STEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF SIEMENS GPE D MM 6235605 0027361 5 MBSIEG LD 271/271H 1 LeAos LD 271L/271LH INFRARED EMITTER Tr h1-4\ Package Dimensions in Inches (mm) Surface not Hat Chip Position 024 (0.6) | 180 (4 8) 016 (0.4) 030 (1 8) | 165 (4 2) i 028 (07) | 10 . \ 201 (5 1 (254) rr = Be 051 (1.3) 0 ori (18) | 039 (1 0} sve. O47 (12) 354 (00) | 323 (8 2) Je L02rsa S233) 1.14 (20) 457 (116) ETL 06 (27) 441 (11.2) Maximum Ratings Storage Temperature T -55 to +100 C Soldering Temperature (Distance from soldering joint to package >10 mm, soidering tmet< 3s) Ts 260 C Junction Temperature T 100 C FEATURES Reverse Voltage Va 5 v Forward Current lp 130 mA Low Cost Surge Current (t = 10 ps, D = 0) les 35 A * T-1% Package Power Dissipation Prot 210 mW . . . Thermal Resist R, 350 KA Lightly Diffused Gray Plastic Lens ermal Mesisiance "ham LD 271L/LD 271LH 1-inch Leads as Characteristics = 25C * Long Term Stability (Tamb ) . . Wavelength (I, = 100 mA, tp = 20 950 +20 * Medium Wide Beam, 50 Spectral BarSenath mAs te = 20 ms) * * Very High Power Half anole mA, t, = 20 ms) ak 235 bey . . ye e High Intensity Active Area A 025 mme * Matches with Photodiodes SFH 205 or Boa me Area per Die LxW 05x05 mm BP104 or Phototransistors BP103B to Package Surface H 40t046 mm Switching Time (I, from 10% to 90% and fram 90% to 10% at te = 100 mA) ty 1 us DESCRIPTION Capacitance (V, = 0 V) Co 40 pF LD 271/H/L/LH an infrared emitting diode, het y 120(<18) V emits radiation in the near infrared range (i = 1A,t, = 100ys) Ve 19(s25) v (950 nm peak). The emitted radiation, which Breakdown Voltage (ip = 10 wA) Vv, 30 (>5) v BR can be modulated, is generated by forward Reverse Current (Vq = ) la 001 (<1) BA flowing current. The device is enclosed in a Tomberature Poemoient of gO Be ie one lem perature Coefiictent o - m 5 mm plastic package. An application for the Temperature Coetticient of \peak TC, +03 nin/iK LD 271 family is remote control of color TV receivers Radiant Intensity |, in Axial Direction Measured at a Solid Angle of 0 = 0.01 sr LD 271 & | LD27tH & Group up 271L_| 10 271 LH Radiant Intensity (I; = 100 mA, t, = 20 ms) I, 15 (> 10) 216 mWisr (lp = 1A, t, = 106 ys) I, 100 120 mWisr Radiant Power (I; = 100 mA tp = 20 ms) &, 12 16 mwSTEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF H7E D Rediant Intensity |, Relative spectral emiesion La = f(2) 4(1,) % of (,100mA, 100 le Te tno ma 60 0 10 60 50 40 10 30 4 10 e 0 50 S26 960 00 1040) = BON ea Max permissible forward current ma PhP Tmo) 200 eO 106 ae 40 120 1 + - 109C 19 Capacitance C= f[s) Forward voltage ws = Tenad a a -30-29-10 0 10 20 30 0 60 70 BY 90 WO boone Wavalength at peak emission Teche nm Apsee = 1 Fama) as woe TTT r 4 I 10 ggg { I Ayo TT ot 1 Ik 380 >- toe { | 1 gol . 1 i Te ! | ' 960 / + 1 1 ; 4 a 0 * : 10? 940 930 | BD ptf an fe ! [ | 90 +4 | rm oo LI | - bi 10 0 5 0 8 wore ham We 20 25 30 V, @B 4235605 O0e?sbe 7? Radiation charactecmiic | a= fle) 35 400 45 Radiant intensity 1, = = Fl Tom Tease iol Thor deg, Oe Tee Sa? 0 OOO 0 HW OHO 5060 7080 90 0 1 Fame Perm pulse capanility } v 25C Tastgrad D Parameter LO 271/H/L/LH MESIEG FY Infrared Emitters