ATF-55143 Applications Information
Avago Technologies’ ATF-55143 is a low noise
enhancement mode PHEMT designed for use in low cost
commercial applications in the VHF through 6 GHz fre-
quency range. As opposed to a typical depletion mode
PHEMT where the gate must be made negative with
respect to the source for proper operation, an enhance-
ment mode PHEMT requires that the gate be made more
positive than the source for normal operation. Therefore
a negative power supply voltage is not required for an
enhancement mode device. Biasing an enhancement
mode PHEMT is much like biasing the typical bipolar
junction transistor. Instead of a 0.7 V base to emitter volt-
age, the ATF-55143 enhancement mode PHEMT requires
about a 0.47V potential between the gate and source for
a nominal drain current of 10 mA.
Matching Networks
The techniques for impedance matching an enhance-
ment mode device are very similar to those for matching
a depletion mode device. The only di erence is in the
method of supplying gate bias. S and Noise Parameters
for various bias conditions are listed in this data sheet.
The circuit shown in Figure 33 shows a typical LNA cir-
cuit normally used for 900 and 1900 MHz applications
(Consult the Avago Technologies website for application
notes covering speci c applications). High pass imped-
ance matching networks consisting of L1/C1 and L4/C4
provide the appropriate match for noise gure, gain, S11
and S22. The high pass structure also provides low fre-
quency gain reduction which can be bene cial from the
standpoint of improving out-of-band rejection.
R1 R2
L2 L3
Zo Zo
Figure 33. Typical ATF-55143 LNA with Passive Biasing.
Capacitors C2 and C5 provide a low impedance in-band
RF bypass for the matching networks. Resistors R3 and
R4 provide a very important low frequency termination
for the device. The resistive termination improves low
frequency stability. Capacitors C3 and C6 provide the
low frequency RF bypass for resistors R3 and R4. Their
value should be chosen carefully as C3 and C6 also pro-
vide a termination for low frequency mixing products.
These mixing products are as a result of two or more in-
band signals mixing and producing third order in-band
distortion products. The low frequency or difference
mixing products are terminated by C3 and C6. For best
suppression of third order distortion products based on
the CDMA 1.25 MHz signal spacing, C3 and C6 should
be 0.1 μF in value. Smaller values of capacitance will
not suppress the generation of the 1.25 MHz di erence
signal and as a result will show up as poorer two tone
IP3 results.
Bias Networks
One of the major advantages of the enhancement
mode technology is that it allows the designer to be
able to dc ground the source leads and then merely
apply a positive voltage on the gate to set the desired
amount of quiescent drain current Id.
Whereas a depletion mode PHEMT pulls maximum
drain current when Vgs = 0V, an enhancement mode
PHEMT pulls only a small amount of leakage current
when Vgs= 0V. Only when Vgs is increased above Vth, the
device threshold voltage, will drain current start to ow.
At a Vds of 2.7V and a nominal Vgs of 0.47 V, the drain
current Id will be approximately 10 mA. The data sheet
suggests a minimum and maximum Vgs over which the
desired amount of drain current will be achieved. It is
also important to note that if the gate terminal is left
open circuited, the device will pull some amount of
drain current due to leakage current creating a voltage
di erential between the gate and source terminals.
Passive Biasing
Passive biasing of the ATF-55143 is accomplished by
the use of a voltage divider consisting of R1 and R2. The
voltage for the divider is derived from the drain voltage
which provides a form of voltage feedback through the
use of R3 to help keep drain current constant. Resis-
tor R5 (approximately 10kΩ) is added to limit the gate
current of enhancement mode devices such as the
ATF-55143. This is especially important when the device
is driven to P1dB or PSAT.
Resistor R3 is calculated based on desired Vds, Ids and
available power supply voltage.
R3 = VDD – Vds (1)
Ids + IBB
VDD is the power supply voltage.
Vds is the device drain to source voltage.
Ids is the desired drain current.
IBB is the current owing through the R1/R2 resistor volt-
age divider network.