IS43R16160 32Mx8, 16Mx16 256Mb Synchronous DRAM FEATURES: * Vdd =Vddq = 2.5V+0.2V (-5, -6, -75) * Double data rate architecture ; two data transfers per clock cycle. * Bidirectional , data strobe (DQS) is transmitted/ received with data * Differential clock input (CLK and /CLK) * DLL aligns DQ and DQS transitions with CLK transitions edges of DQS * Commands entered on each positive CLK edge; * Data and data mask referenced to both edges of DQS * 4 bank operation controlled by BA0 , BA1 (Bank Address) * /CAS latency -2.0 / 2.5 / 3.0 (programmable) ; Burst length -2 / 4 / 8 (programmable) Burst type -Sequential / Interleave (programmable) * Auto precharge/ All bank precharge controlled by A10 * 8192 refresh cycles / 64ms (4 banks concurrent refresh) * Auto refresh and Self refresh * Row address A0-12 / Column address A0-8(x16) * SSTL_2 Interface * Package 400-mil, 66-pin Thin Small Outline Package (TSOP II) with 0.65mm lead pitch * Temperature Range: Commercial (0oC to +70oC) PRELIMINARY INFORMATION OCTOBER 2008 DESCRIPTION: IS43R16160 is a 4-bank x 4,194,304-word x 16bit double data rate synchronous DRAM , with SSTL_2 interface. All control and address signals are referenced to the rising edge of CLK. Input data is registered on both edges of data strobe, and output data and data strobe are referenced on both edges of CLK. The device achieves very high speed clock rate up to 200 MHz. KEY TIMING PARAMETERS Parameter -5 -6 -75 Clk Cycle Time CAS Latency = 3 5 6 7.5 CAS Latency = 2.5 5 6 7.5 CAS Latency = 2 7.5 7.5 7.5 Clk Frequency CAS Latency = 3 200 167 143 CAS Latency = 2.5 200 167 143 CAS Latency = 2 143 143 143 Access Time from Clock CAS Latency = 3 +0.70 +0.70 +0.75 CAS Latency = 2.5 +0.70 +0.70 +0.75 CAS Latency = 2 +0.75 +0.75 +0.75 Unit ns ns ns MHz MHz MHz ns ns ns ADDRESS TABLE Parameter 16M x 16 Configuration 4M x 16 x 4 banks Bank Address Pins BA0, BA1 Autoprecharge Pins A10/AP Row Addresses A0 - A12 Column Addresses A0 - A8 Refresh Count 8192 / 64ms Copyright (c) 2006 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. All rights reserved. ISSI reserves the right to make changes to this specification and its products at any time without notice. ISSI assumes no liability arising out of the application or use of any information, products or services described herein. Customers are advised to obtain the latest version of this device specification before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products. Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. Rev. 00A 09/10/08 1 A3S56D30/40ETP Preliminary 256M Double Data Rate Synchronous DRAM IS43R16160 Pin Assignment (Top View) 66-pin TSOP CLK, /CLK CKE /CS /RAS /CAS /WE : Master Clock : Clock Enable : Chip Select : Row Address Strobe : Column Address Strobe : Write Enable DQ0-15 DQ0-7 UDM, LDM DM UDQS, LDQS DQS : Data I/O (x16) : Data I/O (x8) : Write Mask (x16) : Write Mask (x8) : Data Strobe (x16) : Data Strobe (x8) A0-12 BA0,1 VDD VDDQ Vss VssQ : Address Input : Bank Address Input : Power Supply : Power Supply for Output : Ground : Ground for Output DDR SDRAM (Rev.1.1) 2 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. Rev. 00A 09/10/08 Zentel Electronics Corporation I Preliminary IS43R83200B IS43R16160 IS43R16160B, IC43R16160B A3S56D30/40ETP 256M Double Data Rate Synchronous DRAM PIN FUNCTION SYMBOL TYPE DESCRIPTION Input Clock: CLK and /CLK are differential clock inputs. All address and control input signals are sampled on the crossing of the positive edge of CLK and negative edge of /CLK. Output (read) data is referenced to the crossings of CLK and /CLK (both directions of crossing). CKE Input Clock Enable: CKE controls internal clock. When CKE is low, internal clock for the following cycle is ceased. CKE is also used to select auto / self refresh. After self refresh mode is started, CKE becomes asynchronous input. Self refresh is maintained as long as CKE is low. /CS Input Chip Select: When /CS is high, any command means No Operation. /RAS, /CAS, /WE Input Combination of /RAS, /CAS, /WE defines basic commands. A0-12 Input A0-12 specify the Row / Column Address in conjunction with BA0,1. The Row Address is specified by A0-12. The Column Address is specified by A0-8(x16). A10 is also used to indicate precharge option. When A10 is high at a read / write command, an auto precharge is performed. When A10 is high at a precharge command, all banks are precharged. BA0,1 Input Bank Address: BA0,1 specifies one of four banks to which a command is applied. BA0,1 must be set with ACT, PRE, READ, WRITE commands. CLK, /CLK D DQ0-15 (x16) Input / Output D Input / Output UDQS, LDQS (x16) D UDM, LDM (x16) Input Data Input/Output: Data bus Data Strobe: Output with read data, input with write data. Edge-aligned with read data, centered in write data. Used to capture write data. For the x16, LDQS corresponds to the data on DQ0-DQ7; UDQS correspond to the data on DQ8-DQ15 Input Data Mask: DM is an input mask signal for write data. Input data is masked when DM is sampled HIGH along with that input data during a WRITE access. DM is sampled on both edges of DQS. Although DM pins are input only, the DM loading matches the DQ and DQS loading. For the x16, LDM corresponds to the data on DQ0-DQ7; UDM corresponds to the data on DQ8-DQ15. VDD, VSS Power Supply Power Supply for the memory array and peripheral circuitry. VDDQ, VSSQ Power Supply VDDQ, and VSSQ are supplied to the Output Buffers only. Vref Input Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. DDR Rev. 00ASDRAM (Rev.1.1) 09/10/08 SSTL_2 reference voltage. 