Instruction Sheet Fix-in Squib Connector AM-> (e1mm Socket 2 Position) a1 1 3 813 1. PRODUCT NAME AND PART NUMBERS: 1.1 Housing: AMP Part Descriptions Number 353744 FIX-IN SQUIB CONNECTOR, HOUSING (MAIN) 353745 FIX-IN SQUIB CONNECTOR, HOUSING (LID) 353746 FIX-IN SQUIB CONNECTOR, FERRITE Fig.1 1.2 Coniact: AMP Part Applicable Wires Number Product Names Wire Type Wire Size (Nominal) 7 SQUIB CONTACT vas 0.3 and 0.Smim? 353376 AVSSF 0.3 and 0.5mm2 Fig.2 2. PRODUCT COMPOSITION: HOUSING (LID) SQUIB CONTACT FERAITE HOUSING (MAIN) Fig.3 a AMP Japan Lid Hisamoto 3-5-8, Takatsu-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa-ken, Japan 10 14 AMP FAX/PRODUCT INFO 1-800-522-6752 This AMP controlled document is subject to change. For latest revision call tha AMP FAX number, Copyright 1996 by AMP Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Released Per EC FJ00-9813-97 *Trademark 64 30-7 }xr war Fix-in Squib Connector (e1 win Soke! 2 Position) 411-5813 3. CUSTOMER'S RECEIVING INSPECTION: Although, the products are thoroughly inspected and controlled per each iots before delivery, it is recommended that the customer be attentive to confirm the status of products, to check out if the products incurred any damage during transit. 3.1 Contacts: Item Gheck Points Measuring Apparatus 1. Configuration and Appearance Visual Visual 2. Plating Finish Visual Inspaction 3. Reeling Status of Strip Terminals Visual Dimen- | 1, Width of Wire Barrel Calipers) sional - : inspection | 2. Width of Insulation Barrel Catipers() NOT (1); Callipers are defined as vernier callipers or equivalent measuring tools, having the identical precision measurement level. Fig.4 Upon Receiving, the reeled terminal products should be classified by manufacturing date codes and put under the inspection in accordance with the inspection level Il of MIL-STD-105 at acceptable quality level of 4.0%, visually and dimensionally to check the first five terminals in reel. Acceptable of the products is verified by proving the products meeting the specified require- ments. 3.2 Housing: Item Check Points Measuring Apparatus Appearance | 1. Burrs, Discoloration and Deformation Visual Inspection __ 2. Cracks, Breakage and Chipping off Visual Functional | 1. Mating inspection Check to see if the connector mate smoothly Tactual with Gas Generator, and can not be extracted Fig. The product housings submitted to inspection are classified by the manufacturing date code, and put under the inspection in accordance with the inspection level || of MIL-STD-105, at acceptance quality level of 4.0% visually, and functionally to the randomly selected five piaced out of the lot. Acceptance of the product is verified by proving the products meeting the specified require- ments. a 7 2 of 14 RevAWir Fix-in Squib Connector A (a1 Boia 2 Position) 411-5813 3.3 Ferrite: Item Check Points Measuring Apparatus Appearance |1. Burrs, Discoloration and Deformation Visual Inspection 2. Cracks, Breakage and Chipping off Visual Fig.6 The product ferrites submitted to inspection are classified by the manufacturing date code, and put under the inspection in accordance with the inspection level il of MIL-STD-105, at acceptance quality level of 4.0% visually. Acceptable of the products is verified by proving the products meeting the specified require- ments. 4. STORAGE AND TRANSFER OF PRODUCTS: 4.1 Reeled Contacts: (1) Avoid leaving terminal reel in an open area without wrapping it with proper material. (2) Do not lift up and carry the terminal reel by gripping it one the edge of the reel, lest it should result damage of reel,causing spoiling of terminals before using them for application. Lift up by holding Do not lift up laterally by holding both flanges one side only. vertically. Wad Not Acceptable Acceptable Fig. 7 (3) Avoid storing terminal reeis in a moist area or dusty place. Stock contacts in a comparative- ly dry and clean place where the temperature of 5-35, with ratative humidity ranging be- tween 45-85% is maintained without keen influence of the direct sunlight. 