Technische Information / Technical Information
Rectifier Diode Module
DD B6U 215 N 12...18 (ISOPACK) N B6
Elektrische Eigenschaften / Electrical properties
Höchstzulässige Werte / Maximum rated values
Periodische Spitzensperrspannung Tvj = - 40°C...Tvj max VRRM 1200, 1400 V
repetitive peak reverse voltage 1600, 1800 V
Stoßspitzensperrspannung Tvj = + 25°C...Tvj max VRSM 1300, 1500 V
non-repetitive peak reverse voltage 1700, 1900 V
Durchlaßstrom-Grenzeffektivwert (pro Element) IFRMSM 125 A
RMS forward current (per chip)
Ausgangsstrom TC = 110°C Id 215 A
output current TA = 45°C, KM 11 93 A
TA = 45°C, KM 33 127 A
TA = 35°C, KM 14 (VL = 45l/s) 215 A
TA = 35°C, KM 33 (VL = 90l/s) 215 A
Stoßstrom-Grenzwert Tvj = 25°C, t
= 10ms IFSM 2200 A
surge forward current Tvj = Tvj max
, tp = 10ms 1950 A
Grenzlastintegral Tvj = 25°C, t = 10ms I²t 24200 A²s
I²t-value Tvj = Tvj max
, tp = 10ms 19000 A²s
Charakteristische Werte / Characteristic values
Durchlaßspannung Tvj = Tvj max
, iF = 300A vF max. 1,61 V
forward voltage
Schleusenspannung Tvj = Tvj max V(TO) 0,75 V
threshold voltage
Ersatzwiderstand Tvj = Tvj max rT 1,6 mΩ
forward slope resistance
Sperrstrom Tvj = Tvj max,
vR = VRRM iR max. 10 mA
reverse current
Isolations-Prüfspannung RMS, f = 50Hz, t = 1min VISOL 3,0 kV
insulation test voltage RMS, f = 50Hz, t = 1sec 3,6 kV
Thermische Eigenschaften / Thermal properties
Innerer Wärmewiderstand pro Modul / per module, Θ = 120°rect RthJC max. 0,082 °C/W
thermal resistance, junction to case pro Element / per chip, Θ = 120°rect max. 0,490 °C/W
pro Modul / per module, DC max. 0,065 °C/W
pro Element / per chip, DC max. 0,390 °C/W
Übergangs-Wärmewiderstand pro Modul / per module RthCK max. 0,033 °C/W
thermal resistance, case to heatsink pro Element / per chip max. 0,200 °C/W
Höchstzulässige Sperrschichttemperatur Tvj max 150 °C
max. junction temperature
Betriebstemperatur Tc op - 40...+150 °C
operating temperature
Lagertemperatur Tstg - 40...+150 °C
storage temperature
MOD-E1; R. Jörke 09. Feb 99 A /99 Seite/page 1(7)