AET 24V&48V Input Series Te c h n i c a l R e f e r e n c e N o t e s Single and Dual Output Series 20W DC-DC Converter (Rev01) TEL: FAX: USA 1-760-930-4600 1-760-930-0698 Europe 44-(0)1384-842-211 44-(0)1384-843-355 Asia 852-2437-9662 852-2402-4426 Publishing Date: 20020627 AET 24V&48V Input Series DC-DC Converters Single And Dual Output, 20W DC-DC Converters AET Technical Description The AET series of switching DC-DC converters is one of the most cost effective options available in component power. The AET uses an industry standard package size and pinout configuration, provides standard control, trim, functions. AET converters come in 24V or 48V input versions, each of which uses a 2:1 input range. Outputs are isolated from the input and the converters are capable of providing up to 20 watts of output power. Fig. 1. AET Single Output Block Diagram At startup, input current passes through an input filter designed to help meet CISPR 22 level A radiated emissions, and Bellcore GR1089 conducted emissions. A fuse should be used in line with the input. The AET converters are pulse width modulated (PWM) and operate at a nominal fixed frequency of 280 kHz. Feedback to the PWM controller uses an opto-isolator, maintaining complete isolation between primary and secFig. 2. AET Dual Output Block Diagram ondary. Caution should be taken to avoid ground loops when connecting the converter to ground. Output power is typically available within 10 ms after application of input power. AET Series Electrical Input Input The +Vin and -Vin pins are located as shown in the mechanical drawings at the end of this manual. AET converters have a 2:1 input voltage range; 24 Vin converters can accept 18-36 Vdc, and 48 Vin converters can accept 36-72 Vdc. Care should be taken to avoid applying reverse polarity to the converters which can damage the converter. Page 1 TEL: FAX: USA 1-760-930-4600 1-760-930-0698 Europe 44-(0)1384-842-211 44-(0)1384-843-355 Asia 852-2437-9662 852-2402-4426 AET 24V&48V Input Series DC-DC Converters Single And Dual Output, 20W DC-DC Converters Input Reverse Voltage Protection Under installation and cabling conditions where reverse polarity across the input may occur, reverse polarity protection is recommended. Protection can easily be provided as shown in Figure 3. In both cases +Vin +Vin the diode used is rated for 3A/100V. Placing the diode -Vin -Vin across the inputs rather than in-line with the input Reverse Polarity Protection offers an advantage in that the diode only conducts in Fig. 3. Reverse Polarity Protection Circuits a reverse polarity condition, which increases circuit efficiency and thermal performance. Input Undervoltage Protection The AET is protected against undervoltage on the input. If the input voltage should drop below the acceptable range, the converter will shut down. It will automatically restart when the unvervoltage condition is removed. Input Filter Input filters are included in the converters to help achieve standard system emissions certifications. +Vin Some users however, may find that additional input C1 filtering is necessary. The AET series has an internal switching frequency of 280 kHz so a high frequency -Vin capacitor mounted close to the input terminals produces the best results. To reduce reflected noise, a Fig. 4. Ripple Rejection Input Filter capacitor can be added across the input as shown in Figure 4, forming a filter. A 47F/100V electrolytic capacitor is recommended for C1. For conditions where EMI is a concern, a different input filter can be used. Figure 5 shows an input filter designed to reduce EMI effects. L1 is a 1mH common mode inductor, C1 is a 47F/100V electrolytic capacitor, and C2 is a 