Rev. 4158G–AERO–06/04
Operating Voltag e: 3. 3V
Access Time: 40 ns
Very Low Power Consumption
Active: 180 mW (M ax)
Standby: 70 µW (Typ)
Wide Temperature Range: -55°C to +125°C
400 Mils Width Package
TTL Compatible Inputs and Outputs
Designed on 0.35 Micron Process
No Single Event Latch-up below a LET threshold of 80 MeV/mg/C M2
Tested up t o a Total Dose of 200 Krad (Si ) according to MIL STD 883 Method 1019
SEU LET Better Than 3 MeV
QML Q and V with SMD 5962-02501
The M65609 E is a very low power CMO S static RAM organized as 131,072 x 8 bits.
Atmel brings the solution to app lications where fast comput ing is as mandatory as low
consumption, such as aerospace electronics, portable instruments, or embarke d
Utilizing an array of six transistors (6T) memory cells, the M65609 E combines an
extremely low s ta ndby supply current (Typi ca l value = 20 µA) with a fast access t ime
at 40 ns o ver the full military te mperature range. T he high stability of th e 6T cell p ro-
vides excellent protection agains t soft errors due to noise.
The M 65609E i s proc ess ed acc ordin g to t he m et hods of the latest revisi on of the M I L
STD 883 (class B or S ), ESA SCC 9000 or QML.
It is produced on the same process as the MH1RT sea of gates series.
Rad. Hard
128K x 8
V ery Low Power
Block Diagram
Pin Configuration 32 pins Flatpack 400 MILS
Pin D escripti on Name Description
A0 - A16 Address Inputs
I/O 1 - I/O 8 Da ta In p ut /O u t pu t
CS1Chip Select 1
CS2Chip Select 2
WE Write Enable
OE Output Enable
VCC Power
GND Ground
3M65609E 4158G–AERO–06/04
Table 1. Truth Table
Note: L = low, H = high, X = H or L, Z = high impedance.
CS1 CS2WE OE Inputs/
Outputs Mode
L H H L Data Out Read
LHLXData InWrite
Electrical Characteristics
Ab solu te Maximum Rati ngs
Military Operating Range
Recommended DC Operating Conditions
Note: 1. Guaranteed but not tested.
Supply Voltage to GND Potential............................ -0.5V + 5V
DC Input V oltage.............................. GND - 0.3V to VCC + 0.3
DC Output Voltage Hi gh Z State... ... GND - 0 .3V t o VCC + 0.3
Sto r ag e Tem p e ra t ur e....... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... ..... .. -6 5°C to + 150°C
Ou tp u t C urre n t In to Ou tp u ts (L o w ) . ..... ..... .. ..... ..... ..... .. . 20 mA
Electro Statics Discharge Voltage................................. > 500V
(MIL STD 883D Metho d 3015.3)
*NOTE: Stresses greater than those listed under A bsolute Max-
imum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the
device. This is a stress rating only and functional oper-
ation of the device at these or any other conditions
above thos e indicated in the operational sections of
this sp ecification is n ot im plied. Exposure to absolute
maximum ratin g conditions for extended periods may
affect reliability.
Operating Voltage Operating Temperature
3.3V + 0.3V -55°C to + 125 °C
Parameter Description Min Typ Max Unit
VCC Supply voltage 3 3.3 3.6 V
Gnd Ground 0.0 0.0 0.0 V
VIL Input low voltage GND - 0.3 0.0 0.8 V
VIH Input high voltage 2.2 VCC + 0.3 V
Parameter Description Min Typ Max Unit
CIN(1) Input low voltage 8 pF
COUT(1) Output high voltage 8 pF
5M65609E 4158G–AERO–06/04
DC Paramete rs
DC Test Conditions
Parameter Description Minimum Typical Maximum Unit
IIX (1)
1. Gnd < Vin < VCC, Gnd < Vout < VCC Out put Di sabled.
Input leakage
current -1 1 µA
IOZ (1) Output leakage
current -1 1 µA
VOL (2)
2. VCC min. IOL = 1 mA.
Output low voltage - 0.4 V
VOH (3)
3. VCC min. IOH = -0.5 mA.
Output high voltage 2.4 V
Symbol Description 65609E-40 Unit Value
ICCSB (1) Standby supply current 2.5 mA max
ICCSB1 (2) Standby supply current 1.5 mA max
ICCOP (3) Dynamic operating
current 50 mA max
1. CS1 > VIH or CS2 < VIL and CS1 < VIL.
2. CS1 > VCC - 0.3V or, CS2 < Gnd + 0.3V and CS1 < 0.2V
3. F = 1/TAVAV, IOUT = 0 mA, W = OE = VIH, Vin = Gnd or VCC, VCC max.
Write Cycle
Note: 1. Parameter s guaranteed, not t ested, with 5 pF output loadi ng (see Secti on “AC Test Conditions” Figure 2).
Read Cycle
Note: 1. Parameters guarant eed, n ot t ested, with 5 pF output loadi ng (seeSecti on “AC Tes t Condi tions” Figure 2).
