TBU® HSP Device-based Solution Selection
Step 1: Current characterization:
Determine the peak system operating current and
maximum operating ambient temperature. Use the
TBU® HSP data sheet’s “trigger current versus temperature”
derating curve to determine the TBU® HSP derating value.
Step 2: Overvoltage selection:
Select an overvoltage device that has the lowest
available DC breakdown voltage greater than the normal
system voltages and any expected AC power faults. e
selected device must also be capable of handling the
required lightning current.
Step 3: TBU® HSP device selection:
Choose a TBU® HSP device with a maximum impulse
voltage (Vimp) greater than the maximum impulse
breakover or clamping voltage of the selected overvoltage
protector at the required peak surge current. e selected
TBU® device must also have aminimum specied Itrigger
(use derating value from step 1) above the maximum peak
system operating current.
Step 4: Tertiary protection:
In many applications, the protected circuit can source and
sink sucient current to trigger the TBU® HSP.When this
is not the case, a small avalanche diode to ground or small
signal diodes clamping to the power supply and ground
may be placed aer the TBU® device. is will ensure that
the TBU® HSP triggers and properly protects the circuit.
Basic TBU® HSP Device Operation
Bourns® TBU® High-Speed Protectors (HSPs) are
circuit protection devices constructed using MOSFET
semiconductor technology. When placed in series
with a signal line, the TBU® HSP monitors the current
owing through the line. If the current exceeds a preset
level, the TBU® HSP triggers, providing an eective
barrier to high voltages and currents.
e TBU® HSP begins protecting in less than 1 μs, once
line current exceeds the TBU® device’s trigger current
Itrigger. When in the protected state, the TBU® HSP
restricts line current to less than 1 mA typically, and
blocks voltages up to the maximum voltage rating of
the device.
At the end of a surge event, the TBU® HSP will begin
the reset process when the voltage across the device
drops below the V
reset level and will complete the reset
process when the signal line returns to its normal
operating range.
If the line has a normal DC bias above V
reset, the
voltage across the TBU® HSP may not fall below V
aer the surge. In such cases, special care needs to be
taken to ensure that the TBU® HSP will reset. Bourns’
application engineers can provide further assistance.
Key Features:
• TBU® HSP is a series protection device
• Triggers at a specied current
• Can block voltages up to 850 V, enabling easy coordination
• Provides superior protection in less than 1 µs
• Resets on voltage (V
reset Valve)
• Does not add capacitance to the signal line
Key Benets:
• AEC-Q101 compliant* (“Q” part number sux)
• High-speed performance
• Blocks voltages and currents
• Extremely low let-through energy
• Self-resetting (V
reset Valve)
• Very high bandwidth up to 3 GHz
• Small size in DFN package
• Model TBU-PL series oers voltage triggering
• Small PCB area
• Ultra-low prole
Bourns® TBU® HSP Product Overview
Example TBU® HSP VI Curve (TBU-CA050-300-WH)
(100 mA/div)
(5 V/div)