3 IS43R16160 DQ 0 - 15 UDQS, LD QS I/O B uffer DQ S Buffer BLOCK DIAGRAM x16 DLL Memory Array Bank #0 Memory Array Ba nk #1 Memory Array Ba nk #2 Memory Array Ba nk #3 Mode Re gister Control C ircu itry Addres s B uffer Control Signal B uffer Cl ock B uffer A0-1 2 /CS /RAS /CAS BA 0,1 CLK 4 /CLK CKE /WE UDM , LD M Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. Rev. 00A 09/10/08 Zentel Electronics Corporation A3S56D30/40ETP Preliminary IS43R16160 256M Double Data Rate Synchronous DRAM BASIC FUNCTIONS ISSI's 256-Mbit DDR SDRAM provides basic functions, bank (row) activate, burst read / write, bank (row) precharge, and auto / self refresh. Each command is defined by control signals of /RAS, /CAS and /WE at CLK rising edge. In addition to 3 signals, /CS , CKE and A10 are used as chip select, refresh option, and precharge option, respectively. To know the detailed definition of commands, please see the command truth table. /CLK CLK /CS Chip Select : L=select, H=deselect /RAS Command /CAS Command /WE Command CKE Refresh Option @refresh command A10 Precharge Option @precharge or read/write command define basic commands Activate (ACT) [/RAS =L, /CAS =/WE =H] ACT command activates a row in an idle bank indicated by BA. Read (READ) [/RAS =H, /CAS =L, /WE =H] READ command starts burst read from the active bank indicated by BA. First output data appears after /CAS latency. When A10 =H at this command, the bank is deactivated after the burst read (autoprecharge, READA) Write (WRITE) [/RAS =H, /CAS =/WE =L] WRITE command starts burst write to the active bank indicated by BA. Total data length to be written is set by burst length. When A10 =H at this command, the bank is deactivated after the burst write (auto-precharge, WRITEA) Precharge (PRE) [/RAS =L, /CAS =H, /WE =L] PRE command deactivates the active bank indicated by BA. This command also terminates burst read /write operation. When A10 =H at this command, all banks are deactivated (precharge all, PREA ). Auto-Refresh (REFA) [/RAS =/CAS =L, /WE =CKE =H] REFA command starts auto-refresh cycle. Refresh address including bank address are generated internally. After this command, the banks are precharged automatically. DDR SDRAM (Rev.1.1) Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. Rev. 00A 09/10/08 5 Zentel Electronics Corporation A3S56D30/40ETP Preliminary IS43R16160 I IS43R83200B IS43R16160B, IC43R16160B 256M Double Data Rate Synchronous DRAM COMMAND TRUTH TABLE MNEMONIC CKE n-1 CKE n /CS /RAS /CAS Deselect DESEL H X H X X X X X X No Operation NOP H X L H H H X X X Row Address Entry & Bank Activate ACT H H L L H H V V V Single Bank Precharge PRE H H L L H L V L X Precharge All Banks PREA H H L L H L X H X Column Address Entry & Write WRITE H H L H L L V L V Column Address Entry & Write with Auto-Precharge WRITEA H H L H L L V H V Column Address Entry & Read READ H H L H L H V L V Column Address Entry & Read with Auto-Precharge READA H H L H L H V H V Auto-Refresh REFA H H L L L H X X X Self-Refresh Entry REFS H L L L L H X X X Self-Refresh Exit REFSX L H H X X X X X X L H L H H H X X X Burst Terminate TERM H H L H H L X X X 1 Mode Register Set MRS H H L L L L L L V 2 COMMAND /WE BA0,1 A10 /AP A0-9, note 11-12 H=High Level, L=Low Level, V=Valid, X=Don't Care, n=CLK cycle number NOTE: 1. Applies only to read bursts with autoprecharge disabled; this command is undefined (and should not be used) for read bursts with autoprecharge enabled, and for write bursts. 2. BA0-BA1 select either the Base or the Extended Mode Register (BA0 = 0, BA1 = 0 selects Mode Register;BA0=1 , BA1 = 0 selects Extended Mode Register; other combinations of BA0-BA1 are reserved; A0-A12 provide the op-code to be written to the selected Mode Register. 6 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. DDR SDRAM (Rev.1.1) Rev. 00A 09/10/08 Zentel Electronics Corporation A3S56D30/40ETP Preliminary IS43R16160 256M Double Data Rate Synchronous DRAM FUNCTION TRUTH TABLE Current State IDLE ROW ACTIVE READ(AutoPrecharge Disabled) /CS /RAS /CAS /WE Address H X X X X Action NOP Notes L L H H H H H X L BA NOP TERM NOP ILLEGAL L L L H L L L H H X BA, CA, A10 H BA, RA L BA, A10 READ / WRITE ACT PRE / PREA ILLEGAL Bank Active, Latch RA NOP 4 L L L REFA Auto-Refresh 5 L L L MRS Mode Register Set 5 H L L X H H X H H H X Op-Code, ModeL Add X X H X L BA DESEL NOP TERM L H L H BA, CA, A10 READ / READA L H L L WRITE / WRITEA 2 L L H H BA, RA ACT NOP NOP ILLEGAL Begin Read, Latch CA, Determine Auto-Precharge Begin Write, Latch CA, Determine Auto-Precharge Bank Active / ILLEGAL L L L L H L PRE / PREA REFA Precharge / Precharge All ILLEGAL L L L MRS ILLEGAL H L X H X H L BA, A10 H X Op-Code, ModeL Add X X H X DESEL NOP NOP (Continue Burst to END) NOP (Continue Burst to END) L H H L TERM L H L H BA, CA, A10 READ / READA L H L L WRITE / WRITEA Terminate Burst Terminate Burst, Latch CA, Begin New Read, Determine AutoPrecharge ILLEGAL L L L L H H H BA, RA L BA, A10 ACT PRE / PREA Bank Active / ILLEGAL Terminate Burst, Precharge L L L L L L H X REFA Op-Code, ModeL MRS Add Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. DDR SDRAM (Rev.1.1) Rev. 00A 09/10/08 Command DESEL BA, CA, A10 BA BA, CA, A10 2 2 3 2 ILLEGAL ILLEGAL 7 Zentel Electronics Corporation A3S56D30/40ETP I Preliminary IS43R16160 IS43R83200B IS43R16160B, IC43R16160B 256M Double