Precision Metal
Film Resistors
RC series
sCECC released products with low
TCRs over a wide resistance range
sResistance tolerance down to 0.05%
sExpress delivery available
Low noise and negligible voltage coefficient
Screened parts available for critical
General Note
Welwyn Components reserves the right to make changes in product specification without notice or liability.
These tables indicate the CECC specification requirements, and these are met or exceeded by the corresponding RC series products.
All information is subject to Welwyn’s own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print.
© Welwyn Components Limited · Bedlington, Northumberland NE22 7AA, UK
Telephone: +44 (0) 1670 822181 · Facsimile: +44 (0) 1670 829465 · Email: · Website:
RC55 RC65 RC70 Notes
Commercial°07 ta gnitar rewoP
Resistance range ohm 2R49 to 2M 5R to 2M 10R to 5M
005053053stlovegatlov tnemele gnitimiL
007005005stlovegatlov noitalosI
ecnatsiser eeS C°/mppsedoc & )C°07+ ot 02( RCT
snoitcirtser %ecnarelot ecnatsiseR
Electrical Data
08 . 10
A subsidiary of
TT electronics plc
Welwyn Components
H400-10104 CCEC Requirements
Requirements°07 ta gnitar rewoP
Resistance range ohms 1R to 1M 1R to 1M 1R to 1M 10R to 1M 10R to 1M
053052052002002stlovegatlov tnemele gnitimiL
005053053082082stlovegatlov noitalosI
ecnatsiser eeS C°/mppsedoc & RCT
snoitcirtser %)edoc( ecnarelot ecnatsiseR
BA408-10104 CCEC°07 ta gnitar rewoP
Resistance range ohms 1R to 1M 1R to 1M 10R to 1M 10R to 1M
053052052002stlovegatlov tnemele gnitimiL
005053053082stlovegatlov noitalosI
ecnatsiser eeS C°/mppsedoc & RCT
snoitcirtser %)edoc( ecnarelot ecnatsiseR
eulav ynAderreferp 69E ,42Eseulav dradnatS
redro ot0607011ttaw/C°ecnadepmi lamrehT
551+ ot 55-C°egnar erutarepmet tneibmA
5(V), 10(T), 15(Y) & 25(D)
15(Y) & 25(D)
15(T) & 25(E)
0.05(W), 0.1(B) & 0.25(C)
0.05(W), 0.1(B) & 0.25(C)
0.05(W), 0.1(B) & 0.25(C)
CECC 40101-004CECC 40101-804
*Actual Performance
RequirementsRequirements Maximum Typical
Load at commercial rating: 1000 hours at 70°C 1.03.0%R
Load at CECC rating: 1000 hours at 70°C R% 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.05
Dry heat: 1000 hours at 155°C R% 0.5 0.5 **1.0 0.15
Shelf life: 12 months at room temperature R% Not specified Not specified 0.1 0.03
50% at 125°C & Zero at 155°C
C°521 ta %05C°551 ta oreZC°07 ta rewop detar morf gnitareD
Short term overload R% 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.02
Climatic R% 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.1
65/551/5565/521/5565/551/55yrogetac citamilC
Long term damp heat R% 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.1
Temperature rapid change R% 0.1 0.1 **0.2 0.05
Resistance to solder heat R% 0.1 0.1 0.06 0.03
Vibration and bump R% 0.1 0.1 0.06 0.02
1.00.1deificeps toNdeificeps toNV/Vµ)ycneuqerf fo edaced a ni( esioN
1<deificeps toNdeificeps toNV/mppecnatsiser fo tneiciffeoc egatloV
A metal film is deposited onto a high quality ceramic former.
Nickel-plated steel caps are force fitted to the former and
termination wires are welded to the caps.
The resistor is adjusted to value by a helical cut in the film
and the body is protected with a specially formulated epoxy
Material Solder coated copper wire
Strength The terminations meet the requirements of
IEC 68.2.21.
Solderability The terminations meet the requirements of
IEC 115-1, Clause
Precision Metal
Film Resistors
RC series
© Welwyn Components Limited Bedlington, Northumberland NE22 7AA, UK
Telephone: +44 (0) 1670 822181 · Facsimile: +44 (0) 1670 829465 · Email: · Website:
Welwyn Components
Type reference, TCR code, resistance value and
tolerance code.
The resistance values conform to IEC 62.
Solvent Resistance
The body protection and marking are resistant to all normal
industrial cleaning solvents suitable for printed circuits.
Performance Data
Note: *An 0.01 ohm addition to be added to the performance claims of all resistors <10R.
