IDTHS231P16 REV J 032708
Detailed Description
The IDTHS231P16 device is a dual single pole/triple throw
(SPTT) high performance switch device that can operate
from a single DC pow er supply in the r ange of 1.7 V t o 1.95
V. It was d esigned to function as a du al 3 to 1 multiplexer to
select betwe en USB diff eren tial data signals , UART signals
and audio L and R ster eo signals. It comes in tiny QFN
packages for use in cell phones, MP3 players, PDAs, and
other pers on a l med i a players.
The part consists of one h ybrid dual 3Ω audio , 5Ω UART and
5Ω USB switches. The hybrid switch can accept audio
signals that swing belo w ground and USB signals. They
were designed to pass audio left and right stereo signals,
and are ground referenced, with minimal distortion. The
USB switches were designed to pass high-speed USB
differential data signals with minimal edge and phase
The IDTHS231P16 was specifically designed for cell
phones and ot he r pe rs on al m ed i a player applications that
need to combine the audio headphone jack and the USB
data connector into a single shared connector, thereby
saving space and component cost.
The IDTHS231P16 has SELx pins that select between the
audio switches, UART and the USB switches. These pins
can be driven LOW or HIGH to switch between the audio
inputs and USB data inputs.
Audio Switches
The two audio switches (L, R) are typically 3Ω¸ switches that
can pass signals that swing below ground by as much as 1.5
V. They were designed to pass ground reference stereo
signals with minimal insertion loss and very low distortion.
Crosstalk between the audio switches over t he audio band
is typically < -110dB.
These audio switches are uni-directional switches. The
audio drivers should be connected at the L and R side of the
switch and the speaker loads should be connected at the
COM side of the switch.
Note: Whenever the audio switches are ON the USB and
UART transceivers need to be in the high impedance state
or static high or low state.
USB/ UART Switches
The two USB switches (D+, D-) and two UART switches (U+,
U-) are typically 5Ω¸ bidirectional switches that were
designed to pass high-speed USB diff erent ial signals in the
range of ±0V to 400 mV, and U AR T signals. These s witches
have low capacitance and high bandwidth to pass USB
high-speed signals (480 Mbps) with minimum edge and
phase distortion to meet USB 2.0 high-speed sign al quality
The maximum signa l range f or the USB s witches is from 0V
to 3.6 V. The signal voltage at D- and D+ should not be allow
to exceed the 3.6 voltage rail or go below ground.
The USB switches are active (turned ON) whenever the SEL
voltage is >1.2 V.
Note: Whenev er the USB switches are ON, the UART or the
audio driv ers of the CODEC need to be at AC or DC g round
or floating to keep from interfering with the data
Logic Control
The state of the IDTHS231P16 de vice is determined by the
voltage at the SEL pins. Refer to truth table on page 2 of
data sheet. These logic pins are 1.8 V logic compatible so
that it can be controlled by a standard µprocessor.
The SELx pins is internally pulled low through a 4MΩ
resistor to g round and can be left f loating or tri-stated by t he
Logic control voltage levels:
SELx = Logic “0” (Low) when <0.5 V
SELx = Logic “1” (High) when >1.2 V