Symbol Parameter 65609E-40 Unit Value
tAVAW Write cycle time 35 ns min
tAVWL Address set-up time 0 ns min
tAVWH Address valid to end of write 28 ns min
tDVWH Data set-up time 28 ns min
tE1LWH CS1 low to write end 28 ns min
tE2HWH CS2 high to write end 28 n s min
tWLQZ Write low to high Z (1) 15 ns max
tWLWH Write pulse width 28 ns min
tWHAX Address hold fr om to end of
write +3 ns min
tWHDX Da ta ho l d ti m e 0 ns min
tWHQX Write high to low Z (1) 0nsmin
Symbol Parameter 65609E-40 Unit Value
tAVAV Read cycle time 40 ns min
tAVQV Address access time 40 ns max
tAVQX Address valid to low Z 3 ns min
tE1LQV Chip-select1 access
time 40 ns max
tE1LQX CS1 low to low Z (1) 3nsmin
tE1HQZ CS1 high to high Z (1) 15 ns max
tE2HQV Chip-select2 access
time 40 ns max
tE2HQX CS2 high to low Z (1) 3nsmin
tE2LQZ CS2 low to high Z (1) 15 ns max
tGLQV Output Enable access
time 12 ns max
tGLQX OE low to low Z (1) 0nsmin
tGHQZ OE high to high Z (1) 10 ns max
7M65609E 4158G–AERO–06/04
AC Paramete rs
AC Test Conditions
AC Test Loads Waveforms
Input Pulse Levels:.......................................................GND to 3.0V
Input Rise/Fall Ti mes: ..................................................5 n s
Input Timing Reference Levels: ...................................1.5V
Output loadin g IOL/IOH (see figure 1 and 2) ................+30 pF
Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3
R1 2552
R1 25 52
3.3V 3.3V
Data Retention Mode Atm el C MOS RA M’s ar e desi gned with batte ry bac kup i n min d. D ata ret ention volt age
and su ppl y cu rrent are gua ra nteed ov er t emp erat ure. The fol low ing r ules en sure da ta
1. During data retention CS must be held high within VCC to VCC - 0.2V or chip
select BS must be held down within GND to GND +0.2V.
2. Output Enable (OE) should be held high to keep the RAM outputs high imped-
ance, minimizing power dissipation.
3. During power-up and power-down transitions CS and OE must be kept between
VCC + 0.3V and 70% of VCC, or with BS bet ween GND and GND -0.3V .
4. The RAM can begin operation > tR ns after VCC reaches the minimum operation
voltages (3V).
Fi gure 1. Data Retention Timing
Data Retention Characteristics
Notes: 1. TAVAV = Read Cycle Time
2. CS1 = VCC or CS2 = CS1 = GND, VIN = GND/VCC.
3V 3V
Parameter Description Min Typical TA = 25°CMax Unit
VCCDR VCC for data
retention 2.0 V
TCDR Chip desel ect to
data retention time 0.0 ns
tROperation recovery
time tAVAV(1) ––ns
ICCDR1(2) Dat a retention
current at 2.0V 0.010 1.0 mA
9M65609E 4158G–AERO–06/04
Write Cycle 1. WE Controlled.
OE High During W rite
Write Cycle 2. WE Controlled.
OE Low
Write Cycle 3. CS1 or CS2
Note: 1. The internal write ti m e of t he m em ory is defined b y the overlap of CS1 LOW and CS2 HI GH an d W LOW. Bot h signals must
be activated to initiate a write and either signal can terminate a write by going in activated. The data input setup and hold
timing should be referenced to the actived edge of the signal that term inates the write. Data out is high impedance if OE =
11 M65609E 4158G–AERO–06/04
Read Cycle nb 1
Read Cycle nb 2
Read Cycle nb 3
Ordering Information
No te : 1. C on ta c t At me l fo r a va il ab i lity.
Part Number Temperature Range Speed Package Flow
MMDJ-65609EV-40-E 25°C 40 ns FP32.4 Engineering Samples
MMDJ-65609EV-40 -55 to +125°C 40 ns FP32.4 Standard Mil
5962-0250101Q XC -55 to +125°C 40 ns FP 32.4 QML Q
5962-0250101VXC -55 to +125°C 40 ns FP 32.4 QML V
5962R0250101VXC -55 to +125° C 40ns FP32.4 QML V RHA
SMDJ-65609EV -405B -55 to +1 25°C 40 ns FP 32.4 SC C B
MM0 -656 09EV-40-E(1) 25°C 40 ns Die E ngine e r in g S am p l e s
MM0 -656 09EV-40M Q(1) -55 to +125°C40 ns Die QML Q
MM0 -656 09EV-405V(1) -55 to +125°C40 ns Die QML V
13 M65609E 4158G–AERO–06/04
Pac kag e Dra win g
32-pin Flat Pack (400 Mils)
Pr inted o n rec ycled paper.
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4158G–AERO–06/04 /xM
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