** All products within the specified approved range meet CECC requirements.
Dimensions (mm) & Weight (g)
PCB Min.
mounting Bend
Type L max D max f min d nom centres Radius Wt. nom
RC55 7.2 2.5 30 0.6 10.2 0.6 0.24
RC65 10.0 3.7 30 0.6 12.7 0.6 0.40
RC70 15.5 5.5 30 0.8 18.4 1.2 1.15
Physical Data
CECC 40101-004CECC 40101-804
*Actual Performance
RequirementsRequirements Maximum Typical
Load at commercial rating: 1000 hours at 70°C 1.03.0%R
Load at CECC rating: 1000 hours at 70°C R% 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.05
Dry heat: 1000 hours at 155°C R% 0.5 0.5 **1.0 0.15
Shelf life: 12 months at room temperature R% Not specified Not specified 0.1 0.03
50% at 125°C & Zero at 155°C
C°521 ta %05C°551 ta oreZC°07 ta rewop detar morf gnitareD
Short term overload R% 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.02
Climatic R% 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.1
65/551/5565/521/5565/551/55yrogetac citamilC
Long term damp heat R% 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.1
Temperature rapid change R% 0.1 0.1 **0.2 0.05
Resistance to solder heat R% 0.1 0.1 0.06 0.03
Vibration and bump R% 0.1 0.1 0.06 0.02
1.00.1deificeps toNdeificeps toNV/Vµ)ycneuqerf fo edaced a ni( esioN
1<deificeps toNdeificeps toNV/mppecnatsiser fo tneiciffeoc egatloV
A metal film is deposited onto a high quality ceramic former.
Nickel-plated steel caps are force fitted to the former and
termination wires are welded to the caps.
The resistor is adjusted to value by a helical cut in the film
and the body is protected with a specially formulated epoxy
Material Solder coated copper wire
Strength The terminations meet the requirements of
IEC 68.2.21.
Solderability The terminations meet the requirements of
IEC 115-1, Clause
Precision Metal
Film Resistors
RC series
© Welwyn Components Limited Bedlington, Northumberland NE22 7AA, UK
Telephone: +44 (0) 1670 822181 · Facsimile: +44 (0) 1670 829465 · Email: · Website:
Welwyn Components
Type reference, TCR code, resistance value and
tolerance code.
The resistance values conform to IEC 62.
Solvent Resistance
The body protection and marking are resistant to all normal
industrial cleaning solvents suitable for printed circuits.
Performance Data
Note: *An 0.01 ohm addition to be added to the performance claims of all resistors <10R.
** All products within the specified approved range meet CECC requirements.
Dimensions (mm) & Weight (g)
PCB Min.
mounting Bend
Type L max D max f min d nom centres Radius Wt. nom
RC55 7.2 2.5 30 0.6 10.2 0.6 0.24
RC65 10.0 3.7 30 0.6 12.7 0.6 0.40
RC70 15.5 5.5 30 0.8 18.4 1.2 1.15
Physical Data
Application Notes
Matched Sets and Networks
Welwyn has many years experience in the supply of matched
set of precision resistors.
Resistors can be supplied matched for tolerance and TCR
down to ±0.02% and ±2ppm/°C, either as separate resistors
or pre-assembled and encapsulated within a plastic box.
The individual resistors within a set or module can be
manufactured with a tolerance of ±0.05% and TCR of
A low inductance version is available at 1% tolerance.
For low inductance version add suffix N.
The standard method of packaging RC55 resistors is taped in
ammo packs. Taped resistors on reel or loose packed
components can also be supplied by special request. The
standard packaging for RC65 and RC70 resistors is loose in
boxes. By special request the RC65 components can also be
supplied taped on reel or in ammo pack. In the case of tape
packed components the usable lead length is reduced by the
width of the tape.
Body location f1 – f2 1.4 mm
Precision Metal
Film Resistors
RC seriesWelwyn Components
Table of Resistance Restrictions
© Welwyn Components Limited Bedlington, Northumberland NE22 7AA, UK
Telephone: +44 (0) 1670 822181 · Facsimile: +44 (0) 1670 829465 · Email: · Website:.
Ordering Procedure
Example: RC55 with TCR of 5ppm/ °C at 31.6 kilohms and 0.1% tolerance in an ammo pack box of up to 1000 pieces -
R C 5 5 V 3 1 K 6 B I
Trim option
5 ppm/ °C
15 ppm/ °C
10 ppm/ °C
25 ppm/ °C
Value (use IEC62 code)
Tolerance (use IEC62 code)
RC55, RC65
Up to1000/box
For CECC released product state on order the CECC numb
For CECC 40101-804 the TCR codes T and E relate to 15 and 25ppm/°C and are coded in the MPN as Y and D respectively
Example: RC65Y-31K6BI CECC 40101-804BT
For 5ppm/°C screened product, replace the packing suffix with SC. Example: RC55V-31K6BSC
er and style. Example: RC55Y-31K6BI CECC40101-004 JY
For SnPb finish instead of Pb-free replace the packing suffix with PB. Example: RC55V-31K6BPB
0.05% .1 – .25% 0.05% .1 – .25% 0.05% .1 – .25%
5 10 to 500k 10 to 500k 10 to 500k 10 to 500k 10 to 750k 10 to 750k
10 10 to 1M 10 to 1M 10 to 1M 10 to 1M 10 to 1M 10 to 1M
15 10 to 1M 2R49 - 1M 10 to 1M 5 to 1M 10 to 1M 10 to 2M
25 10 to 1M 2R49 - 2M 10 to 1M 5 to 2M 10 to 1M 10 to 5M
Note1: based on sampling. 100% screened product is available.