Data Rate Synchronous DRAM FUNCTION TRUTH TABLE (continued) Current State WRITE(AutoPrecharge Disabled) READ with Auto-Precharge WRITE with Auto-Precharge 8 /CS /RAS /CAS /WE Address H X X X X L H H H X Command DESEL NOP Action NOP (Continue Burst to END) NOP (Continue Burst to END) L H H L BA TERM L H L H BA, CA, A10 READ / READA L H L L BA, CA, A10 WRITE / WRITEA L L H H BA, RA ACT ILLEGAL Terminate Burst, Latch CA, Begin Read, Determine Auto-Precharge Terminate Burst, Latch CA, Begin Write, Determine Auto-Precharge Bank Active / ILLEGAL L L L L H L PRE / PREA REFA Terminate Burst, Precharge ILLEGAL L L L MRS ILLEGAL H X X L BA, A10 H X Op-Code, ModeL Add X X DESEL NOP (Continue Burst to END) L H H H X NOP NOP (Continue Burst to END) L L L L L H H H L L H L L H H L H L H L TERM READ / READA WRITE / WRITEA ACT PRE / PREA ILLEGAL ILLEGAL ILLEGAL Bank Active / ILLEGAL Precharge / ILLEGAL L L L ILLEGAL L L L H X X H X REFA Op-Code, ModeL MRS Add X X DESEL L L L L L H H H H L H H L L H H L H L H NOP (Continue Burst to END) ILLEGAL ILLEGAL ILLEGAL Bank Active / ILLEGAL L L L L H L L L L L BA, A10 PRE / PREA H X REFA Op-Code, ModeL MRS Add DDR SDRAM (Rev.1.1) BA BA, CA, A10 BA, CA, A10 BA, RA BA, A10 X BA BA, CA, A10 BA, CA, A10 BA, RA NOP TERM READ / READA WRITE / WRITEA ACT Notes 3 3 2 2 2 ILLEGAL NOP (Continue Burst to END) Precharge / ILLEGAL ILLEGAL 2 2 ILLEGAL Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. Rev. 00A 09/10/08 Zentel Electronics Corporation A3S56D30/40ETP Preliminary IS43R16160 256M Double Data Rate Synchronous DRAM FUNCTION TRUTH TABLE (continued) Current State PRECHARGING ROW ACTIVATING WRITE RECOVERING /CS /RAS /CAS /WE Address H X X X X Action NOP (Idle after tRP) Notes L H H H X NOP NOP (Idle after tRP) L L L H H L H L H L BA X BA, CA, A10 H BA, RA TERM READ / WRITE ACT ILLEGAL ILLEGAL ILLEGAL 2 2 2 L L H L PRE / PREA NOP (Idle after tRP) 4 L L L L L L H X X H X REFA Op-Code, ModeL MRS Add X X DESEL NOP (Row Active after tRCD) L H H H X NOP NOP (Row Active after tRCD) L L L H H L H L H L BA X BA, CA, A10 H BA, RA TERM READ / WRITE ACT ILLEGAL ILLEGAL ILLEGAL 2 2 2 L L H L PRE / PREA ILLEGAL 2 L L L L L L H X X H X REFA Op-Code, ModeMRS L Add X X DESEL NOP L H H H X NOP NOP L L L H H L H L H L BA X BA, CA, A10 H BA, RA TERM READ / WRITE ACT ILLEGAL ILLEGAL ILLEGAL 2 2 2 L L H L PRE / PREA ILLEGAL 2 L L L L L L H X REFA Op-Code, ModeMRS L Add Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. Rev. 00A 09/10/08 Command DESEL DDR SDRAM (Rev.1.1) BA, A10 BA, A10 BA, A10 ILLEGAL ILLEGAL ILLEGAL ILLEGAL ILLEGAL ILLEGAL 9 Zentel Electronics Corporation I Preliminary IS43R16160 IS43R83200B IS43R16160B, IC43R16160B A3S56D30/40ETP 256M Double Data Rate Synchronous DRAM FUNCTION TRUTH TABLE (continued) Current State /CS /RAS /CAS /WE Address REFRESHING H X X X X MODE REGISTER SETTING Command DESEL Action NOP (Idle after tRC) NOP TERM READ / WRITE ACT PRE / PREA NOP (Idle after tRC) ILLEGAL ILLEGAL ILLEGAL ILLEGAL L L L L L H H H L L H H L H H H L X H L X BA BA, CA, A10 BA, RA BA, A10 L L L H L L L L ILLEGAL H X X X X REFA Op-Code, ModeMRS Add X DESEL L L L L L H H H L L H H L H H H L X H L X BA BA, CA, A10 BA, RA BA, A10 NOP (Row Active after tRSC) ILLEGAL ILLEGAL ILLEGAL ILLEGAL L L L H L L L L X REFA Op-Code, ModeMRS Add NOP TERM READ / WRITE ACT PRE / PREA Notes ILLEGAL NOP (Row Active after tRSC) ILLEGAL ILLEGAL ABBREVIATIONS: H=High Level, L=Low Level, X=Don't Care BA=Bank Address, RA=Row Address, CA=Column Address, NOP=No Operation NOTES: 1. All entries assume that CKE was High during the preceding clock cycle and the current clock cycle. 2. ILLEGAL to bank in specified state; function may be legal in the bank indicated by BA, depending on the state of that bank. 3. Must satisfy bus contention, bus turn around, write recovery requirements. 4. NOP to bank precharging or in idle state. May precharge bank indicated by BA. 5. ILLEGAL if any bank is not idle. ILLEGAL = Device operation and/or data-integrity are not guaranteed. 10 DDR SDRAM (Rev.1.1) Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. Rev. 00A 09/10/08 Zentel Electronics Corporation A3S56D30/40ETP Preliminary IS43R16160 256M Double Data Rate Synchronous DRAM FUNCTION TRUTH TABLE for CKE Current State SELFREFRESHING POWER DOWN ALL BANKS IDLE ANY STATE other than listed above CKE n-1 CKE n /CS /RAS /CAS /WE Address Action Notes H X X X X X X INVALID 1 L H H X X X X Exit Self-Refresh (Idle after tRC) 1 L H L H H H X Exit Self-Refresh (Idle after tRC) 1 L H L H H L X ILLEGAL 1 L H L H L X X ILLEGAL 1 L H L L X X X ILLEGAL 1 L L X X X X X NOP (Maintain Self-Refresh) 1 H X X X X X X INVALID L H X X X X X Exit Power Down to Idle L L X X X X X NOP (Maintain Self-Refresh) H H X X X X X Refer to Function Truth Table 2 H L L L L H X Enter Self-Refresh 2 H L H X X X X Enter Power Down 2 H L L H H H X Enter Power Down 2 H L L H H L X ILLEGAL 2 H L L H L X X ILLEGAL 2 H L L L X X X ILLEGAL 2 L X X X X X X Refer to Current State =Power Down 2 H H X X X X X Refer to Function Truth Table H L X X X X X Begin CLK Suspend at Next Cycle 3 L H X X X X X Exit CLK Suspend at Next Cycle 3 L L X X X X X Maintain CLK Suspend ABBREVIATIONS: H=High Level, L=Low Level, X=Don't Care NOTES: 1. CKE Low to High transition will re-enable CLK and other inputs asynchronously. A minimum setup time must be satisfied before any command other than EXIT. 2. Power-Down and Self-Refresh can be entered only from the All Banks Idle State. 