1F/100V metal film or ceramic high frequency capacitor, and Cy1 and Cy2 are each 4700pF high frequency ceramic capacitors. L1 +Vin Cy1 C2 C1 Cy2 -Vin Fig. 5. EMI Reduction Input Filter When a filter inductor is connected in series with the power converter input, an input capacitor C1 should be added. An input capacitor C1 should also be used when the input wiring is long, since the wiring can act as an inductor. Failure to use an input capacitor under these conditions can produce large input voltage spikes and an unstable output. Page 2 TEL: FAX: USA 1-760-930-4600 1-760-930-0698 Europe 44-(0)1384-842-211 44-(0)1384-843-355 Asia 852-2437-9662 852-2402-4426 AET 24V&48V Input Series DC-DC Converters Single And Dual Output, 20W DC-DC Converters Input Fusing Standard safety agency regulations require input fusing. Recommended fuse ratings for the AET Series are shown in Table 1. Nominal Input 24V 48V AET Series Electrical Output Fuse 4A 2A Table 1. Fuse Ratings Sharing Power Between Dual Outputs Each output of a dual output AET is limited to one half of the total power capacity of the converter. For example, if the positive output of an AET01CC48 only draws 5W, the negative output will still be limited to 10W. Voltage regulation performance is best when the outputs are balanced. Figure 6 shows typical cross regulation for a 5 volt output. -Vo (V) Output Connections (+Vout, -Vout) Outputs on the AET series are isolated from the input and can therefore be left to float or can be grounded. Pin connections for +Vout, and -Vout are shown in the mechanical drawings at the end of this manual. AET02AA24 AET02AA48 AET02AA24 AET02AA48 -Io=max -Io=max -Io=0.01A -Io=0.01A +Io (A) Fig. 6. Cross Regulation Overcurrent Protection (OCP) AET series DC/DC converters feature foldback current limiting as part of their Overcurrent Protection (OCP) circuits. When output current exceeds 110 to 150% of rated current, such as during a short circuit condition, the output will shutdown immediately, and can tolerate short circuit conditions indefinitely. When the overcurrent condition is removed, the converter will automatically restart. AET02B24 AET01C24 Fig. 7. Overcurrent Performance Overvoltage Protection (OVP) The AET series provides overvoltage protection on the output, which will shut the output off if the voltage exceeds 120 to 140% of the nominal output voltage. If the OVP circuit activates, power to the converter should be cycled to turn the converter back on. Page 3 TEL: FAX: USA 1-760-930-4600 1-760-930-0698 Europe 44-(0)1384-842-211 44-(0)1384-843-355 Asia 852-2437-9662 852-2402-4426 AET 24V&48V Input Series DC-DC Converters Single And Dual Output, 20W DC-DC Converters Trim The +Vo output voltage of the AET series can be trimmed using the trim pin provided. Applying a voltage to the trim pin through a voltage divider from the output will cause the +Vo output to increase or decrease by up to 10%. Trimming up by more than 10% of the nominal output may activate the OVP circuit or damage the converter. Trimming down more than 10% can cause the converter to regulate improperly. If the trim pin is not needed, it should be left open. +Vout +Vout R2 Note: COM pin is for Dual output converters, and -Vout pin is for Single output converter. Single Output Converters 10% 5% R1 R2 R1 R2 Dual Output Converters 10% 5% R1 R2 R1 R2 3.3V out 5V out 33 16 22 12V out 120 11 200 20 12 86 22 15V out 150 10 270 20 12 120 22 5V out 8.6 11 12V out 47 15V out 68 12 63 22 All resistor values in k Fig. 8. Variable Trim +Vout Load -Vout RT = 100k Trim +Vout Load R1 Load -Vout (COM)* +Vout Load R2 R1 Load COM -Vout COM Trim Trim Trim R1 Trim Single Output Converters 3.3V out: 1.27 R1 = y - 