A2500R24x – Users Manual Page 21 of 26
Release Date 01/10/11
5 NC NC No Connect, the pin is not connected internally, but is
reserved for future expansion. It is recommended not to
connect this pin to anything.
6 NC NC No Connect, the pin is not connected internally, but is
reserved for future expansion. It is recommended not to
connect this pin to anything.
7 Vdcoup1 Analog Optional decoupling of the modules internal Vdd supply. It
is recommended to not connect anything to this pin. In
particular noisy environment this pin can be used to further
reduce the noise on the modules internal Vdd, please see
section 3.4 for further information.
8 GND Ground One of two primary ground pins
9 SCLK Digital
Input SPI bus clock signal
10 MISO/GDO1 Digital
Output SPI bus data out from radio when CSN is low, and general
purpose I/O pin when CSN is high
11 MOSI Digital
Input SPI bus data into radio
12 _CSN Digital
Input SPI bus select (active low)
13 GDO0 Digital I/O
General purpose port
14 GDO2 Digital I/O General purpose port
15 Vdcoup2 Analog Optional decoupling of the modules internal Vdd supply. It
is recommended to not connect anything to this pin. In
particular noisy environment this pin can be used to further
reduce the noise on the modules internal Vdd, please see
section 3.4 for further information.
16 NC NC No Connect, the pin is not connected internally, but is
reserved for future expansion. It is recommended not to
connect this pin to anything.
17 GND Ground One of two primary ground pins
18 Vdd Power
Supply Power supply pin
19 NC NC No Connect, the pin is not connected internally, but is
reserved for future expansion. It is recommended not to
connect this pin to anything.
20 NC NC No Connect, the pin is not connected internally, but is
reserved for future expansion. It is recommended not to
connect this pin to anything.
21 NC NC No Connect, the pin is not connected internally, but is
reserved for future expansion. It is recommended not to
connect this pin to anything.
22 DNC NC Do Not Connect. Internal GND connection used during
testing, not recommended to connect to main GND.
23 DNC NC No Connect, the pin is not connected internally, but is
reserved for future expansion. It is recommended not to