Instruction Manual Pirate - 4WD Moblie Platform Contents -------------------------------------------------------1-2 Features ---------------------------------------------------3 Notice for Assembly -------------------------------------------------------4 Moters Assembly ----------------------------------------------------5 Battery Holder Assembly ------------------------------------------------6 Power Jack and Switch Assembly --------------------------------------------------7 Front and Rear Plate Assembly -------------------------------------------------------8 Base Plate Assembly ----------------------------------------------9 Sensor Plate Assembly -----------------------------------------------------10 Top Plate Assembly --------------------------------------------11 IR Sensor Bracket Assembly ---------------------------------------------------12 Upper Deck Assembly --------------------------------------------------------13 Wheels Assembly ------------------------------------------------------14-15 Parts List DFRobot Features 180mm 230mm 104mm 137mm Pirate-4WD Mobile PlatformDFRobot 51STCAVR ArduinoArduino Arduino 710 : 65mm :61cm/s 3-6V (3V):260mA 1120 (6V):470mA (3V):100RPM (3V): 1.2Kgcm (6V):200RPM (6V): 1.92Kgcm (3V):60mA :45g (6V):71mA DFRobot 1 Features Dimensions 180mm 230mm 104mm 137mm Introduction The Pirate four-wheel-drive robot is a DFRobot original design and widely used as self-developed control panel for the Arduino platform. The platform can be controlled by a wide variety of microcontrollers including the widely popular Arduino. The Arduino platform has a large user base which provides a vast amount of resources and sample programs on the internet. The four different drives, powered by high-quality high-speed motors and flexible rubber wheels are mounted on a high-strength aluminum alloy body. This robotic platform is suitable for indoor use or flat road surfaces. Complete Machine Weight710g Wheel Diameter : 65mm Highest Speed: 61cm/s Motor Feature Gear Ratio : 1:120 Stall current (3V): 260mA No-load speed (3V): 100RPM Stall current (6V): 470mA No-load speed (6V): 200RPM Torgue (3V): 1.2Kgcm No-load current (3V): 60mA Torque (6V): 1.92Kgcm No-load current (6V): 71mA Weight : 45g DFRobot 2 Notice for Assembly ROB0003 1. 5AA 2. ROB0003 1. M2.5M3M4 2. The following parts below are not included in the Parts List, they are self-provided: 1. AA battery (5 pieces). 2. Micro-controller and Motor driver. When starting assembly, prepare tools below and pick out the parts referring to the Parts List: 1. Phillips screwdriverfor screws M2.5M3M4. 2. Needle noses pliers. Symbol Definition Box or Packet Number Diagram A1 M0308x2 Product Number and Quantity DFRobot M3x6mm Philips Flange Screw M3X6mm Name 3 Moters Assembly A1 A1 M0317x4 M2.5 M2.5 Spring Washer M0314x4 M2.5 M2.5 Washer A0 M0302x1 Side Plate M0309 M0302 P0301 M0314 M0317 M0310 A1 M0309x4 M2.5x25mm Philips Truss Screw(M2.5X25mm) A3 P0301x2 Motor DFRobot A1 M0310x4 M2.5 M2.5 Nut 4 Battery Holder Assembly A1 M0307x2 M3x4mm Philips Countersunk Screw(M3x4mm) M0321 M0307 A0 M0301x1 Base Plate DFRobot A1 M0321x2 M3 M3 Nut M0301 P0303 A4 P0303x1 Battery Holder 5 Power Jack and Switch Assembly A1 M0317x1 M8 M8 Spring Washer A1 M0313x2 M6 M6 Nut M0313 A1 M0312x1 M6 M6 Special Washer M0318 M0317 M0304 M0312 M0313 M0315 A1 M0315x1 Power Switch A1 M0316x1 Power Jack DFRobot M0316 A0 M0304x1 Rear Plate A1 M0318x1 M8 M8 Nut 6 Front and Rear Plate Assembly M0302 M0303 M0304 M0308 A1 M0308x8 M3x6mm Philips Flange Screw (M3x6) DFRobot A0 M0304x1 Front Plate 7 Base Plate Assembly M0301 M0308 A1 M0308x4 M3x6mm Philips Flange Screw (M3x6mm) DFRobot 8 Sensor Plate Assembly A1 M0308x2 M3x6mm Philips Flange Screw (M3x6mm) M0319 M0308 M0305 A0 M0305x1 Top Plate DFRobot A2 M0319x1 Sensor plate 9 Top Plate Assembly M0308 A1 M0308x4 M3x6mm Philips Flange Screw (M3x6mm) DFRobot 10 IR Sensor Bracket Assembly A1 M0311x3 IR Sensor Mounting Bracket M0308 M0311 M0306 A1 M0308x9 M3x6mm Philips Flange Screw (M3x6mm) DFRobot A0 M0306x1 Upper Deck 11 Upper Deck Assembly M0308 M0320 A1 M0308x4 M3x6mm Philips Flange Screw (M3x6mm) DFRobot A1 M0320x4 M3x50mm Copper Standoff (M3x50mm) 12 Wheels Assembly P0302 A0 P0302x4 Wheel DFRobot 13 (A) Parts List(A) Product NO. BOX Packet M0301 A0 M0302 A0 M0303 A0 M0304 A0 M0305 A0 M0306 A0 M0307 A1 M0308 A1 M0309 A1 M0310 A1 M0311 A1 M0312 A1 DFRobot Name Base Plate Side Plate Rear Plate Front Plate Top Plate Upper Deck M3X4mm Philips Contersunk Screw(M3X4mm) M3x6mm Philips Flange Screw (M3x6mm) M2.5X25mm Philips Truss Screw(M2.5X25mm) M2.5 M2.5 Nut IR Sensor Mounting Bracket M6 M6 Special Washer Amount Remark 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 31 8 8 3 1 14 (B) Parts List(B) Product NO. BOX Packet Name Amount Remark M0313 A1 M6 M6 Nut 2 M0314 A1 M2.5 M2.5 Washer 8 M0315 A1 Power Switch 1 M0316 A1 M0317 A1 M0318 A1 M0319 A2 M0320 A1 M0321 A1 M3 M3 Nut 2 P0301 A3 Motor 4 P0302 A0 Wheel 4 P0303 A4 DFRobot Power Jack M2.5 M2.5 Spring Washer M8 M8 Nut Sensor Plate M3x50mm Copper Standoff (M3x50mm) Battery Holder 1 9 1 1 4 1 15 Design&Executive Beijing LongFanHuiZhong Robotics Technology CO.,LTD Service Website DFRobot DFRobot has the final authority of interpretation on this manual. DFRobot