Insulation Piercing Clips FEATURES: CT3044-# CT3045 * Pierce insulation to .130" (3.3 mm) * Slim, stylish insulated body * Long reach shaft * 4mm safety banana jack connection * 2 colors available INSULATION PIERCING HOOK CLIP SORY FOR UNIQUE TESTING: OFFERS USERS A SAFE DMM ACCES- Cal Test's Insulation Piercing Clip can reach into tight work area with its insulated shaft and piece insulated wires as large as .130" (3.3 mm) or as small as 0.06" (1.5 mm) in diameter with its sharp contact piercing tip. The double insulated clip, rated to 30 V AC / 60 V AC and 6A, operates by depressing the large thumb actuator, slipping the wire into the piercing slot and releasing. A 4mm safety banana jack makes for easy connection to sheathed (shrouded) banana plug leads from a DMM. The gray colored thumb actuator denoted compliance to RoHS standards. Available individually as CT3044-# in 2 colors or convenient Black & Red pair, model CT3045. Applications include electrical, automotive, industrial, and electronics. * Voltage Rating - 30 V AC / 60 V DC For additional product information, crossreference, or other accessories, visit our web site at * CE Mark OUTLINE DRAWING: (NOT TO SPECIFICATIONS: SCALE) .58 (14.7 m m ) 5.90 (150 m m ) 1.61 (40.9 m m ) Rigid Shaft Wire Pierce Slot (4mm Sheathed Jack) Specifications and appearance subject to change without notice P304400_r01 1 - : Digital Multimeter Kits & Accessories>Clips>Insulation Piercing Clip * Max Current - 6A * Resistance - <50m * Body - Polypropylene * Contact - Steel, Nickel Plated * Working temperature - -20 to +80 C * Double/Reinforced Insulation * RoHS Compliant ORDER INFORMATION: CONTACT INFO: CT3044-# Toll Free: 888-256-2246 (US Only) Phone: 714-221-9330 Fax: 714-921-9849 22820 Savi Ranch Pkwy Yorba Linda, CA 92887-4610 USA Insulation Piercing Clip, Individual #Colors Available: -0 Black & -2 Red Order Example: CT3044-0 (Clip in Black) CT3045 Insulation Piercing Clip, Pair Black & Red TIP (PIERCING SLOT) DETAILS: (NOT TO SCALE) .34 (8.6 mm) O .13 Max. Insulation Diameter .17 (4.3 mm) .44 (11.2 mm) WIRE PIERCING SLOT ACTUATED OPEN CT3045 (see model numbers above) Copyright (c) 2007, Cal Test Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved. Information in this publication supersedes that in all previously published material. Trade names referenced are the service marks, trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Specifications and appearance subject to change without notice P304400_r01 2 - : Digital Multimeter Kits & Accessories>Clips>Insulation Piercing Clip