Lucent Technologies Inc. 7
Data Sheet
September 199 8 127A/B/C InGaAs Avalanche Photodetectors
Qualification Inform ation
The 127-Type APD Module has been subjected to the following qualification tests with the intent of meeting
Bellcore TR-NWT-000468 requirements. Not all of the 468 tests have had to be performed specifically on the 127
due to its use of pieceparts from similar, already qualified designs. For example, the hermetic ceramic package in
the 127 has already been qual ified from pre vious APD products using the same part; therefore, a high-temperature
operating bias test is not required. If some test parameters do not fully meet the 468 requirements, it is due to the
limitations of the test equipment involved. For all of the indicated tests, the failure criteria includes a change in
breakdown v ol tage greater than 1 V ; an inc rease in the mul tiplied dark current greater than twice the original value ,
or a total of 600 nA.; a change in responsivity g reater than 10%; or an increase in the primary dark current greater
than twice the original, or a total of 5 nA.
Table 2. 127 APD Qualification Test Program
Test Name Test Conditions Sample Size/
No. of Failures
Temperature Cycle 100 cycles, –40 °C to +70 °C, air to air 10/0
Vibration Max acceleration = 100 g,
frequency range: 20 Hz min to 1500 Hz max,
minimum cycle time = 4 min., 3 axes
Mechanical Shock Acceleration = 1500 g,
number of blows each direction = 5,
shock pulse duration = 0.5 ms,
number of axes = 6, ±x, ±y, ±z
Mechanical Sequence Same as vibration and shock but administered
sequentially on the same devices 10/0
High-Temperature Storage 1 T = 70 °C for 168 hours 10/0
High-Temperature Storage 2 T = 80 °C for 1000 hours, devices used are from high-
temperature storage cell 1 10/0
Damp Heat T = 85 °C, 85% RH,
4 devices for 864 hours
12 devices for 624 hours
Cyclic Moisture Resistance 10 cycles, 1 day/cycle,
each cycle 25 °C to 65 °C, 90% to 100% RH 10/0
Fiber Pull >3 N, 3 times parallel to feedthrough;
same devices ~10 N, 3 times parallel to feedthrough 9/0
Resistance Soldering to Heat T = 350 °C, 3.5 s, 2.5 mm from package body 4/0