2.03 5V out: R1 = 1.25 y - 2.49 1.97 y 5V out: R1 = 1.25 y - 2.49 12V out: R1 = 7.49 y - 9.46 2.08 y 12V out: R1 = 7.49 y - 9.46 15V out: R1 = 10.38 y - 12.45 15V out: R1 = 10.38 y - 12.45 3.3V out: 5V out: 1.25 R2 = y 5V out: R2 = 1.25 y 12V out: R2 = 12V out: R2 = 1.97 y 15V out: R2 = 15V out: R2 = 2.08 y where y = Vo - Ve Ve Dual Output Converters Single Output Converters Dual Output Converters 0.77 R2 = y All resistor values in k where Fig. 9. Fixed Trim Up y = Ve - Vo Ve All resistor values in k Fig. 10. Fixed Trim Down Fixed and variable trim circuits are shown in Figures 8 to 10. Note that resistor values will change depending on the converter used. For trim ranges not listed, contact the factory for assistance. CNT Function The AET provides a control function allowing the user to turn the output on and off using an external circuit. Applying a voltage less than 4V to the CNT pin will disable the output, while applying a voltage greater than 7V will enable it. The performance of the converter between these two points will depend on the individual converter and whether the control voltage is increasing or decreasing. If the CNT pin is left open, the converter will default to "control on" and the output can be turned on. The maximum voltage that can be applied to the CNT pin is 80 volts. CNT -Vin Fig. 11. Simple Control Circuit CNT CNT -Vin -Vin Fig. 12. Transistor Control Circuit Fig. 13. Isolated Control Circuit CNT -Vin Fig. 14. Relay Control Circuit Page 4 TEL: FAX: USA 1-760-930-4600 1-760-930-0698 Europe 44-(0)1384-842-211 44-(0)1384-843-355 Asia 852-2437-9662 852-2402-4426 AET 24V&48V Input Series DC-DC Converters Single And Dual Output, 20W DC-DC Converters Output Filters When the load is sensitive to ripple and noise, an output filter can be added to minimize the effects. A simple output filter to reduce output ripple and noise can be made by connecting a capacitor across the output as shown in Figure 15. The recommended value for the output capacitor is 100F. Extra care should be taken when long leads or traces are used to provide power to the load. Long lead lengths increase the chance for noise to appear on the lines. Under these conditions C2 can be added across the load as shown in Figure 16. The recommended component for C2 is 1F ceramic capacitor. +Vout +Vin C1 Load -Vin -Vout Fig. 15. Output Ripple Filter +Vout C1 C2 Load -Vout Fig. 16. Output Ripple Filter for a Distant Load Decoupling Noise on the power distribution system is not always created by the converter. High speed analog or digital loads with dynamic power demands can cause noise to cross the power inductor back onto the input lines. Noise can be reduced by decoupling the load. In most cases, connecting a 10 F tantalum capacitor in parallel with a 0.1F ceramic capacitor across the load will decouple it. The capacitors should be connected as close to the load as possible. Series Operation When converters are connected in series to increase the output voltage, diodes should be added as shown in Figure 17. Choose low forward voltage drop diodes, such as shottky diodes. The reverse voltage of the diode should be greater than the output voltage, and the diode's turn-on current should be greater than the series load current. The maximum operating output current of the series connection should not be greater than the maximum output current of any single converter. +Vin -Vin +Vout -Vout Load +Vin -Vin +Vout -Vout Fig. 17. Series Operation Parallel Operation Under most circumstances, paralleling converters is not desireable. When more power is required, a higher power converter will usually use less space and will cost less than using two lower power converters. One common