Publication Release Date: April 15, 2005
- 3 - Revision A9
• Operating voltage: 2.4 volt ~ 5.5 volt
• Watch dog disabled/enabled by mask option
• Dual clock operating system
− Main clock with Ring/Crystal (400 KHz to 4 MHz)
− Sub-clock with 32.768 KHz RC/Crystal by mask option
• Memory
− Program ROM (P-ROM): 64K × 20 (ROM Bank0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
− Data RAM (W-RAM): 1.4K × 4 bit
(RAM Bank 0 is 896 nibbles from 0: 000~0:37F and 0: 380~0:3FF are mapped to special register.
RAM Bank F is 512 nibbles from F: 200~F: 3FF either data RAM or dedicated to script kernel)
− LCD RAM (L-RAM): 512 × 4 bit × 2 pages (RAM Bank1, 2 from 200~3FF)
• Maximum 24 input/output pads
− Ports for input only: 8 pads (RC, RD port; RD1~3 can share as serial bus for external memory
W55XXX interface @W536030T/060T)
− Ports for output only: 8 pads (RE & RF port; W536090T/120T available only)
− Ports for Input/output: 8 pads (RA and RB port; RB port is available for W536090T /W536120T
• Power-down mode
− Hold mode (except for 32KHz oscillator)
− Stop mode (including 32KHz oscillator and release by RD or RC port)
• Eight types of interrupts
− Five internal interrupts (Divider, Timer 0, Timer 1, Speech, Melody)
− Three external interrupts (Port RC, RD, RA)
• One built-in 14-bit clock frequency divider circuit
• Two built-in 8-bit programmable countdown timers
− Timer 0: one of two clock sources (FOSC/4 or FOSC/1024) can be selected
− Timer 1: built-in auto-reload function includes internal timer, external event counter from RC.0
• Built-in 18/14-bit watchdog timer for system reset.
• Powerful instruction sets
• 8-level subroutine (including interrupt) nesting
• LCD driver unit capability
− VLCD higher than (VDD -0.5V)
− Built-in voltage regulator to V2 pad
− 64 seg × 32 com
− 1/32 or 1/16 duty, 1/5 or 1/4 bias, internal pump circuit option by special register
− COM24~ 31 and SEG40~63 can be shared as general input/output by special register
− Either uC ROM or voice ROM used as LCD picture
• Speech function
− Provided 1M / 2M/ 3M/ 4M bits Voice ROM for W536030T/060T/090T/120T based on 5 bits
MDPCM algorithm
− Voice ROM (V-ROM) available for uC data or LCD picture data.
− Maximum 8*256 Label/Interrupt vector (voice section number) available
− Provide two types of speech busy flag to either each GO or each trigger
− Maximum up to 16M bits speech address capability interface with external memory W55XXX