Tyco Electroni cs Corp. 9
Data Sheet
November 20 00 36 Vdc to 75 Vdc Input, 3.3 Vdc Output; 50 W to 75 W
JAHW050F-S and JAHW075F-S Power Modules; dc-dc Converters:
Safety Considerations (continued)
For input voltages exceeding –60 Vdc but ≤ –75 Vdc,
these converters hav e been ev aluated to the applicable
requirements of BASIC INSULATION between second-
ary DC MAINS DISTRIBUTION input (classified as
TNV-2 in Europe) and unearthed SELV outputs (-SB
version only).
The input to these units is to be provided with a maxi-
mum 6 A normal-blow fuse in the ungrounded lead of
the JAHW050F-S and JAHW075F-S.
Feature Descriptions
Overcurrent Protection
To provide protection in an output overload condition,
the unit is equipped with an internal shutdown and
auto-restart mechanism. At the instance of current-limit
inception, the module enters a hiccup mode of opera-
tion whereby it shuts down and automatically attempts
to restart. As long as the fault persists, the module
remains in this mode.
The protection mechanism is such that the unit can
continue in this condition until the fault is cleared.
Remote On/Off
Two remote on/off options are av ailable. Positive logic
remote on/off turns the module on during a logic-high
voltage on the ON/OFF pin, and off during a logic low.
Negative logic remote on/off turns the module off dur-
ing a logic high and on during a logic low. Negative
logic, devi ce code suffix “1,” is the factory-preferred
To turn the power module on and off, the user must
supply a switch to control the voltage between the
on/off terminal and the VI(–) terminal (Von/off). The
switch can be an open collector or equivalent (see
Figure 15). A logic low is Von/off = 0 V to 1.2 V. The
maximum Ion/off during a logic low is 1 mA. The switch
should maintain a logic-low voltage while sinking 1 mA.
During a logic high, the maximum Von/off generated by
the power module is 15 V. The maximum allowable
leakage cu rren t of the switch at Von/off = 15 V is 50 µA.
If not using the remote on/off feature, do one of the
following to turn the unit on:
■For n eg ati ve logi c, sho rt ON/OFF pi n t o VI(–).
■For positive logic, leave ON/OFF pin open.
8-720 (F).c
Figure 15. Remote On/Off Implementation
Output Voltage S et-Point Adjustment
Output v oltage trim allows the user to increa se or
decrease the outp ut v olt age set point of a mo dule . This i s
accomplished b y connecting an e xternal resistor between
the TRIM pin and eit her the SENSE( +) or SENSE(–) pi ns.
The trim resistor should be positio ned close to the mod-
If not using the trim feature, leave the TRIM pin open.
With an e xternal resistor betw een the TRIM and
SENSE(–) pins (Radj-down), the ou tput voltage set point
(VO, adj) decreases (s e e Figure 16). The following equa-
tion determines the required external-re sistor v alue to
obtain a percen tage output voltage change of ∆%.
With an external resistor connected between the TRIM
and SENSE(+) pins (Radj-up), the output voltage set
point (VO, adj) increases (see Figure 17).
The following equation determines the required exter-
nal-resistor value to obtain a percentage output voltage
change of ∆%.
Ion/off ON/OFF
Radj-down 1000
Radj-up VO nom
--------------------------------------------------------------------------1000 11