3. Must be legal command. Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. DDR SDRAM (Rev.1.1) Rev. 00A 09/10/08 11 Zentel Electronics Corporation A3S56D30/40ETP I Preliminary IS43R16160 IS43R83200B IS43R16160B, IC43R16160B 256M Double Data Rate Synchronous DRAM SIMPLIFIED STATE DIAGRAM POWER APPLIED POWER ON PRE CHARGE ALL PREA SELF REFRESH REFS MRS MODE REGISTER SET REFSX MRS AUTO REFRESH REFA IDLE CKEL CKEH Active Power Down ACT POWER DOWN CKEL CKEH ROW ACTIVE WRITE WRITE BURST STOP READ WRITEA WRITE READA READ WRITEA READ READ TERM READA READA WRITEA READA PRE PRE PRE PRE CHARGE Automatic Sequence Command Sequence 12 DDR SDRAM (Rev.1.1) Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. Rev. 00A 09/10/08 Zentel Electronics Corporation A3S56D30/40ETP Preliminary IS43R16160 256M Double Data Rate Synchronous DRAM POWER ON SEQUENCE Before starting normal operation, the following power on sequence is necessary to prevent a SDRAM from damaged or multifunctioning. 1. Apply VDD before or the same time as VDDQ 2. Apply VDDQ before or at the same time as VTT & Vref 3. Maintain stable condition for 200us after stable power and CLK, apply NOP or DSEL 4. Issue precharge command for all banks of the device 5. Issue EMRS 6. Issue MRS for the Mode Register and to reset the DLL 7. Issue 2 or more Auto Refresh commands 8. Maintain stable condition for 200 cycle After these sequence, the DDR SDRAM is idle state and ready for normal operation. CLK MODE REGISTER /CLK Burst Length, Burst Type and /CAS Latency can be programmed by setting the mode register (MRS). The mode register stores these data until the next MRS command, which may be issued when all banks are in idle state. After tMRD from a MRS command, the DDR SDRAM is ready for new command. /CS /RAS /CAS /WE BA1 BA0 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 0 0 0 0 0 Latency Mode 0 DR CL 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 LTMODE /CAS Latency R R 2 3 R R 2.5 R BT BL Burst Length 0 NO 1 YES DDR SDRAM (Rev.1.1) Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. Rev. 00A 09/10/08 BA1 A12-A0 BL 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 Burst Type DLL Reset BA0 V BT=0 R 2 4 8 R R R R BT=1 R 2 4 8 R R R R 0 Sequential 1 Interleaved R: Reserved for Future Use 13 Zentel Electronics Corporation A3S56D30/40ETP I Preliminary IS43R16160 IS43R83200B IS43R16160B, IC43R16160B 256M Double Data Rate Synchronous DRAM EXTENDED MODE REGISTER DLL disable / enable mode can be programmed by setting the extended mode register (EMRS). The extended mode register stores these data until the next EMRS command, which may be issued when all banks are in idle state. After tMRD from a EMRS command, the DDR SDRAM is ready for new command. CLK /CLK /CS /RAS /CAS BA1 BA0 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DS DD /WE BA0 BA1 V A12-A0 DLL Disable Drive Strength 14 DDR SDRAM (Rev.1.1) 0 1 0 1 DLL Enable DLL Disable Normal Weak Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. Rev. 00A 09/10/08 Zentel Electronics Corporation A3S56D30/40ETP Preliminary IS43R16160 256M Double Data Rate Synchronous DRAM /CLK CLK Command Read Write Y Y Address DQS Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3 DQ CL= 2 BL= 4 Initial Address A2 Burst Length Burst Length /CAS Latency BL Column Addressing A1 A0 Sequential Interleaved 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 0 3 2 5 4 7 6 0 1 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 0 1 6 7 4 5 0 1 1 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 1 0 0 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 1 0 1 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 7 6 1 0 3 2 1 1 0 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 5 2 3 0 1 1 1 1 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - 0 0 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 - 0 1 1 2 3 0 1 0 3 2 - 1 0 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 - 1 1 3 0 1 2 3 2 1 0 - - 0 0 1 0 1 - - 1 1 0 1 0 8 4 2 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. Rev. 00A 09/10/08 D0 D1 D2 D3 DDR SDRAM (Rev.1.1) 15 IS43R83200B IS43R16160, IC43R16160B IS43R16160B ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Parameter Conditions Ratings Unit Vdd Supply Voltage with respect to Vss -0.5 ~ 3.7 V VddQ Supply Voltage for Output with respect to VssQ -0.5 ~ 3.7 V VI Input Voltage with respect to Vss -0.5 ~ VDD+0.5 V VO Output Voltage with respect to VssQ -0.5 ~ VDDQ +0.5 V IO Output Current 50 mA mW o Pd Power Dissipation Ta = 25 C 1500 Topr Operating Temperature Commercial Temperature I 0 to 70 Tstg Storage Temperature -65 ~ 150 o C o C o C DC OPERATING CONDITIONS (Ta=0 ~ 70oC, unless otherwise noted) Limits Parameter Unit Not es Min. Typ. Max. Supply Voltage 2.3 2.5 2.7 V -5, -6, -75 Supply Voltage for Output 2.3 2.5 2.7 V -5, -6, -75 Vref+0.15 Vdd+0.3 -0.3 Vref-0.15 V V -2 2 uA -5 5 uA High-Level Input Voltage Low-Level Input Voltage Input Leakage Current Any input 0V VIH (MIN); CKE > VIH (MIN); One bank; Active-Precharge; t RC = t RAS MAX; t CK = t CK MIN; IDD3N DQ,DM and DQS inputs changing twice per clock cycle; address and other control inputs changing once per clock cycle 95 90 75 OPERATING CURRENT: Burst =2; Read ; Continuous burst;All banks IDD4R active; Address and control inputs changing once per clock cycle;t CK = t CK MIN; IOUT = 0 mA 290 250 210 OPERATING CURRENT: Burst =2; Write ; Continuous burst;All banks