exception is when redundancy or graceful degradation is required. In this case, multiple converters should be used. Please see the discussion on Redundant Operation in the Design Considerations section for further information. Page 5 TEL: FAX: USA 1-760-930-4600 1-760-930-0698 Europe 44-(0)1384-842-211 44-(0)1384-843-355 Asia 852-2437-9662 852-2402-4426 AET 24V&48V Input Series DC-DC Converters Single And Dual Output, 20W DC-DC Converters Design Considerations Parallel Power Distribution Figure 18 shows a typical parallel power distribution design. Such designs, sometimes called daisy chains, can be used for very low output currents, but are not normally recommended. The voltage across loads far from the source can vary greatly depending on the IR drops along the leads and changes in the loads closer to the source. Dynamic load conditions increase the potential problems. Radial Power Distribution Radial power distribution is the preferred method of providing power to the load. Figure 19 shows how individual loads are connected directly to the power source. This arrangement requires additional power leads, but it avoids the voltage variation problems associated with the parallel power distribution technique. Mixed Distribution In the real world a combination of parallel and radial power distribution is often used. Dynamic and high current loads are connected using a radial design, while static and low current loads can be connected in parallel. This combined approach minimizes the drawbacks of a parallel design when a purely radial design is not feasible. I1 + I2 + I3 I2 + I3 I3 RL2 RL1 RL3 +Vout Load 1 Load 2 Load 3 -Vout RG2 RG1 RG3 RL = Lead Resistance RG = Ground Lead Resistance Fig. 18. Parallel Power Distribution +Vout RL3 RL1 RL2 Load 1 Load 2 Load 3 RG2 RG1 RG3 -Vout RL = Lead Resistance RG = Ground Lead Resistance Fig. 19. Radial Distribution +Vout RL3 RL1 RL4 RL2 Load 1 RG1 Load 2 Load 3 Load 4 RG2 RG3 -Vout RG4 RL = Lead Resistance RG = Ground Lead Resistance Fig. 20. Mixed Distribution Redundant Operation A common requirement in high reliability systems is to provide redundant power supplies. The easiest way to do this is to place two converters in parallel, providing fault tolerance but not load sharing. Oring diodes should be used to ensure that failure of one converter will not cause failure of the second. Figure 21 shows such an arrangement. Upon application of power, one of the converters will provide a slightly higher output voltage and will support the full load demand. The second conveter will see +Vout a zero load condition and will "idle". If the first converter -Vout Load should fail, the second converter will support the full load. When designing redundant converter circuits, Shottky +Vout diodes should be used to minimize the forward voltage drop. -Vout The voltage drop across the Shottky diodes must also be Fig 21. Redundant Operation considered when determining load voltage requirements. Page 6 TEL: FAX: USA 1-760-930-4600 1-760-930-0698 Europe 44-(0)1384-842-211 44-(0)1384-843-355 Asia 852-2437-9662 852-2402-4426 AET 24V&48V Input Series DC-DC Converters Single And Dual Output, 20W DC-DC Converters Ground Loops Ground loops occur when different circuits are given multiple paths to common or earth ground, as shown in Figure 22. Multiple ground points can have slightly different potential and cause current flow through the circuit from one point to another. This can result in additional noise in all the circuits. To eliminate the problem, circuits should be designed with a single ground connection as shown in Figure 23. RLine RLine RLine +Vout RLine +Vout Load Load Load RLine -Vout -Vout RLine RLine Ground Loop Fig. 