3 of 14 Rev AAMP Fix-in Squib Connector {21mm Socket 2 Position) 411-5813 (4) When the terminal reel is notin use for a tong time, remove it from the machine, and fasten the end of terminal strip onto the edge of reel with use of proper string or wire as shown in Fig.8. a fh~ Tie strip end with a wire neatly. Fig.8 4.2 Housing (1) Itis desired that the products are placed where the temperatureis ranging between 5-35C wiih the relative humidity ranging between 45-85%. (2) It is advised that leaving the products in open air for along time tends to get contaminated by dust and particles. Leaving under the open air for a long time should be forbidden from this point of view. 4.3 Ferrite: (1) Itis desired that the products are placed where the temperature is ranging between 5-35C with the relative humidity ranging between 45-85%. (2) Do not hit fellow ferrite. (3) Do not drop ferrite. 5. CRIMPING OPERATION: Crimping of contacts must be done by using AMP specified application tooling in accordance with the procedura specified in applicable instruction sheat. 5.1 Control of Crimping Operation: The documents listed balow should be referred to for the specific details of crimping opera- tion. 114-5234; Apolication Specification for Squib Contact CM-022J; Operation and Maintenance of Auto-machine 40114 Rev AFix-in i nnector x-in Squib Co c 411-5813 AMP {atmm Socket 2 Position) (1) Wire end must be stripped without cut nor damage of wire strands. we wePpPe . . . Intact and Normal Defective Defective Detective Acceptable Fig.9 (2) Wire end Pre-treatment betore Crimping. insulation Stripping Length to be Campa Barrel + (0.5 to 1.0mm) = insulation Stripping Length Fig.10 (3) Crosssectional View of Wire Barrel Crimp: B a \ The wire barrel crimp height Tolerance of tolerance may vary according Wire Barrel +/- 0.05mm to the type of terminals. y Crimp Height Micro Meter 5 of 14 RevA_> Fix-in Squib Connector AWN (aimm Socket 2 Position) 411-5813 (4) Modified Micrometer for Measurement of Crimp Height: Micrometer Part Number: 4001 (J980A2-2) Fig. 12 5.1.1 Crimped Condition of Contact: Refer to Application Specification 114-5234 for detailed features. Wire Barrel Seam Bend-Lip Rolling Bend-Down Twist Insulation Stripping Length _[+________ _* +- Wire End Protrusion Length Front Bellmouth Rear Beilmouth * pop L Wire Barrel Crimp Height a Cut Off Tab ---* __ Insulation Crimp Height Fig.13 6 of 14 RevaFixin Squib Connector (a1mm Socket 2 Position) 411-5813 0 AMP 5.1.2 Crimp Data: Fig.14 shows the detailed data of contact crimping by applicator. Confirm the contents before the operation. Contact Wire Barrel Crimp Insulation Barrel Crimp Crimp Part Wire Size | Applicator (mm) {mm} Tensile Number | (Nominal) | Number - - - - Strength (Strip) width} [Height | Disk | Width {Height | Disk {N) 0.3 _ | 0.94 c 2.29 13 (Ref) | ESMIN.O 353376 [ pa 409644-2 11.78 F Tos 7B 178 F oar [a (Ref | Semin. NOTE (1); Given by the width of the crimper slot for reference. (2); Included the insuration grip. Fig.14 5.1.3 Applicable Wires: No. of Conductors/ Cross-Sectional Insulation Wire Size Diameter of Area of aConductor | Diameter (mm) (Nominal) a Conductor (mm) (mm?) Std. | Max 0.3 7/0.26 0.37 1.4 15 | 0.5 7/0.32 0.56 1.6 1.7 Fig.15 5.2 Control of Crimped In-process Products: 5.2.1 Inspection of Products inspaction of crimped, in-process products must be performed by the lot unit consisting of the product groups manufactured during the one continuous operation under the same set-up adjustment of the crimping machine in the identical manufacturing conditions, or the groups of the produced products during one work day operation. The inspection should be performed according to the criteria shown in the listing below. Inspection Types Timing inspection Items Inspection on Products made under initial set-up condition of applicator At the time of completion of initial set-up