IDD4W active; Address and control inputs changing once per clock cycle;t CK = t CK MIN; DQ and DQS inputs changing twice per clock cycle 290 250 210 170 160 150 5 5 Symbol Parameter/Test Conditions OPERATING CURRENT: One Bank; Active-Read-Precharge;Burst = 2; t IDD1 RC = t RC MIN; t CK = t CK MIN; IOUT= 0mA; Address and control inputs changing once per clock cycle IDD2P PRECHARGE POWER-DOWN STANDBY CURRENT: All banks idle; power-down mode; CKE VIH (MIN); All banks idle; IDD2N CKE > VIH (MIN); t CK = t CK MIN; Address and other control inputs changing once per clock cycle IDD3P ACTIVE POWER DOWN STANDBY CURRENT: One bank active;power down mode;CKE VIL(MAX);t CK = t CK MIN IDD5 AUTO REFRESH CURRENT: t RC = t RFC (MIN) IDD6 SELF REFRESH CURRENT: CKE < 0.2V Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. Rev. 00A 09/10/08 60 Unit Notes mA 5 17 Zentel Electronics Corporation A3S56D30/40ETP I Preliminary IS43R16160B IS43R83200B IS43R16160B, IC43R16160B 256M Double Data Rate Synchronous DRAM AC TIMING REQUIREMENTS Symbol tAC -5 AC Characteristics Parameter DQ Output access time from CLK//CLK tDQSCK DQS Output access time from CLK//CLK tCH CLK High level width tCL CLK Low level width -75 Unit Max Min. Max Min. Max -0.70 +0.70 -0.70 +0.70 -0.75 +0.75 -0.6 +0.6 -0.60 +0.60 -0.75 +0.75 ns 0.45 0.55 0.45 0.55 0.45 0.55 tCK tCK 0.45 0.55 0.45 0.55 0.45 0.55 CL=3.0 5 7.5 6 12 7.5 12 ns CL=2.5 5 12 6 12 7.5 12 ns CL=2.0 7.5 12 7.5 12 7.5 12 ns CLK cycle time tDS Input Setup time (DQ,DM) 0.4 0.45 0.5 ns tDH Input Hold time(DQ,DM) 0.4 0.45 0.5 ns tIPW Control & address input pulse width (for each input) 2.2 2.2 2.2 ns 1.75 1.75 1.75 ns tHZ Data-out-high impedance time from CLK//CLK tLZ Data-out-low impedance time from CLK//CLK +0.70 -0.70 tDQSQ DQ Valid data delay time from DQS +0.70 +0.70 -0.70 0.40 +0.70 -0.75 0.45 +0.75 ns 14 +0.75 ns 14 0.5 ns tHP Clock half period tCLmin or tCHmin tCLmin or tCHmin tCLmin or tCHmin ns tQH DQ output hold time from DQS (per access) tHP-tQHS tHP-tQHS tHP-tQHS ns tQHS Data hold skew factor (for DQS & associated DQ signals) tDQSS Write command to first DQS latching transition 0.50 0.72 1.25 0.55 0.75 1.25 0.75 1.25 tCK 0.35 0.35 0.35 tCK tDQSL DQS input Low level width 0.35 0.35 0.35 tCK tDSS DQS falling edge to CLK setup time 0.2 0.2 0.2 tCK tDSH DQS falling edge hold time from CLK 0.2 0.2 0.2 tCK tMRD Mode Register Set command cycle time 2 2 2 tCK 0 0 0.6 0.4 0 0.6 20 0.75 tDQSH DQS input High level width tWPRES Write preamble setup time Notes ns tCK tDIPW DQ and DM input pulse width (for each input) 18 -6 Min. 0.4 0.6 ns 16 tCK 15 tWPST Write postamble 0.4 tWPRE Write preamble 0.25 0.25 0.25 tCK tIS Input Setup time (address and control) 0.6 0.75 0.9 ns 19 tIH Input Hold time (address and control) 0.6 0.75 0.9 ns 19 tRPST Read postamble 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.6 tCK tRPRE Read preamble 0.9 1.1 0.9 1.1 0.9 1.1 tCK DDR SDRAM (Rev.1.1) Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. Rev. 00A 09/10/08 Zentel Electronics Corporation A3S56D30/40ETP Preliminary IS43R16160 256M Double Data Rate Synchronous DRAM AC TIMING REQUIREMENTS(Continues) Symbol -5 AC Characteristics Parameter -6 Min. Max 120,000 -75 Min. Max 42 120,000 Min. Max 45 120,000 Unit tRAS Row Active time 40 tRC Row Cycle time(operation) 55 tRFC Auto Ref. to Active/Auto Ref. command period 70 72 75 ns tRCD Row to Column Delay 15 18 20 ns Row Precharge time 15 18 20 ns tRRD Act to Act Delay time 10 12 15 ns tWR Write Recovery time 15 15 15 ns tWR+tRP tWR+tRP tWR+tRP ns 2 1 1 tCK tXSNR Exit Self Ref. to non-Read command 75 75 75 ns tXSRD Exit Self Ref. to -Read command tRP tDAL Auto Precharge write recovery + precharge time tWTR Internal Write to Read Command Delay 60 65 ns ns 200 200 200 tCK tXPNR Exit Power down to command 1 1 1 tCK tXPRD Exit Power down to -Read command 1 1 1 tCK tREFI Average Periodic Refresh interval 7.8 7.8 Notes 7.8 s 18 17 Output Load Condition VREF DQS DQ VTT =V REF VREF 50 VOUT Zo=50 30pF Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. Rev. 00A DDR 09/10/08SDRAM (Rev.1.1) VREF Output Timing Measurement Reference Point 19 Zentel Electronics Corporation I Preliminary IS43R16160 IS43R83200B IS43R16160B, IC43R16160B A3S56D30/40ETP 256M Double Data Rate Synchronous DRAM Notes 1. All voltages referenced to Vss. 2. Tests for AC timing, IDD, and electrical, AC and DC characteristics, may be conducted at nominal reference/supply voltage levels, but the related specifications and device operation are guaranteed for the full voltage range specified. 3. AC timing and IDD tests may use a VIL to VIH swing of up to 1.5V in the test environment, but input timing is still referenced to VREF (or to the crossing point for CK//CK), and parameter specifications are guaranteed for the specified AC input levels under normal use conditions. The minimum slew rate for the input signals is 1V/ns in the range between VIL(AC) and VIH(AC). 4. The AC and DC input level specifications are as defined in the SSTL_2 Standard (i.e. the receiver will effectively switch as a result of the signal crossing the AC input level, and will remain in that state as long as the signal does not ring back above (below) the DC input LOW (HIGH) level. 5. VREF is expected to be equal to 0.5*VddQ of the transmitting device, and to track variations in the DC level of the same. Peak-to-peak noise on VREF may not exceed +2% of the DC value. 