22 Ground Loops Load RLine RLine RLine RLine Fig. 23. Single Point Ground Hot Plugging When a power source or load is inserted or removed from a system while the system is operational, it is called "hot plugging". Designing a system for hot plug operation is challenging and several issues should be considered. The input to a converter is largely capacitive and it will draw a high inrush current when power is first applied. This will place a large demand on the power bus which must be designed to handle the current spike. It also presents the risk of arcing when the converter is connected. A common way to minimize inrush current is to disable the output until after the inrush current has subsided. Disabling the output eliminates power draw from the converter and reduces capacitor charge times. The output only has to be disabled for a very short time and can usually be done through mechanical connections. Making the input connections physically longer lets them connect first and initiate the inrush current. When the shorter output or output enable connections are made, the inrush has already subsided. Page 7 TEL: FAX: USA 1-760-930-4600 1-760-930-0698 Europe 44-(0)1384-842-211 44-(0)1384-843-355 Asia 852-2437-9662 852-2402-4426 AET 24V&48V Input Series DC-DC Converters Single And Dual Output, 20W DC-DC Converters AET Series Mechanical Considerations Percent maximum output power AV20 Temperature Derating 100 Maximum Case Temperature Thermal Derating AET single and dual output converters are rated for full power up to a case temperature of 95C. Under typical conditions this equates to an ambient temperature of 65C. For operation above ambient air temperatures of 65C, output power must be derated as shown in Figure 24, or airflow over the converter must be provided. When airflow is provided, the case temperature should be used to determine maximum temperature limits. The minimum operating temperature for the AET is -25C. Operation at temperatures as low as -40C is possible, but output performance below -25C is not specified. 80 Safe Operating Area 60 40 20 0 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 O Ambient Temperature ( C) Fig. 24. Temperature Derating (AET04F48-8, AET04A48-8) Installation AET series converters can be mounted in any orientation, but care should be taken to allow for free airflow. Common placement techniques put heat sources such as power components at the end of the airflow path or provide separate airflow paths. This arrangement keeps other system equipment cooler and increases component life spans. Soldering AET series converters are compatible with standard wave soldering techniques. When wave soldering, the converter pins should be preheated for 20-30 seconds at 110C, and wave soldered at 260C for less than 15 seconds. When hand soldering, the iron temperature should be maintained at 450C and applied to the converter pins for less than 5 seconds. Longer exposure can cause internal damage to the converter. Cleaning can be performed with cleaning solvent IPA or with water. Page 8 TEL: FAX: USA 1-760-930-4600 1-760-930-0698 Europe 44-(0)1384-842-211 44-(0)1384-843-355 Asia 852-2437-9662 852-2402-4426 AET 24V&48V Input Series DC-DC Converters Single And Dual Output, 20W DC-DC Converters AET04F24 AET04A24 AET02B24 AET01C24 Electrical Specs Nominal Output Output Short Circuit Input Voltage Current Current Ripple (V) (V) (A) (A) (mV rms) typ typ max 24 3.3 4 5.4 10 30 24 5 3.3 5 10 30 24 12 1.67 2.7 10 30 24 15 1.33 2 10 30 Noise (mV pp) typ max 50 120 50 120 80 150 80 150 AET04F48-8 AET04A48-8 AET02B48 AET01C48 48 48 48 48 3.3 5 12 15 4 4 1.67 1.33 5.4 5 2.7 2 10 10 10 10 30 30 30 30 50 50 80 80 AET02AA24 AET01BB24 