Three Phase PSD 43F IdAV = 56 A
Rectifier Bridge VRRM = 400 - 600 V
with fast Recovery Epitaxial Diode (FRED) trr = 35 ns
Preliminary Data Sheet
•Package with DCB ceramic base plate
•Isolation voltage 3000 V∼
•Planar glass passivated chips
•Low forward voltage drop
•Leads suitable for PC board
•UL registered, E 148688
•Supplies for DC power equipment
•Input and output rectifier for high
•Battery DC power supplies
•Field supply for DC motors
•Easy to mount with two screws
•Space and weight savings
•Improved temperature and power
cycling capability
•Low noise switching
•Small and light weight
Package style and outline
Dimensions in mm (1mm = 0.0394“)
Data according to IEC 60747 refer to a single diode unless otherwise stated
*- for resistive load at bridge output
POWERSEM GmbH, Walpersdorfer Str. 53
D - 91126 Schwabach
Phone: 09122 - 9764 - 0 FAX: 09122 - 9764 - 20
2005 POWERSEM reserves the right to change limits, test conditions and dimensions
Symbol Test Conditions Maximum Ratings
I*dAV TC = 85 °C, (per module) 56 A
IdAVM 90 A
IFSM TVJ = 45 °C t = 10 ms (50 Hz), sine 110 A
VR = 0 t = 8.3 ms (60 Hz), sine 120 A
TVJ = TVJM t = 10 ms (50 Hz), sine 95 A
VR = 0 t = 8.3 ms (60 Hz), sine 105 A
∫ i2 dt TVJ = 45 °C t = 10 ms (50 Hz), sine 60 A²s
VR = 0 t = 8.3 ms (60 Hz), sine 60 A²s
TVJ = TVJM t = 10 ms (50 Hz), sine 45 A²s
VR = 0 t = 8.3 ms (60 Hz), sine 45 A²s
TVJ -40... + 150 °C
TVJM 150 °C
Tstg -40... + 125 °C
VISOL 50/60 Hz, RMS t = 1 min 2500 V∼
IISOL ≤ 1 mA t = 1 s 3000 V∼
MdMounting torque (M4) 1.5 - 1.8 Nm
14 - 16 lb.in.
Weight typ. 16 g
Symbol Test Conditions Characteristic Value
IRVR = VRRM, TVJ = TVJM ≤ 0.5 mA
VR = VRRM, TVJ = 25°C ≤ 0.1 mA
VFIF = 15 A, TVJ = 25 °C ≤ 2.01 V
VTO For power-loss calculations only 1.13 V
rT 13 mΩ
RthJC per diode; DC 1.6 K/W
per module 0.27 K/W
RthJK per diode; DC 1.9 K/W
per module 0.32 K/W
IRM IF=25A; -diF/dt=100A/µs; VR=100V typ. 4 A
L=0.05 mH; TVJ= 100°C
trr IF=1A; -diF/dt=100A/µs; VR=30V; typ. 35 ns
TVJ= 25°C
dsCreeping distance on surface 11.2 mm
dACreeping distance in air 9.7 mm
aMax. allowable acceleration 50 m/s²
(V) (V)
400 400 PSD 43F/04
600 600 PSD 43F/06