6. VTT is not applied directly to the device. VTT is a system supply for signal termination resistors, is expected to be set equal to VREF, and must track variations in the DC level of VREF. 7. VID is the magnitude of the difference between the input level on CLK and the input level on /CLK. 8. The value of VIX is expected to equal 0.5*VddQ of the transmitting device and must track variations in the DC level of the same. 9. Enables on-chip refresh and address counters. 10. IDD specifications are tested after the device is properly initialized. 11. This parameter is sampled. VddQ = 2.5V+0.2V, Vdd = 2.5V + 0.2V , f = 100 MHz, Ta = 25oC, VOUT(DC) = VddQ/2, VOUT(PEAK TO PEAK) = 25mV. DM inputs are grouped with I/O pins - reflecting the fact that they are matched in loading (to facilitate trace matching at the board level). 12. The CLK//CLK input reference level (for timing referenced to CLK//CLK) is the point at which CLK and /CLK cross; the input reference level for signals other than CLK//CLK, is VREF. 13. Inputs are not recognized as valid until VREF stabilizes. Exception: during the period before VREF stabilizes, CKE< 0.3VddQ is recognized as LOW. 14. t HZ and tLZ transitions occur in the same access time windows as valid data transitions. These parameters are not referenced to a specific voltage level, but specify when the device output is no longer driving (HZ), or begins driving (LZ). 15. The maximum limit for this parameter is not a device limit. The device will operate with a greater value for this parameter, but system performance (bus turnaround) will degrade accordingly. 16. The specific requirement is that DQS be valid (HIGH, LOW, or at some point on a valid transition) on or before this CLK edge. A valid transition is defined as monotonic, and meeting the input slew rate specifications of the device. When no writes were previously in progress on the bus, DQS will be transitioning from High-Z to logic LOW. If a previous write was in progress, DQS could be HIGH, LOW, or transitioning from HIGH to LOW at this time, depending on tDQSS. 17. A maximum of eight AUTO REFRESH commands can be posted to any given DDR SDRAM device. 18. tXPRD should be 200 tCLK in the condition of the unstable CLK operation during the power down mode. 19. For command/address and CK & /CK slew rate > 1.0V/ns. 20. Min (tCL,tCH) refers to the smaller of the actual clock low time and the actual clock high time as provided to the device. Timing patterns: tCK=min,tRRD=2*tCK,BL=4,tRCD=3*tCK,Read with Autoprecharge Read:A0 N A1 R0 A2 R1 N R3 A0 N A1 R0 - repeat the same timing with random address changing *100% of data changing at every burst Legend: A=Activate,R=Read,P=Precharge,N=NOP 20 DDR SDRAM (Rev.1.1) Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. Rev. 00A 09/10/08 IS43R16160 Read Operation tCK /CLK tCH tCL CLK tIS Cmd & Add. DQS tIH Valid Data tDQSCK tRPRE VREF tRPST tQH tDQSQ DQ tAC Write Operation / tDQSS=max. /CLK CLK tDQSS tWPST tDSS tWPRES DQS tDQSL tWPRE tDQSH tDS tDH DQ Write Operation / tDQSS=min. /CLK CLK DQS tDSH tDQSS tWPST tWPRES tWPRE tDQSL tDS tDQSH tDH DQ Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. Rev. 00A 09/10/08 21 Zentel Electronics Corporation I IS43R16160B Preliminary IS43R83200B IS43R16160B, IC43R16160B A3S56D30/40ETP 256M Double Data Rate Synchronous DRAM OPERATIONAL DESCRIPTION BANK ACTIVATE The DDR SDRAM has four independent banks. Each bank is activated by the ACT command with the bank addresses (BA0,1). A row is indicated by the row address A0-12. The minimum activation interval between one bank and the other bank is tRRD. PRECHARGE The PRE command deactivates the bank indicated by BA0,1. When multiple banks are active, the precharge all command (PREA,PRE+A10=H) is available to deactivate them at the same time. After tRP from the precharge, an ACT command to the same bank can be issued. Bank Activation and Precharge All (BL=8, CL=2) /CLK CLK 2 ACT command / tRCmin Command ACT ACT READ tRRD A0-9,11,12 Xa tRCmin PRE tRP tRAS Xb ACT Y tRCD Xb BL/2 A10 Xa Xb 0 BA0,1 00 01 00 1 Xb 01 DQS DQ Qa0 Qa1 Qa2 Qa3 Qa4 Qa5 Qa6 Qa7 Precharge all A precharge command can be issued at BL/2 from a read command without data loss. 22 DDR SDRAM (Rev.1.1) Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. Rev. 00A 09/10/08 Zentel Electronics Corporation IS43R16160 A3S56D30/40ETP Preliminary 256M Double Data Rate Synchronous DRAM READ After tRCD from the bank activation, a READ command can be issued. 1st Output data is available after the /CAS Latency from the READ, followed by (BL-1) consecutive data when the Burst Length is BL. The start address is specified by A0-9(x8)/A0-8(x16), and the address sequence of burst data is defined by the Burst Type. A READ command may be applied to any active bank, so the row precharge time (tRP) can be hidden behind continuous output data by interleaving the multiple banks. When A10 is high at a READ command, the auto-precharge (READA) is performed. Any command(READ,WRITE,PRE,ACT) to the same bank is inhibited till the internal precharge is complete. The internal precharge starts at BL/2 after READA. The next ACT command can be issued after (BL/2+tRP) from the previous READA. Multi Bank Interleaving READ (BL=8, CL=2) /CLK CLK Command ACT READ ACT READ PRE tRCD A0-9,11,12 Xa Y Xb Y A10 Xa 0 Xb 0 0 BA0,1 00 00 10 10 00 DQS DQ Qa0 Qa1 Qa2 Qa3 Qa4 Qa5 Qa6 Qa7 Qb0 Qb1 Qb2 Qb3 Qb4 Qb5 Qb7 Qb8 Burst Length /CAS latency Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. Rev. 00A 09/10/08 DDR SDRAM (Rev.1.1) 23 IS43R16160 READ with Auto-Precharge (BL=8, CL=2,2.5,3.0) 0 1 2 3 4 5 /CLK CLK Command 7 8 9 10 11 12 BL/2 + tRP ACT READ tRCD tRP BL/2 Xa Y A10 Xa 1 BA0,1 00 00 A0-9,11,12 6 DQS CL=2 DQ Qa0 Qa1 Qa2 Qa3 Qa4 Qa5 Qa6 Qa7 Qa0 Qa1 Qa2 Qa3 Qa4 Qa5 Qa6 Qa7 Qa0 Qa1 Qa2 Qa3 Qa4 Qa5 Qa6 DQS CL=2.5 DQ DQS CL=3.0 DQ Qa7 Internal Precharge Start Timing 24 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. Rev. 00A 09/10/08 Zentel Electronics Corporation IS43R16160 A3S56D30/40ETP Preliminary 256M Double Data Rate Synchronous DRAM WRITE After tRCD from the bank activation, a WRITE command can be issued. 