AET01CC24 24 24 24 5 12 15 1.65 0.84 0.67 2.4 1.5 1.1 10 10 10 20 20 20 AET02AA48 AET01BB48 AET01CC48 48 48 48 5 12 15 1.65 0.84 0.67 2.7 1.4 1.2 10 10 10 20 20 20 Efficiency (%) min typ 78 80 81 83 84 86 84 87 120 120 150 150 78 81 84 84 Overvoltage Lockout (V) min max 4.2 5.2 6 8 15 20 18 22 80 83 87 87 4.2 6 15 18 5.2 8 20 22 80 100 80 100 80 100 81 83 84 86 84 85 6 16 19 8 17 21 80 100 80 100 80 100 82 83 84 86 84 88 6 16 19 8 17 21 +Vo 40.6 (1.60) 10.16 (0.40) +Vo COM +Vin 40.6 (1.60) +Vin 5.08 (0.20) 10.16 (0.40) -Vin -Vo 10.16 (0.40) 5.08 (0.20) 10.16 (0.40) -Vin -Vo 10.16 (0.40) 10.16 (0.40) CNT 7.62 (0.30) 5.08 (0.20) 2.54 (0.10) 10.16 (0.40) CNT Trim 7.62 (0.30) 5.08 (0.20) 2.54 (0.10) 45.72 (1.80) Trim 45.72 (1.80) 50.8 (2.00) 50.8 (2.00) 9.66 (0.38) 5.3 (0.21) Standoff Typ, 4 Places 0.5 (0.02) 9.66 (0.38) 5.3 (0.21) Standoff Typ, 4 Places 2.4 (0.09) 5.36 (0.21) 5.36 (0.21) 3.0 (0.12) 6-1.0 (0.039) 0.5 (0.02) 2.4 (0.09) 3.0 (0.12) 7-1.0 (0.039) AET Dual Output AET Single Output Page 9 TEL: FAX: USA 1-760-930-4600 1-760-930-0698 Europe 44-(0)1384-842-211 44-(0)1384-843-355 Asia 852-2437-9662 852-2402-4426 AET 24V&48V Input Series DC-DC Converters Single And Dual Output, 20W DC-DC Converters Input Input Voltage Isolation Input-Output Input-Case Output-Case I/O Isolation Restistance Control Voltage Control Logic Logic Low = Off Logic High = On Control Current Undervoltage Shutdown 24 Vin 48 Vin Min 18 36 Nom 24 48 Common Specs Max Units 36 Vdc 72 Vdc 500 500 500 300 80 4 Output Power Voltage Setpoint Accuracy Line Regulation Load Regulation Trim Range -10 Dynamic Response 50-75% load 15 32 0.02 0.1 50-25% load Temperature Regulation General MTBF Case Temperature Storage Temperature Switching Frequency Pin solder temperature Hand Soldering Time Weight 1.8 Vdc Vdc mA 17 34 Vdc Vdc 20 1 0.2 0.5 +10 W %Vo %Vo %Vo %Vo 5 200 5 200 0.02 %Vo s %Vo s %Vo/C 7 13 30 2,400 -25 -45 95 85 280 260 5 48 Vdc Vdc Vdc M Vdc k Hrs C C kHz C s grams Notes 50 Vdc max < 100 ms 100 Vdc max < 100 ms absolute maximum T=25C, DI/Dt=1A/10s T=25C, DI/Dt=1A/10s T=25C, DI/Dt=1A/10s T=25C, DI/Dt=1A/10s Bellcore TR332, 25C wave solder<15s iron temperature 450C Page 10 TEL: FAX: USA 1-760-930-4600 1-760-930-0698 Europe 44-(0)1384-842-211 44-(0)1384-843-355 Asia 852-2437-9662 852-2402-4426 AET 24V&48V Input Series DC-DC Converters Single And Dual Output, 20W DC-DC Converters AET-S Performance Curves (48V rated input, full load, at 25C) AET04F48-8 AET04A48-8 AET02B48 AET01C48 AET04F24 AET04A24 AET02B24 AET01C24 AET04F24 AET04A24 AET02B24 AET01C24 AET04F48-8 AET04A48-8 AET02B48 AET01C48 AET Single output Typical Startup Delay from CNT On AET Single Output Typical Turn Off Delay from CNT Off Page 11 TEL: FAX: USA 1-760-930-4600 1-760-930-0698 Europe 44-(0)1384-842-211 44-(0)1384-843-355 Asia 852-2437-9662 852-2402-4426 AET 24V&48V Input Series DC-DC Converters Single And Dual Output, 20W DC-DC Converters AET-S Performance Curves (48V rated input, full load, at 25C) AET02B24 AET01C24 AET02B48 AET01C48 AET04F48-8 AET04A48-8 AET04F24 AET04A24 AET01C24 AER01C24 Page 12 TEL: FAX: USA 1-760-930-4600 1-760-930-0698 Europe 44-(0)1384-842-211 44-(0)1384-843-355 Asia 852-2437-9662 852-2402-4426 AET 24V&48V Input Series DC-DC Converters Single And Dual Output, 20W DC-DC Converters AET-D Performance Curves (48V rated input, full load, at 25C) AET02AA48 AET01BB48 AET01CC48 AET02AA24 AET01BB24 AET01CC24 AET02AA24 AET01BB24 AET01CC24 AET02AA48 AET01BB48 AET01CC48 AEE Dual Output Typical Turn Off Delay from CNT Off AEE Dual Output Typical Startup Delay from CNT On Page 13 TEL: FAX: USA 1-760-930-4600 1-760-930-0698 Europe 44-(0)1384-842-211 44-(0)1384-843-355 Asia 852-2437-9662 852-2402-4426 