of applicator to crimp the contact. Lot Inspection Before to start a routine op- aration each work day Visual inspection and Di- mensional Inspection on all items listed in Fig.17 During continuous opera- tion Visual inspection on all the items listed in Fig.17, and Dimensional Inspection on item No.3 only in Fig.17 Tofl4 Fig.16AMP Fix-in Squib Connector (eimm Socket 2 Pasition) 411-5813 a eS Inspection Checking Points and methods Measuring Types Apparatus ee 7 een - 1. Loose-out of the wire conductors out side the wire bar- Visual rel crimp, and cut-off of conductors 2. Defective crimped form of contact (forming up of bell Visual Visual mouth, and wire end protrusion length) Inspection | 3. Defective wire barrel bottom area forming (burrs ap- Visual pearing, inclusive) 4. Misgripping of insulation barrel crimp on wire insulation Visual 5. Deformation of contacting area of contact Visual 1. Dimensions of Cut-off Tab Length Calliper | Di 2. Deformation of contact (bend-up, lateral bend and twist- | Magnifying imen- |. Gl sional ing) ass Inspection | 3. Crimp Height Micrometer @ 4, Front and rear bellmouth forming Calliper (1) NOTE (1); Callipers are defined as vernier callipers or equivalent measuring tools, having the identical precision measurement level. (2); Refer to Fig.12. Fig.17 5.2.2 Storage (1) Store the products in the clean, dry area, and should be covered with proper sheet or paper when placed in an open area. Product storage without placing cover sheet when placed in an open air, should be forbidden always for prevention of contamination by dust and particles. (2) One bundle of in-process crimped leads, should be confined within 100 leacs at anytime. (3) Avoid stacking and piling up the in-process products heaping up in large volume, lest it should result in catching together or entangled on the projecting parts of the leads, causing damage and breakage of the products. Deformation of the contact will result in malfunction of contacting parts electrically. (4) After crimping, at the time of taking into storage or transfer, beware not to have the leads entangled or caught together, and incurred to deformation of the contacts. (5) When to separate entangled parts apart, care must be taken not to jerk and pull forcefully with cross section area (Fig. 18). 8 of 14 Rev A_= Fixin Squib Connector AN (21mm Socket 2 Position) 411-5813 a 6. MANUFACTURING HARNESS ASSEMBLES: 6.1 Loading Ferrite into Main Housing: Insert the ferrite into the designated hole of the main housing, and make sure the condition of locking. Y Fig.19 6.2 Loading Contacts into Main Housing: (1) Before loading the contacts, confirm to insert the ferrite into the designated position. (2) Insert the contact into the designated hole of the ferrite, and put the wire into the designated slit of the main housing . Do not push part of crimping, but section area on Fig.20. NOTE If not justly to insert the contacts and the ferrite into the designated position, the lid housing will not be allowed to get locked in position. 9 of 14 Rev A= Fix-in Squib Connector AN (gimm Socket 2 Position) 411-5813 6.3 Loading Lid Housing into Main Housing: (1) Before loading the lid housing, contirm to insert the contacts and ferrite into the designated position. Squib Contact Ferrite Fig.21 (2) Put and push the lid housing into the main housing. Fig.22 10 of 14 Rev AAIF Fix-in Squib Connector (aimm Socket 2 Position) 411-5813 6.4 Extraction: 6.4.1 Extraction of Lid Housing: Remove the 3 locks (Fig.23) by such as the screwdriver, and extract the lid housing from the main housing. NEVER REUSE THOSE EXTRACTED MAIN HOUSING AND LID HOUSING. 