1st input data is set from the WRITE command with data strobe input, following (BL-1) data are written into RAM, when the Burst Length is BL. The start address is specified by A0-9(x8)/A0-8(x16), and the address sequence of burst data is defined by the Burst Type. A WRITE command may be applied to any active bank, so the row precharge time (tRP) can be hidden behind continuous input data by interleaving the multiple banks. From the last data to the PRE command, the write recovery time (tWRP) is required. When A10 is high at a WRITE command, the auto-precharge(WRITEA) is performed. Any command(READ,WRITE,PRE,ACT) to the same bank is inhibited till the internal precharge is complete. The next ACT command can be issued after tDAL from the last input data cycle. Multi Bank Interleaving WRITE (BL=8) /CLK CLK Command A0-9,11,12 ACT tRCD Xa D WRITE ACT Ya Xb WRITE tRCD D PRE PRE Yb A10 Xa Xa 0 Xb 0 0 0 BA0,1 00 00 10 10 00 10 DQS DQ Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. Rev. 00A DDR 09/10/08SDRAM (Rev.1.1) Da0 Da1 Da2 Da3 Da4 Da5 Da6 Da7 Db0 Db1 Db2 Db3 Db4 Db5 Db6 Db7 25 Zentel Electronics Corporation A3S56D30/40ETP I Preliminary IS43R16160 IS43R83200B IS43R16160B, IC43R16160B 256M Double Data Rate Synchronous DRAM WRITE with Auto-Precharge (BL=8) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 /CLK CLK Command ACT WRITE ACT tDAL tRC A0-9,11,12 Xa Y Xb A10 Xa 1 Xb BA0,1 00 00 00 D DQS DQ 26 Da0 Da1 Da2 Da3 Da4 Da5 Da6 Da7 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. DDR SDRAM (Rev.1.1) Rev. 00A 09/10/08 Zentel Electronics Corporation A3S56D30/40ETP Preliminary 256M Double Data Rate Synchronous DRAM IS43R16160 BURST INTERRUPTION [Read Interrupted by Read] Burst read operation can be interrupted by new read of any bank. Random column access is allowed. READ to READ interval is minimum 1CLK. Read Interrupted by Read (BL=8, CL=2) /CLK CLK Command READ READ READ READ Yi Yj Yk Yl A10 0 0 0 0 BA0,1 00 00 10 01 A0-9,11,12 DQS DQ Qai0 Qai1 Qaj0 Qaj1 Qaj2 Qaj3 Qak0 Qak1 Qak2 Qak3 Qak4 Qak5 Qal0 Qal1 Qal2 Qal3 Qal4 Qal5 Qal6 Qal7 [Read Interrupted by precharge] Burst read operation can be interrupted by precharge of the same bank. READ to PRE interval is minimum 1 CLK. A PRE command to output disable latency is equivalent to the /CAS Latency. As a result, READ to PRE interval determines valid data length to be output. The figure below shows examples of BL=8. Read Interrupted by Precharge (BL=8) /CLK CLK Command READ PRE DQS DQ Command CL=2.0 Q0 READ Q1 Q2 Q3 Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q0 Q1 Q4 Q5 PRE DQS DQ Command READ PRE DQS DQ DDR SDRAM (Rev.1.1) Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. Rev. 00A 09/10/08 27 Zentel Electronics Corporation I Preliminary IS43R16160 IS43R83200B IS43R16160B, IC43R16160B /CLK CLK Command A3S56D30/40ETP 256M Double Data Rate Synchronous DRAM Read Interrupted by Precharge (BL=8) READ PRE DQS DQ Command CL=2.5 READ Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q0 Q1 Q4 Q5 PRE DQS DQ Command READ PRE DQS DQ Read Interrupted by Precharge (BL=8) /CLK CLK Command READ PRE DQS DQ Command CL=3.0 READ Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q0 Q1 Q4 Q5 PRE DQS DQ Command READ PRE DQS DQ 28 DDR SDRAM (Rev.1.1) Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. Rev. 00A 09/10/08 Zentel Electronics Corporation IS43R16160 A3S56D30/40ETP Preliminary 256M Double Data Rate Synchronous DRAM [Read Interrupted by Burst Stop] Burst read operation can be interrupted by a burst stop command(TERM). READ to TERM interval is minimum 1 CLK. A TERM command to output disable latency is equivalent to the /CAS Latency. As a result, READ to TERM interval determines valid data length to be output. The figure below shows examples of BL=8. Read Interrupted by TERM (BL=8) /CLK CLK Command READ TERM DQS DQ Command CL=2.0 Q0 READ Q1 Q2 Q3 Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q0 Q1 Q4 Q5 Q4 TERM DQS DQ Command READ TERM DQS DQ Command READ TERM DQS DQ Command CL=2.5 READ Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q0 Q1 Q5 TERM DQS DQ Command READ TERM DQS DQ Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. DDR SDRAM (Rev.1.1) Rev. 00A 09/10/08 29 IS43R16160 Read Interrupted by TERM (BL=8) /CLK CLK READ Command TERM DQS DQ READ Command CL=3.0 Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q0 Q1 Q4 Q5 TERM DQS DQ READ TERM Command DQS DQ [Read Interrupted by Write with TERM] Read Interrupted by TERM (BL=8) /CLK CLK Command CL=2.0 READ Command Q0 READ Q2 D0 Q3 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D0 D2 D3 D4 D5 WRITE DQS Command Q0 READ Q1 Q2 Q3 TERM WRITE DQS DQ 30 Q1 TERM DQ CL=3.0 WRITE DQS DQ CL=2.5 TERM Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3 D1 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. Rev. 