AET 24V&48V Input Series DC-DC Converters Single And Dual Output, 20W DC-DC Converters +Vo (V) +Vo (V) AET-D Performance Curves (48V rated input, full load, at 25C) AET01BB48 AET01CC48 AET01BB24 AET01CC24 Output Current (A), +Io = -Io +Vo (V) -Vo (V) Output Current (A), +Io = -Io AET02AA24 AET02AA48 AET02AA24 AET02AA48 -Io=max -Io=max -Io=0.01A -Io=0.01A AET02AA24 AET02AA48 +Io (A) AET01BB24 AET01BB48 AET01BB24 AET01BB48 -Io=max -Io=max -Io=0.01A -Io=0.01A -Vo (V) -Vo (V) Output Current (A), +Io = -Io AET01CC24 AET01CC48 AET01CC24 AET01CC48 -Io=max -Io=max -Io=0.01A -Io=0.01A +Io (A) +Io (A) Page 14 TEL: FAX: USA 1-760-930-4600 1-760-930-0698 Europe 44-(0)1384-842-211 44-(0)1384-843-355 Asia 852-2437-9662 852-2402-4426 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION ss pp c - 0 iv L - iv = Input Voltage 05 = Range centered on 5V 12 = Range centered on 12V 24 = 18 to 36(2:1), 9 to 36V(4:1) 36 = 20 to 60V 46 = 18V to 75V (4:1) 48 = Typ 36 to 75V xxx f yy h n - p - mx-Options p = Pin Length Omit this digit for Standard 5mm 6 = 3.8mm, 7= 5.8mm 8 = 2.8mm Enable Logic Polarity Omit for Positive Enable Logic N = Negative Enable Except: AK60C-20H, BK60C-30H Omit for Negative Logice P = Positive Logic c = Pinout compatability A= Astec Footprint or "non Lucent" footprint C= Ind Std, Exact Lucent drop in pp = Package Type 40 = 1" x 2" SMD 42 = 1.5" x 2" SMD 45 = 1.45" X 2.3" (1/4 Brk) 60 = 2.4" X 2.3" (1/2 Brk) 80 = Full size 4.6" x 2.4" 72= 2.35" X 3.3 (3/4 Brk) H = High Efficiency (Synch rect.) Omit H if Conventional Diode (low Eff) yy = Output Current ie. 08 = 8 Amps f = # of Outputs F = Single Output D = Dual Output xxx = Output Voltage Format is XX.X (ie 1.8V = 018) ss = Series AA = 1/2brick Dual (Old designator) mx = Options M1,M2 = .25" Height Heatsink M3,M4 = .5" height Heatsink M5.M6 = 1.0" Height Heatsink AK = Ind Std sizes (1/4, 1/2, full) <150W AM/BM = Full size, astec pin out AL = Half size, astec pin-out BK = Ind Std size =>150W or feature rich AV = Avansys Product Note: For some products, they may not conform with the PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION above absolutely. REVISION Q ATTACHMENT I Page 1 of 2 NEW PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION A c s ii V1 V2 V3 Output Voltage A = 5.0V F = 3.3V G = 2.5V D = 2.0V / 2.1V Y = 1.8V M = 1.5V K = 1.2V J = 0.9V Vin - e t p Mx E = 7.5V B = 12V, C = 15V L = 8V, H = 24V, R = 28V Omit V2 and V3 if Single Output Omit V3 if Dual Output ie for Dual Output 5 and 3.3V V1 =A, V2 = F, V3 =Omit V1 =A, V2 = F, V3 =Omit ii = Output Current Max ie 60 = 60 Amps Vin = Input Voltage range 300 = 250V to 450V 48 = 36V to 75V 24 = 18V to 36V 03 = 1.8V to 5.0V 08 = 5.0V to 13.0V PFC: Power Factor Corrected S = Size F = Full Brick H = Half Brick Q = Quarter Brick S = 1 X 2 18 Pin SMT E = 1 X 2 Thru Hole C = (.53X1.3X.33) SMT (Austin Lite drop in) V = Conventional Package (2X2.56") or ( A = SIP W = Convent pkg (Wide 2.5X3) R = 1 X 1 Thru Hole A = SIP T = 1.6 X 2 E = Enable Logic for > 15W Omit this digit for Positive enable N = Negative Logic E = Enable Logic for < 15W Omit this digit for no enable option 1 = Negative Logic 4 = Positive Logic c = Construction E = Enhanced Thermals (Baseplate or adapter plate) I = Integrated (Full Featured) Hong Kong models L = Low Profile (Open Frame, No case - Isolated) P = Open Frame (SIP or SMT) non-isolated Trim for 1W to 15W 9 = Trim Added P = Pin Length Omit this digit for Standard 5mm 6 = 3.8mm 8 = 2.8mm 7 = 5.8 mm Mx - Factory Options customer Specific Note: For some products, they may not conform with the NEW PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION above absolutely. REVISION Q ATTACHMENT I Page 2 of 2