet - KMA200_4
KMA200_4 20020325 Objective specification - KMA200_3
KMA200_3 20010620 Objective specification - KMA200_2
KMA200_2 20000920 Objective specification - KMA200_1
KMA200_1 20000907 Objective specification - -
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21. Legal information
21.1 Data sheet status
[1] Please consult the most recently issued document before initiating or completing a design.
[2] The term ‘short data sheet’ is explained in section “Definitions”.
[3] The product status of de vice(s) descr ibed in th is docume nt may have cha nged since this docume nt was publis hed and ma y dif fer in case of multiple devices. The latest product status
information is available on the Internet at URL http://www.nxp.com.
21.2 Definitions
Draft — The document is a draft version only. The content is still under
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Suitability for use in automotive applications — This NXP
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Limiting values — Stress above one or more limiting values (as defined in
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Characteristics sections of this document is not warranted. Constant or
repeated exposure to limiting values will permanent ly and irreversibly affect
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Terms and conditions of commercial sale — NXP Semiconductors
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Preliminary [short] dat a sheet Qualification This document contains data from the preliminary specification.
Product [short] dat a sheet Production This document contains the product specification.
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Quick reference data The Quick reference data is an extract of the
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22. Contact information
For more information, please visit: http://www.nxp.com
For sales office addresses, please send an email to: salesaddresses@nxp.com
NXP Semiconductors KMA200
Programmable angle sensor
© NXP B.V. 2011. All rights reserved.
For more information, please visit: http://www.nxp.co m
For sales office addresses, please send an email to: salesaddresses@nxp.com
Date of release: 7 December 2011
Document identifier: KMA200
Please be aware that important notices concerning this document and the product(s)
described herein, have been included in section ‘Legal information’.
23. Contents
1 Product profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 General description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Features and benefits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.3 Quick reference data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2 Pinning information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3 Ordering information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
4 Functional diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
5 Functional description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
6 Diagnostic features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
7 Outputs of KMA200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
8 Digital output (SPI). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
9 Limiting values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
10 Characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
11 Error codes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
12 Definition of errors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
12.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
12.2 Linearity error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
12.3 Temperature drift. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
12.4 Microlinearity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
12.5 Hysteresis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
13 Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
13.1 Normal operation mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
13.2 Command mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
13.3 Notes to the programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
13.4 Write RAM (0nh), read RAM (1nh) . . . . . . . . . 23
13.5 Calculate CRC-16 and program
EEPROM (30h). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
14 ElectroMagnetic Interference (EMI) . . . . . . . . 26
14.1 Emission (CISPR 25) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
14.2 Radiated disturbances (ISO 11452-2,
ISO 11452-5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
14.3 Transients - pulses
(ISO 7637-1, ISO 7637-3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
15 ElectroStatic Discharge (ESD) . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
15.1 Human body model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
15.2 Machine model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
16 Terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
17 Marking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
18 Package outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
19 Handling information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
20 Revision history. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
21 Legal information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
21.1 Data sheet status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
21.2 Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
21.3 Disclaimers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
21.4 Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
22 Contact information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
23 Contents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33