STEL-5269+512 4
The STEL-5269+512 is designed to accept symbols
either synchronously or in a handshake mode. Symbols
are latched into the decoder input registers on the
falling edge of the DRDY input. ACK is returned by
the decoder to indicate that the symbols have been
The RATE input determines whether the decoder will
operate in Rate 1/2 or Rate 1/3 mode. When operating
at Rate 1/2 the G3 symbol is ignored by the decoder.
For hard decision binary symbols the G1, G2, G3
symbol bits should be connected to pins G1D2, G2D2
and G3D2 respectively, and the other symbol input
pins should be tied high (VDD). Three-bit soft decision
symbols may be input in Signed Magnitude or Inverted
Two’s Complement code, according to the setting of
the code control pin, SM2C. The code should be set to
Signed Magnitude when using hard decision data.
A single decoded data bit is output for every set of
input symbols. The data bit corresponding to a
particular symbol set will be output after a delay of 42
symbols. Therefore, when using the STEL-5269+512 to
decode blocks of data 42 additional dummy symbols
and 42 DRDY signals need to be added to the data
stream to flush the last 42 decoded data bits out of the
Node synchronization (correctly grouping incoming
symbols into G1, G2, and G3 sets) is inherent with
many communication techniques such as TDMA and
spread spectrum systems. If node synchronization is
not an inherent property of the communications link
then the internal auto node sync circuit can be used to
do this. This is accomplished by connecting the node
sync outputs (SST0 and SST1) to the node sync inputs
(SYNC0 and SYNC1). The threshold for determining
the out of sync condition is user selectable by means of
the THRESH2-0 inputs. Alternatively, the SYNC0 and
SYNC1 pins can be used with an external algorithm to
achieve the same result.
Further information on the theory of operation of
Viterbi decoders may be obtained from text books such
as "Error-Correcting Codes", by Peterson and Weldon
(MIT Press), or "Error Control Coding", by Lin and
Costello (Prentice-Hall). An alternative source of
information is the many papers on this subject that
have appeared in the IEEE transactions, such as
"Convolutional Codes and their Performance in
Communication Systems", by Dr. A. J. Viterbi, IEEE
Trans. on Communications Technology, October 1971.
Asynchronous master Reset. A logic low on this pin
will clear all registers on the STEL-5269+512 in both the
encoder and decoder sections of the chip. RESET
should remain low for at least 3 cycles of ICLK.
This is the encoder Shift Register Clock. A rising edge
on this clock latches DATAIN into the encoder shift
register. This signal should nominally be a square
wave with a maximum frequency of 512 KHz.
This is the encoder input. The data present at this pin
is latched into the encoder shift register on the rising
edge of DATACLK. This signal should be stable at the
rising edge of DATACLK.
The state of the MODE input determines the method
of symbol sequencing in the encoder. When MODE is
set low the sequencing is generated externally under
the control of the SEL A and SEL B inputs, and when
MODE is set high it is generated automatically.
When MODE is set low SEL A and SEL B select the
encoded symbol, G1, G2 or G3, which will appear on
the OSYMB pin on the next rising edge of ENLATCH
according to the table:
0 1 G1 1718(11110012)
1 0 G2 1338(10110112)
0 0 G3 1458(11001012)
When MODE is set high the symbol sequence is
generated automatically and the SEL A and SEL B
inputs are inactive.
When MODE is high the Encoder Rate input
determines whether symbols for Rate 1/2 (ERATE = 1)
or Rate 1/3 (ERATE = 0) operation are generated.
When MODE is low this input is inactive.
When the Scramble input is set high the G2 symbol
generated at the encoder and the G2 symbol received
at the decoder will be inverted. This ensures that the
output symbol stream is not a string of zeroes when
the input data stream is all zeroes, thereby making it
easier for the demodulator to recover the clock
information under these conditions. When SCRAMBL
is set low the normal symbol stream is generated.