00A 09/10/08 IS43R16160 [Write interrupted by Write] Burst write operation can be interrupted by write of any bank. Random column access is allowed. WRITE to WRITE interval is minimum 1 CLK. Write Interrupted by Write (BL=8) /CLK CLK Command A0-9,11,12 WRITE WRITE WRITE WRITE Yi Yj Yk Yl A10 0 0 0 0 BA0,1 00 00 10 00 DQS DQ Dai0 Dai1 Daj0 Daj1 Daj2 Daj3 Dak0 Dak1 Dak2 Dak3 Dak4 Dak5 Dal0 Dal1 Dal2 Dal3 Dal4 Dal5 Dal6 Dal7 [Write interrupted by Read] Burst write operation can be interrupted by read of the same or the other bank. Random column access is allowed. Internal WRITE to READ command interval(tWTR) is minimum 1 CLK. The input data on DQ at the interrupting READ cycle is "don't care". tWTR is referenced from the first positive edge after the last data input. Write Interrupted by Read (BL=8, CL=2.5) /CLK CLK Command WRITE READ A0-9,11,12 Yi Yj 0 0 00 00 A10 BA0,1 DM tWTR QS DQ Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. Rev. 00A 09/10/08 Dai0 Dai1 Qaj0 Qaj1 Qaj2 Qaj3 Qaj4 Qaj5 Qaj6 Qaj7 31 Zentel Electronics Corporation A3S56D30/40ETP I Preliminary IS43R16160 IS43R83200B IS43R16160B, IC43R16160B 256M Double Data Rate Synchronous DRAM [Write interrupted by Precharge] Burst write operation can be interrupted by precharge of the same or all bank. Random column access is allowed. tWR is referenced from the first positive CLK edge after the last data input. Write Interrupted by Precharge (BL=8, CL=2.5) /CLK CLK Command WRITE A0-9,11,12 Yi A10 BA0,1 PRE 0 00 00 tWR DM QS DQ 32 Dai0 Dai1 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. DDR SDRAM (Rev.1.1) Rev. 00A 09/10/08 Zentel Electronics Corporation A3S56D30/40ETP Preliminary IS43R16160 256M Double Data Rate Synchronous DRAM [Initialize and Mode Register sets] Initialize and MRS /CLK CLK CKE Command NOP PRE A0-12 1 A10 BA0,1 EMRS MRS Code Code Code Code 10 00 PRE AR AR MRS ACT Xa 1 Code Xa 00 Xa DQS DQ tMRD Extended Mode Register Set tMRD tRP tRFC tRFC tMRD Mode Register Set, Reset DLL [AUTO REFRESH] Single cycle of auto-refresh is initiated with a REFA(/CS=/RAS=/CAS=L,/WE=CKE=H) command. The refresh address is generated internally. 8192 REFA cycles within 64ms refresh 256Mbits memory cells. The auto-refresh is performed on 4 banks concurrently. Before performing an auto refresh, all banks must be in the idle state. Auto-refresh to auto-refresh interval is minimum tRFC . Any command must not be supplied to the device before tRFC from the REFA command. Auto-Refresh /CLK CLK /CS NOP or DESELECT /RAS /CAS /WE CKE tRFC A0-12 BA0,1 Auto Refresh on All Banks Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. DDR SDRAM (Rev.1.1) Rev. 00A 09/10/08 Auto Refresh on All Banks 33 IS43R16160 [SELF REFRESH] Self -refresh mode is entered by issuing a REFS command (/CS=/RAS=/CAS=L,/WE=H,CKE=L). Once the self-refresh is initiated, it is maintained as long as CKE is kept low. During the selfrefresh mode, CKE is asynchronous and the only enable input, all other inputs including CLK are disabled and ignored, so that power consumption due to synchronous inputs is saved. To exit the self-refresh, supplying stable CLK inputs, asserting DESEL or NOP command and then asserting CKE for longer than tXSNR/tXSRD. Self-Refresh /CLK CLK /CS /RAS /CAS /WE CKE A0-12 X Y BA0,1 X Y tXSNR tXSRD Self Refresh Exit 34 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. Rev. 00A 09/10/08 IS43R16160 [Power DOWN] The purpose of CLK suspend is power down. CKE is synchronous input except during the selfrefresh mode. A command at cycle is ignored. From CKE=H to normal function, DLL recovery time is NOT required in the condition of the stable CLK operation during the power down mode. Power Down by CKE /CLK CLK Standby Power Down CKE Command PRE NOP NOP Valid tXPNR/tXPRD Active Power Down CKE Command ACT NOP NOP Valid [DM CONTROL] DM is defined as the data mask for writes. During writes,DM masks input data word by word. DM to write mask latency is 0. DM Function(BL=8,CL=2) /CLK CLK Command WRITE READ DM Don't Care DQS DQ D0 D1 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 masked by DM=H Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. Rev. 00A 09/10/08 35 IS43R16160 ORDERING INFORMATION - Vdd = 2.5V Commercial Range: 0C to +70C Frequency Speed (ns) Order Part No. Organization Package 200 MHz 5 IS43R16160-5TL 16Mx16 66-pin TSOP-II, Lead-free 166 MHz 6 IS43R16160-6TL 16Mx16 66-pin TSOP-II, Lead-free 133 MHz 7.5 IS43R16160-75TL 16Mx16 66-pin TSOP-II, Lead-free 36 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. Rev. 00A 09/10/08 IS43R16160 Plastic TSOP 66-pin Package Code: T (Type II) N N/2+1 E1 E Notes: 1. Controlling dimension: millimieters, unless otherwise specified. 2. BSC = Basic lead spacing between centers. 3. Dimensions D and E1 do not include mold flash protrusions and should be measured from the bottom of the package. 4. Formed leads shall be planar with respect to one another within 0.004 inches at the seating plane. N/2 1 D SEATING PLANE A ZD b e L A1 C Plastic TSOP (T - Type II) Millimeters Inches Symbol Min Max Min Max Ref. Std. No. Leads (N) 66 A A1 A2 b C D E1 E e L L1 ZD -- 1.20 0.05 0.15 -- -- 0.24 0.40 0.12 0.21 22.02 22.42 10.03 10.29 11.56 11.96 0.65 BSC 0.40 0.60 -- -- 0.71 REF 0 8 -- 0.047 0.002 0.006 -- -- 0.009 0.016 0.005 0.0083 0.867 0.8827 0.395 0.405 0.455 0.471 0.026 BSC 0.016 0.024 -- -- 0.028 REF 0 8 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. Rev. 00A 09/10/08 37