Application Note Using the MX909A in a
Continuous Carrier System
©2001 MX-COM, INC. www.mxcom.com Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 208300159.001
4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem , NC 27105-1201 USA All trademarks and s ervice marks are held by their res pec t ive companies.
1. Introduction
The description of the receive mode of the MX909A given on the data sheet is based on the existence of an
RF carrier detect signal that is used as a trigger to initiate the MX909A’s signal acquisition process at the start
of a received frame. Some systems, however, transmit a continuous carrier, which is intermittently modulated
with a data stream. On these types of systems, no change in received RF carrier level will occur with the start
of the frame reception. For this reason, continuous carrier systems cannot use RF 'carrier detect' as a signal
acquisition trigger for the MX909A.
2. Baseband Data Detection
A continuous carrier system will transmit an unmodulated carrier between data packets. Therefore,
differentiating between an unmodulated and modulated carrier can provide an effective means of determining
the advent of a data packet. Similarly, the detection of the transition from modulated to unmodulated carrier
can provide an indication of the end of a data packet.
In a continuous carrier system, the radio receiver output signal will be any of
• Wideband Noise (no RF carrier - out of range)
• Silent (unmodulated RF Carrier)
• Modulated Baseband Carrier
When no RF carrier is being received, the envelope at the discriminator output will be very wide due to the
high RF gain yi elding only wideband noise. It is assumed this case has been considered and so it will not be
discussed further. When an unmodulated RF carrier is being received, the envelope at the discriminator
output becomes very narrow (DC w ith low noise). As the data transmission starts, the modulated baseband
carrier will appear causing the envelope to widen to the peak-to-peak amplitude of the received signal.
A signal acquisition trigger can be developed by observing the envelope of the receiver output signal to
indicate when the signal undergoes a transition from ‘silent’ (unmodulated RF carrier before a data frame is
received) to ‘data modulated’ (RF carrier is modulated with data). The change of the envelope from small to
large amplitude indicates its transition from ‘silent’ to a ‘modulated baseband carrier’ signal and can be used
as a signal acquisition trigger.
3. Envelope and End Of Packet Detectors
The MX909A contains circuits that can be used, with some external components, to create such a baseband
data detector. In particular, it contains both positive and negative peak detectors with some holding capacitors
(DOC1 and DOC2). (Note: The two capacitors represent high source impedance nodes so attached external
circuits must be of very high input impedance). These two peak detectors operate with different time constants
according to the configured operating mode of the MX909A. An external circuit is described to provide the
following functions:
1. Use high input impedance voltage follower buffers to condition DOC1 and DOC2 signal voltages.
2. Develop a ‘peak envelope threshold signal’ by adding a fixed offset voltage to the actual ‘valley’ DOC2
capacitor voltage.
3. With hysteresis, compare the actual ‘peak’ DOC1 capacitor voltage wi th the ‘peak envelope threshold
signal’ developed above. When the comparator trips then Envelope Detect goes high to indicate that
the signal acquisition process should be triggered.
Where a signal acquisition trigger is important at the start of frame reception, an End of Packet detector is
similarly helpful to force an ongoing frame reception process to abort due to lack of a data envelope. It is also
useful to clearly demark the end of a packet so reliable detection of a new packet can occur. End of packet
detection must respond slowly enough to ride through short signal fades.