192 54167 /74167 Synchronous 25-MHz Decade Rate Multiplier Schottky TTL High-Speed TTL Low-Power Schottky TTL Standard TTL Low-Power TTL Device Type Tater Device Type ae Device Type arenes Device Type ee Device Type aes TL Suit [oat FAIRCHILD MOTOROLA MC74167 Zo) N.S.C. PHILIPS SIGNETICS SIEMENS FLSA a FUJITSU HITACH| =F HD74167 oD MITSUBISHI NEC TOSHIBA t Electrical Characteristics SNS5S4167/SN74167 absolute maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range Ty unity/cascade will cause output Y to reimain high. Pin Assignment (Top View) ATE INeUTS, Yoo 8 * 16{J15] [14 UNITY) EWARLE CLEAR CASCADE INPUT STROSE 13{12Uj11, 101} 9 clocK | @ oT . CLEAR NITY: ENABLE STROOE CABCAOE sweUT on seY tname 108 y__Quyrur t positive logic: NC No internal connection 3 re aR bo mans TIT ATE WNPUTS: Toe OUTPUTS. ourtur 167 STATE AND/OR RATE See Note A Function cn nt iT CLEAR enaoue|s | me i rie OUT CASCADE 12 INPUT Supply voltaye, Voc I Operating free-awre | SN54 [55C to 125C Input voltage [sv lemperature range sN7e | OC to 70C 7 Storage temperature range [65C to 150C tecommended operating conditions SNS4167 SN74167 Tay MIN NOM MAX [MIN NOM MAX Supply voltage Vg 45. 5 S58|475 8 5.25] V High-level output aurreot, 1Qn 400 40g [a Low-level output current lon 16 (6) mA Teput clock frequency, toipok 0 ai 0 25 | Maz Width of clock pulse tw clock) 20 20 as Wein of clear pulse. tw iclear! 15 6 ns Width of set-lo-nine pulse tw !set-10:9: is 1s ns Operating Wae-ar temperate Ta se ilo 7] electrical characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONST [MIN TYP$ MAX [UNIT Vin Hgh-evel input vorege 2 v Vin Low-level input vouage os, Vv Vi Input clamp valiage Vog-MIN ya lama ray Yoo =MIN Vip 7 2 Vou High-level output vottage ee wo? a 34 v Vy ~0.8V lon = 40024 Yoo 7 MIN ~2 VoL . Low-level outout vortage co vie o2 oal v . Vy 70 BV log 16m. Input current at a nee ent a Voo7MAaXx VprS.5 maximum input voltage : : High level lock imput ha ne ee | Vo eMAX V2.4 caput current [other inputs . Low-level clgek inputs, hy pers dy Vj-o4v wnput_current [other mputs log Short arcu output current # ICH Supply current. cautpat high lecu Supply tureent output tow Sre Note Z from Strobe 1 o.tout Z fram Clock 10 oulput [er veo-5, Tan2sc. at eam Uni - ce = 1s ram Unity G38 HL 1S y Ay - 4000 1 PLA tee. Strobe te cutout PHL | vee TRL Strom Canok to outout rable IPH 4 ee YL | from ear te outpul Tey | tom Cowart output Z tent; fom Sevto: utpu" fom Any Rate npr 1 te output l NOTES: |. iGcGH ts measured with outputs open and all inputs low. 2 A. H-=high level, L low level. X ~rrelevent. 8B Z rwreur iGCL 'S measured with outputs open and all inputs high except the set-to-ning input which 1s. low. All remainng entries are numeric;counts This 18 a simpiifed sustraton of the clear function. The states of clock anf strobe can affect the logic level of Y and Z. A tow C. Each rate mlustrated assumes a constant value at rate inputs: however, these ilfustrations 7 no way prohibit varable-rate inputs. O. These input conditions exceed the range of the dec'mai rate inputs E Unity/cascade can be used to inhibit outout t For test conditions shown as MIN or MAX. use appropriate value TAU typical vatues are at Voc =5V, TA=25C under r @Not more than one output should be shorted at a time ropagation detay time. low-to-high-level output. ropagation delay time, high to-low-level output. for the device type.