6.4.2 Extraction of Contacts: Remove the wire from slit of the main housing{Fig.20), and extract the contacts from the main housing. NOTE During removal operation of the contacts, care must be taken not to cause de- formation of the contacts, housing, and ferrite. if you find deformations, never attempt to rause them. 6.4.3 Extraction of Ferrite: Remove the lock (Fig.19), moreover snatch the ferrite away from the main housing. NOTE During removal operation of the ferrite, care must be taken not to cause de- formation of the housing and ferrite. lf you find deformations, never attempt to reuse them 6.5 Wire Bundles: The bundle and bend of the wire bundle should be given with the allowance of slaking to the length of 20mm minimum apart from wire run-out of the connector, lest it should be causing the defective mating of contacts and the defective circuit connection. 6.6 Inspection, Storage and Transit of the Products: 6.6.1 Inspection of Products: inspection is performed by taking a harness assembly as a unit usually, to inspect all the circuit continuity and product normality. During the inspection of the product harnesses, the following practice should be observed rightly. (1) Use the counter part contact pin or equivalent part for checking circuit continuity of the har- nesses, as a probing contact. (2) NEVER INSERT INSPECTION PROBE INSIDE THE CONTACTS. In any time, inserting probe of the circuit tester will invite danger of deforming of contacts in housing, especially do- ing it by contact side. If the use of probing is required, insert it from the WIRE SIDE of housing. 11 of 14 Rev Asr Naif Fixin Squib Connector (aimm Socket 2 Position) 411-5813 6.6.2 Storage of Products: For storage of the products, keep them in clean and dry place without fear of contamination. Do not leave the products under the open air for long time. 6.6.3 Delivery Transit and Carrying: Use proper carton box or container for delivery transit and carrying, to protect the product hamesses from contamination by dust and rain water etc. Try to handle moderately without shock, weighty load and impact. 7. FINAL ASSEMBLY ON SQUIB: NOTE This connector can not be extracted from the squib holder after insertion. During mating operation of connector, take care not to make error in operation. 7.1 Raceiving Inspection: For final receiving inspection, the following items are required for confirmation of assembly normality: (1) The bundling positions of leading wires bundle out of the connector should be not less than 20mm. (2) Condition checking of contact loading on housing. (3) Checking on condition of contact surfaces for presence of remarkable discoloration, flaws and deformation of the contact. (4) Check for presence of cracks, defects and discoloration of housing. (5) Ghack for any abnormalities existing in the contained products and the delivery dates. 12 of 14 Rev AAvi Fix-in Squib Connector (o1mm Socket 2 Position) 411-5813 7.2 Mating operation: 7.2.1 Insertion: (1) Before insertion, align the connector with the contact pins and the form at bottom of the squib holder (Fig.24, Fig.25). if the inserted connector is turned 180 deg, it can not be completely locked, and it can be ex- tracted. NOTE Never insert by main force, jest the contacts are deformed, and the connector is damaged. Fig.24 Fig.25 (2) Insert the connector straight along the mating axis of it, until it is completely locked. ue Ss Not Acceptable Acceptable 13 of 14 RevAARIF Fix-in Squib Connector (o1mm Socket 2 Position) 411-5813 a a - NOTE Never twist the connector inserting into the squib holder, lest the contacts are deformed, and the connector is damaged. A= D . Never Twist 7.2.2 After insertion: Pull the connector lightly, and confirm that it can not be extracted. If that is operated by the jig, put it at the position A, "B and "C on Fig.28, and pull at 10N to 15N. 7.3 Handling of Harness Assemblies: Hamess assemblies must be handied moderately, eliminating the inadequate manners as follows: (1) Rough handling so as throw the products over the floor. (2) Caralass handling so as to let the connector touch or draw on the floor. (3) Improper handling like carrying the harness assemblies by holding connector. (4) Rough handling as to jerk the wires, that may incur damage of the connectors. 14 of 14 Rev A