DA12-M Series Data Sheet
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DA12-M Series-DS 11.13.14
Ordering Information - DA12 Adapter
Model Number Maximum Power Output Voltage Minimum Load Maximum Load Regulation2Ripple P/P
DA12-120US-M 12 W 12.0 V 0.2 A 1.0 A ± 5% 120 mV
DA12-120EU-M 12 W 12.0 V 0.2 A 1.0 A ± 5% 120 mV
DA12-120UK-M 12 W 12.0 V 0.2 A 1.0 A ± 5% 120 mV
DA12-120AU-M 12 W 12.0 V 0.2 A 1.0 A ± 5% 120 mV
DA12-120MP-M* 12 W 12.0 V 0.2 A 1.0 A ± 5% 120 mV
DA12-120MP-M2.1** 12 W 12.0 V 0.2 A 1.0 A ± 5% 120 mV
DA12-050US-M 10 W 5.0 V 0.2 A 2.0 A ± 5% 50 mV4
DA12-050EU-M 10 W 5.0 V 0.2 A 2.0 A ± 5% 50 mV4
DA12-050UK-M 10 W 5.0 V 0.2 A 2.0 A ± 5% 50 mV4
DA12-050AU-M 10 W 5.0 V 0.2 A 2.0 A ± 5% 50 mV4
DA12-050MP-M* 10 W 5.0 V 0.2 A 2.0 A ± 5% 50 mV4
DA12-050MP-M2.1** 10 W 5.0 V 0.2 A 2.0 A ± 5% 50 mV4
DA12-050MP-M402*** 10 W 5.0 V 0.2 A 2.0 A ± 5% 50 mV
* Interchangeable version - AC Plugs must be purchased separately to be used with DA12-120MP-M and DA12-050MP-M
** 2.1 mm x 5.5 mm barrel plug
*** μ USB Connector
Ordering Information - DA12 Interchangeable Plug
Model Number
DA-All (Includes DA-US, DA-EU, DA-UK, and DA-AU)
1. Peak current lasting < 30 seconds with a maximum 10% duty cycle.
2. At 25 °C including initial tolerance, line voltage, load currents and output voltages adjusted to factory settings.
3. Peak-to-peak with 20 mHz bandwidth and 10 μF in parallel with a 0.1 μF capacitor at rated line voltage and load ranges.
4. DA12-050XX model power supplies will operate with no-load, However under 0.1A Load Output ripple will exceed 50mV.